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1、1,促销员培训promoter training,2,促销员培训 promoter training,3,促销员培训 promoter training,如何更好了解顾客的需求和期待 How to understand customers needs and expectations,培训目的Objective of The Training,参加这个培训课程后,你可以学到You can learn the following things through attending the training class:,以恰当的仪容,用语和态度来对待顾客Welcome the customers

2、with proper appearance, wording and manner.,更多的了解家乐福的使命和促销员的职责。 To lean more about carrefours mission and promoter responsibilities.,把以上所学用在日常工作上,使自己有成功的促销经验Apply what is learned in daily work to get successful promotion experience.,4,Welcome to Carrefour and doing promotionAnd become our Carrefours

3、 member.欢迎各位来到家乐福开展各项促销活动;成为家乐福的成员。Afterward, we hope you will make your contribution之后,希望各位充分发挥您的才能,贡献自己的力量来。,5,家乐福的使命Mission of carrefour,Our Mission我们的使命,All our efforts are directed towards customer satisfaction. Our retailing activities seek to meet changing customer demands, in terms of produc

4、t selection and quality, at the most competitive prices.我们尽一切努力最大程度地满足顾客的要求。我们的零售行业通过选择商品,提供最佳品质及最低价格,以满足客户多变的要求。,Our People我们的员工,Highly-motivated associates are our main asset. Individual initiative and delegation of responsibilities are carried out in a spirit of solidarity and common interest.我们最

5、主要的财产是士气高昂的员工。每一个员工应在团结奋斗及目标一致的基础上,充分发挥主动及责任。,6,Customer Satisfaction顾客满意,All Our Efforts Must Be Directed TowardsCustomer Satisfaction.,我们的一切工作的核心是为了让顾客满意。,Make customers more willing to come to Carrefour because of your good service使顾客因为你而更愿意到家乐福来购物,7,Carrefour Concepts家乐福的理念,Customer Satisfaction

6、 First!顾客的满意为优先,One stop shopping 一次购足Low price 超低售价Free Parking 免费停车Self Service 自助式服务Freshness and Quality 新鲜和品质,8,Main Responsibilities of a Promoter .促销员的主要职责,1. Respect management rules and work time schedule of Carrefour. 遵守家乐福的各项规章制度, 按时上下班。 A. Obeying PPC unify management. 服从促销部的统一管理; B. Obe

7、ying sales dept. manager to arrange works. 服从各营业部门的具体工作安排; C. Obeying security dept. to check and management in goods security, fight and turn out for work. 服从防损部门在商品安全、消防和出勤等方面的监督、管理。 2. Smile, welcome, inform, give customer good service and promote Carrfours image 对顾客微笑,为顾客提供满意的服务,提高家乐福的形象。3. Good

8、 knowledge on products is necessary, familiarize sale areas and guide customer for buying. 必须了解所售的商品, 熟悉卖场,准确为顾客提供导向。4. Always Carrfours uniform + name tag + good appearance. Set up good image. 着家乐福促销员制服+工卡,树立良好形象。5. Doing implementation working hardly-full, tidy and clean, Immediate reaction in kee

9、ping store clean. 努力做好排面工作-补货、理货和清洁、整理, 积极维持商场的整洁。6. Set up good working morality. Do it legally, honestly and ethically 建立良好的职业道德行为, 合法、诚实,有道德的对待所做的工作。7. Respect security rules and doing “stop the loss” works. 遵守安全操作规程, 作好各项防损工作。,9,顾客的满意Customers Satisfaction First,顾客的满意是因为 Factors causing satisfac

10、tion:,我们的店,我们的人,商品Merchandise价格Price促销Promotion新鲜Freshness停车位Parking Place,仪容Appearance用语Wording态度Manner,热忱待客 How to welcome customers,10,顾客是否满意的影响Impact of CustomersOpinion,竞争对手Competitors,11,一个顾客的价值A Customers Value,你常在店内购物吗?每次大概多少钱 ?Do you often shop in our store?How much do you approximately spe

