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1、第五章 定积分Chapter 5 Definite Integrals5.1 定积分的概念和性质(Concept of Definite Integral and its Properties)一、定积分问题举例(Examples of Definite Integral)设在 区间 上非负、连续,由 , , 以及曲线yfx,abxab0y所围成的图形称为曲边梯形,其中曲线弧称为曲边。fLet be continuous and nonnegative on the closed interval . Then the region x ,abounded by the graph of ,

2、the -axis, the vertical lines , and is called the fxxbtrapezoid with curved edge.黎曼和的定义(Definition of Riemann Sum)设 是定义在闭区间 上的函数, 是 的任意一个分割,fx,ab,ab,011nxx其中 是第 个小区间的长度, 是第 个小区间的任意一点,那么和ixic,1niiifx1iiicx称为黎曼和。Let be defined on the closed interval , and let be an arbitrary partition offxab, , where

3、is the width of the th subinterval. If is ab011nx ixiicany point in the th subinterval, then the sum i, ,1niiifc1iiicIs called a Riemann sum for the partition .二、定积分的定义(Definition of Definite Integral)定义 定积分(Definite Integral)设函数 在区间 上有界,在 中任意插入若干个分点fx,ab,ab,把区间 分成 个小区间:011na n0121,xx各个小区间的长度依次为 , ,

4、 。在每个小区1nnx间 上任取一点 ,作函数 与小区间长度 的乘积 (1,ixiifixiifx) ,并作出和2n。1niiiSfx记 ,如果不论对 怎样分法,也不论在小区间12max,nPx ,ab上点 怎样取法,只要当 时,和 总趋于确定的极限 ,这时我们称这1,ixi0PSI个极限 为函数 在区间 上的定积分(简称积分) ,记作 ,即Ifx,abbafxd= = , afdxI01limniPfx其中 叫做被积函数, 叫做被积表达式, 叫做积分变量, 叫做积分下限,fxf a叫做积分上限, 叫做积分区间。b,bLet be a function that is defined on t

5、he closed interval .Consider a partition fx ,bof the interval into subinterval (not necessarily of equal length ) by means of pointsp,nand let .On each subinterval ,pick an 011naxxb 1iix1,ixarbitrary point (which may be an end point );we call it a sample point for the ith isubinterval.We call the su

6、m a Riemann sum for corresponding to the 1niiSfxfxpartition .pIf exists, we say is integrable on ,where 01limniPfxfx,ab. Moreover, ,called definite integral (or Riemann 2ax,np bafdIntegral) of from to ,is given by fab= .afxd01limniPfxThe equality = means that, corresponding to each 0,there is a 01li

7、niPfL0such that for all Riemann sums for on 1niifxL1niifxf,abfor which the norm of the associated partition is less than .PIn the symbol , is called the lower limit of integral , the upper limit of bafxd bintegral,and the integralinterval.,定理 1 可积性定理 (Integrability Theorem)设 在区间 上连续,则 在 上可积。fx,abfx,

8、abTheorem 1 If a function is continuous on the closed interval ,it is integrable f ,abon .,ab定理 2 可积性定理(Integrability Theorem)设 在区间 上有界,且只有有限个间断点,则 在区间 上可积。fx,abfx,abTheorem 2 If is bounded on and if it is continuous there except at fx,aba finite number of points ,then is integrable on .三定积分的性质(Prop

9、erties of Definite Integrals )两个特殊的定积分(1)如果 在 点有意义,则 ;fxa0afxd(2)如果 在 上可积,则 。,bbbafxTwo Special Definite Integrals(1) If is defined at .Then .fxxa0afxd(2) If is integrable on . Then .,babfbafxd定积分的线性性(Linearity of the Definite Integral)设函数 和 在 上都可积, 是常数,则 和 + 都可积,fxg,akkffg并且(1) = ;bakfdbafx(2) = +

