1、1英汉互译的原理由于从形式来看翻译是用一种语言表达另一种语言所表达的意思,所以无论是从语言的角度看,还是从文学的角度看,都有必要认识所翻译的两种语言之间传统思维习惯上的差异。英汉两种语言完全属于不同的语系,其产生、发展的历史都有所不同,因此在传统的语言思维习惯方面也有很大差异。对此我们可以择其要素简单作以概括。1英语强调名词的语义,名词在英语中既用来命名、指物,也较多地用来概括行为,行为的特点、性质意义以及事物发展与变化的状态,因此英语常常以名词为中心构成更大的语言单位(较长的词组) ,倾向于用名词或名词词组表达一句话中最重要的意思,也可以用比较复杂的名词表达比较复杂的思想。相比之下汉语则更加
2、强调动词的作用,用动词或由动词构成的词组或句子表达较复杂的思想。比如, 英语说 “Lets have a rest” 时, 其中心意思并不在动词“have”上,而是在名词“rest”上;用汉语表达同样的意思,则说“我们休息休息(一下) ”,语义中心就是动词。2英语由于以名词为中心,所以强调用名词或名词性单位对事物进行概括和综合,汉语由于以动词为中心,所以往往对复杂的概念进行动态的分析和具体化的处理。比如,英语的“complexity”可译为“错综复杂” , “justice”可译为“公正守法” , “happiness”可译为“幸福美满”等等。3由于强调名词的中心地位,所以英语在说明某一事物的
3、状态或变化往往倾向于用名词前后的修饰语或限定语来表述,而汉语则倾向于用谓语或表语的方式来描写。比如,英语说“ a little yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar” ,汉语则说, “一个瘸腿叫花子,身材矮小,面色苍黄,衣衫褴褛,满脸胡子” 。4与上述差异相一致,英语句子结构呈静态,而汉语结构则呈动态。比如,英语说“here”, 汉语则说“来” , “过来” ,或“到这儿来” ;英语说 “ready”,汉语则说“准备好了” 。5英语作为一种词语形态有曲折变化的语言,在结构上倾向于形合,即通过词语及其变化形式将各种语言成分组织起来;而汉语则没有词语形态上的曲
4、折变化,强调意合,语言单位之间的关系主要依靠其语义上的关系,比如,汉语说“说时迟,那时快” ,而英语则说“It all happened too fast then for me to describe the process now”或“It all happened faster at that time than it would take me to tell”6英语由于有词语形态的曲折变化,所以也就有了比较严格的语法结构体系。在这一严格的语法体系中,话语以主语为出发点开始组织。汉语则缺乏词尾变化和严密的语法手段,不强调语法结构体系,话语以主题为出发点开始组织。由于这个原因,英语句子一
5、般都有主语,而汉语只要主题清楚,主题之间的关系可以推断,就不必使用主语。英语说, “Mr.- is a professional English teacher. His family is in Beijing and his daughter is at college.”汉语表达同样的意思时说, “某某某先生是职业英语教师,家在北京,女儿上大学” 。27由于以主语为出发点开始组织话语,而构成主语的成分又可以有各种前置或后置的修饰与限定,主语所涉及到的宾语也同样可以有各种修饰,所以英语复杂的句子姿态上呈树状结构。相比之下,汉语由于强调主题的直接发展,所以形态上呈波状结构。由于上述原因,英汉
6、两种语言思维习惯还存在着更多细微的差异,讨论这些差异也有不同的表述术语。比如,从各个不同的角度来看,还可以说英语在复杂句中倾向于使用语法上的形式补充手法继续话语,而汉语则倾向于以主题上的话题发展继续话语;英语倾向于直接性表达,汉语倾向于间接性表达;英语自下而上地表达,汉语自上而下地表达;英语句子具有末端开放的特点,汉语句子则有首端开放的特点。如此等等,我们都将在以后各个章节中从各个不同角度分析、讨论。在此,仅将两种语言主要的差异列表如下,以供参考:English 英语 汉语 Chinese1 Noun-centered 名词中心 动词中心 Verb-centered2 Modification
7、 修饰关系 述谓关系 Predication3 Subject-prominent 主语突出 主题突出 Topic-prominent4 Hypotactic 形合 意合 Paratactic5 Grammatical Structure 语法结构 语义结构 Semantic Structure6 Tree Structure 树状结构 波状结构 Wave Structure7 Static Relation 静态关系 动态关系 Dynamic Relation8 Open End 末端开放 首端开放 Open Head9 Conceptualization 概念化 具体化 Concretiz
8、ation10 Addition 补充 发展 development11 Predicate 谓语 述题 theme12 Directness 直接 间接 indirectness13 Substitution 替代 重复/省略 reiteration/omission14 Bottom-up 自下而上 自上而下 top-down15 Inflexion 曲折变化 词语变化 Verbal change英汉思维差异语言和思维的关系语言和思维之间是辩证统一的关系。语言是表达思维的一种方式,思维方式的不同,不可避免地会在语言上留下痕迹,如英语中叫作 wall clock 的东西,汉语则称为“挂钟”;
9、英语中的 desk clock,汉语则叫做“座钟”;一个侧重地点,一个侧重方式。又如,英语“train“,汉语的等值词为“火车” 。train 的意思是 a connected line of railway carriages or wagons铁路车厢连结成一列。这是从外观上给火车命名的。而汉语“火车”是从这一交通工具的原动力上着眼的:火加热水,水变成蒸汽,蒸汽推动蒸汽机,蒸汽机带动火车车厢。显然,汉民族和英语民族对同一事物的着眼点不一,对事物的命名方式也不一。对此同一事物,日语中为“汽车” ,着眼于“汽” ,跟英、汉语又有不同。又如,英语的“hot bed“,汉语称之为“冷床” 。这是冶
10、金方面的专用名词,是轧钢厂的一种设备。hot bed 的床体是炽热的,但它的作用在于冷却(bed for cooling)。由于命名的着眼点不一样,“hot bed”和“冷床”在词面意义上大相异趣。这往往为不熟悉专业的译者所困惑。反之,语言对思维也有反作用,例如英语用 uncle 一个词表示汉语中的“伯、叔、舅”等概念,因此英语使用者在区分是父亲的兄弟还是母亲的兄弟时就不如汉语使用者那么明确而直观,至3于到底是父亲的哥哥还是父亲的弟弟,汉语受传统“孝梯”观的影响,重长幼之序,区分得十分清楚,英语则不然;反之,要让英语使用者区分 “伯、叔、舅”这三个概念,便得较汉语使用者多费些周折。英民族重抽象
