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1、1中华人民共和国旅游法(全文)(年月日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过)第一章 总则第一条 为保障旅游者和旅游经营者的合法权益,规范旅游市场秩序,保护和合理利用旅游资源,促进旅游业持续健康发展,制定本法。Article 1This law is enacted for the purpose of safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of tourists and tourism business operators, upholding order in the tourism market, protecting and

2、 properly utilizing tourism resources, and promoting the sustained and sound development of tourism industry.第二条 在中华人民共和国境内的和在中华人民共和国境内组织到境外的游览、度假、休闲等形式的旅游活动以及为旅游活动提供相关服务的经营活动,适用本法。Article 2This law is applicable to tourist activities conducted in such forms as touring, holiday-making and recreation

3、 within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China and overseas activities organized within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China as well as business operations related to the services provided for these tourist activities.第三条 国家发展旅游事业,完善旅游公共服务,依法保护旅游者在旅游活动中的权利。Article 3The state shall

4、promote the development of tourism, improve tourism-related public services, and protect the rights of tourists in tourist activities in accordance with the law.第四条 旅游业发展应当遵循社会效益、经济效益和生态效益相统一的原则。国家鼓励各类市场主体在有效保护旅游资源的前提下,依法合理利用旅游资源。利用公共资源建设的游览场所应当体现公益性质。Article 4The development of tourism industry mus

5、t follow the principle of balancing social benefits, economic benefits and ecological benefits. The state shall encourage various market players to properly use tourism resources in accordance with the law 2and on the condition of ensuring effective protection of tourism resources. Tourist sites bui

6、lt using public resources must maintain their public nature.第五条 国家倡导健康、文明、环保的旅游方式,支持和鼓励各类社会机构开展旅游公益宣传,对促进旅游业发展做出突出贡献的单位和个人给予奖励。Article 5The state shall promote a healthy, civilized and environment-friendly way of tourism, support and encourage non-public institutions of various types to conduct publ

7、ic service campaigns on tourism, and award institutions and individuals making outstanding contribution to tourism development.第六条 国家建立健全旅游服务标准和市场规则,禁止行业垄断和地区垄断。旅游经营者应当诚信经营,公平竞争,承担社会责任,为旅游者提供安全、健康、卫生、方便的旅游服务。Article 6The state shall establish and improve tourist service standards and market rules, a

8、nd prohibit industry monopoly and regional monopoly. Tourism business operators must uphold business integrity, participate in fair competition, undertake social responsibilities, and provide safe, healthy, hygienic and convenient tourism services for tourists.第七条 国务院建立健全旅游综合协调机制,对旅游业发展进行综合协调。县级以上地方

9、人民政府应当加强对旅游工作的组织和领导,明确相关部门或者机构,对本行政区域的旅游业发展和监督管理进行统筹协调。Article 7The State Council shall put in place a sound coordination mechanism to coordinate the development of tourism industry.Local peoples governments above the county level must enhance their performance in organizing and leading tourism-rela

10、ted work, and designate specific department or institution to coordinate tourism development, supervision and administration within their respective administrative jurisdictions.第八条 依法成立的旅游行业组织,实行自律管理。Article 8Professional tourism organizations established in accordance with the law shall exercise s

11、elf-discipline management.第二章 旅游者3第九条 旅游者有权自主选择旅游产品和服务,有权拒绝旅游经营者的强制交易行为。旅游者有权知悉其购买的旅游产品和服务的真实情况。旅游者有权要求旅游经营者按照约定提供产品和服务。Article 9Tourists are entitled to independently choose tourism products and services and reject transactions forced by tourism business operators.Tourists are entitled to be inform

12、ed about the actual conditions of their purchased tourism products and services.Tourists are entitled to request the tourism business operators to provide products and services in accordance with their agreement.第十条 旅游者的人格尊严、民族风俗习惯和宗教信仰应当得到尊重。Article 10The personal dignity, ethnic customs and religi

13、ous belief of the tourists must be respected.第十一条 残疾人、老年人、未成年人等旅游者在旅游活动中依照法律、法规和有关规定享受便利和优惠。Article 11When engaged in tourist activities, persons with disabilities, elders, minors and other disadvantaged tourists shall receive facilitations and preferential treatment in accordance with laws, regulat

