1、超声 II 级基础理论试卷UT Level II General Examination姓名: 答卷时间: 地点:Name Time Location得分: 评卷人: 时间:Marks Examiner Date1. 超声波探伤中,最常用的换能器应用的原理是: ( B )A) 磁致伸缩原理 B) 压电原理 C) 波型转换原理 D) 以上都不是The transducers most commonly found in ultrasonic search units (probes) used for discontinuity testing utilize:A) magnetostricti
2、on principles B) piezoelectric principlesC) mode conversion principles D) none of the above2. 下列哪种声波具有多种不同的波速? ( D )A) 纵波 B) 切变波 C) 横波 D) 兰姆波Of the following sound wave modes, which one has multiple or varying wave velocities?A) longitudinal waves B) shear waves C) transverse waves D) lamb waves3. 下
3、列哪种情况可应用超声技术进行检测? ( D )A) 确定材料弹性模量 B) 研究材料冶金组织 C) 测量材料厚度 D) 以上都可以Which of the following would be considered application(s) of ultrasonic techniques?A) determination of a materials elastic modulus B) study of a materials meallurgical structureC) measurement of a materials thickness D) all of the abov
4、e4. 可在液体中传播的唯一声波是: ( B )A) 切变波 B) 纵波 C) 表面波 D) 瑞利波The only significant sound wave mode that will travel through a liquid is:A) shear B) longitudinal C) surface D) rayleigh5. 材料的声阻抗用来: ( C )A) 确定界面上的折射角 B) 确定材料的声衰减C) 确定界面上透过和反射声能的相对数量 D) 确定材料中声束扩散角The acoustic impedance of a material is used to:A) de
5、termine the angle of refraction at an interfaceB) determine the attenuation within the materialC) determine the relative amounts of sound energy coupled through and reflected at an interfaceD) determine the beam spread within the material6. 对试样进行接触法斜角探伤时,如果入射角达到第二临界角,会发生: ( C )A) 表面波全反射 B) 切变波45折射 C
6、) 表面波 D) 以上都不对When angle beam contact testing a test piece, increasing the incident angle until the second critical angle is reached results in:A) total reflection of a surface wave B) 45 refraction of the shear waveC) production of a surface wave D) none of the above7. 接触法探伤中,靠近入射表面的缺陷并不是总能探测出来的,其原
7、因是: ( C )A) 远场效应 B) 衰减 C) 盲区 D) 折射In contact testing, defects near the entry surface cannot always be detected because of:A) the far-field effect B) attenuation C) the dead zone D) refraction8. 换能器频率与晶片厚度有关,晶片愈薄: ( B )A) 频率愈低 B) 频率愈高 C) 频率无显著差别 D) 以上都不对The crystal thickness and transducer frequency
8、are related, the thinner the crystal:A) the lower the frequency B) the higher the frequencyC) there is no appreciable affect D) none of the above9. 靠近换能器的声压波动区域的长度主要取决于: ( D )A) 换能器的频率 B) 换能器的直径 C) 换能器电缆的长度 D) A和BThe length of the Zone adjacent to a transducer in which fluctuations in sound pressure
9、 occur is mostly affected by:A) the frequency of the transducer B) the diameter of the transducer C) the length of transducer cable D) both A and B10. 换能器从埋藏深度不同的相同反射体接收的信号差别可能是由哪种原因引起的? ( D )A) 材料衰减 B) 声束扩散 C) 近场效应 D) 以上都可能The differences in signals received from identical reflectors at different m
10、aterial distances from a transducer may be caused by:A) material attenuation B) beam divergence C) near field effects D) all of the above11. 探头横向移动时,比探头尺寸小的缺陷产生的信号振幅发生起伏的变化。在哪个区域探伤时可能发生这种情况? ( B )A) 费朗霍夫区 B) 近场区 C) 斯奈尔区 D) 阴影区It is possible for a discontinuity smaller than the transducer to produce
11、indications of fluctuating amplitude as the search unit is moved laterally, if testing is being performed in the:A) Fraunhofer Zone B) Near field C) Snell field D) Shadow zone12. 液浸探伤时,采用哪种方法可消除探头近场的影响? ( C )A) 提高频率 B) 使用直径较大的探头 C) 采用合适的水距 D) 使用聚焦换能器In immersion testing, the near field affects of a
