单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* 1Session 2n语音与文字Vowels and Consonantsn English 12 vowelsn 8 diphthongsn 2 semi-vowels n 24 consonants n Chinese 10 单韵母 (vow
1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* 1Session 2n语音与文字Vowels and Consonantsn English 12 vowelsn 8 diphthongsn 2 semi-vowels n 24 consonants n Chinese 10 单韵母 (vowels)n 13 复韵母 (diphthongs)n 15 鼻韵母 (vowels+nasal consonants)n 22 声母 (consonants)Vowels and Consonantsn English simple structuren more logicaln strict formsn conception-centred, straightforward, masculinen Chinese greater varietiesn different levels of vowelsn relatively loose formsn app。
2、Session 4,主题与主语,Chinese vs. English,只要用功读书,就能提高成绩。(隐含主语) If one studies hard enough, one will 国庆节七天我们第一天全家人北京路购物。(多主语) On the first day of the seven-day National Day holiday, our whole family 游泳非常消耗体力。(主语非名词) Swimming is quite exhausting. It is quite exhausting to swim. 刮风了,下雨了。(零位主语) It is windy and rainy.,Chinese vs. English,Chinese: Topic-prominent language (话题占突显地位的语言) English: Subject-prominent langua。
3、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* 1Session 8n主动与被动Active vs. Passiven They arrived at the summit on the fifth day.n The fifth day saw them at the summit. n (Halliday)n A behavioral pattern vs. A psychological patternn What people have done to the world vs. What the world reflects of peoples behaviourActive vs. Passiven 一进房间他就闻到了一股浓烈的花香。n 一进房间一股浓烈的花香扑鼻而来。n Psychological process of apperception vs. The role of the real world on apperceptionAc。
4、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* 1Session 12n语体与语域语体( Style/Linguistic Style)n “同一语言品种 (标准语、方言、社会方言等 )使用者在不同的场合中典型地使用该语言品种的变体。 ”n (程雨民 , 英语语体学 , 1989) 语域( Register)n A style associated with a language communication occasion; it is a form of language used in a specific language environment and taking certain features.情景因素 (Ghadessy, 1993) n 1)话语范围 (field of discourse)n nature, content and functions of co。
5、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* 1Session 6n句子结构Syntax of English & Chinesen English: built on the SV structure n Theme (S) + Rheme (V)n Chinese: built on meaningn Topic + CommentSyntax of English & Chinesen English: architectural structure(营造学手法)n “ 撇开了时间顺序而着重于空间搭架 先搭起主语和主要动词两巨栋,然后运用各种关系词把有关的材料组成各种关系词集结向这两巨栋前后挂钩 ” (林同济: 1980)n Chinese: chronicle structure(编年史手法 )n “ 偏重动词着眼,运用大量的动。
6、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* 1Session 10 n语篇衔接Narrative Function of TextsnA text is a combination of a variety of communication functions, for example, description, narration and argumentation.nThe narrative function is the function of communicating dynamic messages such as actions, activities and events.Narrative Discourse Elementsn Backgroundn Charactersn Eventsn Endingn Commentsn eg. It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended 。
7、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* 1Session 7 n动态与静态View of Lin Tongji (林同济 )n “ 动词对任何语言来讲,都是重要的,在汉语中尤为突出。展开一篇汉语作品,略与英语作品相较,我们马上可以发觉:前者的动词频率,往往远远超过后者。 ”n “最堪注意的是汉语并没有把动词的高度频率视为负担。正相反,汉语的发展方向无疑是加强动词的优势。 ”n eg. Hard pressed by his father, John told the truth in spite of his wifes warning.n 约翰被他老子 追急了 ,也就 顾不得 老婆的叮嘱,说出了真情实事。Two R。
8、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* 1Session 5n汉英谓语对比Comparing Western and Chinese Philosophies:n Western: n Binary opposition between the subject and object.( 物我两分)n The subject and its narration form a complete topic. (Theme + Rheme)n Chinese:n The combination of nature and man.n The subject and object exist in harmony as a unified whole.( 天人合一)Result:n Western: strict syntax built on S+V structuren Chinese: not necessarily an “S” or strict “V”V in English。
9、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* 1Session 9n两种特殊句式Analyze 2 Sentence Patternsn 1.比较句式 (Comparison)n 2.否定句式 (Negation)Words of Comparison in Chinesen 1.差比副词 更、还、愈、益 (发 )、甚 (于)n 2.极比副词 最、至、极、绝、太、特、挺、非常、特别、最为、顶n 3.差比形容词 次 (于 )、优 (于 )n 4.比较动词 比、像、似、好比、胜过、超过、赛过、强于、等于、相当于、不如n 5.比较结构 跟 (和 /与 /同 ) 一样 (差不多 )、就像 (跟 /和 ) 一样 (似的 )、有 那么 /这么、比 ( 更 /还 )、 与其 。