1、,Multiple Intelligence,Multiple Intelligence,DefinitionMultiple intelligence refers to a learner-based philosophy that characterizes human intelligence as having multiple dimensions that must be acknowledged and developed in education.1. MI is a learner-centered philosophy; 2. MI supposes that human
2、 intelligence have multiple dimensions(parts); 3. These parts must be acknowledged and developed in education.,传统英语教学,从最古老的语法翻译法到听说法、视听法、交际法、再到暗示法、全身反应法等,基本上都是“以教师为中心”,片面依靠语言分析及模仿和死记硬背,不可能发挥每个人的最佳潜能和激发每个人的兴趣,因而无法因材施教,难以保证教学效果。,Multiple Intelligence,英语多元智能法“以学生为中心”,提倡任务型教学,教会学生发现和运用自己8项智能中的强项或强项组合在运用
3、英语的过程中来掌握英语,确保学习的最佳兴奋点和最优学习效果。如: 擅长演讲的人读到马丁路德金的“I have a dreamLet the freedom ring”的名句,几乎过目不忘;那些pop music, rock and song的发烧友听到泰坦尼克号主题歌里“My heart will go on forever”就可能在脑子里成为抹不去的记忆;那些喜欢图画的学生看到单词变成图画(eye, pot, body),或将对话和课文变成了图画的形式,将会兴高采烈。,Multiple Intelligence,英语若能如此根据学生多元智能特点因材施教,实现个性化自主学习,学生真正成为学习的
4、主人,那将是一种自身潜能的爆发和自我个性的张扬。,Multiple Intelligence,Background,traditional intelligence Stanford-Binet: intelligence is a single, unchanged, inborn capacitythe MI Movement Howard Gardner: 1) the brain has other important types of intelligence;2) all human have these intelligences, but people differ in th
5、e strengths and combinations of intelligences;3) all of the intelligences can be enhanced through training and practice.MI focuses on differences between learners.,Pedagogy(教育学) -successfulIndividualized InstructionAutonomous(自主) LearningLearner TrainingLearner Strategies,Background,Individual diffe
6、rences,Gardner “Multiple Intelligences Model”1. Linguistic intelligence-语言智能 2. Logical /Mathematical intelligence-数学逻辑智能 3. Spatial intelligence-空间智能 4. Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence-身体运动智能 5. Musical intelligence-音乐智能 6. Interpersonal intelligence-人际智能 7. Intrapersonal intelligence-自我认知智能 8. Nat
7、uralist intelligence-自然认知智能,Background,Gardners opinionWithin individuals there is a similar sequence of development of an intelligence beginning in early childhood and continuing into maturity. This sequence will be universal for individuals but unique to each intelligence.,Background,Approach: the
8、ory of language and language learning,One lack: how MI theory relates to any existing language or language learning theories.Look at the language of an individual as central to the whole life of the language learner and user.,Language learning Linguistic Intelligence,Approach: theory of language and
9、 language learning,Rhythm, tone, volume, pitch(音高) : a theory of music a theory of linguistics,If a language learner has high musical intelligence, that person will learn most quickly(e.g. a new language) when that content is embedded in a musical frame.,Design,Objective:Make the language learner a
10、better designer of his/her own learning experiences.,Syllabus:-stage 1: Awaken the Intelligence. -stage 2: Amplify the Intelligence. -stage 3: Teach with the Intelligence. -stage 4: Transfer of the Intelligence.,Design,Roles of teachers, learnersTeachers: 1) curriculum developers, lesson designers a
11、nd analysts, activity finders or inventors, most critically orchestrators of a rich array of multisensory activities.2) Contributors to the overall development of students intelligences.Learners: 1) engage in a process of personality development above and beyond that of being successful language lea
12、rners. (“whole person”& well-rounded individuals)2) Expected to take an MI inventory and to develop their own MI profiles.,Design,摸一下下,尝一下下,1st stage,Model teaching-low-level language lesson,拿出自己的一样东西,填写下面的内容Name of team Sound Feel Smell Size What its used for Name of the object,2nd stage,Model teac
13、hing-low-level language lesson,听我描述这个东西小组讨论写下这个东西,3rd stage,Model teaching-low-level language lesson,We wear them on part of our body.They are made of plastics or cotton. In different seasons we wear them of different materials.They have different sizes.When we wear them and make steps, we hear sound.We wear them usually at home.,Model teaching-low-level language lesson,每组按照下面要求写下一个东西Name of team Sound Feel Smell Size What its used for Name of the object,4th stage,Model teaching-low-level language lesson,