1、节气门清洗注意事项看到一个好贴子,是国外行家的文章,提到了清洗节气门应该注意的地方原文:When spraying the TB cleaner inside the TB, I HIGHLY recommend that you hold the TB with the electronic control module portion of the TB ABOVE the body of the TB. Orienting the TB in this manner while cleaning it will help prevent the cleaner from leaking
2、past the seals between the TB body and control module and possibly damaging it. While the seals should be a sufficient barrier to this happening, why take the chance with a $500 piece of equipment. (当用清洁剂喷节气门里面时,强烈建议要使节气门的电气部分朝上,这样做可以有助于阻止清洁剂通过节气门和电气控制模块之间的密封口渗透到里面,这样将可能损坏电气控制部分。这样做可以防止这种情况发生,而不用冒着节
3、气门可能损坏而付出$500 米的风险。)Prior to reinstalling the TB, make sure to let it dry thoroughly or damage to the electronic control module or throttle position sensors may result. To speed up the process, I inserted clean strips of paper into the gap between the edge of the throttle valve and TB wall to remove
4、 the cleaner held in there by capillary forces. Following this, I allowed to the TB to sit for approximately 30 mins before reinstalling it. I recommend that you wait this long or more before reinstalling your TB. (重装节气门前,必须确认清洁剂完全干透,否则将可能导致电子控制模块或位置传感器的损坏。为了加快这个过程,我在在叶片连轴和阀体之间的地方插一些吸水纸。按这样做,我在重新装上节气门前将节气门放置约 30 分钟。我建议在重新装上之前至少等上 30 分钟或更久一些)所以清洗节气门最好还是象这位专家这样用布和棉签擦拭节气门(见图),特别是在节气门不拆下来的清洗的情况下,尽量不要拿着清洁剂猛喷。如果确实要这样喷请按以上介绍 的方法做。 Last edited by mjmma on 05-07-25 at 10:00