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1、二、解决方法: 一)主体词排除错误选项法 首先抓住要总结的关键词也就是主体词,就是要问哪方向的内容,如上个例子,主体题丽丽一定会在正确答案中出现,不然问的是丽丽可以答案谈论的是别人,就变得完全不相关了,根据这个特点我们可以排除 4 老余捐了 100 元 如 OG 上的一道总结题可以直接使用主体词排除错误选项的方法 The technology of modern cinema evolved at the end of the nineteenth century. 3 5 6 1、 Kinetoscope parlors or viewing films were modeled on ph

2、onograph parlors 2、 Thomas Edisons design of the Kinetoscope inspired the development of large screen projection. 3、 Early cinema allowed individuals to use special machines to view films privately. 4、 Slides-and-lantern shows had been presented. 5、 The development of projection technology made it p

3、ossible to project images on a large screen 6、 once films images could be projected, the cinema became a form of mass consumption 其中只有三个选项有本问题的关键词,本问题的关键词是 the technology of cinema. 二)细节信息排除法 总结题是对对文章的高度概括所以细节的出现犯了以偏概全的错误,如中文例子中的 2、丽丽扶一个盲人过马路。 这是一个具体的事实细节,我们要绕过例子看总结。所以在排除它。 如 OG 中的一道题目 This passage

4、discusses fossils that help to explain the likely origins of cetaceans-whales, porpoises and dolphins 1 2 5 Answer choices 1、 Recent discoveries of fossils have helped to show he link between land mammals and cetaceans(这是本文的主题) 2、The discovery of Ambulocetus natans provided evidence for a whale that

5、 lived both on land and at sea.(总结性信息) 3、The skeleton of Basilosaurus are found in what had been the Tehys Sea, an area rich in fossil evidence. (绝对的事实细节)-排除 4 、Pakicetus is the oldest fossil whale yet to be found(绝对的事实细节)-排除 5、Fossils thought to be transitional forms between walking mammals and swi

6、mming whales were found(主题) 6、Ambulocetushind legs were used for propulsion in the water. (绝对的事实细节)-排除 三)新信息出现排除 如 6、丽丽经常打架,原文没有出现,所以正确答案中一定没有。首先大家得知道这题主要考察的是文章的 MAIN IDEA 和文字的 SUB IDEA,对文章的 TOPIC 没有一点解题关系。解题步骤:1.区分 TOPIC/MI(黑体句)TOPIC:概念/研究对象。(可从文章的题目看出)MI:作者对 TOPIC 的看法/结论/发现/关系/描述/意图。(仅对 TOPIC 做解释的

7、选项通常是错的)2.回原文定位 MI.MI:前三段的段首或者段末出现。具有以下特点:a,转折句。(HOWEVER,BUT 等) b,设问句。(自问自答) c,首段末句结论,科学发现。 d,因果句。 e,明显分类描述/明显数量概述/复数名词。3.各段的首句/各段的开始部分sub idea。4.筛选答案。(技巧)1).MI/SI 的统一改写。(概括性语言)2).对 MI 的支持。 支持:重现 MI 的完整关系,概念对应展开!3)分清主谓宾!重点!把给出的黑体字句子的主谓宾列出来简单的列为 xx(主语)+xx(谓语)+xx(宾语)。则可以把所有的 MI 句子写成一个数学的函数表示公式:MI: F(x

8、)=A(x主语)+B(x谓语)+C(x宾语)则那么所有的 SI 为 MI 公式的一个根:SI:F(1)=A(1主语的分支)+B(1谓语动词不变或者为同义词)+C(1宾语不变)。则那么下面给出的 6 个选项只要按照 SI 的公式对应比较就能知道是否为正确答案,无需知道文章说了什么,只要分析选项的主谓宾是否是对 MI 的一个分支的扩展,并且造成的结果一样就能选出正确的答案了。例子!OG 第一篇阅读:THE ORIGINS OF CETACEANS 的 13-14 题。这道题的 MI 黑体字句子是:this passage discusses fossils that help to explain

9、 the likely origins of cetaceans-whales,porpises,and dolphins.分析主谓宾可以知道:fossil(主语)+help to explain(谓语)+origins of cetaceans(宾)然后看答案。1.recent discoveries of fossils have helped to show the link between land mamals and cetaceans.很容易的划出主干: fossils(主语的分支) +helped to show(谓语动词理解一样) +the link(宾语一致)所以 1 正确

10、。2.the discovery of Axxxx provided evidence for a whale that lived both on land and at sea.划出主干:Axxx(化石,又是 MI 主语的分支)+ provided evidence (谓语动词理解一样)+宾语所以 2 也正确。5.fossils thought to be transitional forms between walking mammals and swimming whales were found。主干:fossils(MI 主语的分支)+were found(因为找到所以提供的证据,

