1、 C/2006 M6 设备设计 /诊断维修 /再制造 Hq/ m s !9 1, 1, V1 d 1,S X2(1 2 vY,510640; 2DrYK ,D511700)K1 LS-DYNA m k sbYV k4 m a/ 7 f ,i m a HW, s s V Lb s d V m+ 7y, sV ms !9i b sT,49F m !9Z,Z$ s rb1oM: m !9ms |: TH12 DS M : A cI|: 1671) 3133( 2006) 06) 0112) 03Impact dynam ics analysis and optim ization design of
2、a mobile phone under dropping conditionTangLiqun1, SunHui1, HeTinghui1, Liu Y iping1, Zhan Keyin2(1 College ofTraffic and Communications, South ChinaUniversity ofTechnology, Guangzhou 510640, CHN;2 Dongguan VTech Communication Limited, Dongguan 511700, Guangdong, CHN)Abstract The high-speed digital
3、camera and LS-DYNA were used to analyze the impact dynam ics of a new kind ofmobilephone underdropping. The separated position of themobilephonewas observed from the dropping tests, and the dropping veloc-ity, rebounding velocity, and impact timeweremeasured also, and a theoreticalanalysis showed th
4、e reasonability and reliability ofthe numerical analysis. The numericalanalysis also revealedwhy themobile phone separated on the specific location underdrop-pings, which indicated that there existed someunreasonable designs of themobilephone. According to theanalysis results, an op-timized scheme b
5、ased on increasing the flexibility was proposed, which. s effectiveness was proved by the further dynam icsanalysis.K ey words:M obile phone dropping H igh-speed photography Impact dynam ics Optim ized designm k mE_ m BS kbK kHq,E ? 7Z m T k,yN T ab“ ? m !9 _,4 m !94rypb “ -S = m vs G s, LS-DYNA1b 2
6、vLS-DYNAsm?LZ_ f /, m s#?L 2;6vUT r B9 m L8s, m+1oKv # M Z_3; m 3EI m T/,A U / PCB 0 q( #1M,#s m M4b s ? E m W aMTa M V, b a M m M? p, s+Y s 1 k_b1 km m1 U, m9 18618gbm1 m Z_#q hmm q h5,j4 8mm,m |61Z_(nm1)b k |112设备设计 /诊断维修 /再制造C/2006 M6 1520mm, Z T 1 8b m T ABS , 1105g/cm3, % 47173MPa, 2260MPabk m
7、T Z Tb Y5 m6 S S:b m , (|: MotionXtraHG-100K)6 m - f ,V7 km m - b k 2000/sb TV ,Z_3Z_6 H, m3#q h 7bN, m ,m2 “ m Ubm2 Z_3 v Vm2 V A, m T k ? p m Hvm1 UZ_,yN,Q H m? 3 bWJb“ P 9 46 m bm3 Z_3 H,s q v ,1s m - bM7,Z_3 1 X, ? m - M HWbVm3 V A, m - v1 =5142m/s,Q v2 = - 3102m /s, HW$t= 215msbm3 Z_3 H m M2 s
8、“ ,“ V M T“ O :M v1-M v2 = F$t (1)lllllllllllN, V9 m s FbT: M“9 ; v1av2sY“ V Sa H ; $tT HWb_: T m 1 8,51 8 T: v1 = ( 2gh1 )1/2, h1 m b m kh1 = 1152m, V9 v1= 5146m /sb7 kTv1 = 5142m/s,=d,yN m V AT1 8b 9 :v1av2# HW$t VYV k ,yN T( 1) V9 mZ_3 H F:F =M v1 -Mv2$t = 011868 ( 5142+ 3102)215 10- 3 = 631(N)(
9、2)lllllllllllllllllll3 s311 s mPro/E , m -a Taa #FqS ae, e -4/,YVANSYSPro/E g ANSYSbm4 m8 mm -a TaaAU T,4Shell163;a L8q8Shell164b8s m4 Ub8 - TH): a/ | T8,q hi(M erge), M , |1 (,“)T L= f 1 , V ?h ) sg M ? b312 Ts31211 m m5 U6 Z_/ m8 s HWM1“mbm Vn, vl M t Z_M1b HWv1 115ms b 9 Hm5 m HWM1“113C/2006 M6 设
10、备设计 /诊断维修 /再制造W |10msQ L Vbm5A U,mZ_3 H s Kv,1800N,1y m s _, O ,4 Z_ b mZ_5Kv Kl,1000Nb7 +Z_Kv Mv,vV1100N1300NWb k kTM1, E HW1ms,l k215msb 3“Y1y k m vZ_3 ,7 P5“,“,yN HWMb1ms =, E pZ_3 ( F= 625N, 9 Tdb E ? E L Vb31212 q h m s, V9 p6 f /q h(q hI| m1a6 U) s b q h sKv V1 UbV1 q h sKv q hKv/MPa Z_1# 2213
11、3 42# 11138 63# 33180 44# 5159 45# 11130 2Vn,Z_4 MB Z_, 3#q h s Kvq hb I m V, 3#q h / 7bT m k4TMb4 q h !9 X3#q h V 7 f ,A1 !9bq h7, V !9: ab !9q h ,5T v, I nq hb3#q hM q hK ( 4mm),B4XE YV9F3#q hhlq h Kv b !9q hV4mmsYF6mma8mm,9 KBZ_4 /3#q h s f V2 UbVV2 V A, “3#q h9F, 3#q h & s i Mh (MV1 ), F3#q h, r
12、Eb y?C, 3#q hZ_4 H , s H dv, qh4S =, P93#q h,9Em6 3|q hhlq h s bNI n q hE 7 , a/ ) aMM,“3#q h s |Ml,1 p 7b B k,9F3#q h7 M3#q hE(3M3cnm6)b|3#qh M24mm?C, s A/(24117MPa), 4M3#q h !9 X r, B9F X, 5 kbV2 3#q hKv q hMq h/mm 3#q h /MPa4 331806 361908 331685 1) m -a HW,N E p ( Td,r_ s V Lb2) sTA U, 3#q h s K
13、v, d m kV, 3#q h) a/ 7yb3)49F Xq h !9bsT ,Z rb X 5 kb ID: 1 赵海鸥. LS-DYNA动力分析指南 M .北京:兵器出版社, 2003. 2 熊建友,辛勇,揭小平,等. ANSYS/LS-DYNA在跌落仿真中的应用 J. 计算机辅助工程, 2003( 2):46- 49. 3 李鹏中,张为民,陈炳森,等.手机环境试验自由跌落的 CAE仿真 J. 制造工业自动化, 2003, 25( 8):36- 39. 4 ANSYS INC. ANSYS在电子产品设计中应用. h-ttp: / /www. ansys. com. cn/Case Study/hangye/dianzi/2. pd.f作者简介:汤立群,教授a博士生导师b主要从事冲击动力学a材料本构关系以及路桥力学相关领域的研究b电话: ( 020)87111030收稿日期: 2005-12-08114