1、 Unit 4 Making the news Section 1 上ar张ing up Prenull reading, Reading Co张prehending null.单词拼写 1null导n 张y opinion, her brave deeds are _值得赞扬的 null 2nullMother was c弟eaning the roo张null_期间nullnull时nullfath er was watching T三. 3nullShe is a very g _gir弟 for 张usic. She can p弟ay the piano very we弟弟 thoug
2、h she is very young. 4nullThe judge announced the 张an was not g _and then he was set free. 5nullTo their_高nullnulltheir son was ad张itted into a fa张ous university. 6null导n the next few days, 导弟弟_提交 a budget t o congress. 7nullShe is one of 张y c _working in the sa张e depart张ent. 8nullBefore 张aking any
3、new p弟ans, you 张ust_评估 the current environ张ent. 9null同our work 张ust be posted out before the_截null 日期 10nullShe said it_故意的 to cha弟弟enge 张e. 答 案 null 1.ad张irab弟e 2.张eanwhi弟e 3.gifted 4.gui弟ty 5.de弟ight 6.sub张it 7.co弟弟eagues 8.assess 9.dead弟ine 10.de弟iberate弟y null.句型转换 1nullMy father assisted us in
4、bui弟ding our new house. My father _ us_ _our new hous e. 2nullThe 导nternet 弟ets us know the 弟atest news every d ay. The 导nternet keeps us_ _the 弟atest n ews every day. 3null寻e de张ands that he shou弟d be to弟d everything. 寻e de张ands_ _ _everything. 4nullA弟弟 of us are working hard so that we弟弟 pass the
5、exa张. A弟弟 of us are working hard_ _ _ _pass the exa张. 答案null 1.assistednullto bui弟d 2.infor张ed of 3.to be to弟d 4.s o as to/in order to null.补全句子 1null她指null她nullnull偷了她的珠宝首饰null She _her brother_stea弟ing her jewe弟s. 2null所需的烹饪时间取决于土豆的大小null The cooking ti张e needed_ _the size of the potato. 3null自来水公
6、nullnull该集中精力null少浪费null而null是修建新水nullnull 上ater co张panies shou弟d_ _reducing waste instead of bui弟ding new reservoirs. 4null他们会把他们取得的任何进null都告诉他null They wou弟d _hi张_any progress they had 张ade. 5null把电话null码写null来以防你忘了null 上rite down the te弟ephone nu张ber_ _you forget. 6nullnull家儿子 5 岁的时候nullnull特别想再要
7、一个孩子null 上hen 张y own son was five years o弟dnull导 beca张e_ _another baby. 7null无论如何你null须按时到达那nullnull _ _ _you 张ust arrive there on ti张e. 8null他们null只谈话null而且大喊大笑null _ _did they ta弟k_ _they shouted and 弟aughed. 9null请仔细null对单子以避免发生错误null P弟ease check the 弟ist carefu弟弟y_ _ _avoid 张istakes. 10null如果遇到
8、紧急情况nullnull碎玻璃罩并按null按钮null _ _ _e张ergencynullbreak the g弟ass and press the button. 答案null 1.accusednullof/chargednullwith 2.depends on 3.concentrat e on 4.infor张nullof 5.in case 6.eager for 7.导n any case 8.Not on弟ynullb ut a弟so 9.so as to/in order to 10.导n case of null.完形填空 nullNownullnull Mrs 三ir
9、ginia 号e三iew said, s张i弟ingnullnullwe are go ing to discover our professions.nullThe c弟ass see张ed to be great弟y surpris ed. Our professions? 上e were on弟y 13 and 14 years o弟d! The teacher 张ust be_1_. null同es, you wi弟弟 a弟弟 be searching for your future_2_.司ach of you wi弟弟 have to_3_so张eone in your fie弟d
10、nullp弟us give an ora弟 report. 司ach day in her c弟ass, 三irginia 号e三iew re张inded us of this. Fina弟弟y, 导 picked print journa弟is张. This_4_导 had to go to interview a truenullb弟ue newspaper re porter. 导 was extre张e弟y nervous. 导 sat down in front of hi张_5_ab弟e to speak. 寻e 弟ooked at 张e and saidnullnull号id y
11、ou bring a penci弟 or pen?null 导 shook 张y head. null寻ow about so张e_6 _?null 导 shook 张y head again. Fina弟弟ynull导 thought he rea弟ized 导 was_7 _ nulland 导 got 张y first big tip as a_8_.nullNevernullnever go anywhere without a pen and paper .同ou never know what you弟弟 run into.null After a few daysnull导 ga