10、; and consequently,xgfdbagx(3) = - .bafbaxSuppose that and are integrable on and is a constant . Then fxg,bkkfxand are integrable ,and f(1) = ;bakxdbafx(2) = + ; and consequently,fgbafdxbag(3) = - .bax性质 3 定积分对于积分区间的可加性(Interval Additive Property of Definite Integrals)设 在区间上可积,且 , 和 都是区间内的点,则不论 , 和

11、的相对位fxabcabc置如何,都有 = + 。cafdbafxbfdxProperty 3 If is integrable on the three closed intervals determined by , ,and ,then abc= +cafxdbafxcbfdxno matter what the order of , ,和 .性质 4 如果在区间 上 1,则 = = 。,fabaProperty 4 If 1 for every in ,then fxx,= = .1badxa性质 5 如果在区间 上 ,则 。,bfx0bafxd0abProperty 5 If is i

12、ntegrable and nonnegative on the closed interval f,then ,ab.bafxd0ab推论 1。2 定积分的可比性(Comparison Property for Definite Integrals)如果在区间 上, ,则,fg,baxdbax。ffd用通俗明了的话说,就是定积分保持不等号。Corollary 1, 2 If and is integrable on the closed interval ,and fxgx ,abfor all in .Then fxg,abafxdbaxand 。bafbafdIn informal bu

13、t descriptive language ,we say that the definite integral preserves inequalities.性质 6 积分的有界性(Boundedness Property for Definite Integrals )如果 在 上连续,且对任意的 ,都有 ,则fx,abx,abmfxM。bamfdMProperty 6 If is continuous on and for all in fx,fxx.Then,ab。bamfxdba性质 7 积分中值定理(Mean Value Theorem for Definite Integral

14、s )如果函数 在闭区间 上连续,则在积分区间 上至少存在一点 ,使下fx, ,式成立= ,bafxdfba且=f1afx称为函数 在区间 上的平均值。fx,abProperty 7 If is continuous on ,there is at least one number between fx,baand such that b= ,bafdfaand=f1bafxdis called the average value of on .x,5.2 微积分基本定理(Fundamental Theorem of Calculus)一积分上限的函数及其导数(Accumulation Fun

15、ction and Its Derivative)定理 1 微积分基本定理 (Fundamental Theorem of Calculus)如果函数 在区间 上连续,则积分上限函数 = 在 上可导,并fxabxaftdb且它的导数是= = .xxadftfxbTheorem 1 Let be continuous on the closed interval and let be a (variable) f ,axpoint in .Then = is differentiable on ,and =,abxaftd ,badftfx.x定理 2 原函数存在定理(The Existence

16、 Theorem of Antiderivative)如果函数 在区间 上连续,则函数 = 就是 在 上的一个原函数.fabxaftdfx,abTheorem 2 If is continuous on the closed interval ,then = is an fx ,xaftdantiderivative of on .,二.牛顿-莱布尼茨公式(Newton-Leibniz Formula)定理 3 微积分第一基本定理(first Fundamental Theorem of Calculus)如果函数 是连续函数 在区间 上的一个原函数,Fxfxab则=bafdF称上面的公式为牛

17、顿-莱布尼茨公式 .Theorem 3 Let be continuous(hence integrable ) on ,and let be any fx ,abFxantiderivative of on .Thenf,ab=afxdFbawhich is called the Newton-Leibniz Formula. 5.3 定积分的换元法和分部积分法(integration by Substitution and Definite Intgrals by Parts)一. 定积分的换元法(Substitution Rule for Definite Integrals)二. 定理

18、 定积分的换元法(Substitution Rule for Definite Integrals)假设函数 在区间 上连续,函数 满足条件fxabxt(1) , ;(2) 在 (或 )上具有连续导数,且其值域 ,则有tRab= ,bafxdftdt上面的公式叫做定积分的换元公式.Theorem Let have a continuous derivative on (or ), and let be t,fxcontinuous on .If , and the range of is a subset of .Then,abbx,b= ,bafxdftdtwhich is called t

