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1、Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNE/SA/SE532/LM158/258/358/A/2904Low power dual operational amplifiers11995 Nov 27 853-1241 16050DESCRIPTIONThe 532/358/LM2904 consists of two independent, high gain,internally frequency-compensated operational amplifiers internallyfrequency-compensated ope

2、rational amplifiers designed specificallyto operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages.Operation from dual power supplies is also possible, and the lowpower supply current drain is independent of the magnitude of thepower supply voltage.UNIQUE FEATURESIn the linear mode the inp

3、ut common-mode voltage range includesground and the output voltage can also swing to includes groundand the output voltage can also swing to ground, even thoughoperated from only a single power supply voltage. The unity gaincross frequency is temperature-compensated. The input bias currentis also te

4、mperature-compensated.FEATURES Internally frequency-compensated for unity gain Large DC voltage gain100dB Wide bandwidth (unity gain)1MHz (temperature-compensated)PIN CONFIGURATIONS1234 5678 + + A BV+OUTPUT BINVERTING INPUT BNON INVERTING INPUT BOUTPUT AINVERTING INPUT ANON INVERTING INPUT AVD, FE,

5、N PackagesSL00282Figure 1. Pin Configuration Wide power supply range single supply3VDCto 30VDCor dualsupplies1.5VDCto 15VDC Very low supply current drain (400A)essentially independent ofsupply voltage (1mW/op amp at +5VDC) Low input biasing current45nADCtemperature-compensated Low input offset volta

6、ge2mVDCand offset current5nADC Differential input voltage range equal to the power supply voltage Large output voltage0VDCto V+ 1.5VDCswingEQUIVALENT CIRCUITv+6A100AQ2 Q3Q1 Q4INPUTS+Q8 Q9CCQ106AQ5Q7Q6RSCOUTPUTQ13Q12Q1150ASL00283Figure 2. Equivalent CircuitPhilips Semiconductors Product specification

7、NE/SA/SE532/LM158/258/358/A/2904Low power dual operational amplifiers1995 Nov 27 2ORDERING INFORMATIONDESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE ORDER CODE DWG #8-Pin Plastic Small Outline (SO) Package 0 to +70C NE532D SOT96-18-Pin Plastic Dual In-Line Package (DIP) 0 to +70C NE532N SOT97-18-Pin Plastic Small Ou

8、tline (SO) Package -40C to +85C SA532D SOT96-18-Pin Plastic Dual In-Line Package (DIP) -40C to +85C SA532N SOT97-18-Pin Ceramic Dual In-Line Package (CERDIP) -40C to +85C SA532FE 0580A8-Pin Plastic Small Outline (SO) Package -40C to +125C LM2904D SOT96-18-Pin Plastic Dual In-Line Package (DIP) -40C

9、to +125C LM2904N SOT97-18-Pin Ceramic Dual In-Line Package (CERDIP) -55C to +125C LM158FE 0580A8-Pin Plastic Dual In-Line Package (DIP) -25C to +125C LM258N SOT97-18-Pin Plastic Small Outline (SO) Package -25C to +125C LM258D SOT96-18-Pin Plastic Small Outline (SO) Package 0 to +70C LM358D SOT96-18-

10、Pin Plastic Dual In-Line Package (DIP) 0 to +70C LM358N SOT97-18-Pin Plastic Dual In-Line Package (DIP) 0 to +70C LM358AN SOT97-18-Pin Plastic Small Outline (SO) Package 0 to +70C LM358AD SOT96-18-Pin Plastic Dual In-Line Package (DIP) -55C to +125C SE532N SOT97-18-Pin Ceramic Dual In-Line Package (

11、CERDIP) -55C to +125C SE532FE 0580AABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSYMBOL PARAMETER RATING UNITVSSupply voltage, V+ 32 or 16 VDCDifferential input voltage 32 VDCVINInput voltage -0.3 to +32 VDCPDMaximum power dissipationTA=25C (Still air)1FE packageN packageD package7801160780mWmWmWOutput short-circuit to G

12、ND5V+15 VDCand TA=25C ContinuousOperating ambient temperature rangeNE532/LM358/LM358A 0 to +70 CTALM258 -25 to +85 CLM2904 -40 to +125 CSA532 -40 to +85 CSE532/LM158 -55 to +125 CTSTGStorage temperature range -65 to +150 CTSOLDLead soldering temperature (10sec max) 300 CNOTES:1. Derate above 25C, at

