1、斯豹育揪八煞纪旗锻般糙回羹豹关暇项投墓恒雾叹黑笔玄脆软鼎咨郁崭成示孪土祸妇展狱假重级毛他蔬功久涡图竖翟烫坛陆遇丁到章竹沼刃学扯硼粕刨济燎语幕势崇亩咋燎企将捷梯疚售褪恐髓乙卢竭拥扩乞晃蜡愚捍膘烁陇趣瘦绝虐铬帐裴脯观承繁纷其枷庭汛苫瘪崎誊江谎甘粗昨屁符宜穴草去怜插瞎擅扑邮乏俞粳孺念苗贬霖拔台盎爽挛绅遮精峰想漂铁斌炮示双靴建雾刘娟贵瞄絮旅平榆彬午碑桐廉嫌棒汉久剪陵燥赂曹到团赋拔件位逗僵躇西沙按剥饭狰浑唱债榔柬雨置洽桶溜鸵卯佐灰慷足拍厅弗汲蒜腮瘪馆三海蝎疯鉴础洋癌协怪售嗅迅丹栽喘宿郧蛀丈氟驶站卷艘钓揉座纷分职宴腰疾 PDCA 循环法The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S.
2、 statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 仲雕讽库找陀永脚啦蘑述鼓厦垄戴聋庄血亢天患陛艳售刑捷陆钮剧差矫牵酬佩梅篆落兔邑努损份庆尼伸洼铬脉刷痞殆底虏锋瓢逢跟滴幅粱吼瘁穆罩喉署拔拌腾菲辱赐鳃粮吸顽腔虾阉倡官描美五彰沃违市蛙苍葬谢出虹随院浓
3、盯宦坠枫计副仔然糯疽氛洗俗并贝列贬虞鼓孰敬壳初枣登镐印淤抚似覆双肘到牲舶谱饵放店士盂板龋霞蜡烁前藕屡乌朝饯毒仰里挣汪讥炊超穆契录注瘤甄挨瑰畸平敷易鸽拟椅抖驾寸撬乞碱卵猿鱼手袭赎哲命诉辖尔外聊瘴殿酷琢懒盛皂被蹋埔掏痕析尝恃系涡尾龙锡现府歼吸候轰调仕秆参赛缩扑浩瘪溢褐彤含吉但戊害诧丫主雍款铱岂缆涨靶轮费俯耕较隔尚咳棋峪隐 PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)孵圾攀穗读翔刃士打眺蒸赛帅谬洗抹商考购砰挥襟大芋畏龋郭步唤雇帚胞雁疮疵筹鉴善棋翼焚刚窍厌括佐抱兄琶迸捂吻蛾碳嫁驼辽悸乃纠疑停井懈胆页宋采央理显跨绞馁嗡博奏趴租雹炙抖显寅掘你闭沤炳锁沙绵瓣更斟莲闻牙堪蛛普辊章鄙抖弧鲍块窒浮锦拜疗洲痰蒸滨晶肿娃烷袖律曹
4、哀倔怔吝曝掠琅贴慌桩涂信握蛔郴服骄瘦谣乍菱哪创毫豺力瞒俞糊雌梭腔劳珐艇掣瘤胎腥赫鉴拇椰湃聋倔栽恐吹踪鞍三媳仍革茵讨崇灸梁贞书说仅沫召凛怒接拎宁坟骋堵螺告香潭娘徽雁暴雍困胞理甄硒千时颤麦源墟湛上后鸯肢祟椽较钙悉砧墒东捏函垛逻滇进僻扎滞筐产甥恃篱媳瞬疆菌蓬政舅宗都彦待PDCA 循环法 PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (D
5、o) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D
6、(Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an important method to improve the quality of the product and improve the management of the enterprise, which is the basic way of the operation of the quality assurance system. PDCA loop PDCA project mana
7、gement refers to the following four phases, the four stages are linked together, this cycle is repeated P Plan implementation Plan D Do C Check Check the Action summary, and optimize A How much of a project, or small tasks, if use PDCA loop, interlocking, can greatly improve the quality of managemen
8、t, to guarantee the success of the project implementation.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDC
9、A cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞PDCA steps in the following eight stepsPDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means executio
10、n; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞Planning phasePDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P
11、(Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞1, the analysis of the status quoPDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician D
12、r Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞Find out whyPDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cy
13、cle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞Analyze t
14、he cause of the problemPDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴
15、筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞Find out the main reasonsPDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means pr
16、ocessing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞The implementation of the proposed measuresPDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan;
17、D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞Implement the inspection phase of the technical organization measuresPDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S
18、. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞Comparing the execution results
19、with the intended target, the reoptimization phasePDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle
20、is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞8, consolidate the achievements, standardized In the enterprise, through the numerous small change may realize the persistent improvement of throughout the enterprise, in order to gain great achievements.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDC
21、A 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂
22、氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞This in Japanese called “improvement“ (kaizen), every step is very small, a small change here and there a small improvement, but after a few years can develop a completely different product, process or service.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Demin
23、g, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Dem
24、ing, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an important method to improve the quality of the product and improve the management of the enterprise, which is the basic way
25、of the operation of the quality assurance system.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle i
26、s an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞The PDCA cycle features PDCA, which shows four phases of quality management activities, each of which is divided into several steps. In the planning phase, user access, etc., through the market investigation, find out the us
27、er requirements for product quality, to determine the quality policy, quality objectives and quality plan, etc. It includes the status investigation, the cause analysis, the determination of the main factors, and the four steps in the formulation of the plan.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle w
28、as proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞In execution p
29、hase, the contents stipulated in the implementation phase, such as according to the quality standard for product design, manufacture, test, including personnel training before the execution of the plan. It has only one step: execute the plan.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.
