
Units 56综合测试,Task 1: Read the Recycle unit and choose the right answer,What is the Recycle about? ( )A. Mikes life in the school.B. Mikes trip to the


1、,Task 1: Read the Recycle unit and choose the right answer,What is the Recycle about? ( )A. Mikes life in the school.B. Mikes trip to the farm.C. Mikes trip to the farm.D. Mikes life on the farm. 2. How many days did Mike spend on the farm? ( )A. Four days. B. Five days.C. Seven days. D. Eight days.,D,C,对划线部分提问,1. I go to school in the morning.2. I go to Shanghai on weekends.3. Its ten yuan.4. We go to school by bike.5. I want to go to the farmers market.,When do you go t。

2、,Task 1:Read the Recycle unit and choose the right answer,What is the Recycle about? ( ) A. Mikes life in the school. B. Mikes trip to the farm. C. Mikes trip to the farm. D. Mikes life on the farm.2. How many days did Mike spend on the farm? ( ) A. Four days. B. Five days. C. Seven days. D. Eight days.,D,C,对划线部分提问,1. I go to school in the morning. 2. I go to Shanghai on weekends.3. Its ten yuan.4. We go to school by。

3、,Task 1:Read the Recycle unit and choose the right answer,What is the Recycle about? ( ) A. Mikes life in the school. B. Mikes trip to the farm. C. Mikes trip to the farm. D. Mikes life on the farm.2. How many days did Mike spend on the farm? ( ) A. Four days. B. Five days. C. Seven days. D. Eight days.,D,C,对划线部分提问,1. I go to school in the morning. 2. I go to Shanghai on weekends.3. Its ten yuan.4. We go to school by。

4、Recycle 1,Lets take a trip!,Read and write,Read and tick or cross.,Good news and bad news game.,The driver told us many things about Kunming.,There were many backpack in the police station.,The taxi driver returned the backpack to me.,I didnt have my backpack.,The taxi was gone.,The backpacks werent mine.,Mike and Kathy enjoyed their trip in Kunming very much. They wanted to write post cards to their friends,too. Lets help them!,Lets hel。

5、Recycle 1,Lets take a trip!,Read and write,Read and tick or cross.,Good news and bad news game.,The driver told us many things about Kunming.,There were many backpack in the police station.,The taxi driver returned the backpack to me.,I didnt have my backpack.,The taxi was gone.,The backpacks werent mine.,Mike and Kathy enjoyed their trip in Kunming very much. They wanted to write post cards to their friends,too. Lets help them!,Lets hel。

6、,扇形,人教版数学六年级(上册),怎样计算圆的面积?,2,3.14,知识在线,r,d,C,S=r2,有风不动无风动, 不动无风动有风.,(打一夏季常用生活用品),猜一猜:,扇 形,圆上两点间的部分叫做弧。,读作弧AB,顶点在圆心的角叫做圆心角。,0,指出下面图形中哪些角是圆心角,哪些角不是圆心角。,是,不是,是,不是,图1,图2,图3,图4,一条弧和经过这条弧两端的两条 半径所围成的图形叫做扇形。,0,A,B,A,B,A,下列各图中,那些图形是扇形?为什么?,( 不是 ),( 是 ),( 是 ),( 不是 ),( 不是 ),( 不是 ),0,A,B,生活中的扇形,生活中的扇形,比较下面圆形中扇形的大小。

7、Recycle 1,Lets take a trip!,绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.Lspjy.com,Read and write,Read and tick or cross.,Good news and bad news game.,The driver told us many things about Kunming.,There were many backpack in the police station.,The taxi driver returned the backpack to me.,I didnt have my backpack.,The taxi was gone.,The backpacks werent mine.,Mike and Kathy enjoyed their trip in Kunming very much. They wanted to write post cards to their friends,too.L。

8、期末复习作文训练Units 5-6,自行车是常见的一种交通工具。你了解自行车的发展历史吗?请你根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,介绍一下自行车的发明及其用途。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。,China has the most bicycles in the world,but bicycles were invented by foreigners,not the Chinese.,One possible version:China has the most bicycles in the world,but bicycles were invented by foreigners,not the Chinese.The first bicycle was invented by a Frenchman named Sivrac in the early 1790s.It was made of 。

9、,5-6年级体育与健康,篮球运动基础知识,杨祠小学:王景强,NBA欣赏,我,爱,篮 球 运 动,起源 发展,发展,特点,价值,方法,趋势,起源,场地,篮板,篮圈,组装,场地 篮板,特点 价值,规则 简介,违例,犯规,信息反馈,篮球运动的起源,篮球运动在1891年起源于美国,是詹姆士奈史密斯发明的。史密斯最初看到儿童做的投准游戏受到启发,在健身房两头离地面3.05米高的墙壁上订上盛苹果的竹篮子,用足球作为比赛的工具,把学生分成人数相等的两组,他自己在健身房中间把足球向上抛起,两组学生开始抢球,抢到球后通过运球、传球,最终把球投进对方的球篮为得1。