19、he substitution rule for definite integrals.二.定积分的分部积分法(Definite Integration by Parts)根据不定积分的分部积分法,有bauxvdbaxvbauxdbaxvv简写为=baudbaudx或= .bavbavAccording to the indefinite integration by parts ,=bauxvdbaxd= bauvx= bauxvvxudFor simplicity ,=bauvdxbavudxor= .baba5.4 反常积分(Improper Integrals)一.无穷限的反常积分(I

20、mproper Integrals with Infinite Limits of integration )定义 1 设函数 在区间 上连续,取 ,如果极限 存在且fxatalimtatfxd为有限值,则此极限为函数 在无穷区间 上的 反常积分,记作 ,即= .afxdlimtatfxd这时也称反常积分 收敛; 如果上述极限不存在,函数 在无穷区间 上的af fx,a反常积分就没有意义,习惯上称为反常积分 发散.afxLet be continuous on ,and .If the limit exists and have fx,tlimtatfxdfinite value , the

21、value is the improper integral of on ,which is denoted byfx,that is ,afxd= ,afxdlimtatfxdWe say that the corresponding improper integral converges.Otherwise ,the integral is siad to diverge.设函数 在区间 上连续,取 ,如果极限 存在且为有限值,fx,btblibttfxd则此极限为函数 在无穷区间 上的反常积分,记作 ,即,= ,bfxdlimbttfxd这时也称反常积分 收敛;如果上述极限不存在,就称反

22、常积分 发散。bf bfxdLet be continuous on ,and .If the limit exists and have fx,btlimttfinite value, the value is the improper integral of on ,which is denoted by fx,b,that is ,bfxd= ,bfxdlimbttfxdWe say that the corresponding improper integral converges. Otherwise, the integral is said to diverge.定义 设函数 在

23、区间 上连续,如果反常积分 和 都fx,0fxd0fxd收敛,则称上述反常积分之和为函数 在无穷区间 上的反常积分,记作fx,,即fxd= +fxd0fx0fxd= +limtt0litt这时也称反常积分 收敛;否则就称反常积分 发散。fx fxLet be continuous on .If both and converge, then fx,0d0fdxis said to converge and have value d= +fx0fxd0fx= + ,limtt0littd二、无界函数的反常积分(Improper Integrals of Infinite Integrands)定

24、义 无界函数反常积分(Improper Integrals of Infinite Integrand)设函数 在半开闭区间 上连续,且 ,)fxablim()tfxb则 ()litaatfxdfd如果等式右边的极限存在且为有限值,此时称反常积分收敛,否则称反常积分发散.Deintion Let be continuous on the half-open interval and suppose ()fx ,abthat .Then limtb()lim()btaatfxdfxdProvided that this limit exists and is finite ,in which c

25、ase we say that the integral converge.Otherwise,we say that the integral diverges.无界函数的反常积分(Improper Integrals of Infinite Integrands)定义 设函数 在半开半闭区间 上连续,且 ,()fxablim()tafx则,()li()btaatfdfxd如果等式右边的极限存在且为有限值,此时称反常积分收敛,否则称反常积分发散.Deintion Let be continuous on the half-open interval and suppose ()fx ,abt

26、hat .Then limta()lim()btaatfxdfxdProvided that this limit exists and is finite ,in which case we say that the integral converge.Otherwise,we say that the integral diverges.积分函数在内点极限为的反常积分(Integrands That are Infinite at an Interior Point)设函数在 在 上除点 外连续,且 , 则定义 ()fx,ab()cablim()xcf()()()bcbaacfdfxfdl

27、imlit ttctfx如果等式右边的两个反常积分都收敛,否则称反常积分 发散.()badLet be continuous on except at a nunber ,where ,and ()fx, cabsuppose that .Then we define limxc()()()bcbaacfxdfxfdxlimlit ttctfProvided both integrals on the right converge.Otherwise,we say that diverges.()bafxd一类特殊的反常积分(A Special Type of Improper Integral)1,1pifpdxivergs


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