1、50 个热词背诵(期中复习)1. 实名购票制 ID-based ticket booking system2. 有效身份证件 recognized identity document3. 高铁 high-speed rails4. 动车 bullet train5. 农家乐 agritainment / agri-tourism6. 不折腾 avert self-destruction或 avert self-destructive behavior7. 恶搞 spoof (The show was a spoof of college life. Some students like to
2、spoof the teachers );8. 开微博 to open a microblog;9. 垃圾邮件 spam10. 网络钓鱼 phishing11. 人肉搜索 flesh search12. 面子工程 face job/vanity project13. 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built project14. 菜篮子工程 non-staple food project15. 炫富 flaunt wealth16. 学历造假 fabricate academic credentials17. 职场冷暴力 emotional office abuse18. 住房公积金 housing
3、 funds19. 廉租房 low rent housing20. 限价房 capped-price housing21. 经适房 affordable housing22. 期房 forward delivery housing23. 保障性住房 indemnificatory housing24. 落后产能 outdated capacity25. 节能高效的 fuel-efficient26. 具有时效性的 time-efficient27. 招牌菜 signature dishes28. 保健食品 dietary supplement或 food supplement29. 健康食品
4、health foods=natural foods/organic foods/whole foods/dietary supplements)30. 转基因食品 genetically modified foods31. 黄牛党/票贩子 ticket scalper32. 黄牛票 scalped ticket33. 假烟假酒 fake liquor and cigarette34. 不合格的产品 disqualified products35. 形容一件东西抢手 sth. sells like hotcakes, 或者 sth. is flying off the shelf;36. 必备
5、单品 must-have37. 换季大甩卖 end of season sale;38. 衣着暴露 be scantily clad或show too much skin;39. 穿得正式、抢眼 be dressed to kill;40. 西服裙 pencil skirt;41. 修饰身材/修身的 figure flattering;42. 地狱式节食 a crash diet;43. 暴饮暴食 binge eating44. 异地恋 long-distance relationship;45. 如胶似漆的情侣 love birds;46. 电灯泡 the third wheel;47. 形容男人质朴老实 blue-collar kind of guy;48. 亲切可爱的邻家女孩是 the girl next door;49. 科技发烧友是 tech-head;50. 阳刚男生 macho boys