1、Unit1.Art1.虽然我不是现代艺术方面的学者,但是去看展览的主意对我很有吸引力。Although Im not a scholar in contemporary art, the idea of going to the exhibition appeals to me.2.你知道几何学在传统的西方艺术中曾被用来勾画绘画作品吗?Do you know the geometry was used to plan paintings in tradition Western art?3.埃及文明吸引着来自全世界各地的旅游者。The civilization of Egypt attract
2、s tourists from all over the world.4.陶土罐非常脆弱,所以需要小心处理。The clay vases are fragile and so should be handled with care.5.我不仅见过那个伟大的雕塑家本人,我还亲眼目睹他如何雕刻大理石像。I have not only seen the great sculptor in the flesh, but also watched him carve a marble figure.6.你说你住在西城区,能具体一点吗?在哪条大街或哪条路?You said you lived in the
3、 West City District. Could you be a bit more specific? In which avenue or street?7.文艺复兴时期的壁画作品的视觉效果到今天仍让人印象深刻。The visual effect of Renaissance wall paintings is still impressive today.Unit2.Poems1.报告的第二部分提到很多具体的问题,需要马上解决。In the second section of the report, many concrete problems are mentioned, and
4、they must be solved at once.2.他会为你准备一杯由鲜果汁、酸奶和鸡蛋制成的特殊饮料。He will prepare a special drink for you that is made up of fresh fruit juice, yogurt and eggs.3.如果你放松一段时间,你就会好得更快一些。If you take it easy for a while, you will get better more quickly. 4.如果埃米莉没有逗那只猫,他就不会打翻那个漂亮的花瓶了。If Emily hadnt teased that cat,
5、the beautiful vase wouldnt have been knocked over.5.他喜欢诗歌,特别是唐诗。He loves poems, in particular Tang poems.6.我想去街角新开的四川餐馆试一试。I want (would like) to try that new Sichuan restaurant round the corner.7.那家小村舍里的家具寥寥无几。There is bare minimum of furniture in that cottage.8.她很害怕蛇。看到蛇时她往往会发出尖叫。She is afraid of
6、snakes. When she sees one, she always lets out a scream.9.你为远行装那个盒子的时候别忘记把指南针放进去。Dont forget to put in a compass when you load the box for expedition.Unit3.A healthy life1.听到我叔叔赞美吸烟让我觉得很尴尬,我希望其他人能做出自己的判断而不会效法他。I felt awkward hearing my uncle praise smoking, and I hoped that others would make their o
7、wn judgment and not follow his example.2.男孩为自己的表现感到羞愧,当医生将针管插入他的胳膊抽血的时候他晕倒了。The boy felt ashamed of his behavior. When the doctor put a needle in his arm and took out some blood, he fainted.3.当杰克把最后一包香烟扔掉以后,他立刻感觉自己像一个从不吸烟的人。When Jack threw away his last packet of cigarettes, he immediately began to
8、feel like a non-smoker.4.专家们正考虑一项关于禁止向青少年贩卖酒和香烟的提议。The specialists are considering a proposal to ban the sale of alcohol and cigarettes to adolescents.5.尽管寒冷,他还是跳入河中将落水的男孩从水中拉了出来。他冒了很大的危险,但孩子的生还使他感到极为快乐。In spite of the cold, he jumped into the river and pulled the fallen boy out of the water. He too
9、k a great risk, but the survival of the boy made him feel extremely happy.6.父母亲由于不喜欢未出生婴儿的性别而决定堕胎是违法的。对女性的偏见甚至持续到今天,这让我很气愤。Its illegal for parents to decide to have an abortion because they dont like the sex of their unborn baby. Im so angry that this prejudice against female children continues even
10、 today.7.因为有中国艾滋病策略支持项目(CHARTS)的赞助,许多像濮存昕那样的名人一直积极参加遏制艾滋病的运动。Due to the sponsor of CHARTS project, many famous people like Pu Cunxin have been active in the campaign against AIDS.8.课文中一些造成学生理解困难的句子在教材后附录中的注释部分作了进一步的解释。Some sentences in the texts which cause students comprehension difficulties are fu
11、rther explained in the notes of the appendix at the end of the textbook.Unit 4.Global warming1.我认为我们的会议总体上很成功。布朗教授的报告很受欢迎。I think our conference was very successful on the whole. Pro Browns presentation was warmly received.2.能源的范围很广,有煤、石油、天然气、水力、核能等等。There is a wide range of energy sources, coal, oi
12、l, natural gases, water power, nuclear power and so on.3.既然你的自行车坏了,你可以用我的,只要你照顾好它。Now that (Since) your bike was broken, you can use mine so long as you take care of it.4.苏常在附近的店里买点吃的,在微波炉里热热当午饭,和一罐可乐让自己提提神,然后再回到办公室。Sue often buys food at the nearly store and hits it in the microwave for lunch. Then
13、 she drinks a can of cola to refresh herself and goes back to the office.5.我代表学校感谢史密斯先生作为学者、工程师和教育家所做的工作。Id like to thank Mr. Smith on behalf of the school for his work as a scholar, an engineer and an educator.6.她反对战争、反对凶残地对待动物以及种族主义等等,她怀有拯救所有生物的使命感。Shes opposed to war, cruelty to animals, racism a
14、nd so on with a commitment to help all living things.7.他的方案顺利通过了,大多数与会代表都赞同他的方案。His programme has been passed smoothly because most of the representatives in the conference subscribed to it.8.近年来这一地区冬天的气温趋于上升,其中大气污染是导致这一结果的一个主要原因。In recent years, the winter temperature in this region tends to go up,
15、 and one of the main reasons which have resulted in this consequence is the air pollution.9.他对我们国家的主要贡献在于提出了控制人口增长的建议。His main contribution to our country is that he suggested on controlling the population growth.10.会议主席声明尽管出席会议的人在某些方面有意见分歧,但是在保护环境方面的想法是一致的。The chairman of the conference stated that
16、 although the people at present are in disagreement on some issues, they are in agreement with each other on environmental protection.11.外层空间是否存在生命,这仍然还是个谜。The existence of life in outer space is still a mystery.12.专家称全球气温有上升的趋势。Experts said that the global temperature would show a tendency to incre
17、ase.Unit 5.The power of nature1.翻阅报纸的时候我发现了一篇关于广东台风的新闻报道。Glancing through the newspaper, I found a news report about a typhoon in Guangdong.2.当我意识到那珍贵的项链不见了,我十分惊慌。When I realized the precious necklace had gone, I panicked.3.每个国家的房屋建筑结构都不尽相同,然而在每个国家你能发现各式各样的风格。House construction varies from country t
18、o country. However, in China, you can find many diverse styles.4.被枪击中并从阳台坠落后他一直处于昏迷状态。He was unconscious after being shot and falling off the balcony.5.这位小说家写了一篇关于一位美国总统候选人的精彩短篇故事。The novelist wrote a wonderful short story about a candidate who wanted to become president of the United States.6.打完篮球出
19、汗多,如果你泡个澡,我保证你会感觉舒服很多。After playing basketball youll sweat a lot. If you bathe, I guarantee that you will feel much more comfortable.7.“雷雨焦虑”对于犬类很常见,有些犬在雷雨时会因为害怕而躲在主人床底下发抖。“Thunderstorm anxiety” is common among dogs, and some dogs tremble with fear under the owners bed.8.飞行员穿着飞行服和靴子从飞机里走出来,头盔夹在胳膊下。The pilot came out of the plane in his flying suit and boots, with his helmet under his arm.