1、第五章 18世纪文学Literature of the 18th century,第一节 概述,影响文学的诸要素 the influential elements 1. 启蒙运动 Enlightenment2. 18世纪自然科学和唯物主义哲学思想在欧洲的巨大进展The striking progress in physical science and materialism in Europe 3. 东西方文化交流occidental and oriental literary communication4. 现实主义传统the realistic convention,在我们的时代里,将再也
2、找不到对基督教的热情了,也许在这个世界的任何时代都找不到了,直到天堂擂响它的战鼓,光荣的大军从天而降,宣布上帝的杰作,把整个世界缩小成为耶稣王的管区有人告诉我们,这个时代已经来临。但我在我的旅途中,早我所得到的启示中,却丝毫听不到这种声音,不,一点也没有听到。 鲁滨逊漂流记,二. 启蒙文学的特点 1. 反对封建专制,具有鲜明的政治倾向性2. 反对宗教迷信,宣扬唯物主义3. 主张文学面向广大平民,并以资产阶级和平民为主人公4. 创造了许多新的文学形式 哲理小说、正剧、书信体小说、对话体小说、抒情小说、教育小说,三. 启蒙文学在各国的发展Enlightening literature in dif
3、ferent countries1. 法国孟德斯鸠波斯人信札Montesquieu “Persian Letters”,Montesquieu,伏尔泰老实人Voltaire “Candide” 狄德罗拉摩的侄儿Diderot “Rameaus Nephew”,博马舍费加罗的婚姻“Le Mariage de Figaro”,Beaumarchais,Jean-Jacques Rousseau,卢梭新爱洛伊丝 “The New Heloise” 忏悔录 “The Confessions”,2. 英国笛福鲁滨逊漂流记Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”斯威夫特格列佛游记Swift “Gul
4、livers Travels”菲尔丁汤姆琼斯Fielding “Tom Jones” 3. 德国“狂飙突进运动” “Storm and Stress”/ “Sturm und Drang” (German)莱辛汉堡剧评Lessing “Hamburgian Dramaturgy”席勒阴谋与爱情Schiller “Intrigue and Love”歌德浮士德Goethe “Faust”,第二节 亨利 菲尔丁Henry Fielding,Life and works1. (17071754)英国18世纪的戏剧家和杰出的小说作家 The outstanding British dramatist
5、and novelist in the 18th century2.works剧本play:巴斯昆 “Pasquin” 咖啡店政客1737年历史纪事“The Historical Register for the Year 1737,小说novel :约瑟夫安德鲁传(Joseph Anddrews ,1742)大伟人江奈生魏尔德传(1743) “The Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, the Great”阿米莉亚( Amelia ,1751)汤姆琼斯(1749) “Tome Jones”,二. 作品选讲汤姆琼斯( Tom Johns ,1749)社会讽刺小说,
6、标志着18世纪英国现实主义小说的最高成就Social satire, sign of the peak accomplishment of the 18th century English realistic novel 1. main idea汤姆琼斯 奥尔华绥 布立非 索菲亚 Tom Jones Mr Allworthy Master Blifil Sophia Western,2. theme 小说通过汤姆与索菲亚为争取婚姻自由而进行的斗争,描绘了18世纪英国社会生活的画面,深刻揭露了庄园主及上层资产阶级的婚姻中的金钱门第观念和唯利是图的本质,批判了英国贵族资产阶级上流社会荒淫无耻、腐朽
7、伪善的社交生活。Tom Jones and Sophia strive for marital freedom. The novel pictures the English social life in the 18th century, and profoundly exposes the wealth and family status role in squire and the upper aristocracys marriage and their gainful nature; it criticizes the incontinent, impudent, corruptiv
8、e and hypocritical social life among the English aristocrats.,3. Analysis of characters汤姆琼斯:心地善良、性格坦率的正直青年benevolent and upright young man布立非:阴险狡诈、诡计多端cunning and be up to all dodges奥尔华绥:慷慨好施、善良正直generous and warm-hearted,第三节 让-雅克卢梭 Jean-Jacques Rousseau,一.Life and works1. (17121778) 法国杰出的启蒙思想家、文学家,
9、法国启蒙运动中最富民主倾向的代表,He is a writer, the dominant thinker and the most democratic representative in the French Enlightenment.,2. Works论科学与艺术( A Discourse on the Sciences and Arts )论人类不平等的起源和基础( The Discourse on the Origin of Inequality )致达朗贝论戏剧书社会契约论 ( The Social Contract ) 新爱洛伊丝 “New Heloise” 爱弥儿 ( Emi
10、le )忏悔录 ( The Confessions ),二. 卢梭文艺创作的特色1. 站在“自然崇拜”哲学的高度,在批判旧世界的同时,努力谱写新生活,塑造新人,抒发新的思想感情2. 突破了古典主义乃至大多数启蒙作家的“理性”框架,把张扬主体感情置于创作的首位3. 尽情讴歌大自然,把自然景色情景交融地写进作品,大大开拓了人们的审美视野4. 强调坦诚描写和寻求“自我”,artistic features,1.From the philosophical perspective of “nature worship”, he criticizes the old world and endeavor
