1、测量控制网平差系统设计I毕业论文测量控制网平差系统设计测量控制网平差系统设计II摘 要本软件的是以 Visual Basic 6.0 为开发环境,用 ActiveBar 制作主界面,软件应用的关键是控制网数据的输入,软件支持数据输入采用表格形式,当软件得到有关控制网的相关信息后,自动生成相匹配的表格,并且表格以不同颜色显示可编辑(也即必须填写)和不可编辑的单元表格。平差数学模型采用间接平差,平差成果以表格形式显示,成果还包括一些重要的网行参数和平差参数,成果表格以不同颜色显示已知值和平差值,由于受时间的限制,平差软件只实现了简易平差的水准网、导线网、单三角锁,严密平差的单导线(符合导线、闭合导
2、线和无定向导线)平差、导线网平差和高斯正反算、坐标换带、交会计算等。操作简单,便于使用,提高软件的直观性是本软件的主要设计宗旨。关键词:严密平差 高斯正反算 换带计算测量控制网平差系统设计IIIAbstractThe software is based on the Visual Basic 6.0 development environment. ActiveBar production with the main interface, the software applications, the key is to control network data input, software
3、support, data entry using tabular form, the control software is network related information, Automatic Generation of match form in a different form and color indicates the editing (that is required) and an editing module forms. Adjustment mathematical model using indirect adjustment, the adjustment
4、results in tabular form, the results also include some important parameters of the peace line network parameters poor results in a different form known color values indicate the margin of peace, Due to time constraints, software adjustment only a simple adjustment to achieve the standard networks, c
5、able networks, single triangular locks, Adjustment tight single-wire (with wire coil, and non-directional wire) Adjustment. Traverse Network Adjustment and Gaussian positive and negative counting, coordinates exchange zone, intersection calculation. Simple, easy to use and improve software visualiza
6、tion software is the main design objectives. Key words : positive and negative close Adjustment Gaussian operator for the Calculation测量控制网平差系统设计IV目 录引 言 .1第一章 软件设计平差计算的理论基础 .31.1水准网简易平差31.2导线测量简易平测量控制网平差系统设计V差31.3单三角形锁的平差理论61.4导线网严密测量控制网平差系统设计VI平差81.5高斯约当法101.6高斯投影及换带计测量控制网平差系统设计VII算111.7坐标换带公式171.8交会计算1测量控制网平差系统设计VIII8第二章 本平差软件的简介与开发环境 .202.1主要平差软件简介202.2本软件的开发环测量控制网平差系统设计IX境和运行环境20第三章 测量平差软件操作使用说明 .223.1测量平差软件安装说明测量控制网平差系统设计X223.2测量平差软件的主要菜单介绍24第四章 平差软件的应用 .264.1简