1、The game of GO (WeiQi),HistoryThe origin of GO,GO is originated in China more than 4,000 years ago . In the Zhou Dynasty, vassals use two different colors of stone instead of enemy soldiers, carry out planning, development of operational strategies.,History the development of Go,The Game Of Go was r
2、egarded as a simulative(模拟的) battlefield, and the game of go is a tool to practise peoples skills of warOnly governors can play the game of go,The book QiJing(棋经) in the North and South Dynasty,History the development of Go,After Tang dynasty,It became an amusing tool for everymanbecome one of the “
3、Four Accomplishments“ (along with brush painting, poetry and music) that must be mastered by the Chinese gentleman.,History the evolution of The Game Of Go,Over time,it gradually spread to Japan,korea and other countries,making it a worldwide movement of sports entertainment.,Mathematics and the gam
4、e of GO,The shape of GO(棋型)Every point have three conditions: black,white and blank. So with 19x19 points,the shapes of GO :3361 1.74x10172Even if each game need one second, to finish the huge number of Bureau also needs 3361/ (60*60*24*365) = 5.52*10164,千古无同局,Mathematics and the game of GO,The chan
5、ges of GO First step: 361 second step: 360 Thirdstep:359 fourth step: 358 So 361 steps has 361x360x359xx2x1 = 361! 1.43*10768,The rules of GOFour principles,Two players play Go alternately, black go first. Everyone must use one piece each time. (两人轮流下棋,黑棋先走,每人每次只能下一枚棋子)Stones must put on the cross p
6、oint,and are never moved (棋子必须放置在交叉点上,并且一旦放置就不能再移动)Surrounding territory,preventing the other side (尽可能地扩展自己的地盘,并且阻止对方扩展地盘)Removed when stones are completely surrounded (当棋子被对方完全围住(没气)时,需要从棋盘上去除(提子),The rules of GOLiberty(气),The rules of GO liberty(气)、atari 打吃、take(提子)、eye(眼),eye(眼),The rules of GOt
7、ake(提子)、ko(打劫)、kozai(劫材),第三步,第一步,初始,A,B,C,Life and Death shitatsu(死活)、kake-me(假眼),1.死,2.生,3.假眼,4.假眼,A,B,Life and Death seki (双活),A,A,B,B,C,A,1,1,2,3,4,D,Criterion of victory and defeatmoyo(目)、komi(贴目),361/2=180.5Black give 3.75 to whiteBlack 180.5+3.75=184.25White 180.5-3.75=176.75,Thats allThank you,