1、十三. 连贯与翻译,一、连贯的定义 连贯(coherence)是词语、小句、句群在概念、逻辑上合理、恰当地连为一体的语篇特征。连贯的语篇有一个内在的逻辑结构从头到尾贯通全篇,将所有概念有机地串接在一起,达到时空顺序明晰,逻辑推进层次分明的效果。连贯是将一个个词语、小句连成更大的语义结构的一种逻辑机制,连贯是交际成功的重要保证之一。,二、连贯与翻译 1.选词择义符合语篇的整体性。 1) Discipline means choices.Every time you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more. Every pri
2、ze has its price. The prize is the yes; the price is the no.,自律意味着有取有舍。每当你选取了一个目标,也就同时舍弃了其他许多目标。每项收获都要付出代价,所选取的就是收获,所舍弃的就是代价。,2)The chess board is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidde
3、n from us. We know that his play is always fair, just, and patient. But we also know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.,世界是盘棋,万物就是棋子。弈棋规则即所谓的自然规律。我们的对手隐蔽不见。我们知道他下棋总是合理、公正、有耐心。但输了棋后我们才知道,他从不放过任何误棋,也决不原谅任何无知。,3) So when , at 17 , Marjorie fe
4、ll in love with a poor medical student , the aunt promptly arranged to take her niece abroad. In the 90s, that was still standard technique. ( A.Abbot ,A True Story Haunted Him ) 这样 ,马乔里在 17 岁那年爱恋上了一个学医的穷学生以后 ,她姑母立即就筹谋让她到国外去。在19 世纪末叶 ,这仍旧是拆散情人所采用的典型办法。,2.语序的调整要符合目标语的逻辑。 1)Before long, plastic may tr
5、ansform its image from eco-villain to environment hero,thanks to “smart”plastics now in development. These could allow vehicles to eliminate ozone-depleting emissions and help windows store and make use of the suns heat. Perhaps by then, the name itself will morph from a pejorative jab into a genuin
6、e complement.,目前,“智能”塑料正在开发之中,这种材料不仅能消除汽车排放的破坏臭氧的废气,还可以让窗户储存和利用太阳的热量。不久的将来,塑料的形象将从生态魔鬼摇身一变为环保英雄。也许到那时,塑料一词的含义将从恶意的挖苦转成真正的赞美。,2) President Jimmy Carter noted that inflation is the cruelest tax that every one can pay. Many people agree with that statement, arguing that the persistent decline in the do
7、llars purchasing power hurts people directly because products cost more, and also causes a kind of phsycological damage. Resent polls have shown that the average American, far from being optimistic, expects prices to rise to ever higher rates.,卡特总统曾指出,通货膨胀是每个人付出的最苛刻的捐税。许多人具有同感 ,他们认为购买力的持续下降使产品价格提高,不但直接损害了人民的利益 ,而且给人们造成了一种心灵上的创伤。最近进行的民意测验表明 ,一般美国人远非乐观 ,预料价格还将上涨更高。,The End .,