11、思维,汉民族重形象思维由于历史和文化等各方面的原因,从总体上看,英民族擅长用抽象的概念表达具体的事物,比较重视抽象思维能力的运用,具有较强的抽象性。 “外国语言学家长于抽象思维,喜欢玩概念,翻来覆去得说了一大堆,令人感到高深莫测,不得要领” 。相比之下,汉民族则更习惯于运用形象的方法表达抽象概念,不太重视纯粹意义的抽象思维,具有较强的形象性。这种不同的侧重,植根于各自的民族文化土壤。中国传统文化的重要特征之一是“尚象”;西方文化传统的重要特征之一是“尚思” 。西方人在认识客观世界的过程中,最终目的是为了探究世界的始基,以分类方法为主要的认识手段,试图从抽象的类别中提出物象的共相,再上升为纯思的
12、抽象概括,将各类抽象的共性归在一起,形成柏拉图所称谓的“理念世界” 。柏拉图认为,世界原本是理性的,现实世界是理念的反映,而理念则是理性在思维中的产物。汉文化传统“尚象”的传统形成了汉民族偏重形象的思维方式,西方文化“尚思”的文化传统形成了英民族偏重抽象的思维方式。英汉文字的演变和发展的历史就是东西方民族形象思维和抽象思维的最好佐证。中国文字是由整体象形文字发展而来的会意文字,有书画共源的特点,其起源的形象当是原始图画,经后世演化,逐渐由图画形式改为线条即成为象形文字,凸现简单的物象,有较强的直观性,如日、月、人、雨等。另外,由汉字组成的词语,直观性也很强,如橡皮嘴(dummy; comfor
13、ter) ,灯笼 裤(knickers) ,回形针(paper clip)等,形象鲜明生动,而相应的英文大多只说明功能。 可以说,汉字的产生和发展是汉民族形象思维的结果。西方民族的文字也是由图形演变而来,其字母的形成和发展跟汉语的象形文字有很多相似之处,只是由于西方文化的“尚思”传统,主体抽象思维抽走了具体物象的形象,逐渐形成了概括某一类物象的概念符号,不像汉字那么直观形象。因此,西方民族文字的演变与发展跟抽象思维方式有着密切的联系。英汉语言差异英民族擅长用抽象概念表达具体的事物,比较重视抽象能力的运用;而汉民族恰恰相反,我们更习惯于运用形象的方法表达抽象的概念,不太重视纯粹意义的抽象思维。这
14、种思维形式上的不同在语言上表现为:英语常常使用大量的抽象名词来表达复杂的理性概念。这些抽象名词,涵义概括,指称笼统,给人一种“虚” 、 “泛” 、 “暗” 、 “曲” 、 “隐”的感觉。如“The absence of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory developments.(No news is good news.)句中的 absence, intelligence 和 developments。而汉语则习惯于使用具体、形象的词语来表达虚泛的概念,这种表达给人一种“实” 、 “明” 、 “显” 、 “形象”的感觉,如成语“画饼充
15、饥” 、 “望梅止渴”(指借空想来安慰自己 )中的“饼” 与“饥” , “梅”与“渴” 。 正是基于这一点,汉语爱以具体比喻抽象,以物表感,状物言志。如“蚕食”(to nibble)、 “势如破竹”(with irresistible force; like splitting a bamboo)、 “如日中天”(like the sun at high noon; at the apex of ones power, career, etc.)等等。 .思维习惯不同,造成词义理解困难,进而影响译文的准确性。由于英民族注重抽象思维,4因而抽象表达法在英语里使用得相当普遍,尤其在社会科学论著、官
16、方文章、报刊评论、法律文书和商业信件等文体中。这就为我们的翻译活动造成了巨大的障碍。这是因为汉语缺乏英语中抽象表达的手段,其词语没有形态变化。因此,英文中的大量抽象名词,往往难以用汉字对应翻译,相反,汉语中许多表具体的词也难以在英文中得以体现,如果我们生拉硬套地进行翻译的话,势必会使译文晦涩、费解。如:我们汉语成语“胸有成竹” ,如果望文生义地译成“to have a bamboo in one s chest“,也一定使人大惑不解。英汉互译由于汉语缺乏象英语那样的虚化手段,因而常常用比较具体的方式来表达抽象的意义。具体说来,就是在英译汉的过程中,把英语中抽象或者比较抽象的单词、词组、成语或者
18、工作者在阅读理解、翻译著作等方而造成许多障碍,需要我们对这一问题详加剖析。英语抽象名词主要由动词或形容词派生而成或由动词短语和介词短语转化而来。王力先生在他的中国语法理论一书中曾经指出:“英文从形容词形成的抽象名词,如 kindness, wisdom, humility, Youth,从动词形成的抽象名词,如invitation, movement, choice, assistance, arrival, discovery 等,中国字典里可以说没有一个词和它们相当的。在中国词的形式上,咱们辨别不出抽象名词的特征。 ” 有鉴于此,在英译汉时,我们常常用汉语中的动词或形容词取代英语中的抽象名
19、词。1.抽象名词译成动词英语尤其是科技英语的显著特点是抽象名词多,行文紧凑、简洁。英语抽象名词表示行为或动作意义时,这类名词构成的短语相当于主谓结构或动宾结构。英汉翻译时,可以发挥汉语动词优势,把抽象名词译成动词,以动代静。比如,“The solution of this kind of problem lies in.”其汉译往往是: “要解决这种问题,必须”汉语中动词的使用频率要高得多,因为汉语是非形态语言,动词没有束缚,使用十分方便灵活。 One of the characteristics of the Chinese language is the predominance of t
20、he verb.汉语的特点之一是常用动词。The appearance of the book on the market caused a sensation.这本书一上市就轰动。When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either on board ship or on shore. It produces a great quantity of oil which can be made into food for human consumption.鲸鱼杀死以后,把鲸脂剥下来熬油,这项
21、工作有的是在船上进行的,有的是在岸上进行的。这样就能生产出大量油,供人们食用。For this, by arrangement with the Dutch Government, he went to the island of Curacao in the 5Caribbean, cut off from the mainland by at least 50 miles of sea. (Ex.23b)为此目的,经与荷兰政府接洽,他来到加勒比海上的库拉索岛,该岛和大陆之间相隔至少五十英里宽的海面。The UN officials worried about the political s
