1、* ab abrupto (= ex abrupto) suddenly 事前未经准备;即席* ab absurdo from the absurd 依据荒谬的论点;归谬法逻辑* ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia 不正当使用得出无效结论a conclusion as to the use of a thing fromits abuse is invalid; the consequences ofabuse do not apply to general use* ab aeterno since the beginning of time 自从
2、时间开始以来;自从有历史以来* abalienatio 让渡;转让* abalienatio mentis 精神错乱* abandum 没收物;扣押物;遗弃物有排除法律保障之意* ab antiquo from antiquity; from ancient time 自古;自古以来* ab asino lanam 从驴子身上拔羊毛;冷酷的人的同情wool from an ass; blood from a stone 比喻* abatementum 横夺财产;强夺财产* abeunt studia in mores 习由性成;习惯成自然;事业陶冶性studies change into ha
3、bits; pursuits 格assiduously followed become habits* ab extra from outside 从外部;外来;来自外部* ab extrinseco from the outside 从外部;外来;外在* ab hoc et ab hac 杂乱无章* ab hoc et ab hac et ab illa 这个那个,说个不清from this man and this woman andthat woman; from here, there, andeverywhere; confusedly* ab hodierno from today
4、 从今日起* abiit ad majores (or plures) 他去世了he has gone to his ancestores (themajority); he is dead* ab imo pectore 出自内心;出于肺腑;肺腑之言from the bottom of the heart* ab inconvenienti 反证;反证法从反面证明 ;以不from inconvenience; designating an 便故argument designed to show that theopposite construction is untenablebecause
5、 of the inconvenience orhardship it would create* ab incunabulis 从襁褓中;自幼from cradle; from infancy* ab initio from the beginning 自始;从开头;从开始起;从头开始* ab intestato 无遗嘱的继承遗产from or by a person dying without avalid will* ab intra from within 从内部;自内* ab invito 非出于自愿;不情愿地by an unwilling person; unwillingly*
6、ab irato 出于一时气愤;在愤怒之下from an angry man; in a fit of anger* ab limine from the outset 从开始;自始* abnormis sapiens 无师自通的哲学家;天生的哲学家a philosopher of no particular school;a natural-born philosopher* a bove majori discit arare minor 老牛耕小牛学;老公鸡怎么叫,小公from the older ox the younger learns 鸡怎么学;子学父样to plow; as th
7、e old cock crows, theyoung one learns* ab origine from the origin 自始;从头;从起源* ab ovo 自始;从开始from the egg; from the beginning* ab ovo usque ad mala 自始至终from the egg to the apples; frombeginning to end* abscissio infiniti 排他法逻辑the cutting off of the infinite(or negative part); the systematiccomparison a
8、nd rejection ofhypotheses until the true conclusionis reached* absens haeres non erit 不在场者不得为继承人the man who is absent will not be an heir* absens reo (abs re) 被告不在;被告未到庭the defendant being absent* absenti febri (abs febr) 不发烧时医学* absente reo 在被告缺席的情况下* absit invidia 请不要介意;请勿见怪;不是有意的let there be no i
9、ll will; take it not amiss;no offence intended* absit omen may this not be an omen 但愿这不是恶兆* absoluta sententia expositore non indiget 文字意义简明,无须解释an absolute sentence needs no expositor* absolvi animam meam 鞠躬尽瘁* absque ulla conditione 无条件地without any condition* absurdum quippe est ut alios regat qui
10、 不能管理自己,岂能管理别人;不能seipsum regere nescit 治己,焉能治人it is certainly absurd that a man whocannot rule himself should rule others* abundans cautela non nocet 尽量小心,总不会错extreme care does no mischief* ab uno disce omnes from one learn all 由一斑而窥全豹;举一反三* ab urbe condita (AUC) 罗马城建立后罗马城约建于公元前from the founding of
11、the city (ie Rome) 七五三年 ;罗马纪元* abusus non tollit usum 不正当用途不能取代正当用途abuse does not take away use; misusedoes not nullify proper use* abyssus abyssum invocat 一错再错;一误再误;一个错误引向one chasm leads to another; one mistake 另一个错误leads to another* a capite ad calcem 从头到脚;彻头彻尾地from head to heel; completely;thorou
12、ghly* accedas ad curiam 准许上诉that you go to court; you may appealthe case* acceptilatio 免除(债务)* accessio an increase or addition 附属物;添附;进入* accessio cedit principali 从物属于主物的所有人;附属物属于the accessory follows the principal 主物* accessio possessionis 财产的增加;财产的添附increase or addition of possessions* accessit
