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1、新闻文体的翻译Translation of Journalistic Writings新闻文体是英语中常见的实用文体,是一种书面语体,行文比较正式,语法比较规范。 用途:报道消息,告知情况。 内容:政治、经济、军事、外交、科技、文体以及宗教、法律、刑事、家庭等方面。 类型:时事报道、社会新闻、社论、特写、书评、广告等。新闻主要是为了满足人类在社会实践活动中沟通信息需要而产生的。新闻就是广大群众想知道、应该知道而不知道的重要的新鲜的事实、最新消息、新颖的事物、新鲜报道等。“新”意味着报道及时,在最短的时间内把最近发生的、最新的真实现象、重要的事实介绍给最广泛的公众。20.1 新闻语言的特点(Fe

2、atures of Journalistic Language)20. 1. 1 词汇特点英语新闻语言在词语表达上力求简洁明晰,语意清新,用词生动,表达客观,常用谚语、成语和典故以及比喻等修辞手段引人注目,耐人寻味。 新闻文体写作忌用夸张的形容词和副词、激情的文句、口语体词汇及俚语。新闻词语常带有新闻文体的特色,在特定的上下文限制下,具有其特定的涵义。新闻报导要吸引尽可能多的读者,因此用词又必须力求新奇。20. 1. 2 句法特点 新闻文体一般常用平素易懂的语句,近于谈话体、口语化的行文语言。简单句有助于清楚地叙述事件的发生发展过程,可突出显示事件发生发展过程的层次感。定语、状语、同位语、介词

3、短语、分词短语,以及不定式短语等补加成份以扩展简单句来表示目的、意图及行为结果等。 新闻文体写作多用主动语态。使用主动语态叙事可以使读者产生一种“直接感” ,使叙述具有“直言不讳的效果” 。新闻中广泛使用直接引语与间接引语,使用引语的目的是使报道具有“最大限度的客观性” ,以增添真实性和生动性。例 1:While the West goes about its business, Russia gains nothing by going off into a corner to sulk. ( Time,Feb.16,1993)【译文】 西方各国各行其事,俄罗斯一无所获,只好走到一个角落里生

4、闷气。 例 2:Washington says it will only pay its dues to the United Nations if the world body refrains from attacking the U.S. and meets a laundry list of other demands.(Time, April 12,1996)【译文】华盛顿政府说只有联合国不再抨击美国并能满足其他的一些条件,美国政府才会向联合国支付其会费例 3:You cannot miss the pain in these voices as a new generation o

5、f unemployed Americans describes the savage realities of todays job market.(Fortune,March8,1993)【译文】你不可能察觉不到新一代失业的美国人在描述当今求职市场的残酷情形时的悲伤语调。20. 2 新闻文体的翻译(Translation of Journalistic Writings)新闻按地域分有:国际新闻、国内新闻、本地新闻。按内容分有:科技新闻、政治新闻、财经新闻、法律新闻、军事新闻、文教新闻、体育新闻、娱乐新闻、卫生新闻等。按事件发生的状态分有:突发性新闻、持续性新闻、周期性新闻。 按事件发生与

6、报道的时间差距分有:事件性新闻和非事件性新闻。按新闻事实的意义分有:典型新闻、综合新闻、系列新闻。按传播渠道和信息载体分有:文字新闻、图片新闻、音像新闻等。按体裁和形式分有:消息报道、快讯、调查报告、特写、社论、评论等。新闻体裁的多样性决定了新闻翻译要根据不同的内容和体裁选择不同的语言表达手段,做到文体适切。新闻翻译不可随心所欲,主观臆断,脱离原义;也不可拘泥于原文语言形式,要从原文各个组成部分之间的相互联系去理解原文,才能译好。新闻文体的翻译主要包括新闻标题的翻译,导语的翻译,新闻报道的翻译,新闻特写的翻译和新闻评论的翻译。英语新闻标题可以使用完整的句子(包括各类从句、祈使句、疑问句 ),也

