1、EUS Soft Skill Improvement Workshop,IBM Global Technology Services, GCG,Confidential | May 25 2006 | EUS competency,Attitude (态度),2,EUS Soft Skill Improvement Workshop,Attitude 解释:attitude(态度)包含两层意思:1)我们自身所具有的服务素质和意识2)提供服务时的态度,方式,方法。,3,服务意识,为什么要有服务意识,顾客是怎样失去的,顾客要什么,4,竞争带来的,最符合自己想法的产品(服务) 最适合自己的产品(服务
2、) 自己最喜欢的产品 (服务),5,6,7,8,9,顾客的期望越来越高,更注意自己所得到的服务 对服务有了更多的要求 对服务更加不满意 需要更好的服务质量,到2005年,与五年前相比,顾客,服务水平并未完善 许多员工还不在乎是否提供优质服务,他们认为,10,服务意识,为什么要有服务意识,顾客是怎样失去的,顾客要什么,11,顾客流失的原因,12,一个不满的顾客,l 一个投诉不满的顾客背后有25个不满的顾客, l 24人不满但并不投诉 l 一个不满的顾客会把他糟糕的经历告诉10-20人 l 6个有严重问题但未发出抱怨声 l 投诉者比不投诉者更有意愿继续与公司保持关系 l 投诉者的问题得到解决,会有
3、60%的投诉者愿与公司保持关系,如果迅速得到解决,会有90-95%的顾客会与公司保持关系,13,l 一个满意的顾客会告诉1-5人 l 100个满意的客户会带来25个新顾客 l 维持一个老顾客的成本只有吸引一个新顾客的1/5 l 更多地购买并且长时间地对该公司的商品保持忠诚 l 购买公司推荐的其他产品并且提高购买产品的等级 l 对他人说公司和产品的好话,较少注意竞争品牌的广告,并且对价格也不敏感 l 给公司提供有关产品和服务的好主意,一个满意的顾客,14,服务意识,为什么要有服务意识,顾客是怎样失去的,顾客要什么,15,关键因素,16,客户服务的本质,发现需求,满足需求,17,EUS Soft
4、Skill Improvement Workshop,Attitude 解释:attitude(态度)包含两层意思:1)我们自身所具有的服务素质和意识2)提供服务时的态度,方式,方法。,18,客户在工作中遇到的IT问题?,?,19,用户意见回答技巧,1、理解和认同 2、我们也在努力,但也是“受害者” 3、攻击“对手”弱点,客 人 意 见,1、改正工作中的不足,2、提高沟通能力,20,积 极 心 态 带 给 你,为你带来成功环境的成功意识 让你保持生理/心理的健康 让你拥有爱心, 让你内心平静, 让你长寿并让生活平衡 驱除恐惧, 把失败视为自省的机会,在逆境中看到/找到成功的契机 免于自我设限,
5、.,21,自制的七个C让你更成功,控制自己的思想: 控制自己的时间: 控制接触的对象: 控制沟通的方式: 控制自己的承诺: 控制自己的目标: 控制自己的忧虑:,Concept,Clock,Contacts,Communication,Commitments,Causes,Concern,22,让 自 信 心 永 伴 你,拥 有 信 心 才 拥 有 进 步,EUS Soft Skill Improvement Workshop,Effective Communication,IBM Global Technology Services, GCG,Confidential | May 30 200
6、6 | EUS competency,24,Agenda,What is SERVICEWhat kind of customer we will faceImportance of CommunicationEffective CommunicationStandard Service for our customer Golden rules for speaking and actionPay attention to the details Best practice,25,What is service?,Employment in duties or work for anothe
7、r, as for a government A government branch or department and its employees. A branch of the armed forces of a nation. The performance of work or duties for a superior or as a servant Work done for others as an occupation or business An act or a variety of work done for others, especially for pay Wor
8、k done by one person or group that benefits another,26,What does “SERVICE” stand for?,S- Smile tone E- Excellent in everything we do R- Reaching out to every guest with hospitality V- View every guest as special I - Inviting guest to return C- Create a warm atmosphere E- Eye contact that shows we ca
9、re,27,What kind of customer we will face?,Comfortable主动表明来意 面带微笑 语气轻松 有耐心听解释 感谢你的服务,Insistent目的明确 思路清晰 直接的眼神交流 语速快,不容插话 对事不对人,Indecisive目光回避接触 不确定自己的期望 语速缓慢 避免争执,Irate表情严肃 对人不对事 人身攻击 经常打断对方 语言具争执性,Usually, there are four types of customer,28,How shall we respond to the persons with different styles?