14、ions and relevant rules.第十二条 旅游者在人身、财产安全遇有危险时,有请求救助和保护的权利。旅游者人身、财产受到侵害的,有依法获得赔偿的权利。Article 12In case of risk involving personal and property safety, tourists are entitled to seek assistance and protection.Tourists suffering from infringement on personal and property safety are entitled to seek compe

15、nsations in accordance with the law.第十三条 旅游者在旅游活动中应当遵守社会公共秩序和社会公德,尊重当地的风俗习惯、文化传统和宗教信仰,爱护旅游资源,保护生态环境,遵守旅游文明行为规范。Article 13When engaged in tourist activities, tourists must maintain public order and social ethics, respect the customs, cultural traditions and religious belief of local communities, take

16、 good care of tourism resources, protect the eco-environment and 4observe the code of conduct on tourism civility.第十四条 旅游者在旅游活动中或者在解决纠纷时,不得损害当地居民的合法权益,不得干扰他人的旅游活动,不得损害旅游经营者和旅游从业人员的合法权益。Article 14When engaged in tourist activities or settling disputes, tourists shall not jeopardize the lawful rights

17、and interests of local residents, disrupt the tourist activities of others, or undermine the lawful rights and interests of tourism business operators and tourism professionals.第十五条 旅游者购买、接受旅游服务时,应当向旅游经营者如实告知与旅游活动相关的个人健康信息,遵守旅游活动中的安全警示规定。旅游者对国家应对重大突发事件暂时限制旅游活动的措施以及有关部门、机构或者旅游经营者采取的安全防范和应急处置措施,应当予以配合

18、。旅游者违反安全警示规定,或者对国家应对重大突发事件暂时限制旅游活动的措施、安全防范和应急处置措施不予配合的,依法承担相应责任。Article 15When purchasing and receiving tourism services, tourists must inform tourism business operators their actual health conditions related to the tourist activities, and abide by the safety warning regulations during tourist activ

19、ities.Tourists must cooperate with the temporary tourism restrictions imposed by the state in response to major emergencies and the safety precautions and emergency measures taken by the relevant departments, institutions or tourism business operators.Tourists that violate the safety warning regulat

20、ions or refuse to cooperate with the temporary tourism restrictions, safety precautions and emergency measures introduced by the state in response to major emergencies shall undertake the relevant responsibilities in accordance with the law.第十六条 出境旅游者不得在境外非法滞留,随团出境的旅游者不得擅自分团、脱团。入境旅游者不得在境内非法滞留,随团入境的旅

21、游者不得擅自分团、脱团。Article 16Outbound tourists shall not illegally stay in foreign countries. Tourists travelling abroad with a group shall not separate into small sub-groups or leave the group.5Inbound tourists shall not illegally stay in China. Tourists travelling to China with a group shall not separate

22、 into small sub-groups or leave the group.第三章 旅游规划和促进第十七条 国务院和县级以上地方人民政府应当将旅游业发展纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府以及旅游资源丰富的设区的市和县级人民政府,应当按照国民经济和社会发展规划的要求,组织编制旅游发展规划。对跨行政区域且适宜进行整体利用的旅游资源进行利用时,应当由上级人民政府组织编制或者由相关地方人民政府协商编制统一的旅游发展规划。Article 17The State Council and local peoples governments above the county

23、 level must incorporate tourism development into their plan on economic and social development.The State Council, the peoples governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, as well as the peoples governments of cities with sub-districts and cou

24、nty-level governments in areas with a rich reserve of tourism resources must, in accordance with the requirement of the national plan on economic and social development, organize the drafting of tourism development plans. For tourism resources that are located across administrative regions and best

25、utilized as a whole, an integrated tourism development plan must be drafted by the peoples government of the higher level or through the consultation of the peoples governments of the relevant localities.第十八条 旅游发展规划应当包括旅游业发展的总体要求和发展目标,旅游资源保护和利用的要求和措施,以及旅游产品开发、旅游服务质量提升、旅游文化建设、旅游形象推广、旅游基础设施和公共服务设施建设的要