12、transducer may be eliminated by:A) increasing transducer frequency B) use of a larger diameter transducerC) using an appropriate water path D) use of a focused transducer13. 图1中,假定探头声束是均匀的,点A 和点B分层缺陷反射信号振幅之间存在什么关系?( C )A) 相差12dB B) 振幅相同 C) 二比一 D) 三比一分层缺陷 Laminar reflectorIn Figure 1 shown below, ass
13、uming a uniform beam pattern, what relationship would you expect to exist between the amplitudes of the reflected laminar signals at position A and B?A) 12dB difference B) Equal amplitudes C) 2 to 1 D) 3 to 114. 在均匀的超声波束的远场中,声束中心线上的声强度: ( B )A) 最低 B) 最高C) 在2角度内声强度最高 Sin=C/D f 式中C为声速,D为晶片直径,f为频率D) 与中
14、心线的方向无关In the far field of uniform ultrasonic beam, sound intensity is the beam centerlineA) minimum at B) maximum atC) maximum throughout twice the angle(Sin=c/ Df) where C is acoustic velocity, D is crystal diameter, and B is frequency atD) not related to orientation of15. 在 细 长 的 棒 中 , 如 果 由 于 声
15、束 扩 散 而 使 声 束 到 达 底 面 前 在 试 件 侧 面 发 生 反 射 , 会 发 生 什 么 情 况 ?( C )A) 一次底面反射前出现许多信号显示 B) 产生多次表面反射信号C) 发生纵波变为切变波的波型转换 D) 前表面反射降低Which of the following may result on a long narrow rod if the beam divergence results in a reflection from a side of the test piece before the sound wave reaches the back surfa
16、ce?A) multiple indications before the first back reflectionB) indications from multiples surface reflectionsC) conversion from the longitudinal mode to shear modeD) loss of front surface indications16. 声束在何处发生扩散? ( B )A) 近场 B) 远场 C) 晶片上 D) 以上都不是Where does beam divergence occur?A) near field B) far f
17、ield C) at the crystal D) none of the above17. 在直径一定的情况下,当晶片频率提高时,声束扩散角将: ( A )A) 减小 B) 不变 C) 增大 D) 通过每个波长变化As frequency increase in ultrasonic testing, the angle of beam divergence of a given diameter crystalA) decreases B) remains unchangedC) increases D) varies uniformly through each wavelength 1
18、8. 频率超出人耳听觉范围的声波叫做超声波或超声振动,其频率大约高于: ( A )A) 20000Hz B) 2MHz C) 2KHz D) 200KHzSound waves of a frequency beyond the hearing range of the human ear are referred to as ultrasonic waves vibrations, and the term embraces all vibration waves of frequency greater than approximately:A) 20000Hz B) 2MHz C) 2K
19、Hz D) 200KHz19. 声波速度主要取决于: ( C )A) 脉冲长度 B) 频率 C) 传声材料和振动方式 D) 以上都不是The velocity of sound waves primarily depend on:A) the pulse length B) the frequencyC) the material in which the sound is being transmitted and mode of vibration D) none of the above20. 如果一个接触法斜探头在钢中产生45切变波,该探头在铝中产生的切变波角度为(已知Vs钢=0.32
20、3cm/微秒) ( A )A) 小于45 B) 大于45 C) 45 D) 还需要其它数据才能确定If a contact angle beam transducer produces a 45shear wave in steel, the angle produced by the same transducer in an aluminum specimen would be:A) less than 45 B) greater than 45 C) 45 D) more information required21. 位于何处的缺陷对瑞利波影响最大? ( C )A) 表面下一个波长处
21、B) 表面下 6个波长处 C) 接近表面或表面上 D) 表面下8 个波长处Rayleigh waves are influenced most by defects located:A) one wavelength below the surface B) six wavelengths below the surfaceC) close to or on the surface D) eight wavelengths below the surface22. 水中声速与铝或钢中的声速之比约为: ( A )A) 1:4 B) 1:2 C) 1:8 D) 1:3The ratio of th
22、e velocity of sound in water compared to that for aluminum or steel is approximately:A) 1:4 B) 1:2 C) 1:8 D) 1:323. 下列哪种扫描方法可归类为液浸试验法? ( D )A) 探头和工件均浸于槽中B) 声波通过喷射的水柱发射到工件中C) 将换能器置于充水轮胎内的轮式探头扫描方法D) 以上都是Which of the following scanning methods could be classified as an immersion type test?A) the search
23、 unit and text piece are immersed in the tankB) squirter bubbler method in which the sound is transmitted in a column of flowing waterC) scanning with a wheel -type search unit with the transducer inside a liquid filled tire D) all of the above24. 探头中压电材料的作用是: ( C )A) 将电能转换为机械能 B) 将机械能转换为电能 C) A和B D
