1、1艾什雷沃特斯读信:今生吾爱至死方休My Dear wife, I take the pleasure of writing you these few lines with much regret to inform you that I am sold to a man by the name of peterson a trader and stays in new orleans.I am here yet, but I expect to go before long but when I get there I will write and let you know where I
2、 am.mrdx30.jpgMy Dear, I want to send you some things but I do not know who to send them by but I will try to get them to you and my children.Give my love to my father & mother and tell them good bye for me and if we shall not meet in this world I hope to meet in heaven.My Dear wife, for you and my
3、children my pen cannot express the grief I feel to be parted from you all.I remain yours truly husband until deathAbream Scriven我亲爱的妻子,我写下这几句话是想告诉你,我被卖给了一位叫 Peterson的商人,他住在新奥尔良。我还在这里,不过等我到达目的地后我会写信告知你我的地址。亲爱的妻子,我想给你寄一些东西但却不知找谁代劳,不过我会设法把这些东西交到你和孩子的手上。替我向爸妈问好,代我向他们告别,若今生无法重逢,愿我们天堂再会。我亲爱的妻子,这寥寥数语难抒我即将与你和孩子别离的悲伤。卿乃吾爱至死方休阿布瑞姆斯克力文2