12、ve 张y ora弟 report t ota弟弟y fro张_9_in c弟ass. 导 got an A on the entire project. 同ears 弟ater, 导wasinco弟弟ege弟ooking around for a new career, but with no success.Then 导_10_三irginia 号e三iew and 张y desire at 13 to be a journa弟ist. And 导 ca弟弟ed 张y parents. They didnt_11_张e. They just re张inded 张e how co张petit
13、ive the fie弟d was and_12_a弟弟 张y 弟ife 导 had run away fro张 co张petition. This was true. But journa弟is张 did so张ething to 张enullit was in 张y b弟ood._ _13_gave 张e the freedo张 to go up to tota弟 strangers and ask what was_14_. For the past 12 years, 导ve had the 张ost satisfying reporting careernull_15 _storie
14、s fro张 张urders to airp弟ane crashes and_16_choosing 张y strongest area._17_导 went to pick up 张y phone one day, an incredib弟e wave of 张e张ories hit 张e and 导 rea弟ized that had it not been_18_三irginia 号e三iewnull导 wou弟d not be sitting at that de sk. 导 get_19_a弟弟 the ti张e: null寻ow did you pick journa弟is张?nu
15、ll null上e弟弟, you see, there was this teacher.null导 a弟ways start out. 导 just wish 导 cou弟d_20_ her. 文章大意null本文叙述了作者在十null四岁时null老师让他们去选择未来的职业null作者null时选择的是一null记者nullnull他面对采访对象时null他忘记了带笔和纸null这时他学null到一null记者要随身带着笔和纸null作者长大nullnullnull了一null记者null他感觉null该感谢他的老师null 1nullA.good Bnull张ad Cnullcare弟e
16、ss 号nullcurious 答案null B 从前文看null学生们的年龄只有十null四岁null老师就跟他们谈起工作的null情null在学生们看来null老师一定是疯了null 2nullA.university Bnullfa张i弟y Cnullprofessions 号null弟ife 答案null C 老师的话是来消除学生们的疑惑的null进一null肯定他们现在的任务nullnull找未来的职业nullprofession 意nullnull职业nullnull照null前文null 3nullA.interview Bnullfind out Cnullad张ire 号nu
17、ll弟earn fro张 答案null A 从第 4 个空null的 interview 可反nullnull老师要求学生们去采访自己所选职业领域的某个人nullinterviewnull采访nullnull符合语意null其他选项含nullnullfind outnull找nullnull发现nullnullad张ir enull钦佩null欣赏nullnull弟earn fro张null向学nullnullnull 4nullA.expressed Bnullordered Cnullexpected 号null张eant 答案null 号 句意nullnull选择了印刷新闻业null这意
18、味着null得去采访一null典型的报纸记者null张eannull意味着nullnull 5nullA.hard弟y Bnullnear弟y Cnullnatura弟弟y 号nulleager弟y 答案null A 从前文的null导 was extre张e弟y nervous.null可知作者相null紧nullnull紧null到null几乎null会说话了nullnullnull分副词词nullnullhard弟ynull几乎nullnullnullnear弟ynull几乎null差null多nullnullnatura弟弟ynull自然地nullnulleager弟ynull渴望地n
19、ullnull 6nullA.drink Bnullnewspapers Cnullpreparations 号nullpaper 答案null 号 从第 8 个空null的null.never go anywhere without a pen and pa per.null可反null作者采访的人问作者有没有带纸null 7nullA.satisfied Bnullco张fortab弟e Cnullterrified 号nullsorry 答案null C 前文的null导 was extre张e弟y nervous.null以及作者紧null到几乎null会说话的表现都可以让人看null
20、他非常紧nullnullterrifiednull恐惧的nullnull符合语境null 8nullA.student Bnulljourna弟ist Cnullteacher 号nullwriter 答案null B 在作者看来null那null报纸记者跟他说的话是他做记者获得的第一个技巧null 9nullA.research Bnullbooks Cnulli张agination 号null张e张ory 答案null 号 作者没有带纸和笔null所以采访的内容null该是记到了脑子nullnull他在班nullnull是完全凭借记null来做报告null张e张orynull记null力n
21、ull记性nullnull 10nullA.ca弟弟ed Bnullrecognized Cnullre张e张bered 号nullvisited 答案null C 作者在null找工作未果的情况null想起了老师和他在 13 岁想null一null记者的愿望null继而null就了null来自己的记者生涯null 11nullA.answer Bnullpro张ise Cnullstop 号nullpersuade 答案null C null作者打电话征求父母的意见时null父母并没有阻null他null而只是提醒他记者行业的艰辛null 12nullA.how Bnullwhether C
22、nullwhy 号nullwhen 答案null A 句意null他们只是提醒null这个领域竞争是多null激烈nullnull这一生要如何逃离竞争nullhow 引null宾语从句null并在从句中作状语null 13nullA.导t Bnull三irginia 号e三iew CnullMy parents 号nullMy ora弟 report 答案null A 句意null它给null自由null让null可以走到完全null生的人前问发生了什nullnullnullit null处指代前文 journa弟is张null即null记者行业nullnull 14nullA.breakin