24、) 既不是A,也不是BThe piezoelectric material in the search unit:A) converts electrical energy to mechanical energyB) converts mechanical energy to electrical energyC) both A and BD) neither A nor B25. 计算金属中纵波和切变波折射角应使用什么定律? ( B )A) 泊松比定律 B) 斯奈尔定律 C) 费朗霍夫定律 D) 查尔斯定律What law can be used to calculate the angl
25、e of refraction within a metal for both longitudinal and shear waves?A) Poissons Ratio Law B) Snells Law C) Fraunhofers Law D) Charles Law26. 在两种不同材料的界面上,声阻抗差会引起: ( C )A) 入射能量在界面上全部反射 B) 声波被吸收C) 声能分为透过波和反射波两部分 D) 以上都不对At an interface between two different materials, an impedance difference results i
26、n:A) reflection of the entire incident energy at the interfaceB) absorption of soundC) division of sound energy into transmitted and reflected modesD) none of the above27. 换能器直径减小时,声束扩散角: ( C )A) 减小 B) 不变 C) 增大 D) 变为圆锥形的As transducer diameter decreases, the beam spread:A) decreases B) remains the sa
27、me C) increases D) becomes conical in shape28. 发生90折射纵波的声束入射角叫做: ( B )A) 入射角 B) 第一临界角 C) 最大反射角 D) 第二临界角The angle at which 90refraction of a longitudinal sound wave is reached is called:A) the angle of incidence B) the first critical angleC) the angle of maximum reflection D) the second critical angl
28、e29. 金属零件中的粗大晶粒通常会引起: ( D )A) 底面反射降低或消失 B) 较高的 “杂波”或噪声显示C) 穿透力降低 D) 以上都是Large grains in a metallic test specimen usually result in:A) decrease or loss of back surface reflection B) large “hash“ or noise indicationsC) decrease in penetration D) all of the above30. 在整个材料中发生的能量的总损耗称为: ( A )A) 衰减 B) 散射
29、C) 声束扩散 D) 界面The total energy losses occurring in all materials is called:A) attenuation B) scatter C) beam spread D) interface31. 当入射角选在第一临界角和第二临界角之间时,在零件中发生的超声波是: ( B )A) 纵波 B) 横波 C) 表面波 D) 兰姆波When the incident angle is chosen to be between the first and second critical angles, the ultrasonic wave
30、 generated within the part will be:A) longitudinal B) shear C) surface D) lamb32. 使横波折射角等于90的声波入射角叫做: ( B )A) 第一临界角 B) 第二临界角 C) 第三临界角 D) 反射角The angle at which 90 refraction of the shear wave mode occurs is called the:A) first critical angle B) second critical angle C) third critical angle D) angle o
31、f reflection33. 钢件水浸探伤时,超声波入射角为14,钢件中的横波折射角为多大? ( C )(已知Vs=3.210 5cm/秒,Vw=1.510 5cm/秒)A) 45 B) 23 C) 31 D) 13In a water immersion test, ultrasonic energy is transmitted into steel at an incident angle of 14. What is the angle of the refracted shear wave within the material?A) 45 B) 23 C) 31 D) 1334.
32、 为了在铝件中产生瑞利波,设计塑料楔块时,超声入射角应为多大?(已知:VA=3.1 105cm/秒,V=2.610 5cm/秒,可使用三角函数表) ( B )A) 37 B) 57 C) 75 D) 45If you were requested to design a plastic shoe to generate a Rayleigh wave in aluminum, what would be the incident angle of the ultrasonic sound? Va=3.1105/sec VP=2.6105/secA) 37 B) 57 C) 75 D) 4535
33、. 计算1MHZ超声波在铅中的波长(已知 VL=2.1105cm/秒,V=f) ( A )A) 0.21cm B) 21cm C) 0.48cm D) 4.810-5cmCompute the wavelength of ultrasonic energy in lead at 1 MHz (VL=2.1105cm/sec,V=f)A) 0.21cm B) 21cm C) 0.48cm D) 4.810-5cm36. 超声波从一种介质进入速度不同的另一种介质后, 声束与过入射点而垂直于两种介质界面的垂线之间所成的角叫做: ( B )A) 入射角 B) 折射角 C) 膨胀角 D) 反射角The
34、angle formed by an ultrasonic wave as it enters a medium of different velocity than the one from which it came and a line drawn perpendicular to the interface between the two media is called:A) the angle of incidence B) the angle of refractionC) the angle of rarefaction D) the angle of reflection37.
