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1、What is translation,Russia is by far the biggest country to appear on the communitys black list of offending nations. More than 25 billion dollars are believed to have been sent abroad last year, the product of criminal activities or of tax evasion. The problem derives to some extent from the partic

2、ularly unregulated circumstances in which large sectors of the soviet command economy were transferred to private hands, but Russias position as a transit route for Afghan heroin into Europe has aggravated the situation.,翻译的类别 既然翻译的性质可从不同的角度来定义,那么同样翻译的种类也可从不同的视角来分类。一般说来,翻译可从5种不同的角度来分类(见教材pp.2-3): 1)

3、 从译出语和译入语的角度来分类,翻译可分为本族语译为外语外语译为本族语; 2) 从涉及到的语言符号来分类,翻译分为语内翻译(intralingual translation)、语际翻译 (interlingual translation)和符际翻译(intersemiotic translation); 3) 从翻译的手段来分类,翻译可分为口译(oral interlingual translation)、笔译(written interlingual translation) 和机器翻译(machine translation); 4) 从翻译的题材来分类,翻译可分为专业文献翻译(trans

4、lation of English for science and technology)、文学翻译(literary translation)和一般性翻译(practical writing translation); 5) 从翻译的处理方式来分类,翻译可分为全译(full translation)、摘译(partial translation)和编译(translation plus editing)。,considerations in translating,Millet made a portrait of Lady Chesterfield, which flattered her

5、.,Question 1. What should we be closer to, the original text or the target language?,A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps, for there is a companionship of books as well as of men.,人往往可以从一个人所交往的朋友以及所阅读的书去看他的为人.这是因为人与人之间有友谊,同样的,人与书之间也有友谊. 所谓欲知其人,先观其书,看一个人

6、读什么书也能了解一个人,因人不仅能与人为友,还能与书为友.,Question 2 what should be brought to the surface: the superficial meaning or the implied meaning?,He is the last person I will ask for help. The dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone. Mr white is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other day. He has

7、 been feeling blue today. When I saw him, he was in a brown mood. I hope hell soon be in the pink again.,the criteria for adequate translation,1. He was a man of integrity ,but unfortunately he had a certain reputation .I believe the reputation was not deserved. 2. Beauty is but flower, which wrinkl

8、es will devour。 3. Tomorrow is a minimum day, could you pick me up at noon?,You are old enough to know better. It would be one setback too many for him. This failure was the making of him. The conflict between the workers and the supervisor came to a head when the boss dismissed the two workers.,严复和

9、严复的“信达雅”。 严复是我国清末新兴资产阶级的启蒙思想家。鲁迅曾在二心集里说过,严复“曾经查过汉晋六朝翻译佛经的方法”。严复参照古代翻译佛经的经验,根据自己翻译的实践在天演论卷首的译例言中提出了著名的“信达雅”翻译标准。严复曾说:“译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣!顾信矣,不达,虽译,犹不译也,则达尚焉。”严复最初提出三难,并不是作为翻译标准提出来的,但在这之后的一百年间,严复的“信达雅”说渐渐引起了许多翻译家的共鸣,对翻译实践起到积极的指导作用,表现出了强大的生命力。但对其“雅”宇从一开始便有争议。他所谓的“雅”,是指脱离原文而片面追求译文本身的古雅。他认为只有译文本身采用“汉以前字

10、法句法”实际上即所谓上等的文言文,才算登大雅之堂。所以在白话文兴起之后,激进派群起而攻之,大有将其批倒批臭而后快之势。甚至到了20世纪80年代末90年代初,又掀起了一场关于“信达雅”的争论。有人甚至认为严复的“信达雅”说,严重限制了翻译研究的视野,长期束缚了人们的思想。有些观点相当激烈。如黄雨石就说:“严复在开一代翻译之风,在着意介绍外国新思想等方面的确立下了不可磨灭的功绩。他的这一套翻译理论,无可讳言,却显然是完全错误的。(沈苏儒著论“信达雅”严复翻译理论研究商务印书馆,1998年,第107页) 周笃宝说:“雅字是唯心的,或者说是违心的,都是不科学的。他翻译的是当时格物致知 的书,代表先进的

