1、2010届高考英语备考建议,研读考试大纲,提高备考针对性 强化三个意识,向高分冲刺 倒计时三阶段,最后压缩整理,明确考试大纲重要性,迎接最后挑战! 领悟命题指导思想,提高应考实效! 破解考试大纲关键信息, 冲刺理想高分!,明确考试大纲重要性,1、高考命题的重要依据; 2、明确考试原则和要求: 通过题型示例了解考查的知识和能力,了解整个试卷和不同题目基本的难易程度;,3、明确复习的范围,减少盲目性; 4、大纲以考试机构文件的方式公布考试的基本原则和范围,增加考试的透明度,有利于确保考试的“公平、公正”。,试卷设计和试题命制的指导思想:为了“有利于中学素质教育的推进;有利于高校选拔人才”,高考英语
2、科的命题指导思想应该是“稳定中求发展”,在稳定命题原则、题型结构、考查要求、试卷难度等的基础上,有所发展、有所创新。,领悟教育部考试中心命题指导思想,语言知识试题命制三项原则: 1)保证知识覆盖面要广 包括语音、词汇、语法、功能和话题五个项目。语言知识是语言整体素质的有机组成部分,是发展语言技能的基础。考查范围不超出教学大纲要求,覆盖面尽可能宽,保证试题的一定效度。,1、命题原则应保持一致,单项填空试题分布特点面: 非谓语动词、时态、被动语态、情态动词、形容词、代词、限定词、强调句、习惯表达方式等。点:主干知识动词为考查重点。该项15小题中,其中8个左右考查动词,包括动词时态(2)、非谓语动词
3、(2)、情态动词(1)、被动语态(1)和动词(2)的辩义。,2)尽可能增加综合性的因素 为了保证题量和覆盖面,语言知识题一般以单项形式为主,但应该尽量避免全部采用单项形式,应该采用一些综合题,如完形填空题。即使是单项形式的试题也应该努力加进一些兼考词汇和语法的因素。,3)尽可能增加语境化的因素 高考英语试卷的语言知识题在可能的情况下,应尽量加入一些语境化的因素。如,完形填空和短文改错题本身就是有上下文的语篇。具体命题时,要尽可能多问需要联系上下文考虑才能得出答案的问题。如果虽有上下文,但可以在句子范围内找出答案,就失去语境的意义了。,(05全国卷) The coffee is wonderfu
4、l! It doesnt taste like anything I _before. (have ever had ) (04全国II卷) My mind wasnt on what he was saying so I m afraid I _half of it. (missed) -Id like to take a weeks holiday. -_.Were too busy. (Forget it(21%)Dont mention it(36%),语言运用试题命制四项原则 1)语言必须放在实际的、并尽可能 不同的情景中运用; 语言交际行为自然需要交际情景。并且情景还必须符合实际。
5、另外提供的情景必须尽可能多种多样。例如,阅读理解,应该在时间和空间容许的情况下,提供足够的和不同类型的阅读材料。,2)语言必须适合具体的交际行为 语言交际行为所用的语言除了需要语音、语法、词汇正确外,还要适合于具体的交际行为,也就是适合于情景、时间、地点、身份、交际目的等。高考英语试卷对语言适宜性的要求,只是最基本、最普通、最初级的要求。,3)考核的焦点在于是否达到交际目的 语言交际行为考查的焦点应当为:是否达到交际目的。这体现于命题,也体现于评分(主观题评分)。例如阅读理解试题,如果是读新闻,主要目的是获取事实性信息。命题也就抓住主要的事实性信息来提问,如在何时、何地对何人发生了何事等。如果
6、是读笑话,应该是领会其可笑之点,才算达到了交际目的。 4)语言交际行为除了需要语言能力外,还需要一些其他的交际能力。,英语学科所要考查的内容比较明确、稳定,为有利于考生复习,稳定中学英语教学,试卷的题型结构应该相对稳定。教育部考试中心命制的高考英语试卷的题型结构自1996年仅调整过一次,即1999年含听力部分的高考英语试卷。,2、题型结构应相对稳定,每年出版的英语学科考试说明均会对下一年度试卷中将要启用的题型结构做出明确的说明和限定。命题者将其视为与全体考生达成的协议,会严格按此执行。题型结构的确定是许多命题人员大量研究和调查的结果,所以一旦确定,一般会沿用几年的时间。如果题型需要调整,命题组
8、明确、题材多样,语言地道;试题切中要点,能考查出考生的语言交际能力。书面表达中所设计的情景真实性程度较高,且符合考生的认知水平,一般都应该能使考生充分发挥出其书面表达水平。,4、强调语言测试的交际性原则,语言知识部分单项试题中语用和情景理解的分量愈来愈重,完形填空综合考查考生阅读理解能力和对词汇知识的掌握情况。短文改错所选材料篇幅短、难度不大,但能够自成一体,说明或描述一件事情,在一定程度上能反映出考生在语言准确方面的情况。总之,高考英语试卷应该重视语言交际能力的考查。,教育部考试中心设计高考英语试卷的考试内容主要考虑两方面的问题: 1、为缩小我国与国际先进外语教学水平的差距,应该逐渐增加考查
9、语言能力试题的比例。 2、考虑我国外语教学的实际情况和各地发展不平衡这一现实。高考英语试卷以考查语言运用为主,以考查语言知识为辅。,破解大纲重要信息,四部分内容 I. 考试性质 选拔性考试,有较高的信度、效度、必要的区分度和适当的难度。 II.考试内容参考2000年颁布的高中英语教学大纲,并考虑中学英语教学实际,制定本学科考试内容。,III.考试形式与试卷结构1. 考试时间:120分钟 2. 试卷分值:150分3. 题型:多项选择题、完形填空、 听力填空题、短文改错和写作 4. 试题难易比例:试卷包括易题、中等题和难题,以中等题为主。 IV. 题型示例以具体实例来说明考试内容、形式和要求。变化
10、:多项选择式填空-完形填空;填空题-听力填空题.,05年全国卷难中易分布,中档试题为主,明确两项考试内容,1、语言知识:词汇、语法 词汇 掌握教学大纲词汇表中2000左右词汇(带*号的为要求考生知道其汉语.) 语法 12项 词类 名词 代词 数词 介词 连词 形容词 副词 冠词 动词(时态语态非谓语动词情态动词) 句子(从句) 构词法,2、语言运用 听力:测试考生理解英语口语的能力 要求考生听懂有关日常中熟悉话题的简短独白和对话。考查点4项: (1)理解主旨要义;What are the two speakers talking about? (2)获取事实性的具体信息;Who is Chri
11、s Paine?,(3)对所听内容作出简单推理When does the conversation tale place? (4)理解说话者的意图、观点或态度Why does the woman make the phone call?,听力样题考查点分布 主旨大意理解:1小题 获取事实性具体信息:10小题 对所听内容作出简单推理:3小题 理解说话者的意图、观点或态度:6小题,2、阅读:测试考生阅读理解书面英语的能力要求考生读懂公告、说明、广告以书、报、杂志中关于一般性的简短文章。考查点6项: (1)理解主旨要义;What would be the best title for the tex
12、t? (2)理解文中具体信息;What sort of underground systems are already here with us?,(3)根据上下文推断生词的词义;What does the underlined word “hassle” probably mean? (4)作出简单判断和推理;The explorers in H.G. Wells story are surprised to find that the “moon people”_.,(5)理解文章的基本结构;The underlined word “them” refers to_.(6)理解作者的意图和
13、态度。The main purpose of writing this text is _.,3、写作:测试考生的书面表达能力 要求考生根据题示进行书面表达。提供情景的形式有图画、图表、提纲等。 考查要点2项: (1)准确使用语法和词汇:应用语法结构和词汇的准确程度是写作部分评分标准中的一项重要内容,拼写和标点符号运用正确与否也会在一定程度上影响到考生的成绩. (2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意见。应该围绕主题,借助一些句型、词组等支持,清楚、连贯地表达自己的思想。,准确使用语法,It was 7:15 on the morning of Feb. 8,2000. I _(w