7、可使用名词、名词短语、单词的首字母、缩略语、介词短语等。谓语动词多使用一般现在时代替过去时; 动词不定时代替将来时。非谓语动词多用动名词、动词不定式、分词等。 完整句子作标题完整句子包括简单句、各类从句、祈使句、疑问句,都可作新闻的标题,翻译时最好译成汉语的词或词语形式,体现标题的特点,而不是一句话,句末不用标点符号。例如:1. World Eyes Mid-East Peace Talks (eyes=watches, observes)【译】世界关注中东和平谈判 2. Education brings a better tomorrow【译】教育改变未来生活3. Chin

8、a has always been a staunch supporter behind the IOC initiatives【译】中国一贯坚定地支持国际奥委会各项动议4. Husband and wife team unlocks new gene secrets【译】夫妻联手解开新的基因奥秘5. U.S. analysts find no sign Bin Laden had nuclear arms【译】美分析人士未发现本拉登拥有核武器的证据6. Pioneer colleges face axe【译】一些实验学院面临砍削7. Private eyes seek legal recog

9、nition【译】私人侦探寻求法律认可 8. Plane hits Milan skyscraper, terror ruled out【译】飞机撞上米兰摩天大楼,估计与恐怖袭击无关9. Andersen Chief quits in effort to rescue firm (Andersen, the Chief Executive Officer, quits in effort to rescue the firm)【译】安然总裁为挽救公司辞职20.2.1.2 名词、名词短语、介词短语作标题标题可以是一个名词、名词的缩略语,或由前置定语或后置定语修饰的名词词组,或也可以是一个介词短语

10、。翻译时应注意标题中的省略部分,能直译的直译,不能直译的要按照新闻的中心要点进行意译加工。1. Rein in Profit from Housing sales【译】严控售房利润2. Year 2000 bug unstoppable for some companies【译】计算机千年虫问题迫在眉睫3. Old photos as a reminder of my childhood【译】老照片唤起了我对童年的回忆4. Arafat ready for unconditional truce【译】阿拉法特期待无条件停战会谈5. A road to the cosmos【译】通向宇宙之路6.

11、 Protests against war across world【译】反战抗议遍及全球 7. The boy with the billion-dollar secrets【译】怀有赚取亿万美元之秘诀的男孩8. Divorce New York style【译】纽约离婚新样式20. 2. 1. 3 有非谓语动词的标题标题中常用动名词(短语)形式作主语,不定式表示将来式, “名词+ 现在分词( 短语)”的结构表示将来或正在进行的动作, “名词+过去分词(短语)”的结构表示被动意义。1. Six Black countries to hold summit【译】非洲六国将举行首脑会议 2. N

12、ippon steel to hold down production【译】日铁将降低产量 3. New efforts to learn about planet Mars【译】探测火星的新举措4. Arafat to skip Arab summit, two observers killed【译】阿拉法特将不参加阿拉伯峰会,两名国际观察员罹难5. How to price your products and services【译】如何为你的产品和劳务定价6. Working for better Sino-US ties【译】中美两国政府为促进双边关系而努力7. Traveling un

13、der the Channel in the Eurostar Train 【译】乘“欧洲之星” 列车穿过海底隧道8. Japanese rocket launch delayed【译】日本政府决定推迟火箭发射日期 有标点符号 “:” “,” “”的标题 用标点符号把标题中的中心词与修饰说明性词隔开,以突出中心词,或表示同位结构,引起读者注意。翻译时可灵活处理,英语有此类标点符号的标题,汉译时可用也可不用,英语没有此类标点符号的标题,汉译时也可加上此类符号。1. The American way: friendship【译】美国人的友谊观2. Bering ice: no f

14、loe flows【译】白令海峡没有浮冰块流动 3. Reagans more-guns-less-butter budget (The New York Times)【译】里根预算:多一些枪炮,少一点黄油 4. The oceansmans last resources【译】海洋人类最后的巨大资源5. Living in Amsterdamthe best way to see a city【译】生活在阿姆斯特丹城市观光的最佳方式6. Life Show, A story of plain, passion, dream【译】人生一个普通平凡的、充满激情和梦想的故事7. “The syste

