1、Lesson Two Hiroshima - “Liveliest” City in Japan -lectured by Luo Zaixiang,2007年8月6日, 一男孩在广岛和平纪念馆里观看当年原子弹爆炸后的广岛废墟照片。,Background material for reference 1. Hiroshima 2. the building of the atomic bomb the Manhattan Project,Questions for discussion 1. What is the writers nationality? How do you know? 2
2、. What is his mission to visit Hiroshima? 3. Why did he feel guilty when standing on the land of Hiroshima? 4. How did the visitors feel when the mayor mentions Hiroshima again and again?,5. What does the bombing result? 6. Why didnt the writer raise the questions he had prepared? 7. Why did Hiroshima become a target to be bombed?,What meaning does the author tell us in the first paragraph? 1) The author is here on a reportorial mission. 2)The city was not his first assignment. 3) He was occupied with some sad thoughts-the crime of the Bomb. He was tortured by a guilty,