14、alk) along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man _(come) out of the park on the other side of the street. Then I _ (see) a yellow car drive up Third Street and _(make) a right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car _(hit) the man while he _(cross) the road. He _(fall) with a cry. The
15、car _(not stop) but _(drive) off at great speed heading west. I _(notice) the driver _(be) a young woman and the plate number _(be)AC864. About two minutes later I _(stop) a passing car and _(take) the old man to the nearest hospital.,准确使用语法词汇,It was 7:15 on the morning of Feb. 8,2000. I was walking
16、 along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and make a right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. He fell with a cry. The car didnt stop b
17、ut drove off at great speed heading west. I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number was AC864. About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.,最后冲刺词汇备考重点:验收和强化中级词汇! 1)记忆:中级词汇 “四会” 2)运用:造句,英英释义,搭配 3)扩展:构词法采用多种多样的形式验收词汇, 过好词汇关!为提高语言运用能力 打
18、下扎实的基础!,size skin share salt smell soft simple silent science screen ready reach reason repair raise quiet public proud price problem polite pleasure period ocean office notice nation nature model museum market minute machine medicine main list lecture judge interest invite imagine hurt hate hobby h
19、ealth gather foreign fresh favorite during correct,易,词汇分级,special success satisfy reduce rough regret realize pretend prevent praise promise persuade punish result ruin mention memory measure manage mayor nervous narrow familiar fault habit expert encourage electricity express experiment edit especi
20、ally equal disturb design diet declare devote describe deliver custom courage create control confident common challenge cause balance avoid argue,中,高考过关词汇,audience available award accurate agent scare survive system transport variety reward relate rescue respond quantity paragraph precious original
21、oxygen nuclear merchant merely majority interview intelligence influence illegal independent immigrate envy evident environment emergency guilty gesture confuse convenient commercial comment,难,词汇分类,动词 accept, achieve, agree, allow, argue, attempt, attend, attract, avoid, ban, beg, beat, behave, bene
22、fit, blame, break, carry, catch, cause, change, choose, compare, decide, delay, deliver, depend, design, destroy, devote, discuss, divide, doubt, encourage, expect, explain, express, fail, fetch, force, forget, form, gather, grow, hear, hurt, imagine, include, interview, lead, lie, lift, mean, move,
23、 notice, obey, operate, permit, point, praise, promise, provide, prove, remain, raise, regard, regret, realize, seek, settle, share, spend, suffer, support, suppose, succeed, smell,语音, 拼写词汇,improve, discover, program, conclusion, discussion, include grow, follow, window, allow exist, exact, exercise
24、, expert machine, stomach, church, pleasure, ahead, wheat, measure,短语break down break up break out break in call at call out call on call forcome down come up come in come out come on come across come alongget along get away get back get down get in get on get off get through give back give in give
25、out give away give up go away go by go on go out go over look after look at look for look out look up look down,look forward to make up make out make from make in make fun ofput away put on put up put out put down take in take out take away take on take down take up take off take place turn into tur
