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9、e your IDE to handle imports6SULQJE9K-/XML to PDF by RenderX XEP XSL-FO Formatter, visit us at http:/ class UserDAOTest extends BaseDAOTestCase private User user = null;private UserDAO dao = null;protected void setUp() throws Exception super.setUp();dao = (UserDAO) ctx.getBean(“userDAO“);protected v
10、oid tearDown() throws Exception super.tearDown();dao = null;E2OE“EE4A E“u UserDAOy E!9mo9PA 8VHU,Xuser.setFirstName(“Rod“);user.setLastName(“Johnson“);dao.saveUser(user);assertNotNull(“primary key assigned“, user.getId();log.info(user);assertNotNull(user.getFirstName();public void testAddAndRemoveUs
11、er() throws Exception user = new User();user.setFirstName(“Bill“);user.setLastName(“Joy“);dao.saveUser(user);assertNotNull(user.getId();assertEquals(user.getFirstName(), “Bill“);if (log.isDebugEnabled() log.debug(“removing user.“);dao.removeUser(user.getId();assertNull(dao.getUser(user.getId();Eo“ ,
12、4L?U 8VHU$2“ saveUser(User) removeUser(Long) getUser(Long)6SULQJE9K-/XML to PDF by RenderX XEP XSL-FO Formatter, visit us at http:/ getUsers() E DBg,X* src/org/appfuse/dao,) UserDAO.java,X2OEg9-“Vp4S* (FOLSVH ,QWHOOL-,($2O,X ,(E) / use your IDE to handle importspublic interface UserDAO extends DAO p
13、ublic List getUsers();public User getUser(Long userId);public void saveUser(User user);public void removeUser(Long userId);ZA UserDAO.java UserDAOTest.java4AEEE?U User.java2O src/org/appfuse/model User.java#t , G idfirstName lastNameV/package org.appfuse.model;public class User extends BaseObject pr
14、ivate Long id;private String firstName;private String lastName;/*Generate your getters and setters using your favorite IDE:In Eclipse:Right-click - Source - Generate Getters and Setters*/“44SZ BaseObject2OW *,X“ toString() equlas()hasCode() +LEHUQDWHL,XQ UserB5 * ,( UserDAO UserDAOTest2O9G!5B +LEHUQ
15、DWH 6SULQJ) 4Z 32-2 3ODLQ2OG-DYD2EMHFW m +LEHUQDWH 4xJ org/appfuse/model User.hbm.xmlYV6SULQJE9K-/XML to PDF by RenderX XEP XSL-FO Formatter, visit us at http:/ web/WEB-INF/,),X web/WEB-INF/ApplicationContext.xml#tG2R SURSHUWQDPH PDSSLQJ5HVRXUFHV! Vorg/appfuse/model/User.hbm.xml ApplicationContext.x
17、y 6WULQJ5 UserDAO 6y LongJW saveUser“E UserB5E 9* !V?U9kKM2 ,X 0DQDJHU /u# 3 #toh*L?U,XJWuFEeOj test/org/appfuse/service 4NOQE,) UserManagerTest2O VHUYLFHE2O4SZ JUnit,X TestCase2O-Vpackage org.appfuse.service;/ use your IDE to handle importspublic class UserManagerTest extends TestCase private stati
18、c Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UserManagerTest.class);private ApplicationContext ctx;private User user;private UserManager mgr;protected void setUp() throws Exception 6SULQJE9K-/XML to PDF by RenderX XEP XSL-FO Formatter, visit us at http:/ paths = “/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml“;ctx = new ClassPat
19、hXmlApplicationContext(paths);mgr = (UserManager) ctx.getBean(“userManager“);protected void tearDown() throws Exception user = null;mgr = null;/ add testXXX methods here setUp()“S* ClassPathXmlApplicationContextApplicationContext.xmlEQ9 G ApplicationContextEQ9ApplicationContext/EX FODVVSDWK24 ZHEh*Y