11、帮助理解,和 MI 谓语动词理解一样)所以 5 也正确。第一讲 题型一(SUMMARY)第一节 什么是主旨和如何掌握主旨一、主旨的定义(What)任何阅读都有四个层次:词、句、段、章。而新托福阅读 SUMMARY 题作为文章最后一种题型,考察的是对文章主要段落的主旨概括能力,而非全篇文章主旨。这一特点非常重要,因为考察段落主旨就意味着无需站在全篇文章的高度来理解和做题,这样大大减小了难度。直白一点说,就是只需要关注文章局部段落,而不需要在意全局。这不同于老托福阅读里面每篇文章都有一道“What is the passage mainly about”这样的全文主旨题。这种变化可能是因为出题人意

12、识到新托福阅读的文章大大加长,而且时间更加紧张,为了减小难度,不得以而为之的。但是这对我们来说却是一种幸福。明白了考察“段落”主旨之后,我们就可以像小学语文一样,进行概括段落大意的训练了。接下来我们必须清楚一个问题:什么是主旨?我对主旨下了这样的定义:主旨=主题+方向+关系词(无词阅读法的 “三要素”)例 1:新概念第四册第二课的第一段:Why you may wonder should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest e

13、nemies of the human race. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world. They would devour all our crops, and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put togeth

14、er kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the other insect-eaters, spiders never do the least harm to us or our belongings.这段话首句的主题很明显讲的是“spiders”,方向是“friends”(正向),合在一起就是主旨“蜘蛛是朋友”。从第二句话开始出现的关系词 Because、and 和 Moreover 都是在维持着首句的方向,所以即使关系词后面的具体内容由于存在生词(devour,

15、 flocks, herds 等等)而看不太懂,也不会影响我们对段落主旨的把握。如果用直白的语言来解释“主题+方向+关系词”这三个要素,那就是:“主题”等于这段话讲的是个什么事物(spiders);方向是该事物是好是坏(friends );关系词(Because、and 和 Moreover)就是维持或者改变方向的一些标志。一旦我们善于把握这“三要素”,那么阅读速度将变得立刻提高,因为除了这“三要素”之外的细节如果包含着个别生词,我们也可以忽略不计了,从而实现了“无词阅读”的境界。二、如何掌握主旨(How)阅读英语段落的时候,应该是“匀速阅读”还是“变速阅读”呢?当然是“变速阅读”!这样我们才

16、能做到阅读时的详略得当。但是,“变速阅读”是“先快后慢”还是“先慢后快”呢?这就要从英语的思维方式说起。英语倾向于先说重要的还是先说次要的?我们来看看英语与汉语的思维方式差异。图 A:汉语族人:先说次要的 图 B:英语族人:先说重要的汉语族人的思维方式是“螺旋式”的,喜欢画龙点睛,我们称之为“Save the best for the last”。而英语族人的思维方式是“直线式”的,喜欢直入主题,我们称之为“Say what you want to say, then say why”。这样一比较,大家应该马上明白了阅读英语段落的要领:变速阅读,先慢后快,精读首句,浏览全段。据统计,70%-8

17、0%的英语段落都是首句是主题句。所以,以后阅读英语段落,应该先精读首句(把握首句的“主题”和“方向”),再浏览全段(把握全段的“关系词”),才能实现快速阅读。而很多同学以前阅读的时候,要么就是倾向于到段落结尾找主题句(这主要是受了汉语思维方式的影响),要么就干脆把有限的精力平均分配到一段话内部的每个单词和每个句子,而忽略了主次关系,没有详略得当地阅读。例 2:All these activities may have damaging environmental impacts. For example, land clearing for agriculture is the largest

18、 single cause of deforestation; chemical fertilisers and pesticides may contaminate water supplies; more intensive farming and the abandonment of fallow periods tend to exacerbate soil erosion; and the spread of monoculture and use of high-yielding varieties of crops have been accompanied by the dis

19、appearance of old varieties of food plants which might have provided some insurance against pests or diseases in future. Soil erosion threatens the productivity of land in both rich and poor countries. The United States, where the most careful measurements have been done, discovered in 1982 that abo

20、ut one-fifth of its farmland was losing topsoil at a rate likely to diminish the soils productivity. The country subsequently embarked upon a program to convert 11 per cent of its cropped land to meadow or forest. Topsoil in India and China is vanishing much faster than in America.精读首句:主题是“environme

