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1、减少谓语动词的表达,汉译英,汉译英遇到最多的是动词的处理。汉语是动词集结型的语言,它的连动结构和兼语结构,使汉语一句里可以集结许多动词而不感到累赘,反而层次清楚,生动有力,如: 晴雯先接出来,笑道:好啊,叫我研了墨,早起高兴,只写了三个字,扔下笔就走,哄我等了这一天,快来给我写完了这些墨才算呢! 红楼梦,汉语连续铺设动词性词组,尽管各动词之间有主次先后之分,但由于形态上没有任何语意标记加以显示,它们之间内在的逻辑关系只能靠意会。而这种结构英语是不行的。在英语句子里,一般只能有一个或两三个并列的谓语动词,其他动作都用非谓语形式或各类短语等表示。所以在翻译中,不要盲目跟着汉语动词走。,这里宝玉昏昏

2、默默,之间蒋玉菡走了进来,诉说忠顺府拿他之事;又见金钏儿进来哭说为他投井之情。 Dozing off, he dreamed that Qiguan had come in to tell of his capture by Prince Zhongshuns men, followed, shortly after, by Golden, who gave him a tearful account of how she had drowned herself(who explained in tear why she had thrown herself into the well).,“

3、做梦”是主要的,后面几个动作是梦的内容,而“昏昏默默”是做梦的前提。因此除了用谓语动词,其他都处理为非谓语形式: 昏昏默默dozing off(分词结构) 诉说to tell of(不定式) 拿他his capture(抽象名词) 哭说explain in tear/a tearful account of(介词/形容词/抽象名词),一切企事业单位都要厉行节约,反对浪费,严禁讲排场、比阔气、挥霍公款。 All enterprises and institutions should practise strict economy, combat waste and forbid such act

4、ivities as encouraging ostentation, parading wealth, or squandering public funds. 这里六个动词,不能都处理为并列关系。后三个“讲”、“比”、“挥霍”是隶属“严禁”的,这里用了动名词结构。,要采取更加强有力的措施,加大打击犯罪活动的力度,使社会治安状况得到改善。 The measures must be strengthened against criminal activities to improve public security. “加大打击力度”是主要信息;“得到改善”是目的;“采取措施”是方法。分别通过

5、谓语动词、介词和不定式翻译出来。,对当代世界的新变化和各种思潮,要注意研究、科学分析、正确认识。 To have a better understanding of new situations and ideas in todays world requires a careful study and scientific analysis of them. 正确认识to have a better understanding(不定式) 注意研究careful study(抽象名词) 科学分析scientific analysis(抽象名词) 我们可以看到,汉语篇章中的大量动词,英语除用一个

6、谓语动词,其余可以用介词、分词、不定式、抽象名词等来表达。,用抽象名词,相比较汉语,英语表达要抽象得多。因此汉语当中的一些具体的动词表达特别是主谓结构,在英译时可转化为英语抽象名词结构,这样不仅省去了众多的动词,而且往往使英语的味道更浓。,起初,外国列强的要求里面有一项是让慈禧退位,由光绪皇帝重新执掌朝政。不过,在于李鸿章多次会晤后,他们放弃了这一要求。 At first the foreign powers demanded, among other things, the deposal of Cixi and the restoration to Emperor Guangxu of h

7、is right to rule the imperial government. However, they gave up the demand after repeated talks with Li Hongzhang, the Chinese negotiator. 连着几个动词结构,但用demanded后,与之搭配的就可以用抽象名词结构,行文简洁了。,这部短小精悍的书一问世立即受到人们,特别是大学生的青睐,并多次再版。无须解释人们为什么这么喜爱这本书,因为只要稍加浏览,就可以看到书里收集的格言反映了文明社会中对于友谊的看法。 This short work enjoyed an i

8、mmediate acceptance, especially among college students, and was reprinted many times. Its popularity needs no explanation, for a brief perusal of the quotations shows that they embody the notions of civilized friendship. 句子中的“受到青睐”、”喜爱这本书”,“稍加浏览”这些动词,译文都分别译成enjoyed an immediate acceptance, its popul

9、arity, a brief perusal of这些抽象名词的运用不仅达意,而且英语地道简洁,令人叫绝。,这些格言强调无私,劝导人们要在物质和精神两方面去关心朋友。 The maxims stress selflessness and concern for the material and spiritual welfare of the friends. “强调无私”和“劝导人们关心”,两个动谓结构,三个动词。如把“劝导”省去,把“关心”变为它的派生名词,这样就可和原来的stress搭配了。,上海就变成了外国人在中国进行冒险,寻求浪漫生活的地方。 Shanghai became a pl

