1、Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,Cooperative principle and humor合作原则与英语幽默,Humour来自拉丁语,原意指“液体”。16世纪,本琼生(Bon Jonathan)把humour引入艺术领域,指人物的滑稽特性。到18世纪初才演变成现代意义上的以诙谐的形式来表现具有美感意义的内容的美学术语。,从广义上讲,在交际过程中能引人发笑或使人感到有趣的语言或行为就叫幽默。,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,Humor幽默,语言本身的属性Proper
2、ties of language,客观条件和背景Situation or context,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,美国语言哲学家(H.P.Grice)于1967年提出了会话含义理论及合作原则。,在所有的语言交际活动中,为了达到特定的目标,说话人和听话人之间存在着一种默契,一种双方都应该遵守的原则,Grice称这种原则为会话的合作原则。,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,Make your conversational contribution such as i
3、s required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,数量准则(Maxim of Quantity),质量准则(Maxim of Quality),关系准则(Maxim of Relation),方式准则(Maxim of Manner),Language in Use-Cooperative pr
4、inciple and humor,数量准则(Maxim of Quantity),1. Make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purpose of the exchange. 2. Do not make your contribution more informative as is required.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,质量准则(Maxim of Quality),1. Do not say what you t
5、hink to be false. 2. Do not say that for which you lack adquate evidence.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,相关准则(Maxim of relation),Be relevant.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,方式准则(Maxim of Manner),Be perspicuous. 1. Avoid obscurity. 2. Avoid ambiguity. 3. Be brief. 4.
6、 Be oderly.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,LOGIC AND CONVERSATION,合作原则的违反与幽默的产生 在实际生活中,人们谁也不会像遵守法律或交通规则一样严格遵守以上准则。实际上,这些准则经常被违反,即人们在遵守合作原则的前提下有意“违反”合作准则。对合作原则的任一准则的违反都会产生会话含义。当说话人“蔑视”某一准则时,听话人应该能从他听到的话中推导出说话人有可能表达的弦外之音。幽默在很多时候就是在这种情形下产生的 。,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and h
7、umor,LOGIC AND CONVERSATION,量准则的违反与幽默的产生 1. 信息量不足One of the guests turned to a man by his side to criticize thesinging of the woman who was trying to entertain them.“What a terrible voice!Do you know who she is?”“Yes,”was the answer,“Shesmywife.”“Oh,I beg your pardon.Of course,it isnt her voice,real
8、ly.Its the stuff she has to sing.I wonder who wrote that awful song?”“I did,”was the answer.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,ENJOY THE LIFE,Man: Does your dog bite? Woman: No. (The man reaches down to the pet dog, lying on the ground in front of the woman. The dog bites the mans hand
9、. ) Man: Ouch! Hey! You said your dog doesnt bite. Woman: It doesn.t But thats not my dog.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,W ife: Every time you go out I am worried.Husband: You neednt worry; my dear. I will come back at anytime.W ife: But this is what I worry about.,A: I understand
10、you had an argument with your wife. How did it end up?B: Oh, she came crawling to me on her hands and knees.A: Is that so? What did she say?B: She said,“Come out from under that bed and fight like a man.”,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,Aunt: How did it Jim do his history examination
11、?Mother: Oh,not at all well,but there,it was not his faults. They asked him things that happened before the poor boy was born.,A: why dont study hard?B: The more we study,the more we know. The more we know,the more we forget. The more we forget,the less we know. The less we know,the less we forget.