35、 同种波型的声波,反射角: ( A )A) 等于入射角 B) 取决于使用的耦合剂C) 取决于使用的频率 D) 等于折射角The angle of reflection is:A) equal to the angle of incidence B) dependent on the couplant usedC) dependent on the frequency used D) equal to the angle of refraction38. 持续时间很短的冲击电能叫做: ( D )A) 连续波 B) 直流峰值电压 C) 超声波 D) 脉冲A short burst of alter
36、nation electrical energy is called:A) a continuous wave B) a peaked DC voltageC) an ultrasonic wave D) a pulse39. 超声试验中,发射脉冲的持续时间叫做: ( A )A) 脉冲长度或脉冲宽度 B) 脉冲振幅 C) 脉冲形状 D) 以上都不是In ultrasonic testing ,the time duration of the transmitted is referred to as:A) the pulse length or pulse width B) the pulse
37、 amplitudeC) the pulse shape D) none of the above40. 声波碰到界面时在原介质中改变传播方向的现象叫做: ( D )A) 发散 B) 阻抗 C) 角度调整 D) 反射The phenomenon by which a wave strikes a boundary and changes the direction of its propagation within the same medium is referred to as:A) divergence B) impedance C) angulation D) reflection41
38、. 在频率一定和材料相同的情况下,下列哪种波的波长最短? ( D )A) 纵波 B) 压缩波 C) 切变波 D) 表面波Which of the following modes of vibration exhibits the shortest wavelength at a given frequency and in a given material?A) longitudinal wave B) compression wave C) shear wave D) surface wave42. 一 般 说 来 , 在 频 率 一 定 和 材 料 相 同 的 情 况 下 , 切 变 波
39、对 小 缺 陷 的 灵 敏 度 比 纵 波 高 。 这 是 因 为 :( A )A) 切变波的波长比纵波波长短 B) 切变波在材料中不易发生频散C) 切变波的质点振动方向对缺陷比较敏感 D) 切变波的波长比纵波波长长In general, shear waves are more sensitive to small discontinuities than longitudinal waves for a given frequency and in a given material because:A) the wavelength of shear waves is shorter th
40、an the wavelength of longitudinal waves.B) shear waves are not as easily dispersed in the material.C) the direction of particle vibration for shear waves is more sensitive to discontinuities.D) the wavelength of shear waves is longer than the wavelength of longitudinal waves.43. 在频率相同的情况下,下列哪种波在粗晶材料
41、中的穿透力最大? ( A )A) 纵波 B) 切变波 C) 横波 D) 以上波都相同In general, which of the following modes of vibration would have the greatest penetrating power in a coarse-grained material if the frequency of the waves are the same?A) longitudinal B) shear C) transverseD) all of the above modes would have the same penetr
42、ating power44. 使晶片平行于被检材料表面,声束垂直于材料表面进入材料的探伤方法叫做: ( A )A) 垂直探伤 B) 斜角探伤 C) 表面波探伤 D) 以上都不是A testing technique in which the crystal or transducer is parallel to the test surface and ultrasinic waves enter the material being testing in a direction perpendicular to the test surface is:A) straight beam te
43、sting B) angle beam testing C) surface wave testing D) none of the above45. 公式 称为 ( D )21VA) 声阻抗比公式 B) 相位转换公式 C) 菲涅尔区公式 D) 斯奈尔定律The formula sin 1 / V1=sin 2 / V2 is referred to as:A) the acoustical impedance ratio formula B) the phase conversion formulaC) the Fresnel Zone formula D) snells law46. 下列
44、哪种频率的声波发生的衰减损耗最大? ( D )A) 1.0MHZ B) 2.25MHZ C) 10MHZ D) 25MHZWhich of the following frequencies would probably result in the greatest ultrasonic attenuation losses?A) 1.0 megahertz B) 2.25 megahertz C) 10 megahertz D) 25 megahertz47. 在水钢界面上,超声波在水中的入射角为7,钢中的主要波型为: ( C )A) 纵波 B) 切变波 C) A和B D) 表面波At a water-to-steel interface the angle of incidence in water is 7 . The principle mode of vibration that exists in the steel is:A) longitudinal B) shear C) both A and B D) surface48. 铸件常常不能进行超声波探伤,这是因为: ( B )A) 晶粒组织极细 B) 晶粒组织粗大 C) 流线均匀 D) 声速均匀Inspection of c