10、ace for foreigners to seek adventure and romance in China. “进行冒险,追求浪漫生活”两个动词结构。如把“进行冒险”的动词venture转为其派生名词adventure,再与“寻求浪漫生活”中的seek搭配,就少了一个动词,多了一个抽象名词。 中国政府承诺不对无核国家使用核武器。 The Chinese government undertakes non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries.,过去实行“闭关自守”政策,结果搞得“民穷财困”。 The pursuit o

11、f the police of self-seclusion resulted in the destitution of its people and exhaustion of its financial resources. 我们中国人崇尚教育,爱好学习。 The Chinese show a high respect for learning and a love of knowledge. “崇尚”、“ 爱好”,连用两个动词。但我们知道“崇尚”、“ 爱好”的动词派生名词是respect for 和love for,这样只要加上和它们都能搭配的动词,成为show a respect f

12、or and love of就可以了。,在经济发展中,我们要控制人口,节约资源,保护环境,并把它们放到重要位置上。 Great importance must be attached to population control, the conservation of resources and environmental protection in economic growth. 我可不愿让人家说我从来不教自己的孩子要尊敬长辈。 I will not have it said that I could never teach my children respect for their el

13、ders. 我们一直认为海峡两岸不同的社会制度不应妨碍我们相互往来和相互合作。 We always believe that the social systems of two sides of the Straits shall not be an obstacle to our contact and cooperation.,她脸色苍白,眼圈发黑,看得出她一夜没睡好。 She was pale, and there was dark signs of sleeplessness beneath her eyes. 我一见了妹妹,一心都在她身上,又是欢喜,又是伤心,竟忘记了老祖宗。红楼梦

14、I was so carried away by the mixture of joy and sorrow at sight of my little cousin. I forgot our Old Ancestress. 五个动作,五个动词,而译文只用两个,其余是名词。 现在中国许多作家只关心如何捞钱争名,他们不讲原则,甚至不知廉耻,是在作家脸上抹黑。 In China many writers are now only concerned with money and publicity. They have no principles nor scruples and are a d

15、isgrace to the profession.,转用表示身份的名词,由动词派生而来表示职业身份的名词在英语中常用来表示相应的行为和动作。 我认识李先生已经有二十多年了。 Mr. Li has been a friend of mine for more than 20 years. 这就给几十万在高峰期时间乘车上下班的人带来了很大的不便。 Thus hundreds of thousands of rush hour commuters are greatly affected. 乘车上下班的人,两个动作只用一个名词译出。汉语中如人之前有一个表示动作的定语修饰,英译时往往可以用一个表示身

16、份的名词译出。,反对三峡工程的人说新形式的水库会淹没许多的城镇和乡村。 Opponents to the Three Gorges Dam argue that the new reservoir will flood many cities and villages. 这些照片使我想起了童年的时光。 These photos served as a reminder of my childhood days. 摩天大楼还极大地消耗和浪费电力。 The skyscrapers are also lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power.

17、你刚来,对这项工作还不熟悉。 You are a new comer, and are not accustomed to this sort of work.,用形容词和它的比较级,A. 汉语中表示心里情感的动词 B.汉语中的主谓结构 C. 汉语中“扩大”等动词,A. 汉语中表示心里情感的动词,汉语中“害怕”、“担忧”和“关心”,这些表示心里情感的动词都可以用英语形容词来表达。 宝玉一把拉住道:“这可奇了,好好的怎么怕起他来。” Baoyu caught her hand protesting,“Thats strange thing to do. Why should you be afr

18、aid of her ?” 并不是所有人都喜欢这个计划。 This program was not popular with all of the people.,B.汉语中的主谓结构,汉语当中许多主谓结构,在译成英语时可转换为定名偏正结构,也即把谓语变成形容词,作为定语修饰主语。 1)人际关系就是一种善于听取别人意见,体察别人的需求,虚心接受批评的能力。 Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be good listener, too be sensitive toward others needs, to take crit

19、icism well. 这里不仅用good listener代动词tend to listen to the others opinions,而且用be sensitive toward others needs表示“体察别人的需要”。 2)生产率低下,政策又不当,加上自身努力不够是造成农村地区贫穷的主要原因。 Low productivity, inappropriate policies and inadequate effort contribute mainly to poverty in rural areas.,3)隋炀帝数征高丽,无功而返,耗尽了国家资源。 Emperor Yan