10、,Comfortable 感激他的理解 感谢他的支持 欣赏, 赞同 表明用户的肯定会带来更大动力,Insistent明确要求,目的 过硬的技术背景 快速得出判断 清晰的计划 立即行动,Indecisive照顾他的情绪 耐心聆听 帮助他理清思路 明确他的目的和需求,Irate 耐心对待他的发泄及愤怒 微笑, 认同他的感觉 尽量平静自己及对方的情绪 将他的抱怨转向事情本身,29,沟通游戏,放松一下,30,有效沟通的总体原则, 尊重 信任 理解(换位思考) 双向沟通 对事不对人 多提建议少提主张,31,不断确认接收者处于接收状态。,信息发送者的原则,WHO WHY WHAT WHEN WHERE H
11、OW,5W1H,32,对所接收的信息保持充分的专心。 对所接收的信息保持积极的状态。 不断确认所接收的信息,必要时重复对方发送的信息。 对发送者及时地进行反馈。,信息接收者的原则,33,倾听的原则,目光接触 不打断对方 不急于下结论 理解而不是评价 集中注意力 积极的反馈,34,语气及音色的运用,发音 Pronunciation 停顿 Pause 语速 Pace 音高 Pitch 音量 Volume 语气 Tone 抑扬 Intonation,35,有效利用肢体语言,Smile 微笑面对 Open 开放姿态 Concentrate 集中注意 Lean 适当距离 Eye contact 目光接触
12、 Action 行为反馈 Relax 放松自然,36,信任是沟通的基础,同时也是建立良好的沟通氛围的前提。,沟通氛围,37,建筑和谐的技巧,微笑和放松 闲聊/他人的兴趣 目光接触 记住别人的名字 主动握手 相同的语言 交换名片 理解人们的差异 自我介绍,38,Standardized Service What we should do?,Quickly response customer even you are not available at that time Book customer time before you go to his desk “Hi, This is XXXX f
13、rom on-site support. What can I do for you?” Take care of user machine Treat customers stuff gently. Well use Mute & Hold when you are on the line with customer Receive the customer if his original support engineer is not available in that time One voice to customer Keep customer informed about the
14、status of the pending case Double check the machine with customer before he takes it away especially for the data restore case Confirm with customer before closing the request,39,Standardized Service What we should not do?,Dont block user in your hand prepare the related information for the out of s
15、cope request Never say “sorry, this is not our business.” Dont pick up your personal call during the service Dont touch customer stuff without permit,40,Standardized Service What we should not do? (Cont.),Dont argue or blame each other in front of end user, control voice volume within internal. Dont
16、 discuss internal issue in front of end user Dont discuss any sensitive topic with end user Playing PC game and watching movie are seriously violation,41,Ten Golden Rules of the Telephone,Answer the phone with a professional, friendly manner. Always speak clearly and slowly. Give the customer your f
17、ull attention. Give the customer specific information. Explain to the customer what action will be taken as a result of the phone call. Always personalize your calls by giving your full name and using the customers surname and appropriate title.,42,Ten Golden Rules of the Telephone (Cont.),Never cri
18、ticize the customer or correct him/her. Always be polite and helpful. Do not make promises to the customer that you dont know, or suspect, cannot be kept. Make sure that you fulfill all commitments made to the customer and always return calls by the time or date promisedif not earlier! Keep organize