11、nd every time?,你认为一个固定到我们购物的顾客,一年会在我们店花多少钱?How much do you think a regular customer of our store could spend in a year?,一个顾客 =多出_个顾客.A satisfied customer _ Yuan More,一个顾客 =少掉_个顾客A dissatisfied customer_Yuan Less,12,顾客的价值和期望What is Customers value and expect?,个人化的服务Personalized service,预见性的服务Anticipa

12、tion service,有责任心的服务A responsible service,友好的服务A friendly service,职业化的服务Professional service,13,接待顾客的三要素3 Focal points to welcome customers,态度Manner,用语Wording,成功的顾客接待Successful Welcoming,仪容 Appearance,14,4X20,您最先的20The first 20 steps,外表 appearance衣着 clothes精神 spirit年纪 age,您脸部的20公分20 centimeters of y

13、our face,表情 expression微笑 smile眼神 eye contact发型 hair style,您最先说的20个字The first 20 words you speak,用字 wording语气 tone意思 meaning清楚 clearness,这些都发生在接触时最早的20秒All these happen at the initial 20 seconds of contact,倾听 listen attentively专注 attention亲切 interest 兴趣 amiable,15,接待顾客三步曲3 Steps to Welcome Customers,

14、1. 欢迎顾客Welcome customers,2. 回答顾客的需要Answer customers needs,3. 让顾客满意的离开Make customers leave satisfied,看着顾客并微笑Smile at the customer,主动向顾客问好Take the initiative to say “Hello” to customers,声音热忱Be warm in voice,看着顾客并微笑Smile at the customer,为顾客服务Serve the customer,倾听顾客Listen to the customers attentively,问顾

15、客问题以了解需求Inquire customers to know their needs,正确回答顾客问题Answer customers questions correctly,给顾客建议Offer suggestions,记下顾客的意见Record customers complaints,帮助顾客或寻找协助Offer help or seek help for the customers,看着顾客并微笑Smile at the customer,谢谢顾客Thank the customers,向顾客说再见Say “Good bye” to the customers,希望顾客再度光临W

16、elcome again,适度地点头Nod properly,16,穿颜色统一、干净、整齐的服装(白色忖衣+黑色裤子+黑色皮鞋+黄色马夹), 戴好工卡。 Unify dresses and keep them clean (white shirt+black trousers + black shoes + yellow vest). Always with name badge on.使促销员保持良好的精神状态,要求女士化淡妆,家电男促销带领带。 Make sure that all promoters keep good spirit. Ladies light make-up, men-

17、promoter of Appliance wear Carrefour tie. 在卖场端正站立姿势,不得靠货架、闲聊、串岗。 Rectify stand posture, never stand by shelf , chat and hang about.实行规范用语,三米微笑服务. Use polite words, Welcome customer in three meter(attached file).做好各项促销活动 To cooperate,help all sales dept. doing promotion actions.,树立良好的形象Set up good im

18、age,17,接待顾客用语Receiving customer wording,介绍用语 introduce wording 3. 这种商品现在很流行(或是新产品), 您不妨试一试。 4. 这种商品正在促销,价搁很实惠。 5. 这种商品削价是因为 质量没问题。 6. 这种商品的特点是 7. 您使用前,请先看一下说明书,按照说明书上要求操作. 8. 使用这种商品时,请注意 9. 您要的商品暂时缺货, 但这种商品款式、价格和功能 与您要的商品差不多, 要不要试一试。 10. 购买大件商品或数量比较多, 市内我们可以负责免费 送货。,道别用语 Farewell wording 23. 谢谢! 请慢走