13、他(她)几乎得到(某种荣誉)he (or she) came near; honourablemention* accessoriales accessories 从物* accessorium sequitur suum principale 附属物随其主物* accessorius sequitur naturam sui principalis 从犯的罪不能比主犯重an accessory follows the nature of hisprincipal; one who is accessory to acrime cannot be guilty of a higherdegre
14、e of crime than his principal* accidentia 偶然因素* accusare nemo se debet 谁都不须控告自己no one is obliged to incriminate himself* acervatim in heaps; briefly 简略地* ac etiam and also 以及* Acheruntis pabulum 注定要死的人;垂死的人food for Acheron; marked for death; foodfor the gallows* a coelo usque ad centrum 土地所有者的权利范围原意
15、为从土from the heavens to the centre of the 地之上至上天,之下至地球中心,earth 此原则已废 ;财产所有人的权利范围* a contrarie 相反* acribus initiis incurioso fine 虎头蛇尾;有始无终* a cruce salus salvation by the Cross 靠十字架得救;十字架拯救世人* acta est fabula the play is over 戏演完了;剧已终了;剧终* acta jure gestionis administrative acts 行政法规* acta sanctorum
16、deeds of the saints 使徒言行录记述基督教殉教者生平的书* actio action; suit; right of action 诉讼;诉权* actio conducti 承租人的控诉an action taken by the hirer of a thingagainst the letter* actio de effusis vel de jectus 因自屋内抛弃东西致伤害他人而引起的诉讼* actio de pauperie 因动物加害于人而引起的诉讼* actio depositis vel suspensi 因挂东西在街上致损害他人而引起的诉讼* acti
17、o doli 诈骗的诉讼* actio in forma pauperis 贫困者取得法律援助的诉讼* actio injurarium action for injury 对人格人体侵害的控诉* actio in personam 对人的诉讼* actio in rem 对物的诉讼* actio negatoria 排除妨害所有权的诉讼* actiones legis 合法行为* actio pauliana 反对欺诈行为的诉讼* actio personalis moritur cum persona 属人诉讼随当事人一起消灭;因当事a personal action dies with
18、the person; 人死亡而结束的诉讼;人死罪不a maxim meaning that rights of action 究;人死不起诉arising out of torts are destroyed by thedeath of the person injured or injuring* actio popularis 群众行动;共同行动common action; action of the people* actio pro socio 合伙人的控诉action of partnership (brought by onepartner against his associ
19、ate)* actio quod metus causa 基于威胁行为的诉讼* actore non probante reus absolvitur 原告不能证实案情,即应宣告被告无when the plaintiff does not prove his case, 罪the defendant is acquitted* actori incumbit onus probandi 举证责任在于原告the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff* actori incumbit probatio 原告负举证的责任the burden of proof r
20、ests on the plaintiff* actor sequitur forum rei 原告随物所在地法院;原告应向被告a plaintiff follows the court of the 的管辖法院提出控告defendant* actum Dei nemini facit injuriam 自然灾害不得归咎于人an act of God does wrong to no man;an individual cannot be held responsiblefor an act of God* actum est 一切都完了;终结* actum ne agas 做过的事不要再做;
21、不要重复dont do what has already been done* actus curiae nemini facit injuriam 法院的行为不得损害任何一方the act of the court does wrong to noone* actus curiae neminem gravabit 法院的行为不得损害任何一方an act of the court shall prejudice noone* actus Dei nemini facit injuriam 自然灾害不是人的过错an act of God is prejudicial to no one;the
22、 law holds no man responsible for theact of God* actus injura (= actus injuria) 侵害行为;侵权行为;不当行为an act of injury* actus legis nemini facit injuriam 法院的行为不得损害任何一方the act of the court does wrong to noone* actus me invito factus, non est meus actus 非出于自愿的行为,不是本人行为an act I performed unwillingly is not mya
23、ct* actus non facit reum nisi mens est rea 非有意犯罪的行为不算犯罪行为;无the act does not make a criminal useless 心之过不算犯罪the intention is criminal* actus reus wrongful act 非法行为;犯罪行为;不正当的行为;被告的行为* a cuspide corona from the spear a crown 靠刀枪得天下;枪杆子出政权* ad absurdum to the absurd 反证* ad amussim 精确地;准确地according to a
24、rule; accurately; exactly* ad aperturam libri 开卷第一章;书本打开的地方at the opening of the book; wherever thebook opens* ad arbitrium at will; at pleasure 随意;任意;随便地* ad astra per aspera 刻苦成功;吃得苦中苦,方为人上人;to the stars through hardships 苦尽甘来* a dato from the date 从该日起* ad augusta per angusta 苦尽甘来;刻苦成功;不经困难,不to s