26、求和促进措施等内容。根据旅游发展规划,县级以上地方人民政府可以编制重点旅游资源开发利用的专项规划,对特定区域内的旅游项目、设施和服务功能配套提出专门要求。Article 18The tourism development plan must include the overall requirements and goals of tourism development, the requirements and measures for tourism resources 6protection and utilization, and the requirements and promot

27、ion measures concerning tourism product development, tourism service improvement, tourism culture building, tourism image promotion as well as tourism infrastructures and public service facilities development.In accordance with the tourism development plan, local peoples governments above the county

28、 level may draft special plans on the development and utilization of key tourism resources, and make special requirements concerning tourism projects, facilities and supporting services in designated areas.第十九条 旅游发展规划应当与土地利用总体规划、城乡规划、环境保护规划以及其他自然资源和文物等人文资源的保护和利用规划相衔接。Article 19The tourism developmen

29、t plan must be compatible with the master plan on land utilization, urban and rural development plan, environmental protection plan and other plans for the protection and utilization of natural resources and cultural resources such as historical relics.第二十条 各级人民政府编制土地利用总体规划、城乡规划,应当充分考虑相关旅游项目、设施的空间布局

30、和建设用地要求。规划和建设交通、通信、供水、供电、环保等基础设施和公共服务设施,应当兼顾旅游业发展的需要。Article 20When drafting master plans on land utilization and urban and rural development plans, the peoples governments at various levels must fully consider the needs of relevant tourism projects and facilities for development space and construct

31、ion land. The planning and construction of transportation, telecommunication, water and power supply, environmental protection and other infrastructures and public service facilities shall be balanced with the needs of tourism development.第二十一条 对自然资源和文物等人文资源进行旅游利用,必须严格遵守有关法律、法规的规定,符合资源、生态保护和文物安全的要求,

32、尊重和维护当地传统文化和习俗,维护资源的区域整体性、文化代表性和地域特殊性,并考虑军事设施保护的需要。有关主管部门应当加强对资源保护和旅游利用状况的监督检查。Article 21The use of natural resources and cultural resources such as historical relics for tourism purposes must be in strict compliance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and consistent with the requir

33、ements concerning resources and ecological protection and cultural relics safety. The cultural traditions and customs of the local communities must be respected and safeguarded, the regional integrity, 7cultural representation and local character of the relevant resources must be maintained, and the

34、 need for the protection of military facilities must also be considered. The relevant authorities must strengthen inspection and supervision over the protection of resources and their utilization for tourism purposes.第二十二条 各级人民政府应当组织对本级政府编制的旅游发展规划的执行情况进行评估,并向社会公布。Article 22The peoples governments at

35、 various levels must conduct evaluation of the implementation of their tourism development plans, and publish the evaluation results to the public.第二十三条 国务院和县级以上地方人民政府应当制定并组织实施有利于旅游业持续健康发展的产业政策,推进旅游休闲体系建设,采取措施推动区域旅游合作,鼓励跨区域旅游线路和产品开发,促进旅游与工业、农业、商业、文化、卫生、体育、科教等领域的融合,扶持少数民族地区、革命老区、边远地区和贫困地区旅游业发展。Articl

36、e 23The State Council and local peoples governments above the county level must formulate and implement industrial policies conducive to the sustained and healthy growth of tourism industry, promote the building of the tourism leisure system, and take steps to facilitate regional tourism cooperation

37、, encourage the development of cross-regional tourism routes and products, enhance tourisms integration with industry, agriculture, business, culture, health, education, science, education and other sectors, and support tourism development in ethnic minority regions, old revolutionary bases, remote

38、and poverty-stricken areas.第二十四条 国务院和县级以上地方人民政府应当根据实际情况安排资金,加强旅游基础设施建设、旅游公共服务和旅游形象推广。Article 24The State Council and local peoples governments above the county level must, in light of the actual situation, allocate funds for strengthening tourism infrastructures, improving tourism public services an