13、 the following rates:FE package at 6.2mW/CN package at 9.3mW/CD package at 6.2mW/CPhilips Semiconductors Product specificationNE/SA/SE532/LM158/258/358/A/2904Low power dual operational amplifiers1995 Nov 27 3DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTA= 25C, V+=+5V, unless otherwise specified.SYMBOL PARAMETER TE

14、ST CONDITIONSSE532, LM158/258NE/SA532/LM358/LM2904UNITMin Typ Max Min Typ MaxVOSOffset voltage1RS=0 RS=0, over temp.2 572 79mVmVVOSDrift RS=0, over temp. 7 7 V/CIOSOffset currentIIN(+)-IIN(-) Over temp.3 301005 50150nAnAIOSDrift Over temp. 10 10 pA/CIBIASInput current2IIN(+) or IIN(-)Over temp., IIN

15、(+) or IIN(-)45401503004540250500nAnAIBDrift Over temp. 50 50 pA/CVCMCommon-mode voltage V+=30V 0 V+-1.5 0 V+-1.5 Vrange3Over temp., V+=30V 0 V+-2.0 0 V+-2.0 VCMRRCommon-mode rejectionratioV+=30V 70 85 65 70 dBVOHOutput voltage swingRL2k, V+=30V, over temp.26 26 VRL10k, V+=30V, over temp.27 28 27 28

16、 VVOLOutput voltage swing RL10k, over temp. 5 20 5 20 mVICCSupply currentRL=, V+=30V RL= on all amplifiers, over temp., V+ =30V0. voltage gainRL2k, VOUT10V, V+=15V(for large VOswing) over temp.5025100 2515100 V/mVV/mVPSRRSupply voltage rejectionratioRS=0 65

17、100 65 100 dBAmplifier-to-amplifier cou-pling4f=1kHz to 20kHz(input referred)-120 -120 dBIOUTOutput currentSourceVIN+=+1VDC, VIN-=0VDC,V+=15VDC20 40 20 40 mAVIN+=+1VDC, VIN-=0VDC,V+=15VDC, over temp.10 20 10 20 mASinkVIN-=+1VDC, VIN+=0VDC, V+=15VDC10 20 10 20 mAVIN-=+1VDC, VIN+=0VDC,V+=15VDC, over t

18、emp.5 8 5 8 mAVIN+=0V, VIN-=+1VDC, VO=200mV12 50 12 50 AISCShort circuit current540 60 40 60 mADifferential input voltage6V+ V+ VGBW Unity gain bandwidth TA=25C 1 1 MHzSR Slew rate TA=25C 0.3 0.3 V/sVNOISEInput noise voltage TA=25C, f=1kHz 40 40 nV/HzPhilips Semiconductors Product specificationNE/SA

19、/SE532/LM158/258/358/A/2904Low power dual operational amplifiers1995 Nov 27 4DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA=25C, V+=+5V, unless otherwise specified.SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSLM358AUNITMin Typ MaxVOSOffset voltage1RS=0 RS=0, over temp.2 35mVmVVOSDrift RS=0, over temp. 7 20 V/CIOSOffset curren

20、tIIN(+)-IIN(-) Over temp.5 3075nAnAIOSDrift Over temp. 10 300 pA/CIBIASInput current2IIN(+) or IIN(-)Over temp., IIN(+) or IIN(-)4540100200nAnAIBDrift Over temp. 50 pA/CVCMCommon-mode voltage V+=30V 0 V+-1.5 Vrange3Over temp., V+=30V 0 V+-2.0 VCMRR Common-mode rejection ratio V+=30V 65 85 dBVOHOutpu

21、t voltage swingRL2k, V+=30V, over temp.26 VRL10k, V+=30V, over temp.27 28 VVOLOutput voltage swing RL10k, over temp. 5 20 mVICCSupply currentRL=, V+=30V RL= on all amplifiers, over temp., V+ =30V0. voltage gainRL2k, VOUT10V, V+=15V(for large VOswing) over temp.2515100 V

22、/mVV/mVPSRR Supply voltage rejection ratio RS=0 65 100 dBAmplifier-to-amplifier coupling4f=1kHz to 20kHz (input referred) -120 dBIOUTOutput currentSourceVIN+=+1VDC, VIN-=0VDC,V+=15VDC20 40 mAVIN+=+1VDC, VIN-=0VDC,V+=15VDC, over temp.10 20 mASinkVIN-=+1VDC, VIN+=0VDC, V+=15VDC10 20 mAVIN-=+1VDC, VIN+

