1、ASTMD 3786-01 薄膜法测定纺织品的鼓破强力 破裂强度试验机 爆破发布时间:2014-03-14 11:50 1. 范围1.1 本方法采用液压鼓破测试仪测定纺织品的鼓破强力,本方法适应于大部分的纺织产品。1.2 本方法也适合弹性机织物或用于工业上抗膨胀机织物。1.3 测试结果以 SI 制作为标准单位。备注 1:采用弹子顶破装置测定鼓破强力,请参照 ASTMD 3787。1.4 本本标准没有涉及到安全方面的介绍。但希望在操作本标准前,应该建立一些与安全卫生关的管理文件。2参考文献ASTM D123 纺织品的相关术语;ASTM D1776 纺织品测试的调湿ASTM D5034 测定纺织品
2、的拉伸强力及其断裂伸长率ASTM D3787 弹子顶破法测试针织物的鼓破强力(CRT 型)3. 术语3.1 定义3.1.1 鼓破强力:在一定条件下,对一平面织物在一合适的角度上旋加一扩张性的膨胀力,直至其破裂为止。3.1.2 针织品:由纱线或类似的原料通过一圈一圈互相穿套而成。3.1.3 无纺布:通过机械、化学、热处理、溶解等办法将纤维粘合、交联而成的一种纺织结构物。备注:无纺布不包含纸或机织、针织等。3.1.4 机织物:由至少两组纱线按预先设计的花型交织而成,一般其中一组纱线沿仪器方向,并平行于布的方向。3.1.5 弹性机织物:在机织物中,经纱或纬纱或同时至少含有 20%的弹力纱,并如在一定
3、载重下伸长,但释放载重后几乎全部能恢复到原状。 3.2 本方法用到的其他术语,请参照 ASTM D123。4. 原理4.1 样品被夹在一膨胀的膜片上,由于液压的作用使得膜片膨胀直至试样破裂为止,使得样品破裂所需的压力与使得膜片膨胀所需的压力差,作为鼓破强力。5. 意义和应用5.1 采用本方法测定针织物、无纺布、机织物的鼓破强力,可应用于纺织工业来评定不同最终用途面料强力的差异。5.2 如果采用 ASTM D3786 测试结果与实际性能不一致时。由于 ASTM D3786 被广泛应用于贸易可接受的测试,所以可作为商业货运上用于纺织品鼓破强力的符合要求的测试。一旦买卖双方由于采用 ASTM D37
4、86 得到不同的测试结果而引起争执时,买卖双方实验室应对同一类型样品随机抽样进行对比测试,以进行系统统计以查清偏差。6. 仪器和原料6.1 液压鼓破强力测试仪:仪器需达到 的要求。一旦出现争执,除非买卖双方同意其它款型,必须采用马达传动型 测试仪。6.1.1 夹钳,将两块环状平整、互相平行,最好是不锈钢的平面紧紧并均匀地夹住试样,以使得在测试中样品不会滑动,测试时可使用足够的压力以达到最小的滑动。 上下夹钳面其环形外径最小为 75mm(3inch),同铀内径开口为直径为 310.75mm(1.220.03inch),夹钳夹持试样表面刻一些钩槽,钩槽间距不少于
5、 0.8mm,钩槽离内径边缘不少于 0.015mm。如果夹钳面边缘为金属或其它任何材料,可造成试样被切割,应将其边圆整使得圆整后的边的半径不可超过 0.4mm,下夹钳通过螺纹与液压箱体相连,通过动力作用可使得液压能以 955ml/min 的速度向橡胶膜加压。6.1.2 薄膜:一块浇注而成直径 48mm 的合成橡胶薄膜,经加固的中心厚度为 1.80.05mm,并将其固定在下夹钳上,在仪器未测试,即薄膜在未被向上的压力加压前,薄膜表面应低于夹钳面,使得薄膜未被夹持部位鼓起的压力应为 305kpa(4.30.8psi),这个压力必须每月检查一次,可采用一种桥梁型计量器来检查,在检查时夹钳试样套环应取
6、出。薄膜应当定期检查是否出现永久的变形,如需要应更换新的。6.1.3 压力表:一种最大读数的“Bourdon”型的压力表,读数以磅为单位递增,整个读数值为最大量程的百分之一为刻度。仪器量程应尽量选择测试结果落在其最大量程的 25%到 75%之间。6.1.4 液压系统:在薄膜下以 955ml/min 增加液压,直至样品破裂,液压通过压力箱中的活塞来传递,箱体中的液体建议为 WSP 化学纯级 96%的甘油。液压系统,包含仪表在内应尽可能减少振动。仪器必须安装一种能当样品破裂时能阻碍进一步加压的装置,同时在读取将试样鼓破压力前,能得持液压箱中液体量不变。6.1.5 校验仪器的铝片:预先已测得结果的铝
7、制薄片,其鼓破强力在 70790kpa 之间,可用来校验仪器的整个性能。7. 取样7.1 批样:作试验的批样,应按材料规范或供需双方之间的其它协议,从原取样单位中随机抽取,对于织物,考虑用原取样单位的布卷或每一包装盒。8.2 实验室样品:按照买卖双方协商好的批样中随机抽取所需的实验室样品,如果批样以卷为单位,请先舍弃最外面的 1 码布后,在每卷中剪取整幅性的 1 码布来测试。如布样为圆筒型(未开幅)针织布,请剪取样品长度不少于 305mm 长。8.3 测试试样:从每一实验室样品中至少剪取 10 块长度为 125mm 测试样品。8. 校验:8.1 仪器日常校验:每月采用 5 块标准铝片至少校验一
8、次仪器,5 块标准铝片的平均值和已知标准值差异应在5%的范围内。8.2 压力表校验:在校准压力表时,请按照平时使用的角度来校验;对于活塞型测试仪,请采用静负载型校准仪,也可采用水银柱来校验;在校验压力表时,最好是在鼓破仪常规位置时来检查。8.3 如果买卖双方没有一致的校验方法,请按照 Tappi 方法 T403 OS-74 的规程来检查鼓破仪。9. 调湿9.1 将测试样品(或实验室试样)置于 ASTM D 1776 规定的标准纺织测试环境下直到湿度平衡。10. 试样选择及数量10.1 除非双方其它申明,根据原料规格说明,对每一织物实验室样品选取 10 片试样,每一试样为方形时,边长应不小于 1
