2、10297)1. GeneralRelative humidity : 655%RH2. Performance2.1 Electrical characteristicsbounce shall be tested at ON and OFF10msec Max.Air pressure : 86 106kpa (860 1060mbar)2.1.4 BounceRelative humidity : 45 85%RHTEST CONDITIONS PERFORMANCEencountered in normal use (3 to 4 operation per sec.)There sh
3、all be noLightly striking the center of the stem at a rateVoltage terminals and across terminals and frame for one minute. breakdown1.4 Appearance and dimensions : See outside drawing page1.5 Standard conditions : Unless otherwise specified, the test and measurements shall Dielectric2.1.3 Withstandi
4、ng AC 250V (50Hz or 60Hz) shall be applied acrossand frame for one minute.2.1.2 Resistance DC 100V potential across terminals and across terminals 100M Min.lnsulation Measurements shall be made following application ofResistance a 1kHz small-current contact resistance meter.Applying a static load tw
5、ice the actuating force to the2.1.1 Contact center of the stem, measurements shall be made with 100m Max.under the above-mentioned conditions, the following conditionsITEMSNO.DSNbe carried out as follows : Ambient temperature : 5 35However, if doubt arises on the decision based on the measured value
6、sDJT 1102 PAGE 1 OF 4TACT SWITCHSPECIFICATION DATE 2006.08.07shall be employed.PAGE 3 / 6CHK APPM.K.JK.M.SAmbient temperature : 202Air pressure : 86 106kpa (860 1060mbar)1.1 Switch rating : DC 12V, 50mA1.2 Operation temperature range : -20 701.3 Preservative temperature range : -30 80MODELK.Y.IMODEL
7、 No.Oscilloscope5VS/W5kPQS-1001-10(REV.0) DAEJIN INDUSTRY CO., LTD A4(210297)2.2 Mechanical characteristicsPAGE 4 / 6DSNSoldering temperature : 2605PAGEITEMS TEST CONDITIONSNO.MODEL TACT SWITCHSPECIFICATION DATEDJT 1102MODEL No. 2 OF 4 K.Y.I2006.08.07 APPPERFORMANCEK.M.SCHKM.K.JPush by recommended o
8、perating condition 2.2.1 Operation Force See outside drawing pagePush by recommended operating conditionF = (Operation force) 22.2.2. Travel0.25 0.1 mm2.2.3 Stop Strength A static load of 3kgf shall be applied in the direction of No damage (Electricalstem operation for a period of 60 seconds. and Me
9、chanical)(1) Amplitude : 1.5mm(2) Sweep rate : 10-55-10Hz for 1 minute. No. 2.1 and 2.2.1 to2.2.4 Vibration Test (3) Sweep method : Logarithmic frequency sweep rate. 2.2.2 shall be satisfied.(4) Vibration direction : X.Y.Z (3 directions).(5) Time : Each direction 2 hours (Total 6 hours).(1) Accelera
10、tion : 80G(2) Cycles of test : 3 cycles each in 6 directions for atotal 18 cycles.No. 2.1 and 2.2.1 to2.2.5Impact Shock Test 2.2.2 shall be satisfied.and Mechanical)Soldering area : t/2 of P.W.B thickness2.2.6Soldering heat test (P.W.B : t = 1.6) No damage (ElectricalSoldering time : 51 secTravelTra
11、velPush forceReturn forceForcePQS-1001-10(REV.0) DAEJIN INDUSTRY CO., LTD A4(210297)2.3 Climatic characteristics(3) Duration of test : 48 hours(2) Salt solution : 5 1%or discolorationSwitch shall be checked after following test. Without excessive rust2.3.6 Salt mist test (1) Temperature : 352shall b
12、e satisfied.No. 2.1.2 to 2.1.3 & 2.2.2initial value 30%2.3.5Operating Life Test(4) Cycles of operation : See outside drawing page Operating force :(3) Push force : Maximum value of operation force Bounce : 20m sec max.(2) Operation speed : 2 3 cycles/sec : 200m max.(1) DC 5V, 5mA Resistance load Con
13、tact Resistance(5) Standard conditions after test : 1 hour (4) Take off a drop water to 2.2.2 shall be satisfied.2.3.4 Humidity Test (3) Duration of test : 96 hours No. 2.1.2 to 2.1.4 & 2.2.1(2) Relative humidity : 90 95% : 200m max.(1) Temperature : 602 Contact Resistance2006.08.07 DSNK.M.SNO. ITEM
14、S TEST CONDITIONS PERFORMANCE(1) Temperature : -302 Contact Resistance2.3.1 Cold test (2) Duration of test : 96 hours : 200m max.(3) Take off a drop water No. 2.1.2 to 2.1.4 & 2.2.1(4) Standard conditions after test : 1 hour to 2.2.2 shall be satisfied.(1) Temperature : 802 Contact Resistance2.3.2 H
15、eat test (2) Duration of test : 96 hours : 200m max.(3) Standard conditions after test : 1 hour No. 2.1.2 to 2.1.4 & 2.2.1to 2.2.2 shall be satisfied.(1) Test cycles : 5 cycles(2) Standard conditions after test : 1 hour(3) 1 cycleContact Resistance2.3.3Temperature Cycle : 200m max.No. 2.1.2 to 2.1.4
16、 & 2.2.1to 2.2.2 shall be satisfied.MODEL TACT SWITCHSPECIFICATION DATE3 OF 4MODEL No. DJT 1102 PAGEPAGE 5 / 6APPK.Y.ICHKM.K.J60-102h 1h 2h 1hPQS-1001-10(REV.0) DAEJIN INDUSTRY CO., LTD A4(210297)3.1 Auto soldering conditions1) After switches were soldered, please be careful not to clean switches wi
17、th solvent.2) In the case of using soldering iron, soldering conditions shall be 280 max. and 3 sec max.3) After switches were soldered, please be careful not to load the knobs of switchs.3.2 Manual soldering conditionsTemperature : 350 5Time : 3 sec max.1) Please keep the received products under co
18、nditions of not high temperature, no high humidity and no direct-rays of the and no corrosive gases.2) Our products are strongly recommended to use off within 3 months and are guaranteed the quality for 6 months of maximum period after receiving the products.3) Please put some desiccants after openi
19、ng off a vinyl pack in order not to enter the damp air and keep the products at the same place of the above-mentioned4) Please be cautious not to give excessive load on the products. 5) Please be cautious not to keep the products with high pressure on the push buttons.Single sided copper-clad lamina
20、tes.Time of immersion Within 5 secSoldering number Within 2 time (But should bring down heat of the first soldering)CONDITIONTACT SWITCHSPECIFICATIONTemperature of solder 255 max.Printed wiring board3. Soldering Preheat time 60 sec max.Area of flux 1/2 max. of P.W.B thicknessITEMDSN CHK APPPAGE 6 / 6Preheat temperature 110 max. (Environmental temperature of soldering surface of P.W.B)MODEL No. DJT 1102 PAGE 4 OF 4 K.M.S M.K.JDATE 2006.08.074. Safety Keeping ConditionK.Y.IMODELPQS-1001-10(REV.0) DAEJIN INDUSTRY CO., LTD A4(210297)