1、(冀教版)五年级英语下册教案Unit 3 Lesson 19 Li Mings letterGeneral Goals for Unit3In this unit, Li Ming, Jenny and Danny write home in various ways from Beijing. This unit reviews days of the week, months of the year, ordinal numbers and address writing. It teaches students standard letter-writing vocabulary and
2、 formats. It encourages students to explore description in English through letter writing.Specific Goals for Unit 3 Mastery VocabularyStudents can read, write, Say and aurally understand the following vocabulary:Nouns (mail context):Left, right, e-mail, postcard, letter, stamp, envelope, top, bottom
3、, corner, computer Verb:SendOral VocabularyStudents can say and aurally understand the following vocabulary:Directions:Turn right, turn left, go straightCommon phrases:How many do you need?How much is /are ? yuan (each).I want to (send/write) a (letter/postcard/e-mail) to my (family member).Each uni
4、t exposes students to more words and phrases than they need to master or use orally. We have included these extra words because they form part of typical English conversation, which, we believe, students should hear. These extra words and phrases also allow the natural curiosity of children to guide
5、 some of their language learning.Lesson 19 Li Mings letter一、Suggestions for reviewSay “What day is it?” and review the correct day of the week and date for the actual day of your class.二、Key conceptsenvelope, corner三、Introduce Demonstrate “envelope” and “corner” with a real envelope. Role-play writi
6、ng a letter. As you do this, use phrases such as:I am writing a letter.I am writing a letter to .I am writing with a pen.I am writing on a piece of paper.I am putting my letter in an envelope.Now I am writing the address.Now I am putting a stamp in the corner. 四、PracticePlay a game to practice direc
7、tions (turn right, turn left, go straight). 五、Use the activity bookNumber 2 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:I am writing a letter to my cousin.I write with a pen.I write on a piece of paper.At the top of the letter, I write the day. What day is it ? Its Tuesd
8、ay, March 12th.I write my name at the bottom of the letter.Now, I put my letter in an envelope.Now, I write the address on the envelope. What is my cousins address? She lives in a house. Her address is one-five-three-nine, Fifty-ninth Street in Ottawa, Canada.Now, I am putting a stamp in the top, right corner of the envelope. All done!六、Homework:1