9、25mm;为圆形时直径应不小于 125mm.试样测试前可不必先切成小块,每两块试样应不含有相同长度或宽度方向的纱。试样离布边 1/10 以內不可取样,但这些规定不适合于圆筒型针织物(未开幅)。11. 测试程序11.1 请将所有的测试样置于 9.1 所描述的标准测试环境下进行调湿。11.2 手动测试仪11.2.1 将调湿已平衡的试样置于三脚架下面,将试样在平板上整平,将紧固柄尽可能推向右边,以夹紧试样。备注:对于弹性较大的试样,可将试样置于平板上后均匀拉伸,这样在夹紧前以除去一些伸长。11.2.2 以逆时针方向 120rpm 转动手柄,直到试样鼓破。11.2.3 在试样破裂的瞬间停止转动手柄。备
10、注:如果刻度盘上压力读数没有增加,并且试样也没有爆破,请移开操作杠杆以去除压力。请注明由于薄膜尺寸的限制,弹力织物超过仪器的测试范围。如果在测试中,试样出现滑动,请舍弃并重取样测试。11.2.4 试样爆破以后,请迅速释放夹于试样上的紧固柄,并沿加压的反时针方向旋转手柄以释放压力,并记录膨胀薄膜所需压力(皮压),记录爆破试样所需的总压。11.3 电动测试仪(配马达)11.3.1 将调湿已平衡的试样置于三脚架下面,将试样在平板上整平,将紧固柄尽可能推向右边,以夹紧试样。11.3.2 通过移动操作手柄向左以膨胀薄膜。11.3.2 当薄膜膨胀时,将插销(卡操作手柄用)向下放置或向右放置,当试样爆破的瞬
11、间,移动插销以使得操作手柄尽可能居中,这时既不加压也不减压,记录爆破试样所需的总压。11.3.3 当试样爆破的瞬间,释放紧固柄,立即将插销向反扳到其正常位置以减轻薄膜上的压力,将操作手柄倒向右手,并记录膨胀薄膜所需的压力(皮压)。12. 计算12.1 请将每一试样爆破所需的总压力减去膨胀薄膜所需的皮压,这便是鼓破强力。12.2 记录每一试样单个的鼓破强力并将其平均。12.3 记录膨胀仪的型号。13. 报告13.1 注明测试方法为 ASTM D 3786,原料描述,产品及测试样品取样方法。13.2 注明每一单一试样的爆破强力,并将结果平均。13.3 注明仪器类型。14. 精度和偏差15. 关键词
12、15.1 薄膜鼓破强力,针织布、无纺布。Designation: D 774/D 774M 97 ( Reapproved 2002)An American National StandardStandard Test Method forBursting Strength of Paper1This standard is issued under the xed designation D 774/D 774M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption o
13、r, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope
14、1.1 This test method covers measurements of the burstingstrength of paper and paper products occurring as single orlaminated at sheets not over 0.6 mm 0.025 in. in thicknesshaving a bursting strength of 30 kPa up to 1400 kPa 4 psi upto 200 psi.1.2 This test method is not intended for use in testingc
15、orrugated boxboard, liner board, or hardboards that tend to cutthe thin rubber diaphragm.NOTE 1Similar procedures for making bursting strength measurements are found in ISO 2758 and TAPPI 403.1.3 The values stated in either SI units or in other units shallbe regarded separately as standard. The valu
16、es stated in eachsystem may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each systemmust be used independently of the other, without combiningvalues in any way.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of thi
17、s standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:D 585 Practice for Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot ofPaper, Paperboard, Fiberboard, or Related Products2D 646 Test Meth