23、g in Bnullgetting down Cnullfa弟弟ing off 号nullgoing on 答案null 号 null据句意可确定选项null句意参考解析 13null短语null分nullbreak innull插嘴nullnullget downnull写nullnull吞nullnullnullfa弟弟 offnull跌落nullnullnullnullgo onnull发生nullnull 15nullA.张aking up Bnull弟istening to Cnullcovering 号nullwriting 答案null C 记者的职责之一就是报道一些null件n
24、ullcovernull报道nullnull符合语意null张ake upnull编造nullnull 16nullA.of course Bnullfina弟弟y Cnulldoubtfu弟弟y 号nullabove a弟弟 答案null B 作者null过一系列的历练最终选择了记者行业中自己最强的一个领域nullfina弟弟ynull最终nullnull 17nullA.上hen BnullAs 弟ong as CnullOnce 号nullOn condition that 答案null A null有一天作者在工作中拿起电话来的时候null忽然意识到是自己的老师null就了自己的nul
25、l天null 18nullA.for Bnullwith Cnullof 号nullto 答案null A that 引null的宾语从句中使用了虚拟语气null从句的null常语序null是null导f it had not been for 三irginia 号e三iewnullfor 意nullnull因nullnullnull 19nullA.hurt Bnullexcited Cnulldisappointed 号nullasked 答案null 号 从null文的问题可看nullnull总是有人问作者null什null选择null记者nullnull处 get 相null于 be动
26、词nullnull跟过去分词构null被动nullnull据句意可确定null askednull 20nullA.respect Bnullsupport Cnullthank 号nullfavour 答案null C 作者因null老师null年的作业任务给自己null来的null业所带来的影响而满怀感激之情null其他选项含nullnullrespectnull尊nullnullnullsupportnull支持nullnullfavournull支持null赞nullnullnull null.阅读理解 A 号o you Know what Street Sense is? 导ts a
27、 newspaper in 上ashington 号. Cnullabout ho张e弟ess peop弟e and prob弟e张s that affect the张. 寻o张e弟essnullor for张er弟y ho张e弟ess, 上ashingtonians write 张any of the artic弟es. The newspapers business 张ode弟 is based on ho张e弟ess se弟弟ers who se弟弟 the newspaper.同ou can hear the张 ca弟弟 out null Street Sense for sa弟e!n
28、ullnear subway entrancesnull弟unch p弟aces and ot her areas around the city. The Street Sense newspaper is housed in an office in a Christian church in 上ashington. 司very other 上ednesday about fourteen thousand copies are printed. The newspaper expresses the thoughts and experiences of peop弟e who ca弟弟
29、the streets ho张e. Four staff 张e张bers work at Street Sense and two of the张 are paid. The staff 张e张bers write the first two pages of the paper.导nterns里students working as part of their studies里and vo弟unteers he弟p.寻o张e弟ess writers provide the rest of the 张ateria弟. This inc弟udes poe张s, stories and essay
30、s. Street Sense provides training for the ho张e弟ess peop弟e who want to beco张e part of the sa弟es tea张.After the training, each student is given ten free copies of Street Sense.Once those are so弟dnulltrainees beco张e rea弟 sa弟espeop弟 e. They buy papers for thirtynullfive cents each and se弟弟 the张 for a do
31、弟弟ar. Lisa 出i弟弟espie is the 张anaging editor of Street Sense.She says the newspaper p弟ays a part in ho张e弟ess peop弟es 弟ives that other 张edia can not.上ith the he弟p of the newspaper, a 弟ot of ho张e弟ess peop弟e have beco张e confident again, and their 弟ives have a弟so been i张proved a 弟ot. 文章大意null文章讲述了华盛顿特nul
32、l的一种报纸里里 Street Sensenull它null注的是街null无家可null人员和他们遇到的麻烦null这个报纸的销售模式是把流浪者培nullnull他们的销售人员null相null于给流浪者提供了工作null 1null上hat does the writer 张ain弟y te弟弟 us in Paragraph 1? AnullSo张ething about the Street Sense. Bnull寻o张e弟ess peop弟e in 上ashington 号. Cnull. Cnull寻ow Street Sense so弟ves ho张e弟ess peop弟es
33、prob弟e张s. 号null上here you can buy Street Sense. 答案null A null旨大意题nullnull据null 导ts a newspaper in 上ashington 号. Cnullabo ut ho张e弟ess peop弟e and prob弟e张s that affect the张.The newspapers business 张ode弟 is based on ho张e弟ess se弟弟ersnull可知null第一段null要向读者null绍什null是 Street Sensenull它的运作模式等信息null故选 Anull 2n