26、n off turn on turn to turn down turn up turn out turn over set out set up set off set free work on work out carry on carry out hear from hear of join in join up pay for pay off pick up pick out point to point out,Dear Helen, Ive read your advertisement in a magazine. I want to be pen-friends with yo
27、u.My name is Wang Lin. I am living in a tradition Chinese family. My father is a bus-driver. My mother is a worker, and my sister is a nurse. They are working hard.Now Im studying in the Shanghai School. My school is very beautiful. I also learned a lot of in this school. So, I also like play tennis
28、.I am waiting for your answer. Yours, Wang Lin,低分作文,Dear Helen, I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement.I am a girl of the same age with you. And I come from a happy and warm family, which includes my father, my mother, my sister and I. I am studying in a key school far from my ho
29、metown, but I never regretted for my own choice, for the life here is very colorful and challenging. I am interested in stamp collection and I have colleted more than three thousand stamps. I also like swimming, playing tennis and some other sports.I wish that one day we could be good friends.Yours
30、Truly,Wang Lin,高分作文,Tick the words if they have the same meaning,drop lift 2. funny amusing 3. sad mourn 4. peculiar common 5. journey trip 6. tale story huge large 8. enter leave sorrow joy 10. terrible awful 11. ready prepared 12. rough smooth 13. hurt injure 14. certain sure ancient old 16. gift
31、present 17. young aged 18. front rear 19. exhausted weary 20. employ hire,词汇检测,Tick the words if they have the same meaning,drop lift 2. funny amusing 3. sad mourn 4. peculiar common 5. journey trip 6. tale story huge large 8. enter leave sorrow joy 10. terrible awful 11. ready prepared 12. rough sm
32、ooth 13. hurt injure 14. certain sure ancient old 16. gift present 17. young aged 18. front rear 19. exhausted weary 20. employ hire,Recently Ive made a survey about the school uniforms and found out that students have 1 d _ opinions about wearing uniforms. The majority of the students are in 2 f _
33、of wearing school uniforms, in whose opinion, it is good for 3 t_ the students character and it is good for the school administration. Students can be 4 e_ to have the good qualities of diligence, discipline and modesty by wearing school uniforms. Moreover, it can help 5 a _ sorting the students by
34、their clothing.,Fill in the blanks,词汇检测,However, some students are 6 a_ wearing school uniforms, for they think the 7 d _ of the school uniform is rather plain and the color (is) quite dull. In addition, it is very uncomfortable to wear school uniforms. In their mind, wearing school uniforms is no g
35、ood for the development of students 8 p _. On the whole, students have different ideas about wearing uniforms. It may help the student management, but not good for personality development.,Recently Ive made a survey about the school uniforms and found out that students have 1 different opinions abou
36、t wearing uniforms. The majority of the students are in 2 favor of wearing school uniforms, in whose opinion, it is good for 3 training the students character and it is good for the school administration. Students can be 4 encouraged to have the good qualities of diligence, discipline and modesty by
37、 wearing school uniforms. Moreover, it can help 5 avoid sorting the students by their clothing.,However, some students are 6 against wearing school uniforms, for they think the 7 design of the school uniform is rather plain and the color (is) quite dull. In addition, it is very uncomfortable to wear