15、m failed her”【译】她与这种制度格格不入8. Is “Globalization” helping or hurting?【译】全球化:是福还是祸?课堂互动 1: 翻译下列新闻标题(参考译文) 1. Cops under fire【译】警察遭枪击 2. American booksellers【译】美国书店一瞥3. On the road to Parliament【译】通向议会的道路4. Lost survivors 【译】失落的幸存者5. Ten Ways to Get More Energy【译】精力充沛十法6. Confronting New Challenges【译】面对

16、新挑战7. Whats New in the Computer World【译】计算机世界的新产品8. Inside the Clinton White House【译】克林顿主政下的白宫内情9. Help is at hand if illness strikes mid flight【译】飞行途中生病,帮助就在身边10. Officers provided security for strips show, police say【译】警方称有警官为脱衣舞表演提供安全保护11. Bush says war against terror far from over【译】布什称反恐战争远未结束1

17、2. Will highland park disappear?【译】高地公园会消失吗?13. Helping the homeless to help themselves【译】帮助无家可归者自强自立14. Gas prices going up, up, up【译】煤气价格一涨再涨15. Best of Times, Worst of Times 【译】美好时代,艰难岁月20. 2. 2 新闻导语的翻译新闻导语指新闻报道的开头第一段或前几段,以简练生动的文字表述新闻事件中最重要的内容,读起来有点儿像“内容提要” 。导语决定读者是否能从首句抓住新闻的核心内容,从而判断是否继续阅读。要求一目了

18、然,一眼就能抓到主要新闻事实。新闻导语的翻译不能仅仅局限于文字和概念的翻译,只有体现出文化的不同,才能跨越文化的差异,达到沟通的目的。20. 2. 3 新闻报道的翻译 新闻报道涉及社会政治生活、金融商业活动、军事冲突、科技发展、外交斗争、文化体育动态以及宗教、法律、刑事、家庭等等各个方面,因此新闻报道用词范围广,新词语层出不穷。翻译新闻时应密切注意原语的格调,以“事实”或“消息”为准则,语言以“准确”为核心,避免使用激情的词语除非顺应原文的需要。翻译重内容,不必拘泥于语言形式,译文不宜太俗也不易过雅。新闻翻译的原则是语言讲求具体、准确、简明、通俗、生动。所谓具体,即何时、何地、何人、何事、为何

19、、如何,常在新闻的开篇很具体地加以交代,具体是真实的反映,是可信性的保证,千万不要漏译。UK OutlookThere will be a change to cooler weather. Monday will be cloudy with some rain in the North and the West but sunshine and showers elsewhere. As a deep depression moves into northern Scotland on Tuesday rain will spread across all areas with stren

20、gthening winds. During Wednesday and Thursday it will brighter with blustery showers, which could give some snow over Scottish mountains. By then it will be noticeably cooler and fresher in all parts of the country. Further rain and strong winds will continue into the weekend. (Sunday Express, Octob

21、er 13, 1991)【译文】联合王国天气预报本周内,天气将会变得更加凉爽。星期一,北部和西部地区阴间有雨,其他地区晴,有阵雨。星期二,随着一股较强的低气压进入苏格兰北部,全国各地将普遍降雨,风力渐强。星期三和星期四,天气将更加晴朗,偶有急风阵雨,苏格兰山区可能有阵雪。全国各地将更加清凉。周末,将有雨和大风。 (1991 年 10 月 13 日星期日快报 )US Missile Targets Iraqi Radar SiteWashington: A United States Air Force F-16 fighter plane fired a missile at an Iraqi

22、 radar site and after the jet was tracked electronically while in the “no-fly” zone over southern Iraq, the Pentagon said yesterday.【译文】 美导弹击中伊拉克雷达基地华盛顿消息:昨日,五角大楼宣称:一架美空军 F-16 战斗机在伊拉克南部禁飞区被电子跟踪后,便向伊一雷达基地发射了一枚导弹。But the White House, explaining a long delay in announcing the strike, said it was unclea