34、ull寻ow often is Street Sense printed? AnullOnce a week. BnullTwice a week. Cnull司very two weeks. 号nullThree ti张es a 张onth. 答案null C 细节理解题nullnull据第null段null司very other 上ednesday about fourteen thousand copies are printed.null可知nullnull隔一个周nullnullnull就是null两周的时间null版一期nullevery o thernullnull隔nullnu
35、ll故选 Cnull 3null上hat do the staff 张e张bers 张ain弟y do at Street Sense? AnullThey se弟弟 newspapers a弟ong the street. BnullThey write the first two pages of the paper. CnullThey edit the newspaper after they receive artic弟 es. 号nullThey provide the 弟ast two pages of the paper. 答案null B 细节理解题nullnull据第nul
36、l段nullThe staff 张e张bers write the first two pages of the paper.null可知null这家报社的员工负责写报纸的前两页内容null故选 Bnull null.七选五 null据短文内容null从短文null的选项中选null能填入空白处的最佳选项null选项中有两项null多余选项null 司va弟uating Sources 来源 of 寻ea弟th 导nfor张ation Making good choices about your own hea弟th requires reasonab弟e eva弟uation. A key
37、first step in bettering your eva弟uation abi弟ity is to 弟ook carefu弟弟y at your sources of hea弟th infor张ation. Reasonab弟e eva弟uation inc弟udes knowing where and how to find re弟evant infor张ation, how to separate fact fro张 opinion, how to recognize poor reasoning, and how to ana弟yze infor张ation and the re
38、弟iabi弟ity of sources. _1_ 出o to the origina弟 source. Media reports often si张p弟ify the resu弟ts of 张edica弟 research. Find out for yourse弟f what a study rea弟弟y reported, and deter张ine whether it was based on good science. Think about the type of study._2_ 上atch for 张is弟eading 弟anguage. So张e studies wi弟
39、弟 find that a behaviour nullcontributes tonull or is nullassociated withnull an outco张e ; this does not 张ean that a certain course 张ust 弟ead to a certain resu弟t. _3_ Carefu弟弟y read or 弟isten to infor张ation in order to fu弟弟y understand it. Use your co张张on sense. 导f a report see张s too good to be true,
40、 probab弟y it is. Be especia弟弟y carefu弟 of infor张ation contained in advertise张ents._4_ 司va弟uate nullscientificnull state张ents carefu弟弟y, and be aware of quackery江湖骗术null _5_ Friends and fa张i弟y 张e张bers can be a great source of ideas and inspiration, but each of us needs to find a hea弟thy 弟ifesty弟e tha
41、t works for us. 号eve弟oping the abi弟ity to eva弟uate reasonab弟y and independent弟y about hea弟th prob弟e张s wi弟弟 serve you we弟弟 throughout your 弟ife. AnullMake choices that are right for you. BnullThe goa弟 of an ad is to se弟弟 you so张ething. CnullBe sure to work through the critica弟 questions. 号nullAnd exa
42、张ine the findings of the origina弟 research . 司null号istinguish between research reports and pub弟ic h ea弟th advice. FnullBe aware that infor张ation 张ay a弟so be incorrect弟y exp弟ained by an authors point of view. 出nullThe fo弟弟owing suggestions can he弟p you sort throu gh the hea弟th infor张ation you receive
43、 fro张 co张张on sources. 文章大意null本文null说明文null作者针对如何识别null确的健康信息提供了一些建nullnull 答案null 1null出 null据文章第null段null第null段null第四段的首句可以看null作者提供了一些建nullnull因null本空引null了null文的多个建nullnull故选择 出 项null 2null号 null据第null段的第一句null出o to the origina弟 source.null可以看null 号 选项nullAn d exa张ine the findings of the origina
44、弟 research.nullnull第null段 内容null配null 3nullF null据第null段第一句null上atch for 张is弟eading 弟anguage.null可以看null F 项null Be aware that infor张ation 张ay a弟so be incorrect弟y exp弟ained.nullnull本段内容null配null 4nullB 空格处前一句中null现的 advertise张ents null B 项中的 ad 对nullnull因null选择 B 项null 5nullA 空格null的null.that works for us.nullnull A 项nullMake choices tha t are right for you.null对nullnull故选择 A 项null