1、第三章第一节第三章第一节P29:1.从小儿三灾八难,花的银子也照样打出你这么个银人儿来了。Youve had one trouble after another since you were a boy, the money weve spent on you would make a silver statue bigger than you.2.小门小户的孩子,都是娇生惯养的,哪里见过这个势派?Children of humble families are well sheltered by their parents.They have never seen anything so gr
2、and before.3.武松道:“既是到了,你且在别处等我。我自去寻他。 ”施恩道:“这话最好。小弟自有安身去处,望兄弟在意切不可轻敌。 ”Wu Sung said, “When we get there,go somewhere and wait. Ill find him myself.“Shih En said:“I know just the place. Be careful.Dont underestimate your foe.“4.现在我在街上摆卦摊儿;好了呢,一天也抓弄个三毛五毛的。老伴儿子早死了,儿子拉洋车。 (老舍柳家大院 )I keep a fortune-telle
3、rs stall on the side-walk and can scrape up three or five dimes a day at best. My old gal had long kicked up her heels. My sons a ricksha-boy. Thats wot hes.(张谷若译)5.他昨天来过这儿了。He had once been here yesterday.6.人大代表一行五人于春节前视察了这个福利中心。A group of five NPC representative inspected(visited)this welffare cen
4、tre before the Spring Festival.7.香港总督尤德爵士今晨于北京去世。Sir Edward Youde, Governor of Hong Kong, passed away in Beijing this morning.8.我不善于说话,也不习惯发表演说,我一生就没做过教师。Im not good at talking, and Im not used to giving lectures. Ive never done any teaching either./Talking is not my province,nor is lecturing;never
5、have I taken up teaching as my profession, either.9.己所不欲,勿施于人。Do not do unto others what you do not want to be done by.10.瞧你像只落汤鸡。You look like a drowned rat!11.这是一篇八股文。This is stereotyped writing.12.劳驾,去市场街怎么走?1. Excuse me, but could you show me the way to Market Street? (1)2. I beg your pardon, si
6、r. Will you be so kind as to tell me how to reach Market Street? (0.8)3. Chap, tell me how to get Market Street. (0. 6) 13.骄阳下,柳树上,回答他的是一片“知了,知了”的蝉声。Under the scorching sun, from the willow tree, came the confirming reply of the cicadas chirrup:“see,see“14.昨奉大函,诵悉一是。尊稿极佳;唯篇幅甚长,本志地位有限,故不克刊登,良用歉然。1.We
7、 received your letter and read your article.It is well writted, but our magazine has only limited space. We are sorry we cannot publish your article.(0.7)2.I received your letter yesterday. Your article is very good,but I am sorry that owing to prressure of space, I find it too long to be published.
8、(0.9)15.中国的万里长城是世界上最伟大的城墙。它东起山海关,西至嘉峪关,全长 13400 多里。修筑长城的砖石,如果用来铺筑宽 5 米,厚 35 厘米的马路,那就是能环绕地球三四周。The Greaat Wall of China is the longest and greatest wall in the world.Starting from Shanghaiguan Passin the east and ending at Jiayuguan Pass in the west, it covers a total length of over 13,400 li.If the
9、bricks and stones that went into the construction of the Great Wall were used to pave a roa five meters wide and 35 centimeters thick, it would encircle the globe three to four times.16.党八股的第五条罪状是:甲乙丙丁,开中药铺。The fifth indictment against stereotyped writing is that it arranges items under a complicate
10、d set of headings, as if starting a Chinese pharmacy.17.一句话,我们赞成这样的世界:每个国家的人民都扎根于自己的民族文化土壤之中,又汲取其他名字文化的丰富营养、In short, we are for a world in which every people, rooted in their national cultural values, will be receptive to the abundant benefits of other nations.18.知己知彼,百战百胜。Know the enemy and know y
11、ourself, and you can fight a hundrred battles with ni danger of defeat.19.路遥知马力,日久见人心。A long road tests a horses strength and a long task prove a mans heart.20.千里之行,始于足下。A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.21.第一个阶段工作所需要的时间是相当长的,绝不是一朝一夕所能完成的。Even the first phase of task will tak
12、e quite a long time and by no means be accomplished overnight.22.中国人死都不怕,还怕困难么?老子说过:“民不畏生,奈何以死惧之?”Will the Chinese cower before diffculties when they are not afraid evenof death? Lao Tzw said,“The people fear not death, why threaten them with it?“23.事实胜于雄辩,水落自然石出。Facts speak louder than words, and the truth will always turn out in the end.24.俗话说:“看菜吃饭,量体裁衣。 ”As the saying goes,“One should fit the dress to his figure and fit his appetite to the dishes.“