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1、1不溶性偶氮染料的最新降解方式及环保的研究陶鸿珠 湖南工程学院化学化工学院化工 0902,湘潭 410000摘要:印染废水的排放标准越来越严格,纺织工业面临的严峻形势是染料对水体的污染问题。光催化氧化技术作为一种高级氧化技术,近年来在染料废水处理中得到广泛的关注。本论文利用革酸盐络合物过氧化氢体系,在太阳光辐射条件下对六种偶氮染料进行光催化氧化研究。首先考察了铁离子浓度、草酸浓度和过氧化氢浓度对染料脱色降解性能的影响。其次研究了无机盐、表面活性剂和太阳光强度等因素与染料光催化脱色降解以及动力学反应速率常数的之间的关系。比较了太阳光与人工光源对染料光催化作用的差异;并借助紫外一可见光谱(UVVI

2、S)和总有机碳 rTOC)分析了染料脱色降解的反应过程。最后,使用中温型活性染料对棉织物染色加工,并利用上述技术对其染色废水进行脱色降解和回用研究。实验结果表明:铁离子浓度增加有利于染料光催化反应的进行;草酸和过氧化氢的用量的适当增加也有对染料的光催化反应有促进作用。无机盐对染料的光催化降解有抑制作用,并随着无机盐浓度的提高,其作用随之增加:相同的条件下,氯化钠的抑制作用最显著,硫酸钠次之,硝酸钠最小。表面活性剂在其临界胶束浓度以下,其对染料脱色降解的影响相对较小;但是当其浓度超过临界胶束浓度,明显地降低染料脱色率。一般而言,太阳光的强度越高,越有利于染料的脱色降解:在相同的反应条件下,在晴天

3、时染料的脱色率明显高于阴天时染料的脱色率。在此催化氧化体系中,染料的脱色降解反应可以用假一级动力学反应模型来描述,并且无机赫的存在和太阳光强度的增加并没有影响这种反应模型。利用此技术可以实现活性染料废水的脱色降解,并将脱色后的废水(简称新水 I 和新水 II)可以作为染色介质回用于棉织物的活性染料染色工艺中。其染色后织物与自来水为染色介质的染色织物的总色差(DE)小于 1.5,符合商业化要求,此外染色织物牢度可以达到四级标准。关键词:太阳光;偶氮染料:草酸铁I-1202;降解;无机盐:废水回用Since discharge limits are becoming stricter for in

4、dustry wastewater textile manufactures are searching e伍cient and economical methods of pollution reductionT1le technique of pHotocatalytic oxidation is a new kind of water treatment process.with great potential especially in the dyeing wastewaters degradation for its outstanding effect111is paper ma

5、inly investigated the pHoto2catalytic degradation of six aZO dyes based on ferrioxalate OXalireH202 Firstly,study on Fe”oxalic acid and H202 concentration are discussed in detailsSecondly,the relation between inorganic salts,surfactants,solar irradiation and discoloration,reaction kinetics value was

6、 investigatedThe different effect of solar and model solar in the ferrOUS oxalate complexH202 on degradation azo dyes had been contrastedIn addition,the process of degradation was shown bv UV-Vis spectrum and ToCFinallythree reactive dyes containing two reactive groups in aqueous solutions were dyed

7、 fabric,the dyeing wastewaters carried out by this solar catalytic degradation technology and recycling of WaStcwaterThe experimentation results indicated that the increase concentration of Fe”had accelerated the dyeing degradation,while the oxalic acid and H202 concentration had an optimization val

8、ueThe more or Iess blocked the dye discoloration and degradationInorganic salts had restrained the degradation of dyesthe more of its concentration the worse1e dyeing degradation In the sanle conditionNaCl had the most restrained effect on dyeing degradation, next Na2S04 the least was NaN03 Surfacta

9、nts have a specific affected on dyeing discolorationif its concentration less than CM C,it hM a faint contr01if its concentration more than C MC,it had a prominent contr01Generally speaking,the higller the solar irradiance,the faster the discoloration of dyes in waterIn the sanqe conditiondyes were

10、more efficiency degradated in sunny than in cloudyIt was found that the degradation of the dyes followed a pseudofirst order kinetic medel at difierent solar irradiance and the inorganically salts in ferrioxalate OXaliteH20, Reactive dyes dyed fabric and produced wastewaters,which could be degradate

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