12、The less we forget,the more we know. So why study?,2. 信息量过剩,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,Tom:My uncle jumped off a twenty-story building this morning.Jim:Say,what are you talking about? There isnt a twenty-story building in this city.Tom:Well,he jumped off a ten-story building twi
13、ce.,质准则的违反与幽默的产生1. 故意说不真实的话,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,After a two-week vacation, a man returned to his office and one of his fellow workers asked what kind of time he had had.“I spent the whole two weeks helping my wife paint the rooms in our house.” He groaned.“Does she do tha
14、t often?”“Well,” came the reply,“ when we moved in a few years ago, the guest room was 9 by 12, now it is 8 by 11.”,“质量准则”要求话语真实,而对话中的人夸张地把会客室的长乘宽的面积尺寸说成是由于油漆墙面而各缩短了一码,便成了明显不真实的话语。丈夫对妻子经常让他油漆家具房间这一事实不满。丈夫别出心裁的幽默令人拍案叫绝。,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,Driver: (Being stopped by traffic
15、 police because of travelling at 130 miles per hour) Sorry, officer. Was I driving too fast?Policeman: No, sir. You were flying too low.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,每个人都有自己的办事效率。四个乌龟在一起打扑克,突然发现啤酒喝光了,大家凑了一些钱,让最年轻的乌龟去买啤酒。两天过去了,他还没回来。“他准是带着我的钱逃走了。”一个乌龟说。“又说这种话,我干脆不去了!”年轻的乌龟在门外叫道。(转引
16、自幽默与言语幽默),2. 提供证据不足的信息.,How old do you think I am?You dont look your age.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,关系准则的违反与幽默的产生,Teacher:What do we get from sheep?Boy:Wool.Teacher:You are quite right.And what do we make from wool?Boy:I dont know.Teacher:Well,whats your coat made of?Boy:My coa
17、t was made from my fathers coat.,example,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,The professor rapped on his desk and shouted: “Gentleman, order!”The entire class yelled: “Beer!”,有一次著名画家惠斯勒(H)邀请马克吐温(M)去他的画室欣赏他刚完成的一幅新作,马克吐温大大咧咧地伸出手欲触摸这幅新画.H:“Hey,sir,be careful! Dont you see the paint is still
18、 wet?”M:“Oh, that doesnt matter. Ive got my gloves on.” 显然,惠斯勒是关心他自己的画,而马克吐温却故意将惠斯勒的话曲解为担心弄脏他的手。表面上马克吐温遵守了合作原则,对惠斯勒的话做出合乎礼节的反应,但实际上曲解了惠斯勒的话,违反了关联准则。,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,男青年踩了某作家,非但不道歉,还理直气壮。作家怒目而视,男青年心慌气短:“你还能把我吃了?”作家不慌不忙道:“不敢,我是回民。”,More,Language in Use-Cooperative princ
19、iple and humor,方式准则的违反与幽默的产生,An American tourist was lunching in a restaurant in China,whose specialty was roast duck. The waiter explained each dish as he brought it to the table:“This is the breast of the duck. This is the leg of the duck. This is the wing of the duck” Then came a dish that the Am
20、erican knew was chicken. He waited for an explanation. Silence.“Well,”he finally asked,“What is this?”“Its a friend of the duck,”said the waiter.,1. 违反简洁,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,The first man: In my house, I am really somebody.The second man: Is that so?The first man: Yes. Ev
21、ery night my wife calls out from the kitchen, will somebody take the garbage?,More,2. 晦涩,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,-“Whos calling?”-“Watt.”-“What is your name, please.”-“Watts my name.”-“That s what I told you. Whats your name?”-“Thats what I told you. Watt s my name.”,3. 歧义,La
22、nguage in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,“I had a round of golf with my wife this morning.”“Which won?”The husband did not answer.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,“Which won?” asked the friend a second time.“Which one?” thundered the husband, “How many wives do you think I have?
23、 Do you take me for a Turk?”,“Could I try on the trousers in the window?”askthe customer.“You can if you want, sir.” Replied the salesman, “but we do have a dressing room.”,More,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,Lady: (standing in the middle of a busy street) Officer, can you tell me h
24、ow to get to the hospital?Policeman: Just stand where you are, and you will find how to get to the hospital.,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,爱默生(Ralph.W.Emerson)说,幽默增强了我们生存的意义,保持了我们清醒的头脑。由于幽默,我们在变幻无常的人生中可以较少受到打击。,在英语文化中,幽默的产生有很多原因。通过对格赖斯合作原则的角度对幽默现象进行分析,我们可以发现它怎样在解释人们的语言交际活动中起到重要作用。语语用理论分析幽默是一种有趣的研究,可提高对幽默的赏析能力,同时有利于在了解英文文化的同时,促进英语交际水平的提升。,Language in Use-Cooperative principle and humor,THANK YOU,