11、学术思想,却为了使顽固保守的士大夫阶级乐于接受西方先进学理刻意摹仿先秦文体去翻译显然不妥。如果说严复的翻译思想有不妥之处,皆失于雅。(中国翻译)2000(2),29)由此可见,在对严复的“信达雅”说百年来的争论中,“信达”二字已是人们公认的标准,而对“雅”字却争论很大。,20世纪20年代我国出现了关于“神韵”的讨论。对此我国著名作家茅盾曾发表过见解。他本人始终如一是不妥协的“直译”论者,连后来出现的介乎“直译”和“意译”之间的所谓“顺译”他都反对,理由是“顺译”容易导致“歪译”。(1984a:351354)茅盾早期发 表过许多关于文学翻译的见解,针对五四运动以前“歪译”的泛滥,提出一系列的“直

12、译”理论,以纠正前人的偏差。行文当中,他使用了传统文艺理论的语言,谈到“神韵”时说:“就我的私见下个判断,觉得与其失神韵而留形貌,还不如形貌上有些差异而保留神韵。文学的功用在感人,而感人的力量恐怕还是寓于神韵的多而寄在形貌的少,译本如不能保留原文的神韵,难免要失了许多的感人的力量。”(1984b:337)这段话强调“神韵”,和后来的“神似”没有大的差别。,我国现代对翻译标准的争论 傅雷和钱钟书在20世纪50年代和60年代分别提出“神似”和“化境”的翻译标准。傅雷先生主张“重神似而不重形似”。于是我国译界出现了两大派。一是以傅雷、杨绛、杨必等译家为代表的“神似派”,一是以卞之琳先生为代表的“存形

13、求神派”。一派重神似,一派重形似,谁也说服不了谁。,树立正确的翻译观 长期以来,我国翻译界一直存在着“直译派”与“意译派”、“神似派”与“形似派”、“艺术派”与“科学派”之间的争论。大致说来,这一对对派别又可以概括为两大派,艺术派认为翻译是艺术,实践中比较重神似,而且大多偏爱意译,而科学派则认为翻译是科学,实践中比较强调形似,大多喜欢采用直译。从实践效果来看,“艺术派”的译文以明白晓畅为特色,容易为读者所喜爱。但是,由于不拘形式的缘故,难免或多或少存在有失严谨的缺陷;而“科学派”的译文虽以忠实、严谨为特征,但容易出现生硬拗口的弊病,读起来不是十分顺畅。作为翻译工作者应坚持辩证法,树立正确的翻译

14、观,不偏倚任何一派,而是取两家之长,避两家之短,使科学与艺术并重,神似与形似兼顾,直译与意译并用。坚持对立统一规律,才能达到翻译的最高境界。,Criteria One,faithfulness to the source text with regard to its author ,time, language characteristic, style, etc,Sentences for practice,He had words with her. We shall not want for food. Wherever you go, there are signs of human

15、 presence. They have achieved significant progress in their research. You must come back before nine. Period! This is a thought-provokingly different explanation.,They have achieved significant progress in their research. When the restaurant started business, the boss hired several fake customers to

16、 promote it.,Criteria Two,Fluency in the target text: 1)clear in meaning 2) standard language,If you feel depressed at a social gathering, keep it a secret. The bacteria pneumonia may complicate influenza at both extremes of age. When the restaurant started business, the boss hired several fake cust

17、omers to promote it. The room was easily traced by the noise of the kids coming out of it .,Situation 1 张教授与李教授两位老先生约好时间在一家餐馆会面,临走时张教授说了一句: “Well, Ill be there” Situation 2 x:How much have you suffered, Irene? y:A lot.,It was a girl with good manners. Yet, as it sometimes happens that a person depar

18、ts his life, who is really deserving of the praises the stone-cutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, a good child, a good wife or a good husband; who actually does have a disconsolate family to mourn his loss.,Appropriateness in the use of the target language,1:Let me

19、have the skates. You dont know how to skate. Dont be a dog in the manger. 2: There you are the dog in the manger! You wont let him discuss your affairs, and you are annoyed when he talks about his own.,Sentences for practice,The ethnic unrest is a far cry from the image of peace and harmony Bhutan h

20、as exuded for centuries. John Major seemed a pleasant but rather dull man in a grey suit, a far cry from the Iron Lady. The militarys single politburo representation is the smallest in the communist partys history, and a far cry from the 1970s and early 1980s when at least half the members were unif

21、ormed appointees.,Sentences for improvement There will come a day when people the world over will live a happy life under the sun of socialism. 全世界人民在社会主义阳光下过幸福生活的一天是会到来的。 The sun, which had hidden all day,now came out in all its splendor. 那个整天躲在云层里的太阳,现在又光芒四射地露面了。 I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble.我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备出故障,就是引擎出故障,或二者都出故障。,


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