23、r whether Iraqi radar has “locked on” to the plane on Saturday.A Pentagon spokesman said the F-16 returned safely to its base in Saudi Arabia. It was not immediately known if the Iraqi site was damaged. The spokesman, confirming the strike about 18 hours after it occurred, said an investigation, was

24、 under way. Iraq denied any such incident had taken place.【续】但白宫拖了很久才公布解释这次打击行动的原因:星期六还不清楚伊雷达是否已“锁定” 了这架飞机。五角大楼的一位发言人说,该 F-16 战斗机已安全返回设在沙特阿拉伯的美军基地,伊雷达站是否被摧毁尚不清楚。该发言人在这次打击行动发生 18 小时之后证实了此事,并说正在调查。伊拉克却矢口否认此事。White House press secretary Mr Mike McCurry, travelling in Florida with the US President, said

25、 Mr Clinton had been briefed early on Saturday about the incident by a member of the National Security Council staff.“There are no indications of changes in the status of anti-missile deployment” by Iraq, Mr McCurry said. He referred reporters to the Pentagon for further details.【续】随同美国总统正在弗罗里达旅行的白宫

26、新闻秘书迈克麦考利说:星期六上午,一位国家安全委员会工作人员已向克林顿先生简要汇报了此事。“没有迹象表明伊反导弹部署情况有何变化, ”麦考利说。详细情况请记者向五角大楼询查。The Pentagon spokesman read from a statement that said the F-16 “fired a HARM (high-speed anti-radiation) missile at a radar site in southern Iraq after the aircraft was illuminated during a routine Southern Watch

27、 Mission”.The incident was first reported by The Washington Times. Only then was it acknowledged by the Pentagon and the White House.【续】这位五角大楼发言人宣读了一份声明说:这架 F-16 战斗机“在执行日常的南部警戒任务时遭到雷达跟踪后,才向伊南部一雷达基地发射了一枚高速反雷达哈姆导弹。 ”华盛顿时报先报道了这次事件,五角大楼和白宫这才承认。Mr McCurry denied that the delay was designed to protect Mr

28、Clinton from political fallout just before this weeks presidential election. But he struggled to explain why the incident had not been announced sooner, telling reporters aboard Air Force One that he had assumed the Pentagon had announced it earlier in the day.【续】麦考利先生否认推迟公开此事是有意保护克林顿先生不要在本周总统选举之前引起

29、政治纠纷。他竭力解释未早点公开这次事件的原因,并对驻第一空军的记者说,他还以为五角大楼那天早已公开了此事呢!Asked about the delay, White House chief of staff Mr Leon Panetta said “I think they were waiting to see whether he (the F-16 pilot) was locked on to (by Iraqi radar). They dont know the answer to that. ”The missile firing was the first of its ki

30、nd since September 4, when Iraqi forces confronted US flyers twice as the US jets began their patrols over an expanded no-fly zone for Iraqi aircraft that Washington unilaterally declared the day before.【续】当问及此次拖延报道时,白宫参谋长雷恩潘尼特说: “我想他们是等等看他(F-16战斗机飞行员)当时是否被锁定。他们不知道此事件的原委。 ”这是 9 月 4 日以来第一次发射导弹。华盛顿前一天

31、单方面宣布扩大了的伊拉克飞机禁飞区,当时美方飞机开始在区内执行巡逻任务,伊拉克军方两次与美方飞机发生冲突。课堂互动 3:翻译下列新闻报道(参考译文)LEXINGTON, Va. (Reuters) President Bush warned on Wednesday that the war against terrorism was far from over, saying “cells of trained killers” will try to regroup in Afghanistan this spring and that “axis of evil” nations are

