1、作者: Serkan Celik 翻译:zivixHi In this tutorial well investigate the render and lightning adjustment for neo-classical room design. At first place, activate the maxwell render and then set the materials in the material editor as maxwell materials. 在这个教学中,我们将要来使用 maxwell布光和渲染一个古典主义的房间,首先,激活 maxwell渲染器,以
2、及在 maxwell 的材质编辑器中设置材质。 Numbers seen in the above figure indicate the light locations in the scene.Well consider the scene is in real world and locate the light sources depending on where the light will spread from.In this Scene Select the light sources as boxes.Of course fort his objects to spread
3、light,they need to be emitters.To get this done ,open material editor apply the emitters to the boxes 数字显示了场景中的布光设置,我们更具真实世界来考虑使用灯光的位置和强度,在这个场景中,使用立方体来代表光源,为了让他们发光,我们给他们都指定上发光物材质。 EMITTER NO RGB WATT1 255,255,255 2500 W2 255,255,255 2500 W3 255,255,255 2500 W4 255,114,0 60 W5 255,114,0 60 W6 255,114
4、,0 45 W7 255,114,0 45 W8 255,114,0 60 W9 255,114,0 100 W10 255,114,0 60 W11 255,114,0 150 W12 255,255,255 2500 W13 255,255,255 2500 WSince well use multilight on this scene the below given WATT values are not that important and not that efective on the overall result on the scenes lightning. 我们会使用 m
5、ultilight功能,所以瓦特数可以在此修改. MULTILIGHT In multilight menu youll encounter a control panel looks like an equalizer and here,you can adjust the light strenghts. 在 multilight面板中可以看到很多滑条,他们可以调节灯光的强度 As seen in the above samples it is possible to get effective results by using multilight Keep in mind it wil
6、l be very useful to set the RGB value to 242,242,242 instead of 255,255,255 to have less noise on white walls. 可以看到在上图中能任意的调节灯光的强度和颜色 这些设置可以容易的将 RGB的值从 255,255,255 调低,以便于消除墙上的噪点 渲染设置 Low Priority: If you activate this option the amount of RAM Used for rendering will be less so that you can run other
7、 applications easily.if not, RAM usage will be more and that means the other applications will run very slow.but in the same time period quality of the render will be relatively beter 1.低优先级:这可以帮助你在同等的硬件条件下,降低 maxwell的运行优先级,以便于让其他的软件有资源运行,如果关闭它,其他的软件运行就会很慢,但是会使得 maxwell的渲染早同样的之间内得到更好的结果。 2.Multiligh
8、t: As stated above ,its the tool which allows you to adjust the light strenghts after rendering 2.Multilight: 如上述那样,这个功能让你在后期仍然可以调节灯光的设置。 Time(min): You can enter the time in terms of minutes for rendering to be completed. 设置渲染的结束时间。 Sampling level: This parameter is directly affecting the render du
9、ration.For example, with a very low sampling level (5) even if your usual render time is 5 hours it will be less than 5 hours with this setting.higher the sample level higer the render quality and better results but with 1 computer it may be really hard to handle the process.Mostly this should be set between 15 and 20. 采样级别:采样级别不但控制质量,也控制渲染的时间,比如你设置 5级别的采样,但是时间设置为 5小时,实际上渲染的时间不需要 5小时就能到 5级别的采样,为了更好地质量,建议设置到 15至 20之间。 CAMERA SETTINGS RESULT