1一个人和一幅画教材分析和教学建议教材分析:课文向我们讲述了一位独自在荒山,克服生活条件的艰辛、精神上的孤苦,几十年如一日默默耕耘的栽树老人的故事。文章层次井然,脉络清晰。课文由景导入,先写山上的树很多“郁郁葱葱、漫无边际” ,景很美“绿色的山和蓝色的天在遥远处衔接成一条线” ,这些景物描写看似随意
1、1一个人和一幅画教材分析和教学建议教材分析:课文向我们讲述了一位独自在荒山,克服生活条件的艰辛、精神上的孤苦,几十年如一日默默耕耘的栽树老人的故事。文章层次井然,脉络清晰。课文由景导入,先写山上的树很多“郁郁葱葱、漫无边际” ,景很美“绿色的山和蓝色的天在遥远处衔接成一条线” ,这些景物描写看似随意,实则是为后来体现老人为这青山美景所付出的艰辛打下了伏笔;接着通过一系列的动作描写,让我们看到一个快乐的栽树老人;紧接着却笔锋一转,通过我和老人的对话以及老人外貌、语言描写来讲述这位植树老人的艰辛:生活。
2、个人陈述(PS )写作中的 5种典型题目不同学校对陈述内容规定的题目往往不尽相同。有的学校几乎不作规定;有的却列出指定题目;有的学校对字数或页数有所限制,有的则没有; 有的只要求一份“个人陈述” ,有的却要求几篇短文;还有的除写一篇或几篇任选的短文外,还规定一篇必写的“个人陈述” 。以下是申请普通研究生和法学院、商学院及医学院研究生院常见的具有代表性的题目。第一类题目:高度自由发挥这类题目只是泛泛要求申请人谈谈自己的背景、爱好、目标或任何自己感爱好的话题,有的甚至连篇幅是非都不作限定。-Provide any additional。
3、personal statement 个人陈述详解(5) berkeley The Writing ProcessWriting a good college essay requires a significant investment of personal reflection, thought and time. There are no right or wrong answers-you are who you are, after all. The best way to get in touch with who you are through writing is to undertake a process of self-exploration and writing that will culminate in an essay that will reveal how unique and interesting you are.Using all the stages of the writing process will help you to。
4、个人陈述教材(4)LLesson Five: Intros I write award-winning operas; I manage time efficiently.Action Introduction: An Action Introduction takes the reader into the middle of an action sequence. By not building up to the story, it forces the reader to read on to find out not only the significance of this moment in time, but what led up to and followed it. It is perfect for short essays where space must be conserved or for narrative essays that begin with a story.Examples:I promised God I would eat 。
5、个人陈述教材(6)Lesson Six: Editing and RevisingWriting is not a one-time act. Writing is a process. Memorable writing comes more from rewriting than it does from the first draft. By rewriting you will improve your essay - guaranteed. If you skimp on the rewriting process, you significantly reduce the chances that your essay will be as good as it could be.Once you have taken a break from your essay, come back and read it through one time with a fresh perspective. Analyze it as objectively as poss。
6、个人陈述教材(5)Lesson Five: Intros I write award-winning operas; I manage time efficiently.Action Introduction: An Action Introduction takes the reader into the middle of an action sequence. By not building up to the story, it forces the reader to read on to find out not only the significance of this moment in time, but what led up to and followed it. It is perfect for short essays where space must be conserved or for narrative essays that begin with a story.Examples:I promised God I would eat a。