11、s to construct the new life, to foster the new generations and to express the brand-new thought. 2. He breaks through the classicalism even the “rational frame” championed by most Enlightenment writers;However, he puts the core identitys emotion expression at the first place.3. He eulogizes the grea
12、t nature, and involves the natural scenery into his works, which greatly widens mans aesthetic horizon.4. Focus on building subjectivity in writing and pursuit of “self- concious”,三. 作品选讲新爱洛伊丝 “New Heloise” 书信体哲理小说 epistolary novel1. main idea朱莉 圣普乐 沃尔玛Julie Saint-Preux Wolmar2. 小说的魅力enchantment of
13、the novel肯定了感情在文学中的地位Acknowledges the crucial role of emotions in literature,新爱洛伊丝反映的不是中世纪的思想,而是一对恋人反封建的悲剧It reflects a couple of lovers anti-feudality tragedy instead of medieval thought.古典主义文学描写感情是为了谴责感情,强调和讴歌的是理性卢梭描写感情是为了肯定它,尽情抒发它,讴歌它Classicalism portrays emotions in order to condemn it, which re
14、versely emphasizes and praises the reason. Rousseau depicts emotion to affirm it, to express and praise it.,“贵族,这在一个国家里,只不过是有害而无用的特权,你们如此夸耀的贵族头衔有什么可令人尊敬的?你们贵族阶级对祖国的光荣、人类的幸福有什么贡献!你们是法律和自由的死敌,凡是在贵族阶级显赫不可一世的国家,除了专制的暴力和对人民的压迫以外,还有什么?”,Reference: 卢梭 著忏悔录社会契约论 爱弥儿Assignment 谈谈你是怎样理解“卢梭是法国杰出的启蒙思想家、文学家” Com
15、ment on “Rousseau is a writer, the dominant thinker and the most democratic representative in the French Enlightenment”,德国“狂飙突进”运动,是启蒙运动的继续和发展,是德国文学史上第一次全国性的文学运动,其名称来源于运动参加者克林格尔的剧本狂飙与突进(1776)。“狂飙”作家多是市民阶级出身的青年,青年歌德和席勒是这一运动的中坚。赫尔德是这一运动的理论家,他与歌德1770年在斯特拉斯堡的相会,是运动的开端。代表作家有赫尔德、歌德、瓦格纳、棱茨、克林格尔,席勒在运动后期进入文坛
16、。此外,福斯、毕尔格等所谓“格廷根林苑派”也是运动的重要力量。,“Storm and stress” is the progress of the Enlightenment; it is the first national literary movement in German literature. The term “Sturm und Drang” first appeared as the title to a play by German author Klinger, published in 1776. “Storm” writers are mostly civilian
17、youth; the young Goethe and Schiller are elites of the movement. Herder is considered to be the ideologue of the movement. His encounter with Goethe at Strasbourg in 1770 kicks off the “storm and stress”. The notable writers are Herder, Goethe, Wagner, Lenz, Klinger, and Schiller entered the literar
18、y world in the late movement. In addition, Voss and other writers of “Gttinger Hainbund” are also important to the movement.,“狂飙突进”运动的作家们强调文学的民族性,要求发扬文学的民族风格;他们反对封建束缚,强调“天才”,强烈要求个性解放;他们还接受卢梭“返回自然”思想的影响,歌颂理想化的大自然和纯朴的人民。“狂飙突进”运动在德国促进了民族意识和个性的觉醒,把启蒙文学推向更为繁荣的新阶段。但是 “狂飙突进”运动作家的反抗带有个人主义的自发的性质,不知道如何去改变现实,没
19、有明确的政治纲领,因此这一运动没有进一步引向政治斗争,更没能持久,80年代中期便已衰落。,The “storm and stress” writers stress on the literary nationalism and call for the literary national style; they reject the confinement of the feudality but insist on “genius”, and strongly demand individual liberty; besides, under the influence of Rousse
20、aus “rebound nature”, they glorify the poetic nature and rustic people. “Storm and stress” movement promotes the rouse of the nationalism and individualism, it progresses the Enlightenment literature to a more prosperous stage. However, the writers action is individualistic and spontaneous, they are