38、 school uniforms. In their mind, wearing school uniforms is no good for the development of students 8 personalities. On the whole, students have different ideas about wearing uniforms. It may help the student management, but not good for personality development.,Dictation (音形义),Frank was helping Geo
39、rge prepare for his interview. He wrote down all the possible questions the interviewer might be interested. “The person interviewing you will inquire about many things,” said Frank. “What can they be interested in? Do you think they will want to know what musical instrument I know how to play?” ask
40、ed George . “They will want to know what you intend to do with your life but it isnt what they ask that is important. How you answer is important.,开心读故事、省心记单词、放心写文章。,They want to hear inspiring answers, which show your intelligence. If you make a bad impression, your chances will be over in an insta
41、nt. ” said Frank. “Here is a book. Its an instruction book on how to interview. Its a good instrument to use and inside you will find very good advice. I insist you read this instead of going into the interview not knowing what to do.”George started to read right away. When he finished reading, he f
42、elt well prepared and confident.,利用有效策略记忆词汇运用词汇,过好词汇关!,求理解: “你所不理解的东西是你无法占有的。” “知其义而明其根.” 勤复习:及时复习对巩固所学词汇能起到事半功倍的效果. 巧记忆:利用形象记忆,概念记忆,逻辑记忆,情绪记忆,循环记忆,视听记忆等.,提高记忆词汇的科学性!,多动笔:“好脑袋不如烂笔头”.学思结合,手脑并用,养成 “不动笔墨不读书”的好习惯.对于不容易记住的词汇更要多动笔写,比单纯口背目记效果要好得多. 抓重点:立足于全面,系统,突出重点,对常用词汇进行重点记忆理解使用。,记忆词汇5注意,1、“兵团作战不如游击战机械地记
43、单词容易疲倦,所以一次背单词不宜过长,可以利用边角时间。 2、温古而知新著名的遗忘曲线证明:距离记忆发生时间越近,遗忘速度越快,所以学新单词时,一定要尽快复习,尽量在遗忘比例不大时就对记忆的单词进行巩固。 3、孤立深入不如齐头并进单词记忆最好与单项语言训练结合;如与听力、阅读或写作结合起来,这样在实际应用中反复见面,更容易得到强化。,4、 单感不如通感仅仅通过“看”来背单词,记忆效果不佳,结合朗读、听读、听写和抄写,这样不仅单词记得牢,还同时练习了发音和拼写。即多通道协同记忆法5到:眼里看到,心里想到,手里写到,嘴里念到,耳朵听到。5、 大量背诵背诵是记忆力的体操。通过背诵可以培养和锻炼人的记
44、忆力。人的记忆力和人的肌肉一样,只有锻炼才能增强。善于背诵的人才能记忆力惊人。,最后冲刺语法备考重点 强化中级语法: 1) 时态的灵活运用 2) 非谓语动词的理解运用 3) 从句的灵活运用采用多种多样的形式验收所学语法 知识;如填空、翻译、造句、听写等。,1.I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I _report it to the police? (must, should) 2.Roses need special care _they can live through winter. (so that, as if)
45、3.I must be getting fat-I can _domy trousers. (almost, hardly) 4.Paul had to write a history paper, _he couldnt find time to do it. (and, but) 5.“We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob, _out of the window. (look, looking ),易,语法分级,1.I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I should rep
46、ort it to the police? (情态动词) 2.Roses need special care so that they can live through winter. (状语从句) 3.I must be getting fat-I can hardly domy trousers.(副词) 4.Paul had to write a history paper, but he couldnt find time to do it. (连词) 5.“We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob, looking out of the wi
47、ndow.(分词),1. There are altogether eleven books on the shelf, _five are mine. (by which, of which) 2. _you call me to say you are not coming, Ill see you at the theatre. (Unless, Until) 3. I do every simple bit of house work _my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. (while, when) 4. Mr. Whit
48、e _at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up. (should have arrived, must have arrived) 5. Helen had to shout _above the sound of the music. (make herself hear, to make herself heard),中,1. There are altogether eleven books on the shelf, of which five are mine. 2. Unless you call me to say you are not coming, Ill see you at the theatre. 3. I do every simple bit of house work while my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. 4. Mr. White should have arrived at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up. 5. Helen had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.,