20、Eo“10 BeanFactory JE s) E4m1#A“9PAS* UserManagers,X#t L8 UserB50public void testAddAndRemoveUser() throws Exception user = new User();user.setFirstName(“Easter“);user.setLastName(“Bunny“);user = mgr.saveUser(user);assertNotNull(user.getId();if (log.isDebugEnabled() log.debug(“removing user.“);String
21、 userId = user.getId().toString();mgr.removeUser(userId);user = mgr.getUser(userId);assertNull(“User object found in database“, user);E#ArLL#A LQWHJUDWLRQWHVW 5 )#A XQLWWHVW ZyE )#A S* EasyMock2OK9 IDNH $2E GApplicationContext )qC* 6SULQJ$3,X?SAE ,X#A W #ANM,qC* +LEHUQDWH 6SULQJ7,X2O ,XYFXDBg1 0A|AG
22、XUserManagerTestS* PRFN) $2,XqC*Z4A 8VHU0DQDJHU7HVW src/org/appfuse/servicey FF UserManager org.appfuse.serviceE2O-Vpackage org.appfuse.service;/ use your IDE to handle importspublic interface UserManager public List getUsers();public User getUser(String userId);6SULQJE9K-/XML to PDF by RenderX XEP
23、XSL-FO Formatter, visit us at http:/ User saveUser(User user);public void removeUser(String userId); org.appfuse.service.impl,X$2O r) UserManagery package org.appfuse.service.impl;/ use your IDE to handle importspublic class UserManagerImpl implements UserManager private static Log log = LogFactory.
24、getLog(UserManagerImpl.class);private UserDAO dao;public void setUserDAO(UserDAO dao) this.dao = dao;public List getUsers() return dao.getUsers();public User getUser(String userId) User user = dao.getUser(Long.valueOf(userId);if (user = null) log.warn(“UserId “ + userId + “ not found in database.“);
25、return user;public User saveUser(User user) dao.saveUser(user);return user;public void removeUser(String userId) dao.removeUser(Long.valueOf(userId);E2O,4 S* +LEHUQDWH41kE / ,XTE .G?UE2Oo/ dao , GE setUserDAO()“E 6A 6SULQJ6 #A!G!5B 6SULQJS* getBean(“userManager“)E UserManagerImpl2O web/WEB-INF/Appli
26、cationContext.xml#t -,XKNl4E“uS* 6SULQJ,X $23(MA,X_u) 0*Zr)E x log4j.xml#tGE #A,GCVW,G,XB5_u,X x1#A!QL8M6,Xn ORJJHU /1C444r)Z ZHEh*,X 6SULQJ+LEHUQDWH 0?J44* $23 u)G!5BQZu#ZCK7T 7KLVLVQRVPDOOIHDWJLYHRXUVHOIDSDWRQWKHEDFN 6WUXWV$FWLRQE )#A) u# $2F CK0*, 09/ use your IDE to handle importspublic class Us
27、erActionTest extends MockStrutsTestCase public UserActionTest(String testName) super(testName);6SULQJE9K-/XML to PDF by RenderX XEP XSL-FO Formatter, visit us at http:/ void testExecute() setRequestPathInfo(“/user“);addRequestParameter(“id“, “1“);actionPerform();verifyForward(“success“);verifyNoActi
28、onErrors(); ZHE $FWLRQ 0RGHO QD$FWLRQ)RUP ,) src/org/appfuse/web2O UserAction.javaE2O4SZDispatchAction4 8 Js E2O / use your IDE to handle importspublic class UserAction extends DispatchAction private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UserAction.class);public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapp
29、ing,ActionForm form,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)throws Exception request.getSession().setAttribute(“test“, “succeeded!“);log.debug(“looking up userId: “ + request.getParameter(“id“);return mapping.findForward(“success“);G!5B 6WUXWVS XVHUEA“CX web/WEB-INF/strutsconfig.xmlt9 actionmappingt9; Q an