32、 cultivating ties to terrorist groups.【译文】 布什称反恐战争远未结束路透社莱克里顿 4 月 17 日电(记者 史迪夫哈兰德)布什总统四月十七日警告说,美国所进行的反恐战争远未结束,并称今年春季, “训练有素的恐怖分子” 将会在阿富汗重新集结, “邪恶轴心”国家也企图与恐怖组织建立联系。With the war on terrorism overshadowed in recent weeks by Israeli-Palestinian bloodshed, Bush spoke to cadets at the Virginia Military In

33、stitute after a U. S. soldier was wounded in Afghanistan by a shot fired from a crowd in the southern city of Kandahar.Bush said “good progress” has been made in destroying Osama bin Ladens al Qaeda network but that as the spring thaw comes in Afghanistan, “we expect cells of trained killers to try

34、to regroup” to try to disrupt efforts to build a lasting peace there.【续】在弗吉尼亚军事学院发表演讲时布什说,最近几周的巴以流血冲突转移了全球反恐战争的视线。不久前,一位美国士兵在阿富汗南部城市坎大哈被冷枪击伤。布什说,摧毁奥萨马本拉登的“基地” 组织已取了“良好的进展”。但是,随着春季的来临, “我们认为,练有素的恐怖分子会企图重新集结”,破坏在阿富汗建立永久和平的努力。Bush awoke to a headline in The Washington Post that said the United States h

35、ad concluded bin Laden had escaped the Afghan battle for Tora Bora late last year and that failure to commit U. S. ground troops to hunt him was the gravest U. S. error in the war against al Qaeda. 【续】布什还提到了华盛顿邮报的一条新闻说,美国肯定本拉登已逃,美军去年底在阿富汗托拉博拉伍战役中未及早动用地面部队,痛失逮捕拉登的良机,这是美军在此战役中最为严重的过错。At a news confere

36、nce in Washington, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld dismissed the report and said he has never had any conclusive evidence of the whereabouts of bin Laden, whom the United States holds responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks that killed around 3,000 people in New York and Washington.【续】在华盛顿的一次新闻发布会上,美

37、国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德透露了上述报告,称他从未得到有关本拉登藏身地的确凿证据。他又说拉登应对 911 事件负责,在纽约和华盛顿,有 3 000 人在该事件中丧生。“Were tough, were determined, were relentless. We will stay until the mission is done,” Bush said, without mentioning bin Laden by name.But Bush said it is not enough to defeat al Qaeda and the Taliban, saying true peace

38、 in Afghanistan will only come when the battered nation has a stable government, a trained national army, and an education system for boys and girls alike.【续】 “我们将在阿富汗战斗下去,直到完成我们的使命, ”布什说,但没有提及本拉登的名字。布什说,仅仅摧毁“基地”组织和推翻塔利班政权是不够的。遭受战争破坏的阿富汗必须有一个稳定的政府、一支训练有素的国家军队和一个能为孩子们提供接受教育的学校体制,才会有真正的和平。 He invoked

39、the name of a famed VMI graduate, George C. Marshall, who was Army chief of staff during World War Two and went on to become secretary of state. He is the namesake of the Marshall Plan that helped rebuild postwar Europe.“The war against tenor will be long, and as George Marshall so clearly understoo

40、d, it will not be enough to make the world safer. We must also work to make the world better,” he said.【续】布什提到了弗吉尼亚军事学院著名的老校友乔治C马歇尔。此人曾是二战时期的美军参谋长联席会议主席,战后成为美国国务卿。帮助重建战后欧洲的马歇尔计划就是以他的名字命名的。“反恐战争是长期的。正如马歇尔所说,使世界更安全是不够的,我们还要使世界变得更加美好, ”布什说。Pointing out U. S. assistance to the governments of the Philipp

41、ines, Georgia and Yemen, Bush again extended an invitation to any nation “that needs our help will have it” in the war on terrorism and that leaders around the world “must choose, they are with us, or they are with the terrorists.” 【续】提到美国对菲律宾、格鲁吉亚和也门的帮助时,布什再次表示在反恐战争中任何国家“ 都能得到美国的帮助” 。同时,世界各国领导人“ 必须

