1、Maersk Line Shipping Instruction(All fields marked by * are mandatory) 所有标注*号的地方必须填写完整,请发送至我司深圳单证中心,E-mail:SZHGSCIDXMAERSK.COMShipper (Maximum 5 lines)*:(发货人 )* B/L No. *:(提单号)Consignee (Maximum 5 lines)*:(收货人)* Own references: References owner:Notify party 1 (Maximum 5 lines)*:(通知方)* Notify party 2
2、 (Maximum 5 lines):Service Contract number:(合约号) Onward inland routing (Not part of precarriage for account and risk of merchant) 如果货物运到目的地之后,客人需要自行安排运输到其他内陆点,可以在此显示最终到达地,但此段运输产生的风险和费用由客人承担 :Vessel*:(船名)* Voyage Number*:(航次)* Place of receipt (Mandatory in case of inland transport under carriers res
3、ponsibility) 如果马士基负责安排从内陆到始发港口的多式联运,请写明出货地比如哈尔滨,郑州,西安等:Port of loading*:(始发港)*马士基承运范围内的第一个水港Port of discharge*:(目的港)*马士基承运范围内最后一个水港Place of delivery (Mandatory in case of inland transport under carriers responsibility) 如果马士基负责安排卸货港口到内陆点的多式联运,请写明内陆点:Particulars as furnished by shipper Carrier not res
4、ponsibleTotal equipment count* 20 40 40high 45highMarks & Numbers Cargo description (Including package description)*:Total No. of Packages *(总件数)*Total Gross Weight (Kgs)*: (总毛重)*Total Volume(CBM)*:(总体积)*Breakdown of each container(一票多箱必须注明分箱明细,如超过 5 个集装箱,请填写续页)Container number*: (集装箱号)*Seal Number*
5、: (封号)*Container size/type*: (箱型/尺码)No. of packages per container*: (单箱件数)*Gross Weight per container (Kgs)*: (单箱毛重)*Volume per container (CBM)*: (单箱体积)*Freight Term*(运费条款)即海运费及其相关费用预付还是到付 ,如果需要在第三地付海运费,请标明付费人详细名称特殊付费要求(比如要求某些目的港费用 DHC/DDF 预付请在此栏注明,此项不显示在提单上)SCAC Code (Only for automated NVOCCs expo
6、rting to USA or Canada)*:Documentation printing instructions*Number of original Bills of Lading required*签发正本提单份数为Negotiable Bill of Lading(如签正本提单,请在此处划勾)*Seaway bill(如签 seaway bill 请在此处划勾) *Combine & Split information*(分单/合单信息)*订舱号: 分单为:订舱号: 合单为:Notes to Carrier (如有其他单证要求请填写,此项内容不显示在提单上) Maersk Lin
7、e Shipping InstructionSupplement for multiple containers (一票多箱分箱明细续页)B/L No. *:(提单号) *Particulars as furnished by shipper Carrier not responsibleTotal equipment count* 20 40 40high 45highBreakdown of each container(一票多箱分箱明细)Container number*: (集装箱号)* Seal Number*: (封号)*Container size/type*: (箱型/尺码)No. of packages per container*: (单箱件数)*Gross Weight per container (Kgs)*: (单箱毛重)*Volume per container (CBM)*: (单箱体积)*Comments