佛教英文导游词短句翻译 1佛教创立于约公元前 65 世纪的印度。Buddhism was founded in India around the 6th to 5th century BC2据说佛教创始人为释迦牟尼。It is said that the founder of Buddhism wa
1、佛教英文导游词短句翻译 1佛教创立于约公元前 65 世纪的印度。Buddhism was founded in India around the 6th to 5th century BC2据说佛教创始人为释迦牟尼。It is said that the founder of Buddhism was Sakyamuni3大约在 2 世纪,大乘佛教传人汉人居住的中原地区。About the 2th century,Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China,inhabited by the Han nationality4“三宝”即“佛”、“法”、“僧”。The Three Precious Treasures include the Buddha,the Dharma(Law 0r Way)and the Sangha(the Monastic Order)5佛教在中国一直。
2、 www.daoyoushu.com 北京导游书网 北京英文导游词 主编:李天运 刘婧雅 南翠英 导游考试经验 www.daoyoushu.cn 1 中国导游村 www.daoyoucun.com 导游视频网 www.daoyoushipin.com 16、Great Wall16、长城题一:长城的历史及居庸关、八达岭长城。I am very proud to have the opportunity to be your guide. Today we are going to visit Great Wall.History of The Great Wall(长城的历史)Construction of the Great Wall first began in the seventh century BCAt that time, it was called Spring and Autumn Period. The first secti。
3、Xibaipo, a name echoing the glory of Chinas revolutionary history, is an ordinary 100-household village located in Pingshan county, Hebei Province. In May 1947, the Partys Working Committee chose this location and in May 1948, under the leadership of Comrade Mao Tse-tung, the Partys Central Committee and the headquarters of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army moved to this village. This made it the last rural command center prior to the decisive battles between the Communist 。
4、Welcome to Lijiang, this beautiful place. Its my honor to be your guide. Today I will bring you to the Lijiang Dayan Town. Maybe you are more familiar with the name” the ancient town of Lijiang”.We will get there in a few minutes. So now I will give you a brief introduction of Lijiang. It is located in Lijing Prefecture in the Northwest of Yunnan province. The population of Lijiang Prefecture is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities, for example, the Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi,etc. And later you。
5、 导游考试-英文(英语)导游词good morning ! my name is can i begain? attention,please.ladies and gentlement .welcome to beautiful city ,nanjing ,i am the guide xuyi .today, we are going to visit *. on the way to *,let me introduce the beautiful city ,nanjing . nanjing is the capital city of jiangsu province and the provincial political, economic and cultural center ,she is located in the lower reaches of yangtze river,southwest of the province.the population of its urban area is about 3mil。
6、The well-known Zhaozhou Bridge, a large stone arch bridge on Xiao River in Zhaozhou, Hebei Province, is also known as Anji Bridge. It is the largest and oldest stone arch bridge in the world about which over the years many beautiful folk stories have been circulating. One day in the Spring and Autumn Period, the skilful artisan Lu Ban of the State of Lu arrived on the bank of Xiao River, carrying his tools on his back. On the swift waters of the wide river he saw two small ferryboats hurrying to。
7、 南京导游词南京导游词(一):各位游客,大家好!欢迎来到素有六朝佳丽地,金陵帝王州美誉的南京参观游览。我是江苏省中旅的导游员*,大家能够叫我*导,或者小*。我身旁这位是司机*师傅,他的驾驶技术十分了得,请大家放心。期望在接下来的几天,我俩能够给大家带来一次完美的南京之旅。南京是中国七大古都之一。东郊汤山猿人头骨的出土,证明35万年以前,就有了南京猿人的足迹。自公元229年东吴建都南京始,南京曾十次成为京都,留下了丰富的历史文化遗产。南京地理区位优越,物产资源丰富,地处长江金三角地区,是中国区域经济中的重要。