25、uccess through adversity; to honours 获胜利through difficulties* ad baculum (to appeal) to the rod 威迫的(言论)* ad calendas Graecas 决不会;永远不会;永远没有那么一on the Greek Calends; never 天;束之高阁* ad captandum vulgus 讨好群众的(言论) ;哗众取宠to please the crowd; in order to win overthe masses* ad cautelam for cautions sake 为谨慎起见
26、* ad clerum to the clergy (教会领袖)对神职人员的讲话相对于对一般信徒的讲话* ad colaturam 一饮而尽* ad crumenam 利诱的(话)(an appeal) to the purse or to onespersonal interests* ad curiam 在法庭上;上法院* addendum addition 补遗;附录;增编* adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit 积少成多;集腋成裘add little to little and there will be a greatheap* ad diem
27、至指定日期止* a Deo et Rege from God and the King 出自上帝和国王在中古时代,国王自认为代表上帝行使职权,所以一切圣旨都是上帝的意旨* adeo in teneris consuescere multum est 习惯必须从幼年养成so imperative it is to form habits in earlyyears; as the twig is bent, the treesinclined* a dessein (French) intentionally 故意地* adeste, fideles O come, all ye faithfu
28、l 来吧!所有信仰者一首基督教赞美歌的起首* ad eundem to the same (degree) 以同等程度;达到相同程度* ad eundem gradum to the same degree 同样程度;相同程度* ad extra in an outward direction 向外* ad extremum to the extreme; to the last 到最后;毕竟;极端;后来;终于* ad filum aquae 以河流中线为界to the thread (or centre) of the stream* ad filum viae to the centre
29、of the road 以道路中线为界* ad finem (ad fin) 至终;到最后to the end; at the end; finally* ad finem fidelis 忠心耿耿;忠贞不渝* ad gloriam 为了荣誉* ad gratam aciditatem (ad gra acid) 到适口的酸度医学* ad gustum to ones taste 合口味;投其所好;按自己喜欢的量或样子* ad hanc vocem (ahv) at this word 见此条字典中参阅注* adhibenda est in jocando moderatio 开玩笑不可过分;
30、谑而不虐moderatin is to be applied in jests; oneshould employ restraint in his jests* ad hoc for this (purpose) 特设;专设;特别;临时;特设;专案;为此;尤其* ad hominem to the man 对人而不对事的;偏私的e.g. an argument ad hominem:偏私的议论* ad honores to ones honour; honorary 名誉的;义务的* adhuc sub judice lis est 案件未了;问题尚未解决the case is still
31、before the judge* ad hunc locum (ahl) at this place 在此处* ad idem at the same (point); at one 意见一致;协议;同一* a die 即日起;从本日起* a die confectionis from the day of the making 从缔约之日起* a digniori fieri debet denominatio et resotio 一物的名称和说明应当根据或参照the title and exposition of a thing ought to 该物比较相称的等级、质量或be der
32、ived from, or giving or made with 品种加以确定reference to, the more worthy degree,quality, or species of it* ad ignorantiam 迎合无知听众的(言论) ;强词夺理(an appeal) to ones ignorance 的* ad impossibilie nemo tenetur 任何人都不对不可能的事情负担责no one is held to the impossible 任;不能强人所难* ad infinitum (ad inf) 无限;无穷;永远to infinity; e
33、ndlessly; without limit* ad initium at the beginning 在开端* ad instar (ad inst) 仿效 . ;类似 .in the likeness of; resembling* ad instatiam partis at the instance of a party 经一方要求* ad interim (ad int) 临时;暂时;暂行in the mean time; temporary* ad internecionem 诛灭净尽* ad invitiam to envy (or prejudice) 偏私的;恶意的(辩论)
34、* adiratus 遗失;失物赔偿金strayed; lost; a price set upon a thingstolen or lost, as a recompense* adjectus solutionis gratia 破产债务分配受领人* ad judicium 合情合理的(辩论) ;出庭to common sense (said of an argument);to court* adjuvante Deo labor proficit 由于上帝的帮助,工作顺利进行with Gods help, work propers* ad libitum (ad lib) 随意;按照
35、自己的意志;无限制;悉at will; as one wishes; extemporaneously 听尊便;随兴;任意音乐* ad limina (= ad limina apostolorum)* ad limina apostolorum 到最高权威(那里解决)to the highest authority; to the thresholdsof the Apostles* ad litem for the suit 在诉讼上;诉讼的;关于诉讼的* ad litteram (= ad literam) 照字句;逐字;照原文to the letter; to the last jot
36、to translate ad litteram: 直译* ad locum (ad loc.) at or to the place 在这里;现场视察或表演* ad majorem Dei gloriam (AMDG) 为上帝增光;愈显主荣to the greater glory of God: motto of the 耶稣会格言Society of Jesus* ad manum at hand; ready for use 在手边;准备妥当* ad medium filum aqaue 以河流中间线为界的* ad medium filum viae 以道路中间线为界的* ad meli