21、ntal impacts”,方向是“damaging”(负向),主旨是“环境影响是破坏性的”。浏览全段:举例关系词 For example 本身就说明是在维持着首句的方向,而且四个并列的分句也证明了这一点。那么,即便是后面的具体内容不看了,只要没有出现大的转折关系,这段话的主旨就肯定是首句的“环境影响是破坏性的”。例 3:Drama is sometimes seen as a branch of literature because plays,like literature, are often printed in book form. However, there is an impo

22、rtant difference between the two forms. Unlike a novel,a play is written to be performed, and the script of a play is not a finished work;it is an outline for a performance. The physical production of the play-the scenery, lighting,and costumes-will affect the performance, and so will the actors. Ho

23、w the actors interpret their roles greatly influences the plays effect on the audience.精读首句:主题是“drama”和“literature”,方向是“a branch ”,主旨是“戏剧与文学的相同点”,而且因果关系词 because 和类比关系词 like 都是维持方向的。浏览全段:转折关系词 However 说明方向发生了改变,说明主旨是“戏剧与文学是不同的”。对比关系词Unlike 也证明了比较的是不同点。所以,第二句话是该段的主题句。当然,“主题+方向+ 关系词”这三个要素在一个段落里面并非一定同时

24、存在。例如,有些说明性段落里面可能只有主题,没有方向。还有很多段落是没有关系词的。但是,总体上来说,这三个要素是我们理解一个段落主旨所必需的最基本条件,需要我们尽量把握。第二节 掌握主旨的的第一种方法常用法分析段落结构找主题句小学语文老师让我们概括主旨之前,都要分析一下段落结构。如果是“总分”结构,那么首句就是段落主题句(Topic Sentence )。反之,如果是“分总”结构,则末句是主题句。我们在学英语的时候,一直缺少这种正确的学习方法,所以我们已经习惯于把每一个单词和每一句话都翻译出来,但是却很少有意识的把握段落主题句。常见的段落结构有如下六大类:(1)总分;(2)总分总(由总分演变而

25、成);(3)分总;(4)分总分(由分总演变而成);(5)对比;(6)并列。其中,前四种段落结构都存在主题句和支持句之分。而后两种结构中可能不存在主题句,其段落内部会分成若干个势均力敌的部分,只不过对比结构段落的两部分之间方向相反,而并列结构段落的各部分之间方向相同。之所以叫“常用法”是因为大多数段落的结构都符合上述六种结构中的某一种,所以可以供我们概括出大多数段落的主旨。但是,在这六种结构中,最常见的是总分(总分总)结构段落,因为美国人还是喜欢把最重要的东西放在前面来说。其次是分总(分总分)结构。至于对比和并列结构的段落,由于很罕见,所以在这里就暂时忽略了。一、 总分结构总分结构的主题句一般为

26、首句(如果首句结束后,第二句话存在转折关系,那么主题句就是第二句)。最常见的总分段落的标志就是第二句话前面出现“for example/instance”等举例关系词。如果总分结构段落最后再加一个总结句,就是总分总结构。这种段落结构约占 70%。THE ART OF THEATERSECTION AThe means by which an art form presents its message is referred to as the medium. Thus,sound produced by instruments or human voices is the medium of

27、music. Paint on canvas or paper is the medium of painting. For literature,the medium is written language. For theater, it is a story performed by actors on a stage. SECTION BDrama is sometimes seen as a branch of literature because plays,like literature, are often printed in book form. However, ther

28、e is an important difference between the two forms. Unlike a novel,a play is written to be performed, and the script of a play is not a finished work;it is an outline for a performance. The physical production of the play-the scenery, lighting,and costumes-will affect the performance, and so will th

29、e actors. How the actors interpret their roles greatly influences the plays effect on the audience. SECTION CThe basic encounter in theater is between the performers and the audience. This is a special type of encounter because the performers are playing other people,characters. Moreover, the charac

30、ters are part of a human story that has been written by a dramatist. This combination of elements distinguishes theater from other art forms. SECTION DTheater has several other distinctive characteristics. First,the subject matter of theater is always human beings. Second, theater is universal-there

31、 is an impulse toward creating theater in all societies. Third, theater is transitory in naturea play is an event that occurs through time. Finally, theater is set apart by its basic elements:audience ,performers, director, dramatist,purpose,viewpoint,and setting.SECTION EHuman beings and human conc

32、erns are always the subject matter of drama, even when the performers play animals,objcects ,or abstract ideas. In the medieval play Everyman, some of the roles are abstract ideas such as Beauty, Knowledge, and Strength. The central character is Everyman,a human character, and the subject is death a

33、rriving before we want it to comea theme that is universal to humans. The focus of drama is on human beings, even though different human concerns have been emphasized in difierent plays.SECTION FIn view of the human-centered quality of theater, it is not surprising that the impulse toward theater is

