1、Nom:Aimer to likeChasser to chaseDcouper to cut outDessiner to drawcouter to listen toLaver to washManger to eatPartager to sharePorter to carryRegarder to look atLa baignoire the bathLa confiture the jamUn couteau a knifeDouze canards 12 ducksUn lapin a rabbitLes lgumes the vegetablesUn match de fo
2、ot a football matchLe pont the bridgeLe riz the riceUn vlo a bikeRemember: 1. Choose the person2. Chop off er3. Write whats left (the stem)4. Add the ending1. I like the jam. _2. They hunt the rabbit. _3. We cut out the bridge. _4. She draws 12 ducks. _5. You (singular) listen to a football match. _6. He washed a knife. _7. You (plural) eat the vegetables. _8. I share the rice. _9. We carry a bike. _10. He looks at the bath. _