10、5/17/2018,五年级上册会认的字,第五、六单元,制作人:杨妞,甥,外甥(shng)打灯笼照旧(舅),shng,ji,外 甥 女(wi shng n),外 甥( wi shng ),舅,外甥(shng)打灯笼照旧(舅),ji,ji,舅 妈 ( ji m ),舅 舅 ( ji ji ),锥,上鞋不用锥(zhu)子真(针)好,zhu,锥 度 ( zhu d ),锥 子 ( zhu zi ),鸿,远看这些字,有如鸿(hng)鹄(h)群游,迂(y)回绵延。,hng,鸿 雁 ( hng yn ),鸿 鹄 ( hng h ),迂,远看这些字,有如鸿(hng)鹄(h)群游,迂(y)回绵延。,y,迂 腐 ( y f ),迂 回 ( y hu ),典,“册”“典(din)”“。

11、第一部分 教材知识研究,八年级(下),Units 5-6,考点一 remind的用法 考点二 marry的用法 考点三 辨析voice, noise与sound,练讲重难点,remind的用法,This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.这则故事提醒我们,你永远不可能知道什么是可能的,除非你尽力使其发生。(Unit 6 P42),考点一,1. The film _(提醒) me of the day when I was taken care of in the village. 2. The volunteers put up many signs to remind people _ protect the environment. 3. The Chinese Charact。

12、第一部分 教材知识研究,八年级(上),Units 5-6,考点一 mind的用法 考点二 辨析find out, find, look up与look for 考点三 expect的用法 考点四 famous的用法 考点五 promise的用法,练讲重难点,mind的用法 (宁波:2014.79),I dont mind them. 我不介意它们。 (Unit 5 P33),考点一,1. I feel a little cold. Do you_(介意)if I close the door? 2. Would you mind _(take) away the litter when you go out?Certainly not. I will do it right away.,mind,taking,考点抢测,作动词,意为 “介意;在意”,常用结构:mind (not) doing sth.。

13、5-6年级转折期如何引导孩子,余庆小学家长会报告,五六年级是孩子自我意识的强化期,1.引导孩子形成客观全面的自我认识 2.让孩子积极的体验和悦纳自我 3.教会孩子有效的控制自我,小学高年级,孩子行为习惯的稳固期,1.重点巩固孩子的好习惯,格外注意坏习惯 2.纠正孩子的坏习惯 3.巩固行为习惯,一定要提高自律能力,抓住孩子智力的稳定发展期,1.孩子的观察力由整体向局部过渡 2.孩子有意识地进行记忆 3.孩子的想象力更富于创造性和现实感 4.孩子的注意力稳步提高 5.孩子的主要思维方式由形象思维过渡到抽象思维,烦死了,我知道了-五六年级是逆。

14、目录,麦田计划是什么,关爱女生-爱护自己,我是怎么来到这个世界上的,关爱女生-青春你好,PART 1,麦田计划是什么,你知道最短的铅笔可以只有几毫米吗?,打开孩子的铅笔盒,能握在手上的,只有一支!因为用不起好笔,孩子们的父母便买来一毛、几分钱一支的废纸铅笔。用废旧报纸卷压铅笔芯,外面涂一层漆料做成的“环保铅笔”。孩子手中的铅笔,短得只够刚刚好拿起铅笔已经短得不能再短了,孩子却还舍不得扔掉。,麦田计划是什么,你知道教室可以只是一圈护栏加几根柱子、一个顶棚吗?,篱笆墙内的孩子,四川马边的烂池子小学,没有门,是敞开式的。。

15、第一部分 教材知识研究,九年级(全),Units 5-6,考点一 avoid的用法 考点二 辨析lively,alive,living与live 考点三 辨析take place与happen 考点四 doubt的用法,练讲重难点,avoid的用法 (丽水:2016.65;义乌:2016.84),He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.他意识到美国人几乎不能避免去买中国制造的产品。(Unit 5 P35),考点一,1. The pilots had to take emergency action to_ (避免) a disaster. 2. He thought up a way to avoid _ (get) hurt during his ride trip. 3. Children should be 。

16、室内体育课之篮球,1、姚 明 C 罗 郎 平 李小鹏 邓亚萍 林 丹足 球 篮 球 排 球 体 操 乒乓球 羽毛球1、姚 明 篮 球 C 罗足 球 郎 平排 球 李小鹏体操 邓亚萍乒乓球 林 丹羽毛球,课前热身-对应连线,2、孙 杨 博尔特 乔 丹 费德勒 舒马赫田 径 网 球 F1赛车 游 泳 篮 球 2、孙 杨游 泳 博尔特田 径 乔 丹篮 球费德勒网 球 舒马赫 F1赛车,课前热身-对应连线,十人两个筐,个个抢瓜忙, 明知筐没底,漏掉也要装。,谜语,谜底:篮球,(打一体育器具),NBA图片欣赏,我,爱,篮球运动的起源,篮球运动在1891年起源于美国,是詹姆士奈史密斯发明的。史密。

17、5-6年级作文辅导,铭典治学中心 张老师Qq19877451532014.11,作文分类,写人类抓住人物特点,用具体事例反映人物特征记事类交代事情的六要素:时间、地点、人物、起因、 经过、结果写景描写景物特点,言之有物,言之有情状物仔细观察,按一定顺序描写,融入感情,突出中心读后感以读为基础,以感为重点,联系生活实际想象作文想象天马行空,但要合理应用文书信、倡议书、调查报告等,热身小练习一,例 阅读下面芳芳的十个事例,然后分别以热爱劳动的芳芳刻苦学习的芳芳为题,从事例中选择材料,要求中心与材料一致。带病坚持到学校上课 春天,。

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