Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan province, has been recognized as “the land of abun- dance” for a long time.,The general introduction of the City
1、Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan province, has been recognized as “the land of abun- dance” for a long time.,The general introduction of the City Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province, which is 1.24 thousand square kilometers in size and has a population of 11 million. It is seen the center of technology, commerce, trade, finance and transportation in southwestern China .,GENERAL INTRODUCTION,Beijing,The metros in Chengdu This developed metro network consists of thirteen lines, of whi。
2、保定,My hometown,ancient city Baoding,Geographical position famous person beautiful scenery delicious food,Geographical position,Baoding is located between Beijing andshijiazhuang. You know. Beijing is the capital of our country.Shijiazhuang is the capital of hebei province.It has the superior geographical position.,郦道元,famous person,廉颇,祖冲之,荆轲,纪晓岚,刘备,野三坡,beautiful scenery,YeSanPo,YeSanPo, a national key scenic spot, is a famous tourist resort in the north of China. Special natu。
3、McDonalds Corporation,The oldest McDonalds restaurant located at Lakewood Blvd and Florence Ave in Downey, California,Founded:May 15, 1940 in San Bernardino, California;McDonalds Corporation, April 15, 1955 in Des Plaines, IllinoisEmployees:400,000 (January 2010)Net income:US$ 4.949 billion (2010)Total assets:US$ 31.975 billion (2010),The oldest of all the Golden Archesin America, and has the earliest McDonalds building design.,The Golden Arches,Drive-Thru Logo,Road sign,The。
4、Li Jiang 丽江,-my favorite city,li jiang is not my hometown ,but is my favorite city in chinaThat is a carefree and simplicity ancient city, full of people flowing water bridge elses quiet and blue sky plateau snow mountain mysterious, seems a xanadu.那是一座悠闲纯朴的古城,充满小桥流水人家的宁静和蓝天高原雪山的神秘,似是一方人间仙境世外桃源。,geographic location (地理位置),scenic spots (旅游景点),Lijiang wear national Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain scenic crown. In scenic area have build lijian。
5、,Twenty-four Solar terms,Contents,All classes of authors (诸子百家),Chinese martial arts (中国武术),Introduction,Introduction,Differing from the Western WorldUnique and PragmaticGuide FarmingUse the Weather,Some Characteristics,Introduction,The ancient Chinese divided a year into 24equal segments according to the positions of the sun on the ecliptic.,Segments:等分 Ecliptic:黄道(坐标系),Introduction,Introduction by徐志源,名称 Name 开始日期Beginning 立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar t。
6、Custume in Tang Dynasty,Brief Introduction,At the end of the 20thcentury,the TangCostume began entering themainstream. Like cheongsam, the Tang costume is another representative of Chinese national costumes.,The Origin of the Name,designers economic custume,How does costume in Tang dynasty come into being?,Thank You,。
7、for the fifth wing of dream,With a dream step,the youth and fly together,Homework show,Beijing tourism scenic spot,故宫,又称紫禁城,是明清两代的皇宫,为我国现存最大最完整的古建筑群。被誉为世界五大宫之一(北京故宫、法国凡尔赛宫、英国白金汉宫、美国白宫、俄罗斯克里姆林宫)。,the Imperial Palace,天坛地处北京,在原北京外城的东南部。位于故宫正南偏东的城南,正阳门外东侧。始建于明朝永乐十八年(1420年)。是我国古代历代皇帝祭天之地。总面积为273公顷。世界上最大的祭天建筑群,Temple of Heaven,Badaing Great Wall,。
8、The national City,Shen zhen,It is located in south of Guang dong provinence.,The population is 876,8300.,The capital is Fu tian.,Luohu,Nanshan,Anbao,Longgang,Yantian,The Diwangdasha,The Saige Square,The Shenzhen library,The Airport,The college,The Wutong Mountain,The Xian hu PlantsSquare,Thank you for your listening .,。
9、Welcome to Guangzhou,Guangzhou,located at the flourish Pearl River Delta(珠江三角洲) area,is the central city of South China.Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong province.,Once upon a time five celestial beings in colourful robes, each riding a coloured goat holding an ear of grain in its mouth came down to Guangzhou.So Guangzhou is known as the Goat City(羊城) because of this legend. 传说有五位仙人骑着五只口衔谷穗的羊降临广州。因此,广州便有了:“羊城”的美名。,With the Tropic of Cancer(北。