39、d promoting tourism image.第二十五条 国家制定并实施旅游形象推广战略。国务院旅游主管部门统筹组织国家旅游形象的境外推广工作,建立旅游形象推广机构和网络,开展旅游国际合作与交流。县级以上地方人民政府统筹组织本地的旅游形象推广工作。Article 25The state shall establish and implement a strategy for the promotion of tourism image. The tourism authorities of the State Council shall be responsible for coordi

40、nating and organizing the promotion of Chinas national tourism image 8overseas, setting up tourism image promotion agencies and network, and carrying out international tourism cooperation and exchanges.Local peoples governments above the county level shall be responsible for coordinating and organiz

41、ing the promotion of their own tourism image.第二十六条 国务院旅游主管部门和县级以上地方人民政府应当根据需要建立旅游公共信息和咨询平台,无偿向旅游者提供旅游景区、线路、交通、气象、住宿、安全、医疗急救等必要信息和咨询服务。设区的市和县级人民政府有关部门应当根据需要在交通枢纽、商业中心和旅游者集中场所设置旅游咨询中心,在景区和通往主要景区的道路设置旅游指示标识。旅游资源丰富的设区的市和县级人民政府可以根据本地的实际情况,建立旅游客运专线或者游客中转站,为旅游者在城市及周边旅游提供服务。Article 26The tourism authorities

42、 of the State Council and local peoples governments above the county level must, in light of actual needs, set up platforms for tourism information inquiry, and provide necessary information and inquiry services, including information on scenic spots, tourist routes, transportation, weather conditio

43、ns, accommodation, security and medical first-aid, to the tourists free of charge. The relevant departments of the peoples governments of cities with sub-districts and county-level governments must, in light of actual needs, set up tourist information centers in transportation hubs, shopping areas a

44、nd areas where tourists concentrate, and put up tourist information signs in scenic spots and the roads leading to key scenic spots.The peoples governments of cities with sub-districts and county-level governments in areas with a rich reserve of tourism resources may, in light of their actual condit

45、ions, set up tourism passenger lines or tourist transfer stations to facilitate the travels of tourists in their cities and the surrounding areas.第二十七条 国家鼓励和支持发展旅游职业教育和培训,提高旅游从业人员素质。Article 27The state shall encourage and support the development of tourism vocational education and training to help i

46、mprove the competence of tourism professionals.第四章 旅游经营9第二十八条 设立旅行社,招徕、组织、接待旅游者,为其提供旅游服务,应当具备下列条件,取得旅游主管部门的许可,依法办理工商登记:(一)有固定的经营场所;(二)有必要的营业设施;(三)有符合规定的注册资本;(四)有必要的经营管理人员和导游;(五)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。Article 28Travel agencies that engage in tourist attraction, organization and reception and provide tourism

47、services must meet the following conditions, obtain the approval of the tourism authorities, and register with the industry and commerce administration in accordance with the law.(1) Permanent place for operation;(2) Necessary business facilities;(3) Qualified registered capital;(4) Necessary admini

48、strative staff and tour guides(5) Other conditions required by laws and administrative regulations.第二十九条 旅行社可以经营下列业务:(一)境内旅游;(二)出境旅游;(三)边境旅游;(四)入境旅游;(五)其他旅游业务。旅行社经营前款第二项和第三项业务,应当取得相应的业务经营许可,具体条件由国务院规定。Article 29Travel agencies are permitted to operate the following businesses:(1) Domestic tourism;(2

49、) Outbound tourism;(3) Border tourism;(4) Inbound tourism;(5) Other tourism businesses.Travel agencies operating the second and third type of business described in the last paragraph must obtain the license for the business concerned, the specific conditions of which shall be determined by the State Council.10第三十条 旅行社不得出租、出借旅行社业务经营许可证,或者以其他形式非法转让旅行社业务经营许可。Article 30Travel agencies shall not rent, lend or illegally transfer in other forms their business license to others.第三十一条 旅行社应当按照规定交纳旅游服务质量保证金,用于旅游者权益损害赔偿和垫付旅游者人身安全遇有危险时紧急救助的费用。Article 31Travel agencies must, in acc


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