22、tability in that nation.联合国官员们对那个国家的政局能否保持稳定感到担心。 (还增加了“能否”二字)I wondered if it was possible that it (my wallet) could have slipped out of my pocket while I was eating dinner. Thinking about that possibility,I turned and walked back to the table where I had been sitting.我想,是不是我刚才吃饭时钱包掉了呢?是否有这种可能?我一边想
23、着,一边又回过头来,走回到刚刚吃过饭的那张桌旁。On previous occasions,Canada expressed certain reservations about the possibility of obtaining general agreement on a definition of aggression and in fact questioned the utility,in light of the international situation,of continuing the search for such a definition.就侵略定义是否有可能取
24、得大体一致的意见这个问题,加拿大过去持保留意见,事实上,鉴于当时的国际形势,它对继续寻求这样一个定义是否可取是否有用也曾表示怀疑。We will be tracing slow acquisition of knowledge about material world by scientists in many different cultures.我们将探究具有各种不同文化背景的科学家们是如何逐步获得有关物质世界的知识的。 说明:(1)抽象名词 acquisition 译成动词“获得”;(2)原句表层结构中没有“how”一词,但在翻译时从逻辑出发增加“如何 ,两字,以确切表达原文底层结构中包
25、含的意义;(3)抽象名词 culture 义域较广,已不是一般的 “文化”含义,其义域应引伸译为 “文化背景” 。Scientists are confident about the formation of coal.科学家确知煤是怎样形成的.此句还在动词“形成”前面增加了“怎样”二字,这样译正合原意。The newspaper claims to be the mirror of public opinions.该报宣称忠实反映了公众的意见。Although I had read about all the money being spent on cancer research,I ha
26、d heard very little about the emotional rehabilitation of cancer patients and their families.尽管我得知大量金钱正用于研究癌症,但是,却很少听说癌症患者以及他们的家人能够恢复精神上的创伤。Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies.阿基米德首先发现固体排水的原理。说明:抽象名词 displacement 既起强调概念的作用,又可简化句子,否则该句则需写成:Archimedes fir
27、st discovered the principle that water is displaced by solid bodies.The colonel had a firm handclasp and a brilliant smile for everyone.上校和每个人都坚定地握握手,灿烂地笑一笑。6如果译成“上校给每个人一个紧紧的握手和一个灿烂的微笑”则未免不伦不类,不符合汉语的表达习惯。The development of an economical artificial heart is only a few transient failures away.只消再经过几次失
28、败,就能造出价格低廉的人工心脏了。These problems defy easy classification.Modern English polite society seems to me as corrupt as consciousness of culture and absence of honesty can make it.The literal or metaphorical use of such expressions as “Case Law” throughout the English-speaking world reflects a common herit
29、age in our legal system.The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products.Every thing I do has to be my decision,and that gives me the responsibility of handling my own life. No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a number of the old gene
30、rations back 36 years agoThe thought of returning filled him with fear.She has a good command of the English language.It was easy for me to agree with his brilliant analysis of the problem.The growing awareness by millions of Africans of their extremely poor and backward living conditions has promot