42、做出抉择,要么站在我们美国一边,要么与恐怖分子为伍。 ”He used the term “axis of evil” in referring to nations feared developing weapons of mass destruction. He coined the term in his Jan. 29 State of the Union to describe Iraq, Iran and North Korea, but has not repeated the phrase often after it elicited a negative reaction

43、from allies like France, Germany, Italy and Britain.【续】在谈到有些国家可能正在研制大规模杀伤性武器时,布什再次使用了“邪恶轴心” 的提法。这个词语是他在 1 月 29 日的国情咨文中谈到伊拉克、伊朗和北朝鲜时创造的。但是由于遭到法国、德国、意大利、英国等同盟国的抵制,他再未使用这一提法。“A small number of outlaw regimes today possess and are developing chemical and biological and nuclear weapons. They re building

44、missiles to deliver them, and at the same time cultivating ties to terrorist groups,” Bush said.“In their threat to peace, in their mad ambitions, in their destructive potential and in the repression of their own people, these regimes constitute an axis of evil and the world must confront them,” he

45、said.【续】 “今天,一小撮无法无天的政权拥有或正在研制生化核武器,并且正在制造用来发射这些武器的导弹。与此同时,它们还在与恐怖组织建立联系, ”布什说。“这些政权威胁和平,包藏疯狂的野心,压迫本国人民而且可能会把本国人民引向毁灭,它们形成了一个邪恶轴心。全世界必须应对它们。 ”Bush pledged the United States would be deliberate and “we will work with our friends and allies” to confront emerging threats.“We will fight against terroris

46、t organizations in different ways, with different tactics, in different places,” he said. “And we will fight the threat from weapons of mass destruction in different ways, with different tactics, in different places.”【续】布什发誓说,美国会殚精竭虑, “与我们的朋友和盟国一道” 去面对出现的威胁。“我们将以不同的方式,用不同的战术和在不同的地方与恐怖组织战斗,并铲除大规模杀伤性武

47、器的威胁。 ”20. 2. 4 新闻特写的翻译新闻特写的一个极其明显的特点就是不需要遵循新闻报道严格的格式规范,不求报道的全面性,但求报道的独特角度。从某一个角度通过“放大”或“再现”的报道手段来深入细致地叙述描写,说明某件事、某个人、某件新闻片断。特写带有一定的主观性,目的是唤起读者的兴趣和共鸣。 特写中的人情味是吸引读者,提高读者阅读兴趣的有力手段。特写可以运用大量的细节和场景描写来营造气氛和情绪基调,让读者仿佛看到、听到或感受到所描绘的情景,并体会得到特写中的幽默与情调。翻译特写时选词不能刻板,应根据不同的特写文体选不同的措辞,对涉及中西文化差异的词语、典故、习语、比喻等应加解释性的说明

48、。CocoA BEACH, FLA: T minus 6 hours, 8 minutes and counting. It was 4:50 a.m., Tuesday, January 28, 1986.Kennedy Space Center: T minus 2 hours, 27 minutes and counting. At 7:48 a.m. I watched the ritual “Astronaut Workout”. Beside me, a young reporter from teacher-in-space Christa McAuliffes hometown

49、 stared intently as the Challengers crew of seven emerged from their quarters, jaunty in their sky-blue flight suits. 地点:佛罗里达州的可可海滩。离发射时间还有 6 小时 8 分钟。这时的时间是 1986 年 1月 28 日星期二凌晨 4 点 50 分。 地点:肯尼迪航空中心。离发射时间还有 2 小时 27 分钟。早晨 7 点 48 分,我观看了“宇航员开拔启程” 仪式。我身边站着一位年轻记者,他来自太空教师克里斯塔 麦考利夫的家乡,他聚精会神地望着七位身着天蓝色飞行服的“挑战者号”的机组人员,正轻松自在地从他们的驻地走出来。“After all these hassles,” he said softly, “I wonder if theyre scared.”I knew each crew member had addressed the danger in his or her own way. Dick Scobee and Mike Smith had survived combat in Vietnam. Ellison O


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