20、gdis unsuccessful campaign against Korea drained the Sui empire of its resources. “无功而返”用了unsuccessful campaigns词组表达。 4)她是一个医生的女儿,有才华,又漂亮,但有点脾气。 She was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a doctor.,C. 汉语中“扩大”等动词,汉语中“扩大”、“提高”、“降低”等动词可通过形容词的比较级来表示。 1)但有人建议降低政府开支,提高教师工资。

21、But some suggested lower government spending and higher wages for teachers. 2)只有加强与世界的联系,中国才能继续执行她的对外开放政策。 The policy of Chinas opening to the world can be only continued by its closer ties with the world.,用介词短语,1)宝玉听说赶忙的放手。黛玉三步两步转过床后,出后院而去。 At once he released her and she slipped past his bed and o

22、ut through the back court. 这里两个动词都用介词表达。 2)善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于处男承担自己的责任。 People with skill in social relations admit their mistakes, and take their share of blame. “善于处理人际关系”用with skill in social relations介词短语表示。,3)后来,我因为要写一篇报道,就到了北京。在离北大不远的一家小餐馆里喝着冰茶时,往事一起涌上心头。 Then I traveled to Beijing on a story

23、 assignment, and it all rushed back to me as I was sipping a glass of iced tea in a tiny lunchroom not far from Beijing University. “因为要写一篇报道”可以用一个分句来表达,但如能用一个介词短语,就能少用一个动词。 4)他与大学里的一些著名学者和教授相当随便,见面可以直呼其名。 He seemed to be on a casual, first-name basis with eminent scholars and professors in universi

24、ty. 5)为了参加这个大会,他又到了北京,进一步收集资料,查证核实。 In order to attend the conference, he returned to Beijing for more information and verification. 6)爹上班去了,妹不在家,妈刚找到工作,还得过一个小时才下班。 Dad was at work, my sister was away, and Mother wouldnt be home from her new job for an hour.,7)一些市民团体举行抗议活动,反对政府在当地计划建造化工厂。 Citizen gr

25、oups have protested against government plans for a chemical plant in the area. 8)尽管我们努力推进素质教育,许多家长还是衷于分数。 Despite our efforts at quality-oriented education, many parents are still keen on scores. 9)在上海召开的这次大会将大大有助于实现这种前景。 The conference held in Shanghai will contributes significantly towards that fu

26、ture.,10)他不求名不求利,只是想为居住在边远山区的人民服务。 He is after neither fame nor fortune, only with a view to serving the people in remote and mountainous areas. 几个动词都用介词和介词短语替代。 11)某些妇女牺牲了婚姻幸福才获得事业上的成功。 For some women, a successful career is achieved at the expense of marital happiness. 12)中国经济成功地进行了“软着落”,这是宏观经济调控的

27、结果。它控制了通货膨胀,避免了经济的大起大落,保持了经济快速增长。 The Chinese economy has successfully made a “soft landing”, a result of macro economic control, which has curbed inflation while maintaining rapid economic growth without major fluctuation. 13)所有二流子都要受到改造,参加生产,变为好人。 All loafers must be reformed into good citizens th

28、rough participation in production.,用非谓语形式,1)后来太监报告说,有的官员发出了“人不如猿”的感慨。慈禧这才觉得自己的决定有些荒唐。 Apprised by a eunuch, however, that some officials had complained that people were held in less regard than a mere monkey, she realized that her order was a little too ludicrous.,2)那人瞪着大眼睛望她,她的镇定令对方不知所措。 The man lo

29、oked at her wide-eyed. Her self-possession had a baffling quality. 3)病人候诊要等个把小时,而医生由于人手不够只能穷于应付。 Patients wait hours while the undermanned staff struggle to meet the demand.,4)由于通货膨胀,社会的不满情绪不断加剧,在此情况下,政府只得放慢改革。 Amid mounting social discontent over inflation, the government had to slow its reforms. 5

30、)他一张饱经风霜的脸上,双眉紧锁,显得心事重重。 There was a troubled frown on his weather-beaten face.,6)房价猛涨,严重挫伤了购房者的积极性。 The rocketing price of housing has tremendously dampened the enthusiasm of potential house buyers. 7)中国政府将继续坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,同时界各国建立和发展友好关系,反对霸权主义和强权政治,维护世界和平,推动社会发展,促进人类进步。 The Chinese government

31、will unswervingly pursue its independent foreign policy of peace by establishing and developing friendly relations with other countries and opposing hegemonism and power policies so as to safeguard world peace and promote social development and the progress of mankind.,用副词,1)他当时一心要说动地方政府,街道需要有一个图书馆。但这件事始终没有成功。 He had been trying vainly to persuade the local government that the neighborhood needed a library. 2)我们希望吃晚饭的时候赶到那里。 Hopefully, well be there by dinnertime.,


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