31、ed them to take resolute measures and create new onesDifferent between the social systems of states shall not be an obstacle to their approach and cooperation.The paper said that foreign agents had infiltrated the then government,and engineered the presidents overthrow.People felt very sorry at Linc
32、olns assassination.They are convinced that a political party will arise in their defense in the years to come.It is the method to follow for distribution analysis.He showed with his eye that he heard,but made no sign of assent or dissent.7The next news bulletin,shorter than usual,made no mention of
33、the demonstration.In the early 1600s,the Hollanders were great farmers.The old hunter is a good skierHe is a regular visitor.He is a good eater and a good sleeper.Your silence on this matter puzzled me.The vacancy of his expression made me doubt if he was listening.Exertion already had chipped about
34、 20 pounds off him.Sickness had robbed her of her confidence that she could carry the load.Starvation was a remote threat to them.There is a crying need for a new remedy.The whole devastating experience sharpened my appreciation of the world around me.反之,在汉译英时,我们如果能有意识地将动词名词化,可使译文简洁,表达地道,富有“英语味” 。试比
35、较以下各句的两种译文:大学生活使我感到兴奋。a) College life makes me feel excited.b) College life filled me with excitement.如果你仔细比较这两种生活方式,你将会发现前者比后者优越。a) If you compare two ways of life carefully, you will find the former is superior to the latter.b) Careful comparison of two ways of life will show the superiority of th
36、e former over the latter.这种生活方式已被越来越多的年轻人接受,并受到欢迎。 a) The life-style has become accepted and welcome by more and more young people.b) The life-style has found its growing popularity and acceptance among young people.我们的父母总是期望我们在学校有进步,如果我们没有做到,他们就会问为什么。 a) Our parents always expect us to make progres
37、s in school and if we fail to do so, they will ask why.8b) Our parents always expect progress of us in school and question its absence.老师走了以后,激烈的争论才告结束。a) After the teacher had left, the heated discussion then ended.b) The departure of the teacher brought the heated discussion to an end.地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的
38、变化a) The earth rotates on its own axis,which causes the change from day to nightb) The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.以上各句中的 a)句,虽无语法错误,可缺少英文味,因为动词多,人称多,复句多。而改进后的 b) 句,由于大量使用了名词,减少了动词,从而使英语句子更加简洁紧凑;同时也避免了因为使用动词而不得不把人牵涉进来,从而使语句更加含蓄、间接、抽象,使得句子的英语味道更浓,更符合英美人的语
39、言表达习惯。2.抽象名词译成形容词Scarcity of deer in some areas of Texas is attributed to the screwworm.得克萨斯州某些地区鹿之所以稀少,就是这种螺旋锥蝇造成的。Patients bills of rights require that they be informed about their condition and about alternatives for treatment.根据病人权利的法规,医生应将病情和可供选择的治疗方案通告病人。The share each one gets is in proportio
40、n to the amount of capital he has supplied.每个人所得到的份额是与其提供的资金成比例的。We are deeply convinced of the correctness of his police and firmly determined to pursue it他们深信这一政策是正确的,并有坚定的决心继续奉行这一政策。He shook his head and his eyes were wide,then narrowed in indignation.他摇了摇头,两眼睁得圆圆的,接着又眯成一条线,脸上露出了愤怒的神色。He knew wha