19、d records of calls and take clear messages. Check these at the end of each day.,43,Golden Rules for Speaking And Action,Golden Rules for the actionPut your feet on customers shoes anytime Perfect if you can call customer with his name even you only support him once Must get customers understanding b
20、efore focusing on two cases at the same time Simply clean customer machine after the service if its possible Talking about topics which user interest in is better than keeping silence. Communicate in the different ways with different types of customer,44,Pay attention to the details,Dressing code: f
21、ollow that is defined by the customerKeep neatnessDecorum: treat user politely (lady first, .etc)Bring positive and optimistic image to customerBe confident,Appearance,45,Pay attention to the details (Cont.),Eye contactFacial expressions (e.g.: Smiling)NoddingLeaning forward,Listening with physical
22、reactions,46,选择合适沟通主题 -在与用户面对面,或通过电话长时间解决问题的过程中,是否与用户交谈?可以谈什么?避免谈什么?,当用户忙于其它工作或保持沉默-不要打扰用户,安静的做自己的工作,只进行与解决问题有关的必要沟通当用户主动与你交谈-找一些随意的话题,或刻意聊一些用户感兴趣的话题,拉近彼此距离-注意避免打听用户电脑中的程序或内容,Best Practice,47,选择合适沟通主题 (续),当用户询问或谈到敏感话题(何为敏感话题)-不对用户公司品头论足-不传递,讨论因接触各部门而听来的小道消息-不抱怨自己公司或同事-不对同事先前的工作发表负面评论-不透露双方公司间可能有的纠纷或
23、项目规划-不教用户如何利用系统漏洞,或绕开IT相关规定,违反policy,Best Practice,48,谨慎说 “ YES “ -虽然”Yes”,”没问题”这样的回答能令用户当时觉得心情愉快,服务周到,但你很可能同时为用户将来可能的不满意埋下了隐患.,For out of scope requirement-不要对用户的要求大包大揽,该由其它vendor解决的问题,要明确地告知用户正确的流程.即使用户要求,既不要不加解释就包揽下来,也不要解释清楚后只因用户自己嫌麻烦或觉得自己可能处理不了而答应代替用户去进行下面的流程- Hidden Trouble,Best Practice,*完成顺利,
24、但不能反应实际工作量*用户会认为理应如此或认为以后可以照章办理*完成不顺利,不必要的风险与投诉,49,谨慎说 “ YES “. (续),For Urgent Problem-不要为了取悦用户或不好意思见用户着急而许诺快速解决,每个用户都认为自己的问题是最着急最重要的而希望得到优先解决.不要因此而答应少于标准SLA (Service Lever Agreement)的解决期限.-Hidden Trouble,Best Practice,*尽管达到SLA,但用户仍感失望*影响自己对手边工作实际优先级的正确判断与合理安排,For Problem not for sure-不要对没有把握的问题承诺一定
25、解决.而是待问题解决后给用户以结果,或者当证实问题无法在本层支持范围内解决后,给用户明确的解释,然后升级相关Team.-Hidden Trouble*正常的problem escalate令用户不满*因承诺过用户一定解决而放过多精力或超范围的试图解决问题,50,如何对用户说 “ NO “,态度上要耐心语气上要委婉拒绝用用户听得懂的术语要让用户感觉到是为他/她着想如果用户对流程不满意,为用户提供反馈途径,Best Practice,51,如何对用户说 “ NO “(续),用户要求安装费标准的硬件或软件-从Policy的角度说明是公司的规定-站在客户的角度说明如果这样做了会给用户自己带来什么样的后
26、果,例如会受到病毒攻击或者造成系统崩溃等-建议用户使用符合标准的替代方法用户要求提供服务范围之外的支持, 用用户听得懂的术语-说明自己的服务范围 -为用户提供信息和建议,使用户知道如何可以获得所需要的支持(如相关部门的信息),Best Practice,52,Summary,What is SERVICEWhat kind of customer we will faceImportance of CommunicationEffective CommunicationStandard Service for our customer Golden rules for speaking and actionPay attention to the details Best practice,53,Thanks for Listening,谢谢!,