37、us inquirendum 复验尸令* ad misericordium 引人同情的(言论)to pity (said of an argument)* ad modum in the manner of; like 仿照;像;仿效* ad multos annos for many years 多年以来;为了长久之计* ad nauseam to nausea; to the point of disgust 讨厌;令人厌恶;令人作呕* ad notam 请查照;备查* ad notanda 请注意;应注意* ad notata 附注;注释* ad patres gathered to h
38、is fathers; dead 死亡;到祖先那里去;已故* ad paucos dies for a few days 几天* ad perpetuam rei memoriam 为了永久纪念这件事教皇诏书开头for the perpetual remembrance of the 常用语thing* ad populum 讨好群众的(言论)to the people; to the passions andprejudices of the people* ad praesens ovo cras pullis sunt meliora 一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林eggs today are b
39、etter then chickenstomarrow; a bird in the hand is worthtwo in the bush* adpromissiones 保证契约* ad quaestionem facti non repondent judices; 法官不裁决事实问题,陪审员不判决ad quaestionem juris non respondent 法律问题;法官无权决定案情问juratores 题,陪审员无权决定法律问题在陪审制度下* ad quaestiones facti non repondent judices; 法官不裁决事实问题,陪审员不判决ad qu
40、aestiones legis non respondent 法律问题;法官无权决定案情问juratores 题,陪审员无权决定法律问题in trial by jury, the judges do not decide 在陪审制度下questions of fact, nor the jury questionsof law* ad quem for (or to) which (or whom) 对此;对它;对他* ad quod damnum to what damage 可能的损害调查令* ad referendum 待请示;尚待核准;待进一步审议;for reference; for
41、 further consideration; 须进一步考虑;尚待复查subject to approval* ad rem to the matter in hand; to the point 对物;贴切;中肯;得其要领;对事而不对人* ad respondendum 答辩* ad respondendum quaestioni 答所问;答题似的* adrogatio adoption of a minor 收养(儿童)* ad saturationem 到饱和点* adscriptus glebae 农奴(a person) bound to the soil; a serf* ad s
42、ectam (ads) at the suit of 在(某)案中;被 控告B ads A: A 控告 B;A 是原告,B 是被告* adstipulator 债权代理人* adsum I am here; present ! 在!点名被点到名时的回答* ad summam in a word; in short 总之;简言之;简单地说* ad summum 最高限度;到最高点;说到底to the highest point; to the utmost* ad unguem (factus) 精密;完美to a finger nail; to a nicety; accurately;per
43、fectly* ad unum omnes 全体;一致;异口同声all to one; to the last man; unanimously* ad usum according to customs 依照习惯;按照惯例* ad usum Delphini 经过修订的for the Dauphins use; expurgated* ad usum externum 外用医学* ad usum internum 内服医学* ad usum proprium 自用医学* ad utrumque paratus 以防万一prepared for either eventuality; prep
44、aredfor the worst* ad valorem according to the value 按值;从价;照价ad valorem duty: 从价税* ad verbum 逐字;一字不差地to a word; word for word; verbatim* adversa things noted 记下的事情* adversaria 日记本;笔记簿that which has been turned to; a journal* adversa virtute repello 我鼓足勇气,排除万难I repel adversity by valor (or courge)* a
45、dversos etenim frangi non esse virorum 大丈夫不屈不挠real men are not vanquished by adversity* adversus solem ne loquitor 不要浪费时间与明显的事实争辩dont waste your time arguing theobvious* ad vitam 只要一息尚存;终身for life; for use during a persons life only* ad vitam aeternam forever 永远地;永生地* ad vitam aut culpam 只要不犯错误,即可终身
46、任职for life or until misbehavior* ad vivum to the life; lifelike 栩栩如生;逼真* advocatus diaboli devils advocate “魔鬼的辩护士”指责圣列候补者的人 ;毁谤者;吹毛求疵的人; 强辩的人* ad vocem 顺便地(提起、说说)* aedificatum solo, solo cedit 土地上的建筑物是土地的一部分that which is built upon the land becomespart of the land* aeger sick; an invalid 生病;病人* aeg
47、er amore lovers disease 相思病* aegrescit medendo 病情越医越坏;越弄越糟he grows worse with the treatment* aegra amans lovers disease 相思病* aegri somnia a sick mans dream 痴心妄想* aegri somnia vana a sick mans idle dreams 痴人说梦;痴心妄想* aegrotat (病人要求请假用的)医生证明a note from the doctor; he (or she) is sick* aequabiliter et d
48、iligenter 稳而勤* aequam memento rebus in arduis servare 危难时记得保持冷静mentemremember to keep calm in time of trouble* aequam servre mentem 保持冷静to keep a unruffled mind; to keep onescool* aequitas est quasi aequalitas 顾名思义,公平即是平等equity is, as it were, equality* aequitas factum habet quod fieri opportuit 应该做的已经做了,便是公平equity considers that to have been donewhich ought to have been* aequitas non facit jus, sed juri auxiliatu