41、t he wanted and he wanted only this: to understand within his limits as a human being the nature of the universe and the logic and simplicity in its functioning.他知道自己想要什么,他想要的只是在力所能及的范围之内,去了解宇宙的性质及其活动的基本规律In that moment,feeling Mothers back racked with emotion,I understood for the first time her vul
42、nerability.So we drove between the green of the park and the stony lifeless elegance of hotels and apartment buildings.Physical training is an absolute necessity to university students.9The blockade was a success.It is a pleasure to meet you.As he is a perfect stranger in the city, I hope you will g
43、ive him the necessary help.汉译英光掩模必须具有稳定的尺寸。The photo mask must possess dimensional stability.我甚至极力压低嗓门,尽量不让我的语调带有丝毫暗示或咄咄逼人的口吻。I even tried to keep the tone of my voice low,trying to rob it of any suggestion or overtone of aggressiveness.她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她那时的情绪。 The pallor of her face indicated clearly ho
44、w she was feeling at the moment.我在想为什么许多人对出国如此热衷。 I have always wondered at the passion many people have of going abroad.对此,请允许我以陪同我访问的代表团和我本人的名义向你们表示诚挚的谢意,并向你们传达我们人民的兄弟般的友好情谊。Allow me on behalf of the delegation that accompanies me and in my own name,to sincerely thank you for this and convey to yo
45、u the message of friendship and fraternity of our people.当蔚蓝的天空和碧绿的原野之间出现了一望无际的大海时,女学生的脚步停下了,她望着海。And there,below the serene blue sky and beyond the vivid green of the fields,was a vast expanse of ocean stretching to the horizon .The girl halted and gazed at the sea爱情不分贵贱。Love lives in cottages as w
46、ill as in courts.电动机发明之后,电力才开始造福人类。Electricity power became the servant of man only after the motor was invented.摩天大楼极大地消耗、甚至浪费电力。Skyscrapers become lavish consumers, and wasters of, electric power.为缓和中国伤病员缺医少药的状况,她日日夜夜进行捐款和捐助医药器材的工作,而自己很少有时间。She took little time off from her untiring effort to rais
47、e the funds and hospital supplies to help alleviate the neglect with which the Chinese treated their sick and wounded soldiers“缺医少药”这个具体的东西,即使能译出来,英语也不会很顺。但如抽象一点,不10把“doctors“ “medicines”译出,用“neglect”抽象词表示“缺医少药”意思反而容易一点。1994 年要迈出决定性步伐,即出台几项改革政策,把中国进一步推向市场经济。“迈出步伐,出台政策”是形象性的表达,用抽象词作主语,可以避免这个可能较难翻译的表达
48、:The decisive moves in 1994 to bring China closer to a market economy involve some reform policies.在经济发展中,我们要控制人口,节约资源,保护环境,并把它们放到重要位置上。“控制人口,节约资源,保护环境”都可以用抽象名词表达: population control,the conservation Of resources and environmental protection,问题只需找一个能与它们三个都能搭配的动词就可以了。根据上下文“并把它们放到重要位置上”的意思。用一个“give ap
49、riority to”或“attach much importance to“就可与它们三个搭配:a) In economic development, we must control our population, conserve our natural resources and protect our environment.b) Great importance must be attached to population control, the conservation of resources and environmental protection in economic growth.我可不愿让人家说我从来不教自己的孩子要尊敬长辈。“尊敬”动词 respect 的派生名词也是 respect,这样就可以 teach sbrespect for的搭配:I will not have it said that I could never teach my children respect for their elders.禁止任何叛国,分裂国家,煽动叛乱,及窃取国家机密的行为。to prohibit any act of treason, acts to split the c