8、南京景区导游词朋友们,你们好!现在我们已经到达南京风景区。在这里先向诸位介绍一下南京风景的概况。南京风光之美,在于山环水绕,既有 龙蟠虎踞的山川形胜,又融以 “十朝古都”之文化,其自然景 观与悠久历史相得益彰。全市共有著名的风景名胜点50 多处,文物古迹近 200 处。可分 为十大风景区,即 钟山风景区、秦淮 风光带、城西风景区、大江风貌区、栖霞山风景区、南郊风景区、 汤山古文化旅游区、两湖 风景区(含溧水无想寺旅游度假区)、两浦风景区(含珍珠泉旅游度假区)、城中风景点。 1、钟山风景区南京著名的风景游览胜地,是。
9、南京概况导游词江苏:南京概况导游词 2011-03-26 08:04:41| 分类: 默认分类 | 标签:旅游黄页 广州出发欧美专 北京地接报价 |字号大中小 订阅 各位游客:你们好!欢迎各位到华东线的第一站南京参观旅游。初来乍到,大家一定很想了解这座城市。下面请允许我向各位介绍一下。南京,简称宁,地处富饶的长江三角洲,北接辽阔的江淮平原,是江苏省的省会。全市面积为 6597 平方公里,辖 4 县 11 区,人口545 万。其中市区面积约 881 平方千米,人口 270 多万,为中国十大城市之一。南京是一座地理位置优越,地形独特的城市。它三面环山,一面。
12、 南京莫愁湖导游词游客们:现在我们将去游览的是位于南京城西的一处名胜古迹莫愁湖。莫愁湖位于南京西郊的水西门外,总面积约 700 多亩,其中陆地面积为 200 多亩,水面约占四分之三。全国碧水盈盈、柳树成行,亭台楼阁点缀其间,是一派典型的江南水乡景色。古代的莫愁湖曾享有“金陵第一名胜”的美誉,清代著名诗人袁枚曾以“欲将西子西湖比,难向烟波判是非。但觉西湖输一著,江帆云外拍天飞”的诗句,对莫愁湖大加赞美。现在的莫愁湖园内主要有胜棋楼、郁金堂、赏荷亭、水谢、露天舞台等胜迹,及新塑造的莫愁女塑像,湖的南岸还有粤军。
13、南京导游词 南京概况 各位游客,首先我为大家简单的介绍一下南京的概况。南京为江苏省的省会,是全省政治、经济、文化的中心,也是中国著名古都之一。南京横跨长江两岸,面积有 6516 平方公里(其中市区近 1000 平方公里) 。下辖十区五县,南京市有人口 529、82 万。 南京有高山、有深水、有平原,正是因为在丘陵之中是一个丘陵盆地,在加上属北温带向亚热带过渡的城市,由于南京的地理条件特殊,东、南、西、北四面环山,唯有西北方向濒临长江,形成向西北开口的“簸箕”地形,夏天东南群山阻挡了海洋季风,热空气又不宜扩散,所以炎热。
14、Nanjing Presidential ResidenceMembers tourists: now we will visit the famous tourist site in Nanjingthe Presidential Palace and understand its history.The Presidential Palace is located at 292 Changjiang Road. Up to now it is over six hundred years old. It was constructed as the Marquis Guides Residence and then Prince Hans Residence in the early years of the Ming Dynasty. It successively became the Official residences of Liangjiang Viceroys in the Qing Dynasty. The Emperors Kangxi and Qianl。
15、南京明城墙英文导游词南京明城墙修筑于明朝,历时 21 年建成,小编收集了南京明城墙英文导游词,欢迎阅读。南京明城墙英文导游词 【一】 Nanjing Ming city wall built in the Ming Dynasty, which lasted 21 years built, do not follow the ancient capital to take a square or rectangular old system, unique design ideas, construction workmanship, majestic grand scale in Nanjing pregnant with beauty and landscape, meandering linger up to 35.3 km , while the outer profile of the city wall of Nanjing city perimeter。
16、导游考试英文导游词Good morning! My name is Zhang Yuan. Can I begin?Attention please. Ladies and gentleman, welcome to beautiful city, Nanjing. I am the guide Zhang. Today, we are going to visit *. On the way to *, let me introduce our beautiful city, Nanjing.Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu Province and the provincial political, economic and cultural center; she is located in the lower reaches of Yangtze River, southwest of the province. The population of its urban area is about 3 million.。
17、江苏省明孝陵导游词各位游客:南京有“帝王之洲”之称,各个朝代在南京都留下了大批古迹和遗址。现在我们要去参观游览的是明孝陵。 【明孝陵的地理位置选址经过营建过程】 明孝陵是明朝开国皇帝朱元津和皇后马氏的合葬墓,它位于紫金山南麓独龙阜玩珠峰下,是南京规模最大,保存最完好的一座帝王陵墓。至今已有 600 多年的历史了。 中国历代帝王对陵地的选择非常慎重,特别注重选择“吉壤”之地,即风水宝地。每次外出选址,除派遣朝廷一、二品官员外,还要吸纳通晓地理、会看风水的方士参加。选好陵地后,皇帝还必须亲自审视现场,满意了。
19、明孝陵景点概况各位游客,我们现在来到的便是明孝陵。明孝陵坐落在紫金山第三峰天堡山之阳独龙阜(玩珠峰)下,是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋和皇后马氏的陵墓,始建于明朝洪武十四年(1381 年) ,完工于永乐十一年(1413 年) 。孝陵之名,一说是因为朱元璋主张“以孝治天下” ,另一说是因为皇后马氏死后谥号“孝慈” ,故称孝陵。到清代才称“明孝陵” 。朱元璋 1328 年出生于安徽凤阳一个贫苦农民的家庭, 17 岁投身皇觉寺,1352 年参加了元末郭子兴的红巾军,1356 年领兵攻克南京,1368 年登基称帝,定都南京。明孝陵依托紫金山,陵园依山就。
20、南京明孝陵导游词英文明孝陵是明朝开国皇帝朱元津和皇后马氏的合葬墓,它位于紫金山南麓独龙阜玩珠峰下,是南京规模最大,保存最完好的一座帝王陵墓。至今已有 600 多年的历史了。想要写一篇关于南京明孝陵英文导游词吗?那么应该如何写好相关的南京明孝陵英文导游词呢?下面就和小编一起来看看吧。篇一:南京明孝陵导游词英文 Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum is the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the queen Zhu Yuanjin Ma burial tomb, which is located in the southern foot of the purple mountain long Fu play in Mount Everest。