21、 short of distinct political creed and dont know how to change the reality. Therefore, the short-lived movement fails to transform into a political movement, and comes down in the mid 1780s.,第四节 弗烈德里希席勒Friedrich von Schiller,Life and works1. (17591805)18世纪德国杰出的诗人和戏剧家the great German dramatist and po
22、et2. works强盗(1781) “The Robbers”阴谋与爱情(Cabal and Love ,1782),席勒故居 former residence of Schiller,堂卡洛斯 “Don Carlos” 斐哀斯柯 华伦斯坦三部曲 “Wallenstein” 奥尔良的姑娘 “The Maid of Orleans” 威廉退尔 “William Tell”,二.Important works阴谋与爱情 (Cabal and Love ,1782)1. main idea斐迪南Ferdinand 露易丝Luise 乌尔姆Walter 米勒夫妇the Millers2. theme
23、通过这样一个爱情悲剧把18世纪德国的社会矛盾搬上了舞台,揭露了封建统治者的暴行,歌颂了市民阶级的反抗精神。The play presents the German social conflicts on the stage through the love tragedy; it discloses the ferocity of the feudalistic ruler and extols the civilians resistant spirit.德国“狂飙突进”运动最优秀的作品之一,表现出强烈的反封建精神。Cabal and Love one of the most excelle
24、nt “storm and stress” works, it is a sharply anti-feudalistic work.,Reference: 席勒 著秀美与尊严 张玉能 译 文化艺术出版社 席勒 著美育书简 徐恒醇 译 中国文联出版公司,第五节 约翰沃尔夫冈歌德Wolfgang von Goethe,一.Life and works歌德 (17491832)德国最伟大的诗人、作家和思想家 the greatest German poet, writer and ideologist.“天才的诗人”(恩格斯)“Genius poet” (Engels)“世界的一面镜子”(海涅)“
25、Mirror of the world” (Heine),狂飙突进时期 “Storm and stress” (17701775)诗歌欢会与离别五月之歌野玫瑰历史剧铁手骑士葛兹封伯利欣根小说少年维特之烦恼(The Sorrows of Young Werther ,1774),与席勒合作时期collaboration with Schiller (17941814)小说威廉迈斯特的学习年代(17951796) “Wilhelm Meister”诗歌赫尔曼与窦绿苔(1797) “Hermann and Dorothea”浮士德(第一部)“Faust” (part one),魏玛从政时期 “pol
26、itical career in Weimar”(17751794) 诗剧伊菲戈涅亚在桃里斯 “Iphigenia in Tauris”托夸多塔索 “Torquato Tasso”,晚年时期 late years(18141832) 小说威廉迈斯特的漫游年代(18201829) 自传诗与真(18111830)“Out of my Life: Poetry and Truth“ 诗集西方与东方合集(1819) 意大利游记(18161829) “Italian Journey” 出征法国记(1822) 浮士德(第二部) “Faust ” (part two),早年创作极富抒情特色 the lyri
27、c early works,后期创作可称为思考性作品 the philosophical late works,A. 社会时代的原因 B. 认知结构的原因 C. 歌德本人的原因,personal reason,knowledge reason,time reason,“歌德有时非常伟大,有时极为渺小;有时是叛逆的,爱嘲笑的,鄙视世界的天才, 有时则是谨小慎微、事事知足, 胸襟狭隘的庸人”。 -恩格斯“Goethe is sometimes great but little at times; occasionally rebellious, satirical and despises the
28、 world geniuses, but prudent, content with everything and narrow-minded mediocre person sometimes.”-Engels,二.Important works浮士德( Faust )1. 题材取材于德国16世纪关于浮士德博士的民间传说the source of the 16th century German folklore on Dr. Faust浮士德:原名约翰乔治浮士德,是一个跑江湖的魔法师,死后流传很多关于他的传说。1570年有人开始记载这些传说,1587年约翰浮士德在德国出版。Faust: th
29、e original figure in the legend is Gregorius Faustus, a folk magic and an alchemist. Many legends are handed down after his death, and since 1570 someone began to record these stories. “Gregorius Faustus” was published in 1587.,2.结构 (诗剧的形式,12111行)frame (verse version, 12111 lines) 第一部:共25场,不分幕 第二部:5
30、幕 3. Main idea两场赌赛:two bets:天帝魔鬼 God Mephistopheles靡菲斯特浮士德 MephistophelesFaust 五个阶段的悲剧 Five tragedies:知识悲剧 爱情悲剧 政治悲剧美的悲剧 事业悲剧,4. 象征意义 symbolic meaning知识悲剧 knowledge tragedy (走出阴暗的书斋):对中世纪思想体系的否定,要恢复人与自然联系的渴望A denial to the medieval ideology, and revive the desire to connect man and nature爱情悲剧 love t
