1、Mathcad 键盘快捷方式操作 示例 键击Mathcad 帮助 F1Context sensitive Help Shift F1Calculate worksheet Ctrl F9计算 F9Redefinition warnings (toggle on and off) Ctrl Shift RInsert text region “Insert math within text region Ctrl Shift AAddition with line break operator (within a math region).+ . Ctrl EnterCharacter insi
2、de brackets as in chemistry notation Ctrl Shift JComplex conjugate _x “Enter special characters into math regionCtrl Shift KLiteral subscript x1 .Namespace operator Ctrl Shift N计算器工具栏运算符 示例 键击绝对值 |x| |定义 x:= 5 :等于 x = 5 =等于 x/y /乘号 3 4 *除号 Ctrl /求幂 x2 Imaginary unit i 1i圆括号 (3 + 4) Mixed number Ctrl
3、 Shift =平方根 n次方根 Ctrl 圆周率 Ctrl Shift P布尔工具栏运算符 示例 键击布尔与 Ctrl 叉乘 u x v Ctrl 8点乘 u v *Vector sum Ctrl 4Insert picture Ctrl T编程工具栏运算符 示例 键击Add line 中断 break Ctrl 继续 continue Ctrl for for i 110 Vi iCtrl “if local assignment on error on error Ctrl otherwise Ctrl return return Ctrl |while while Ctrl 符号工具栏运算符 示例 键击Evaluate symbolically Ctrl .Symbolic evaluation with keywords Ctrl