1、Mnbpzk 托福写作的替换层次秋风清,秋月明,落叶聚还散,寒鸦栖复惊。托福写作的替换层次同义替换是托福考试的一条主线,也是写作教学中的一个重点。将替换的原则善加利用,可以大大增加文章的可读性和内容的丰富性。但由于实力的局限,一般的学生往往不能在短期内运用好替换的写作手法。因此,将替换的层次进行细分,分项练习,并在同一篇文章中有选择地运用就可以让学生在较低的起点上获得较好的效果。学生最易理解的层面自然是词的替换。但不管是同义词的选用还是词性的变换,都对词汇量有着较大的要求。大多数学生会去背诵一些近义词表,如 good 或 great 的备选同义词有optimal/virtuous/noble/
2、splendid/grand/magnificent/majestic/excellent 等。但接下来就是我们惯见的怪异表达: To receive good results in study, students should have optimal learning habits. It doesnt only mean an excellent environment, but a grand arrangement of time. 现实的情况会是一大堆这样的无用分布在文章的各个角落,而学生却不能自觉,甚至还会洋洋自得。再如词性的转换,在“The significant meanin
3、g of this revolution was yet neglected.“一句中,significant meaning 就不如 significance 来得准确。而这些细节又不是单凭几节写作课就能说明白的,常用近义词的清单也无法穷尽。这时候就必须给学生更多的选择,便于他们操作。抛开对词汇量更高层次的要求,学生还能在考场上临时操作的就是对修饰成分的替换。简言之,就是用语法结构的替换来弥补绝对词汇量的不足。这当中比较好处理的是对定语和状语的变换处理。常用的后置定语和状语又在词性上相仿,主要是从句、介宾短语、不定式、分词短语和以逗号引起的结构(同位语或省略的从句) 。一般学生在进行一周的密
4、集训练以后,都能熟练掌握这几个结构。其中简单的变化是容易实现的,如从“the issue to be placed before all matters“转换成“the issue on top of all matters“; 从“when consensus of all members is reached,“变换成“based on group consensus,“。当然,要利用这些结构的变换大幅提升句子的可读性,尤其涉及定/状互换的情况时,还要通过大量例句的引导和仿写来完成。如过于操切,则会使得句子结构混乱,与替换的宗旨背道而驰。下句是学生综合写作习作中的一句话:“Seemingl
5、y the stripes can create specious illusion to avoid the sight from predators, because zebras will be smaller since the pattern incur the illusion, accordingly they can avoid the attack safely. “这种情况是学生在练习过程中必然遭遇的。缩减字数以后,也能完整达意,还更符合综合部分对简练度的要求:“Theoretically, the stripes pose an illusion to make zebr
6、as seemingly smaller and less noticeable, thus preventing zebras from predators.“在诸如 VIP 等结果导向型的课程中,可要求学生反复仿写修改后的句型,增强印象。上述两点只是对词句进行的简单替换。要提升替换的质量和可操作性,还可以在中心词是概念上下功夫,寻求概念的深化和转述。对中心词概念的升华,不仅可以在词句上增强文章的可读性,对文章结构的细化和逻辑层次的梳理也是大有裨益的。以 2008 年 3 月 1日的真题为例,To solve the problems present and future,is it nec
7、essary to understand the past? 大多数同学看到这个题目一句话就答完了,接下来就是不停地举例,讲名人和历史事件。下面我们就以替换概念的方式把文章的结构梳理出来。首先在第一段深化 understand 这个动词的概念,把它拆分为 “spot the past“ 和 “foretell the future“, 这样就把过去和未来联系起来,奠定了文章的观点。接下来,用下定义的方法来替换 past 这个名词,The past is the storage of mirrors and guidance books. 这里不需要任何高端的词汇和繁复的语法结构。但一个陈述句就
8、把对于过去作用的描述给转化了。还出现了“借鉴“和“指导“这两个层面的功能。最后一个层面,我们还是来寻找替换的方法,发现动词solve 还可以转义理解为它的同义群词 rules and methods,而这两样东西是相对持久和不变的。这样,仅用替换和深化概念的方法,文章的框架就可以基本确定了。通过上例,我们发现所谓替换的概念,只要运用得当,即使学生的词汇量有限也可以避免大量的同词重复,还可以帮助明确结构,提升写作的逻辑性。附:2008 年 3 月 1 日原题例文The promise of a youth can always be foretold in his early age for a
9、 good reason, since in his mode of thinking and behaving lies in the trace of his further development. A wise man spots these trends out of details while a successful man excels in his ability not just to see others, but to check his own rights and wrongs. Success smiles only at the thoughtful minds
10、 respecting history. The conclusion of the past serves experience to the future and the meditation over the gone guides better in the coming. The past is the storage of mirrors and guidance books. All the mistakes are hung on our memories to reflect our flaws and shortcomings; and all the achievemen
11、ts, surprising or long-waited, are written there to encourage us in our depressions. With the help of these mirrors, the price of the same mistake has never to be paid twice. With the leading of these books, the steps before a triumph would largely be shortened. Anyone who keeps blind of this treasu
12、ry would easily get lost in the messy present and fail his chances to access a brighter future.The past resembles the present and the future in more aspects than we might have sensed. Researchers of natural sciences never complain about the fading of valid knowledge, since the new facts emerging in
13、their fields can always be attributed to their work obeying the same rules and methods. Their way of their experiments can repeatedly be borrowed from precedents and their fruits can be borne on the previous works of others. Politicians may face a new battle field whenever a single event causes a bu
14、tterfly effect on the world map today. But they dont have to brainstorm themselves every single minute. People are demanding the same peace and prosperity in any cooperative and competitive pattern in the international arena, which makes the most piercing disputes negotiable on the old ground. In conclusion, the acquisition of the past is the foundation to construct the future. However, the mere borrowing from the past consists not of the whole picture. Adaption, innovation and creation are also decisive in optimizing the situations in the present and the future. (字数:365)