10、Chongqing is one of the four municipalities(直辖市)in China, one of Chinas five major cities.Chongqing is mainly hilly and mountainous, slopes(坡地) is large,thus is said “the mountain city “。The average climate is around 18 , the average minimum temperature in winter is in 6-8 . In hot summer, Extreme highest temperature is 43 .Known as one of Chinas”Three Furnaces(火炉)”(along with Wuhan and Nanjing).,known as the “fog of Chongqing, “. Chongqing fog is due to the formation of geog。
11、What is Spring Festival?,Chinese New Year Celebration is the most important celebration of the year. Chinese people may celebrate the Chinese New Year in slightly different ways but their wishes are almost the same; they want their family members and friends to be healthy and lucky during next year . 春节庆祝活动是一年中最重要的庆祝活动。中国人庆祝春节的方式可能略微不同,但其愿望几乎是相同的,他们希望其家人和朋友来年健康和幸运。,Chinese New Year Celebration usually lasts for 15 days. Celebratory。
12、,The palace museum,The Forbidden City,-陈美均 NO:,Nowadays, when we talk about it, many Chinese people will call it “The Palace Museum”, but in many western countries, almost every brochure which introduces the old palace still use its old name “ The Forbidden City”. What the most western people interested in is to explore the mysterious atmosphere of ancient Chinese royal family that was presented in the movie The Last Emperor and oriental feudal autocratic system(封建帝制),Introduction,Th。
13、拜伦 (1788-1824),拜伦简介,“思想界的君王“普希金,An Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill”编织机法案“编制者颂 Lines to a Lady Weeping 致一位哭泣的淑女,背景介绍 诗句分析 朗诵,An Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill (“编织机法案“编制者颂),1811年至1812年,英国爆发了工人破坏机器的 “卢德运动”。1812年春,英国政府出动军队,对暴动工人镇压:同时,授意国会通过所谓“编织机法案”,规定凡破坏机器者一律处死。2月27日,拜伦发表了一篇著名演说,为暴动工人辩护,尖锐抨击政府对工人的血腥镇压。但是,“编织机法。
14、Welcome to YanTai,The introduction,Yantai, lying at the northeast tip of Shandong Peninsula, is a beautiful coastal city . Surrounded by mountains and seas, Yantai is endowed with splendid natural landscapes, a variety of products and a hospitable climate. It has long been renowned all over the world as “Gold Coast“, “Fairyland on the Earth“, “Hometown of Shandong Cuisine“ and “City of Wine“.,“ Purple“ Wine Tour,YanTai is one of the best areas of grapes and grape wine production, it is。
15、, 邮票背景介绍,1994年4月20日,中国被国际上正式承认为第77个真正拥有全功能Internet的国家。中国互联网及衍生产物,从萌芽逐步走向成熟,成为当今信息时代的象征,并与人民生活息息相关,成为密不可分的一部分。据中国互联网网络信息中心发布的报告,截止2013年底,中国网民规模突破6亿,其中通过手机上网的网民占80%;手机用户超过12亿,国内域名总数1844万个,网站近400万家,全球十大互联网企业中我国有3家。2013年网络购物用户达到3亿,全国信息消费整体规模达到2.2万亿元人民币,同比增长超过28%,电子商务交易规模突破10万亿元人民。
16、,Happy New Year,全国山河一片红,3/19/2019,2,全国山河一片红邮票介绍,全国山河一片红,有时也被称为全国江山一片红,简称小一片红(有别于此邮票前设计版本“大一片红”),邮票目录编号W20,是中国人民邮政于1968年发行的一套一枚邮票,由万维生设计。邮票图案前方为工农兵手持毛主席语录,背景为中华人民共和国地图,其中除台湾省以外的中国大陆部分被标为红色,并印有“全国山河一片红”的字样,发行的目的是为了纪念和庆祝当时全国29个省、自治区、直辖市都成立了革命委员会。,全国山河一片红邮票价格查询,(小一片红)全国山河一片。
17、1,济南市邮资票品局 2011年9月,花卉邮票个性化业务介绍,2,内容简介,一、业务通知 二、业务通告 三、花卉个性化邮票图样 四、花卉个性化邮票寓意,3,一、关于做好花卉邮票个性化服务业务的通知为了进一步促进邮票个性化服务业务的发展,丰富个性化邮票的品种和形式,中国邮政将于2011年9月1日发行花卉个性化服务专用邮票1套10枚,主图图案分别为牡丹花、百合花、向日葵、月季花、梅花、荷花、康乃馨、杜鹃花、玉兰花、山茶花,面值均为1.20元。10种花卉蕴含着不同的寓意,与我国城市的市花相关连,与各地的传统节日相吻合,体现了不同层面的。
18、,中国邮政为您服务,北京市亚运村邮电局联系人:徐涛TEL:13522380529,为您提供收藏型礼品、文化纪念品,个性化邮票是邮政部门为企事业单位量身制作的邮票,主要通过邮票上的附票、边饰以及外包装(邮折、邮册)来体现贵单位的内容。填写开展业务单位的情况以及制作个性化邮票优点。,个性化邮票介绍,个性化邮票可供选择的主图,岁岁平安 花开富贵 吉祥如意,五福临门 长城 同心结,喜上眉梢 天安门 一帆风顺,个性化邮票上可以表现的内容(一),(一) 企业、社会团体的形象宣传。包括名称、标识、主体建筑内外场景和相关文字内容。,个性化邮票。
19、The Postage Stamps,The origin of postage stamp-Rowland Hill、England The materials and shapesThe main components The behoof and significance The Chinese postage stamps The classify of the postage stamps,A story about the postage stamp,One day,Rowland Hill saw that a postman was deliverying a letter to a young lady when he penetrated a countryside road.The young lady received the letter and just scanned the cover, then she gave the letter back to the postman. They began to argue soon.Hill paid t。