31、ragedy (放弃与玛甘泪的爱情生活):对早期资产阶级“享乐人生”口号与主张的否定,狭隘自私的爱情生活不能禁锢新兴资产阶级的革命精神Renouncing the early bourgeois slogan “hedonic life”; parochial and selfish love could not restrain the uprising bourgeois revolutionary spirit.,政治悲剧 political tragedy : 否定了在18世纪欧洲一些主要国家封建制度面临崩溃时,许多启蒙思想家把改革社会的希望寄托在开明君主身上,寄托在为封建王朝服务时所
32、做的改良 The work doesnt see eye to eye with those Enlightenment thinkers. They place their hope on the wise king and the on improvement on the service for feudal countries when the feudality encounters with breakdown.,美的悲剧 esthetical tragedy : 用古典美消除现代丑的幻想破灭 The fancy of substituting the Classical beau
33、ty for modern disgracefulness dashes finally.,事业悲剧 career tragedy : 肯定了改造自然这一事业的意义,反映了19世纪初 欧洲空想社会主义思想。 The acknowledgement of the reconstruction of nature reflects the ideology of Utopian Socialism in the early 19th century.,5. Analysis of characters浮士德:勇于实践、不断追求(主要的性格特征)Be bold in practice and con
34、stant pursuit of mankinds positive spirit.人类积极精神的象征哲学层面 “肯定”精神的具体形态In philosophical sense-embodiment of the “positive spirit”道德和伦理层面 “善”的代表In ethical and moral sense-embodiment of “benevolence”社会学层面 先进资产阶级思想家的思想行为特征In sociological sense-on behalf of the progressive bourgeois thinker,靡菲斯特 Mephistophe
35、les 消极、否定精神的象征 symbol of the passive and negative spirit,象征了歌德哲学思想中的“否定”stands for “negation” in Goethes philosophical thought. 人生意义上,代表了消极与停滞typifies the pessimism and stagnancy in life 现实中的恶徒represents the evil guys in reality,6. 作品的思想意义通过浮士德这一象征性形象,概括了从文艺复兴到19世纪初300多年来,资产阶级进步知识分子思想探索的全过程;否定了脱离实际的
36、知识追求、低级庸俗的官能享乐、狭隘自私的爱情生活、追求古典美的艺术幻想和为封建王朝服务的政治企图;肯定了以集体劳动改造自然、创造幸福生活的美好理想,强调了追求真理、勇于实践的积极意义。所以被看作是一部资产阶级上升时期精神发展史的艺术总结。,thematic value,The work generalizes the whole process of the ideological quest of the progressive bourgeois intellectual class in the period of Medieval till the 19th century. It r
37、ejects the ivory-towered intellectual speculation, low-grade sensually pleasure and parochial selfish love. Instead, it quests for the classical artistic fancy and the political ambition for loyalty to the feudal regime. The work positively judges the reform on nature by collective labors and the be
38、autiful ideal to create the welfare life. It is regarded as the artistic summary on the bourgeois ideological phylogeny in its ascendant time.,7. Artistic features,宏伟的艺术结构,人物众多,想象丰富,寓意深刻Grand frame, abundant characters, fantastic and profound moral. 象征化的艺术构思symbolized design 鲜明的对比手法的运用distinct contr
39、ast,8. 靡菲斯特(“作恶造善的力之一体”),与天帝构成了矛盾的统一体Mephistopheles forms a contradictive unity with God 将浮士德作为赌赛的对象,在肯定与否定、至善与至恶的矛盾运动中,推动着浮士德一生不断前进 与浮士德之间的关系辨证地解释了恶的力量在人类社会和个人自身发展中的作用Faust perseveres with his pursuit of the truth of life and acknowledges the practice.浮士德:执着追求人生真理,肯定实践的意义靡菲斯特:嘲笑一切,否定人生的价值,靡菲斯特的“恶”对
40、社会丑恶现象的讽刺和揭露,起到让浮士德明是非、近真理的作用The satire and exposure to Mephistopheles ferocity and his evil nature helps Faust tell the right from wrong and the truth from falsehood.,Reference: 余匡复 著浮士德歌德的精神自传上海外语教育出版社 董问樵 著浮士德研究 复旦大学出版社 Assignment: 为何说靡菲斯特是“作恶造善的力之一体”? Why Mephistopheles is said to be “the unity of evil and good” ?,