19、,欢迎下次光临。 24. 再见!,道歉用语 Apologize wording 21. 真抱歉, 让您久等。 22. 真抱歉, 是我的疏忽,请您谅解!,顾客挑选商品时不能说: Never say 18. 不要摸商品,以免弄脏了。 19. 人比较多,请快点挑。 20. 不用试,您肯定合适,不合适回来换。,解释用语 Explain wording 15. 很抱歉,这种商品是不能拆开包装的。 16. 先生(小姐),这种商品应该这样使 用 17. 这件没条形码, 我马上给您换一件。,答询用语 Reply and ask wording 11. 您需要的商品在楼柜台. 12. 这是您要的 商品, 您看合

20、适吗? 13. 相比之下,这种(件) 更适合您。 14. 这种商品暂时缺货, 请您留下姓名和联系电话, 一到货马上通知您,好吗?,招呼用语 call wording 1. 通常称为”先生“ ,”小姐“,”小朋友“,“ 阿姨”等 2. 早上好! 您好! 欢迎光临! 我能帮您什么? 您需要什么? 请稍等,我马上就来!,18,1. 合法促销 Legal promotion A. 不得私下交易, 引导顾客到供应商处购买商品。 Purchasing privately and guiding ask customers to supplier for big purchase are banned. B

21、. 不得销售非本商场陈列的商品及散发其宣传资料。 Cant sales goods that is not the store and distributing that literatures in the store. 2. 实事求是地向顾客宣传商品知识. We must introduce the products knowledge to customer according to facts. C. 必须按照顾客的需要开展促销活动,严禁向顾客硬性推销。 we should conduct promotions according to customers need. Compulso

22、ry peddles are fiercely banned. D. 要以事实和数据为依据,不得随意滥发赠品、礼劵。 we should promote goods according to facts and data. Sending gift/free goods without permission is strictly forbidden. E 不得以任何理由与顾客发生争吵. Never quarrel with customers with any reason. F. 不得以不正当的销售方式欺诈顾客。 cheating the customer with illegal sal

23、es method is forbidden.,良好的职业道德行为Good working morality,19,3. 促销员之间互相合作, 尊敬供应商的品牌, 维持正常的促销秩序 Cooperation between promoter, respect competitors. Keep normal promotion order. G. 不得以任何理由进行恶性竟争。 Never bad competition with any reason. H. 两个促销员不能同时向一个顾客介绍商品。 Two promoters can not introduce goods to one cus

24、tomer at the same time. I. 不得随意评判,诋毁其他厂家产品。 Never spread rumors or slander on other suppliers goods. J. 不能因为顾客所需非本公司商品而找借口拒绝提供服务. Its not allowed refusing customers requests even if this goods form other supplier.4. 热情、主动为顾客提供购物导向及其售后服务咨询 Guide shopping and after-sales service explanation K. 不得敷衍顾客或

25、随意承诺顾客 Treat customer seriously. Never promise customer without permission.,良好的职业道德行为Good professional morality,20,排面工作Implementation working,1. 整理排面 Tidy Implementation a. 保持货架上商品和价格标签整齐排列、美观; Keep the merchandise and price tag clean, tidy and beautiful. b. 及时把顾客挑乱的商品整理归位; Tidy up the merchandise d

26、isordered by customers. c. 及时将货架上和收银线的散货整理归位; Tidy up the disorderly goods in casher line and on shelves. d. 货架上商品不多时及时补货,保持货架上商品充足。 Full shelves timely, guarantee sufficient goods on shelves.,21,排面工作Implementation working,2. 积极维持卖场的整洁 Keep point of sales clean and tidy a. 确保货架和商品的干净; Guarantee clea

27、n of goods and shelves. b. 及时清理摔落在地面上的商品、纸屑; Cleaning off fallen goods and paper timely. c. 地面弄脏时及时请清洁人员协助; If ground became dirty, ask cleaner help timely. d. 补货时应将空纸箱折好放在叉车上,保持顾客通道的畅通。 Fold empty paper-box and put it on the fork lift. Keep alleys in very good condition.,22,排面工作Implementation worki