30、S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞During the inspection phase, af
31、ter the execution of the planned execution process or execution, the execution is checked to see if the intended results are in line with the plan. There is only one step at this stage: effect checking.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting th
32、e rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞In the processing phase, the measures are taken according to the result
33、s of the inspection. Consolidate results, incorporate successful experience into the standard, standardize, and leave the legacy to the next PDCA cycle. It consists of two steps: consolidation and the next step.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, refl
34、ecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞The PDCA cycle stages four phases.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The
35、 PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞T
36、he PDCA cycle must be in order, and it is driven by the force of the organization, rolling forward like a wheel, and repeating over and over again.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan
37、; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞2. The enterprise each department, workshop, section, team, until the work of the individual, all have a PDCA cycle, one layer
38、 at a time to solve the problem like this, and large sets of small ring ring, a ring by ring, small green big ring, push the systemic circulation.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan;
39、 D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞Here, big ring with the small ring, mainly through quality planning index, and the higher level of management cycle is the basi
40、s of lower level management cycle, the next level of part of the management cycle and management cycle at the next higher level and the specific guarantee. Through the constant rotation of the various small loops, the first class cycle is promoted, and the whole enterprise circulates continuously. T
41、hrough the cycle of various aspects, organize the various work of the enterprise organically, incorporate the enterprise quality assurance system, realize the total target quality target. Therefore, the rotation of the PDCA cycle is not the force of one, but the force of the organization and the for
42、ce of the collective.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥
43、咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞Each time the PDCA cycle is passed, the new target is presented, the second PDCA cycle is made, and the wheel of quality management rolls forward. PDCA cycles per cycle, quality level and level of management. The PDCA cycle is not only a scientific sum
44、mary of quality management activities, but also a scientific procedure for carrying out quality management activities. It can also be outside the quality management activities play an important effect. The application of PDCA management in marketing in marketing management for using PDCA cycle, ther
45、e have been some excellent enterprise in front.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S. statistician Dr Deming, reflecting the rules of quality management. The P (Plan) is the Plan; D (Do) means execution; C (Check) for examination; A (Action) means processing. The PDCA cycle is
46、an import 狸洗帮浩缔蝉赛淮叼郑宁奏鞋鉴筑窥咆翟侍屋钮烁釜奉搜斌佃惹效吏目镰韩荆宴漆唇锰煎勉障核盅须宙妥豺档日转童佐至项函厂氢闸昌剁恢勃包煞Haier group adopts the PDCA management method to implement the planning, organization and control of sales tasks. The end of each year, the group business flow, each product the department according to the completion of the sa
47、les for the year, based on the information such as product development trend and competitor analysis, next years sales plan, then the project down to 11 sales division across the country. The sales minister will decompose the sales plan to his subordinate trade and trade company according to the com
48、pletion status and market condition analysis of each industry and trade. Industry and trade company, general manager of task decomposition to the regional manager, the order will be their task to the area representative, regional sales representative will own task decomposition to the jurisdiction o
49、f its marketing network. At the same time, haier decomposes from the latitude of time: the annual plan breaks down to the monthly, and the monthly plan breaks down to the daily. So, in the management of every manager can supervise subordinates daily work status and timely implementation of rectification, ultimately control each specific node. Haier group follows the PDCA management method in all aspects of new product development and new product launch. This approach ensures that “everyone is in charge“ and avoids a management vacuum.PDCA 循环法(国外英文资料)PDCA 循环法 The PDCA cycle was proposed by U.S