34、 universal. The urge to create drama has existed wherever human society has developed:in Europe,Asia ,Africa ,Australia ,and the Americas. In every culture recorded in history or studied by anthropologists,we find rituals, ceremonies,and celebrations that include elements of theater. At various time

35、s,these ceremonies and stories developed into a separate realm of theater. In Greece,a fully developed theater emerged almost 2,500 years ago. In India,theater became well-established around 2,000 years ago. Wherever theater has become a separate art form, it has had certain essential qualities:a st

36、orytne playis presented by one groupthe performersto another groupthe audience.SECTION GOne special quality of a theater performance is its immediacy. In the theater we live in the perpetual present tense. Theater is a transitory art. A performance changes from moment to moment,and each moment is a

37、direct,immediate adventure for the audience. The transitory nature of theater is a quality it shares with music and dance, and sets it apart from literature and the visual arts. A novel or a painting is a fixed object;it exists as a finished product. The performing arts, on the other hand, are not o

38、bjects but events. Theater occurs through time;it is an experience created by a series of sights,sounds,and impressions.ATheater is a form of literature because we can read plays in books.DThe tendency toward creating theater occurs in all human societies.B Theater requires a human story, performers

39、,and an audience. ETheater developed as a separate art very early in Greece and India.C An actor must change his voice to play certain characters. FEach theater performance is an immediate yet transitory experience.这篇文章的正确答案为 B/D/F。B 选项对应 C 段,D 选项的 all human societies 对应 F 段首句的 universal,F 选项对应 G 段的

40、 immediacy。A 选项与文章的方向是矛盾的,因为文章强调的是 theater 与 literature 的区别。C 选项是无关的。而 E 选项仅仅是 F 段的细节。当我们把各段的主题句用下划线标出时,就可以发现大多数段落的主题句都是首句。有两个例外,B 段的首句之后有转折关系词 however 造成第二句是主题句。另外 C 段末句是主题句,因为末句的 this combinations of elements 概括了前面的 a human story, performers, and an audience。(细节+ 不是主旨+ 完全就说错了)二、 分总结构分总结构就是末句是主题句。这

41、种段落结构约占 20%左右。如果分总结构的总结句之后再加上一点分述,就变成了“传说”中的分总分结构了(不过这种结构很罕见)。例如上一篇文章的 C 段就是典型的分总结构段落。THE ATLANTIC COD FISHERYSECTION AOff the northeastern shore of North America,from the island of Newfoundland in Canada south to New England in the United States, there is a series of shallow areas called banks. Sev

42、eral large banks off Newfoundland are together called the Grand Banks,huge shoals on the edge of the North American continental shelf, where the warm waters of the Gulf Stream meet the cold waters of the Labrador Current. As the currents brush each other, they stir up minerals from the ocean floor,

43、providing nutrients for plankton and tiny shrimplike creatures called krill,which feed on the plankton. Herring and other small fish rise to the surface to eat the krill. Groundfish, such as the Atlantic cod, live in the oceans bottom layer, congregating in the shallow waters where they prey on kril

44、l and small fish. This rich environment has produced cod by the millions and once had a greater density of cod than anywhere else on Earth.SECTION BBeginning in the eleventh century, boats from the ports of northwestern Europe arrived to fish the Grand Banks. For the next eight centuries,the entire

45、Newfoundland economy was based on Europeans arriving, catching fish for a few months in the summer, and then taking fish back to European markets. Cod laid out to dry on wooden“flakes”was a common sight in the fishing villages dotting the coast. Settlers in the region used to think the only sea crea

46、ture worth talking about was cod, and in the local speech the word “fish” became synonymous with cod. Newfoundlands national dish was a pudding whose main ingredient was cod.SECTION CBy the nineteenth century the Newfoundland fishery was largely controlled by merchants based in the capital at St. Jo

47、hns. They marketed the catch supplied by the fishers working out of more than 600 villages around the long coastline. In return, the merchants provided fishing equipment,clothing, and all the food that could not be grown in the islands thin, rocky soil. This system kept the fishers in a continuous s

48、tate of debt and dependence on the merchants.SECTION DUntil the twentieth century, fishers believed in the cods ability to replenish itself and thought that overfishing was impossible. However, Newfoundlands cod fishery began to show signs of trouble during the l930s,when cod failed to support the f

49、ishers and thousands were unemployed. The slump lasted for the next few decades. Then, when an international agreement in 1977 established the 200-mile offshore fishing limit,the Canadian government decided to build up the modern Grand Banks fleet and make fishing a viable economic base for Newfoundland again. All of Newfoundlands seafood companies were merged into one conglomerate. By the l980s,the conglomerate was prospering, and cod were commanding excellent prices in the market. Consequently, there was a significant increase i


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