28、ng,3. 整理商品时应遵守的原则 Principle on tidying goods. a. 按照商品先进先出的原则,保持商品的新鲜度和保质期; Principle of the goods FIFO(first in first out) keep goods freshness. b. 应轻拿轻放,防止商品破碎而造成损失; Principle of taking and putting down gently when tidy-up goods. Avoid goods damage and loss. c. 不得随意更改货架排面。 Principle of moving or ch

29、anging the implementation in Carrefour with permission,23,周期盘点/盘点Cycle count/inventory,严格按盘点程序进行盘点。 Strictly cycle count on standard procedure 整理:将相同条码的单品归类,并检查无误。 Tidy: Sort out on bar- card and check them. 准确清点单品数量,并做好记录。 Check products quantity and record. 签字 Sign name.,24,安全操作与防损Security and sto

30、p the loss,安全操作 Security operate rules a. 树立“安全第一”的思想,积极维持消防通道的畅通、整洁; Set up the method of “security the first” and keep the emergency exits ok. b. 按要求使用叉车,避免撞伤顾客; Use fork lift on demand. Avoid customer injury. c. 所有安装电源的促销台应按要求摆放,促销员离台时应收捡好所 有物品,避免顾客触电或烫伤; Arrange electrical equipments on principl

31、e. Settle and pack them when leave. Avoid any injury. d. 在高处整理商品时注意避免摔伤; Avoid falling when tidying goods at high place. e. 如发现各类设备等出现异常现象,应立刻向部门或防损部报告。 Inform your chief or security Dept. immediately if any not normal situation,25,安全操作与防损Security and stop the loss,防损 Stop the loss a. 遵守商场防损制度,商场内所有

32、商品、赠品、试吃品不得随 意带出卖场; Respect stop the loss rules, Never take any goods, free goods and tasting foods out of store without authorization. b. 上班时间内不得在卖场吃任何东西; Never eat in the store during the work time. c. 不得在卖场相互交换赠品; Never exchange free gift between P.P. d. 不得为自己购买而遮掩促销条款或私自改动价格; Never hide promotio

33、nal items or decorate price items for personal purchase. f. 如发现任何偷盗行为,应当立即向防损部汇报。 If finding any steal action , must report to the security Dept.,26,违纪处罚条例Offence action & punishment rules,27,违纪处罚条例Offence action & punishment rules,28,违纪处罚条例Offence action & punishment rules,29,培训反馈表Questionnaire,培训课

34、程 training class 日期date: 1. 请选择您所认为合适的答案。 Please tick the appropriate answer to each question. A. 这次培训对您的帮助怎样?请说明如此评价的理由。 How helpful was the training to you? Please explain your reasons for this rating. Very helpful helpful fairly helpful somewhat 很大 大 尚可 有些2. 请回答下列问题Please answer the following que

35、stions a. 你认为促销员有哪些职责?Which responsibilities of promoter do you think? b. 你认为什麽样的服务才是优质服务? Whats the meaning of high quality service? C. 下次培训你希望增加些什麽内容? What additional topics would you like to have in a future training?,30,促销人员应遵守的10条要点01 - 对顾客微笑,为顾客提供服务,给予顾客满意的服务,提高家乐福的形象02 - 准确依照促销人员主管的要求工作03 - 完

36、成当日的目标和任务04 - 积极维持商场的整洁和吸引度05 - 遵守时间表:到达-休息-用餐-离开06-家乐福促销人员制服+工卡+良好形象07 - 必须了解所售的商品08 - 安全,合法,诚实,有道德地对待所作的工作,否则就拒绝接受09 - 促销人员向顾客介绍单品时应尊重其它同类供应商的品牌10 - 下班前应确保工作区域的整洁和货架台面的整齐充实,31,pOXLp7v0djZKylHSJr3WxBmHK6NJ2GhiBeFZ7R4I30kA1DkaGhn3XtKknBYCUDxqA7FHYi2CHhI92tgKQcWA3PtGZ7R4I30kA1DkaGhn3XtKknBYCUDxqA7FHY



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