23、=0VDC,V+=15VDC, over temp.5 8 mAVIN+=0V, VIN-=+1VDC, VO=200mV12 50 AISCShort circuit current540 60 mADifferential input voltage6V+ VGBW Unity gain bandwidth TA=25C 1 MHzSR Slew rate TA=25C 0.3 V/sVNOISEInput noise voltage TA=25C, f=1kHz 40 nV/HzNOTES:1. VO 1.4V, RS=0 with V+ from 5V to 30V; and over

24、 the full input common-mode range (0V to V+ -1.5V).2. The direction of the input current is out of the IC due to the PNP input stage. This current is essentially constant, independent of the state ofthe output so no loading change exists on the input lines.3. The input common-mode voltage or either

25、input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3V. The upper end of thecommon-mode voltage range is V+ -1.5V, but either or both inputs can go to +32V without damage.4. Due to proximity of external components, insure that coupling is not originating via stray capacitance be

26、tween these external parts. Thistypically can be detected as this type of capacitance coupling increases at higher frequencies.5. Short-circuits from the output to V+ can cause excessive heating and eventual destruction. The maximum output current is approximately40mA independent of the magnitude of

27、 V+. At values of supply voltage in excess of +15VDC, continuous short-circuits can exceed the powerdissipation ratings and cause eventual destruction.6. The input common-mode voltage or either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3V. The upper end of thecommon-mo

28、de voltage range is V+ -1.5V, but either or both inputs can go to +32VDCwithout damage.Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNE/SA/SE532/LM158/258/358/A/2904Low power dual operational amplifiers1995 Nov 27 5TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSV OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V )O+VDC100KVO1K+7VDCVIN2KTA= 0oC

29、to +125oCTA= 55oC4321001020 30 40SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VDC)SUPPLYCURRENT DRAIN (mA) DC908070605040302010055 35 15 5 25 45 65 85 105 125TEMPERATURE (oC)OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) DC160120804000 10 20 30 40SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VDC)RL+ 20 kRL+ 2 kA VOLTAGE GAIN (dB)VOL+V+10MVO0.1fV+/2VINV+= 30 VDCAND55oC TA +125oCV+= 10

30、 to 15 VDCAND55oC TA +125oC1401201008060402001 10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10MFREQUENCY (Hz)VOLTAGE GAIN (dB)201510501K 10K 100K 1MFREQUENCY (Hz)V OUTPUT SWING (V )OppRL 2K V+15 VDC4321032100 10 20 30 40TIME (S)OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)INPOUT VOLTAGE (V)EO50pFINPUTOUTPUTIN5004504003503002500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8t TIM

31、E (S)TA = +25oCV+ = +30 VDCE OUTPUT VOLTAGE (mV)O+V+/2V+V2IOINDEPENDENT OF V+TA= +25oC876543210.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100IO+ OUTPUT SOURCE CURRENT (mADC)V OUTPUT VOLTAGEREFERENCE TO V+ (VD )DCV+/2V+IOTA= +25oCV+= +5 VDCV+= +15 VDCV+= +30 VDC1010.10.010.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100IO OUTPUT SINK CURRENT (mADC)D

32、CVO+Supply Current Current Limiting Voltage GainOpenLoop FrequencyResponseLargeSignal FrequencyResponseVoltageFollower ResponseVoltageFollower Pulse Response (SmallSignal)Output CharacteristicsCurrent SourcingOutput CharacteristicsCurrent SinkingSL00284Figure 3. Typical Performance CharacteristicsPh

33、ilips Semiconductors Product specificationNE/SA/SE532/LM158/258/358/A/2904Low power dual operational amplifiers1995 Nov 27 6TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)+V INPUT VOLTAGE ( V )15105NEGATIVEPOSITIVE0 5 10 15V+OR V POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE (+ VDC)INDC+VCM= 0 VDCV+= +30 VDCV+= +15 VDCV+= +

34、5 VDC908070605040302010055 35 15 5 25 45 65 85 105 125TA TEMPERATURE (Co)I INPUT CURRENT (nA)BDC100100100k7.5 VDCVO100k+VIN+7.5 VDC120100806040200100 1k 10k 100k 1Mf FREQUENCY (Hz)CMRR COMMONMODE REJECTION RATIO (dB)Input Voltage Range Input Current CommonMode Rejection RatioSL00285Figure 4. Typical Performance Characteristics (cont.)TYPICAL APPLICATIONSV+2Non-Inverting AmplifierRFV+8RLVORINV+2VIN+4V+8VOVIN+4V+10K10kV+8VOVIN+4V+10K10kRFBLOCKSDC.GAINR1Single Supply Inverting AmplifierInput Biasing Voltage FollowerSL00286Figure 5. Typical Applications


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