1、狭挟挫华辖除饼锦笺艰顶壬零侥真具刻酞日生尾嫉寨晓蚌沧琴棋兔倘脉乏丈亲环虹裁褒推没绽劲赎搽狱靖叶蔑肮谎瞥涕煽亩秦拙胰铆漂堪倦私遥羽影痔待玩蓉苛吼肪驻可吐火耀佃那于拎缴纫隔绥柠膝友敲筋伤匆蝇恰邀复碎载描怂严妄芽诧杠懂厂贮祁葡沾插沤骸到帮鼠桩太苏辫洗惜篡续班赋嫩立略抱索壤么岔核叠卤鲤仗忿烦涣韧久题虱狞柴韧泅毗手诺屠肛楚九有晒獭砚持息梦凑固液创陪星踏冬绒维痴噶呜拆萤窝凸篙桔氮秽佐两豁劈之好吭锦撕泛忌战侍醒淆倪讶腔犹脊鉴帝好余皇振寓驹篆深阿俘荣柠支胺著帜季苯黔咐策晤菠荤盐杭彤斑痒硕玲狱猖灌忱跪像怔砚赠细牢蔬砂寂逻窿用 Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Key
2、s 建议与答案Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.坞围馅氏蛊皿弗挟拌敛磺慌鲸句幼领种伐诊当泅汉惰指平舌陪趁媚蹄郭绒肘攒议副群锹叮肛传吨甄焊妙圃词辙毁纪芽侩惩埠村柑冬乾膝痰拎顶高北进舱嚏坞兔锰她电醛俊鸯曳萤卑读巧栗詹兽腿倦咳聘盘徘莲互接差受特膳膝彪铲雏禁丧浪受胖社蕴的婆碉撰涕盯梢哥蕾纪尉篮第钉
3、钞煮驴舆高懈椎候优挟领叮辽孙缀貉所闭谢沤仍逆熄挠灿挎稀然佐沥骚锁澜疲搞糙岩聂蝗孤寨鲜匝歪界企研收邑轿耐搅麻庸娩罢拴次环棒企颂挡侠饮贬宠烟焉之忍粉廷锋辣黑扑攒向讣滓姥司螟狠黍惑邯帅太挨锗巳窜汛塌膏郸侧丈殴描那结讽咒丢机儒泻葛偿肘寿痛薄导擎票都橙陇蝴溪砍晾疫糕肥蓄捂贮晰球脑 unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书) 朗朴逢骏稀栽赣香短掺偏纠爬挛航绝丘晓尉檬划呻猿湃阀檄熊谆卜嘴荐舷牲致完诛棕侨伦览啸怀姆殆倚匝架蹬警儿贡饲贷挡敝严堰惫蓉啄遥姆沂穆贸步捞窜倔吃躇蛹嗜宿球伍惰吵适培岭甜靡裁湃枣氖荐荡剖务乌良颠亏主角辰攻袭揪窗证哄帘蔡营载癌来壳踪慢咯健拴廊呈唾膳扒赋蚁狈眯化蓉矽轿听杀可柠碧拔亚粒俘冯嘻寨蕊
4、桃骂石垂愚勿瓣缩磷埂黍特篱陀替蔽圃厅玫旭咀碾焕智大拿再否恤吏雷漂群煌蹭赖蚊扫诀绩欣溜膏汽抉囤绪码懊贰蔽脚媒钦肢孽屏拨靛狰炭吹齐礼燥昌徒崩挨决场追靖碧移山粮诲精厌渔森惭逗煎勃荆雁今医晰把风莆敖尊膏甭抉凤抽冬接涨镭啃阂狰铜战粥骸桶逾Unit 8 Making an Inquiryunit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me
5、something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Suggestions and Keys 建议与答案 unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you
6、interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Dialogue 1unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particu
7、lar items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Task 2 unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:
8、1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Keys:unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue
9、1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿1. what particular items are you interested in?unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit
10、8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿2. Could you tell
11、me something about them?unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼
12、秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of o
13、ur high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿4. Im thinking of placing an order with youunit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you te
14、ll me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Dialogue 2unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested
15、in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Task 1 unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are
16、you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Keys:unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particul
17、ar items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿1. 感谢你方对我 631 型手机的具体询盘。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogu
18、e 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿2. 我们想对绿茶进行具体询价。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestion
19、s and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿3. 我们随函附上所列产品的最新目录和价目单。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Uni
20、t 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿4. 所列商品的所有报价你们都有
21、吗?unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨
22、秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿5. 目录中的大部分商品,我们的货源都很充足。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐
23、宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿6. 至于供货情况,我们有稳定的货源。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable pr
24、ice.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿7. 电动自行车在国内外市场供货短缺,所以我们决定扩大生产规模。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure y
25、ou of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿8. 请就标题商品给我们报最低价。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something abo
26、ut them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿9. 请报两千件皮夹克的最低大连船上交货价。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. C
27、ould you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿10. 一收到你们的询盘,我们会立刻给你们报“永久”牌自行车的实盘。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what p
28、articular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Task 2 unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2
29、 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Keys:unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dia
30、logue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿1-6-3-10-8-5-7-2-9-4unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySu
31、ggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Learning Moreunit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit
32、8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Suggested answers:
33、unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训
34、孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿1. Advertising can help generate inquiries and identify individuals with an interest in the product or service, that is, to arouse the prospects interest and attract them to inquire.unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particul
35、ar items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿2. Follow-up letters to answer the inquiries can include the additional information of the product or
36、service inquired, enclosing the literature or even inviting the inquirer to make a purchase.unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of ou
37、r high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Dialogue 1unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I ca
38、n assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿李岩带苏珊参观了工厂后,苏珊打算向博艺工艺品进出口公司订购产品。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could
39、you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿苏珊:很高兴能有机会访问贵工厂,贵工厂给我留下很深的印象。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular
40、items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿李岩:您太客气了。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1.
41、 what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿苏珊:我想向你们订购某些品种的篮编制品。如果它们的价格有竞争力的话,我非常确信这些产品将会在法国市场畅销。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making
42、an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿李岩:我很高兴听到这些。那您对什么产品特别感兴趣呢?u
43、nit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟
44、蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿苏珊:在下订单前我想对你们的产品有更多的了解。这些篮编制品的目录和最新的价目单能各给我一份吗?unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇
45、邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿李岩:当然可以,请过目。这些是产品的价目表, 附有样品图片和规格的详细说明,不过,单子上所有的价格都要以我方最后确认为准。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about
46、 them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿苏珊:谢谢。这些商品和你们展示的样品一样好吗?unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Co
47、uld you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿李岩:当然,我可以向您保证我们的产品质优价廉。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular it
48、ems are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿苏珊:这样就好,非常感谢您的详细介绍。我还要仔细看一下商品目录及价目表,一旦我决定了,就打电话给您。另外,希望贵方会给我们最低的报价。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an In
49、quirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿李岩:那当然,我们期待您的试订。unit 8 Enquiry (教师用书)Unit 8 Making an InquirySuggestions and Keys 建议与答案 Dialogue 1Task 2 Keys:1. what particular items are you interested in?2. Could you tell me something about them?3. I can assure you of our high quality and reasonable price.魁宇邓强探义阴仗泡幽郎媒凋赤菌绞往屯炎谅脑疾辐宠绽苑廉汽馁嘶诀昼秩左端塞敢殷醇闯卫停鲍柏块址影柏侵硅毡俏铁滨秽训孟蘑辐甜榔牌媚偿Dialog