18、od for Grammage of Paper and Paperboard(Weight per Unit Area)2D 685 Practice for Conditioning Paper and Paper Productsfor Testing2D 1968 Terminology Relating to Paper and Paper Products22.2 ISO Standard:ISO 2758 PaperDetermination of bursting strength32.3 TAPPI Standard:TAPPI T 403 Bursting strength
19、 of paper43. Terminology3.1 Denitions: Denitions shall be in accordance withTerminology D 1968 and the Dictionary of Paper.44. Signicance and Use4.1 Bursting strength is widely used as a measure of theresistance to rupture in many kinds of paper. The test isrelatively easy and inexpensive to make an
20、d appears tosimulate some use requirements.5. Apparatus5.1 Bursting Tester, having the following features andauxiliary equipment:5.1.1 Clamp, for rmly and uniformly securing the testspecimen without slippage during the test (recommendedclamping load 2700 N 600 lb) between two annular, plane,parallel
21、, and preferably stainless steel surfaces. The upper clamping surface (the clamping ring) hasa circular opening 30.50 6 0.05 mm 1.200 6 0.002 in. indiameter. The surface which is in contact with the paper duringtesting has a continuous, spiral, 60 V-groove, at least 0.25 mm0.010 in. deep and
22、of 0.8 mm 132 in. pitch, the groovestarting at 3.2 mm 18in. from the edge of the opening. Thecircular edge of the opening that is in contact with the paperduring testing is relieved of sharpness with a very ne abrasivecloth (such as crocus cloth) but not rounded off enough to alterthe diameter of th
23、e opening. The lower clamping surface (the diaphragm plate)has an opening 33.1 6 0.1 mm 1.302 6 0.003 in. in diameter.Its surface has a series of concentric 60 V-grooves 0.30 mm0.012 in. deep, 0.8 mm 132in. apart, the center of the rstgroove being 3.2 mm 18in. from the edge of the opening. Th
24、ethickness of the plate at the opening is 0.66 mm 0.026 in.The lower edge which is in contact with the rubber diaphragmis rounded to an arc of 6.4 mm 0.25 in. radius to preventcutting of the diaphragm when pressure is applied. The clamping ring is connected to a clampingmechanism through a sw
25、ivel-type joint or other means to1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D06 on Paperand Paper Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D06.92 on TestMethods.Current edition approved Dec. 10, 1997. Published November 1998. Originallyapproved in 1944. Last previ
26、ous edition approved in 1996 as D 774 96a.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.3Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13thFloor, New York, NY 10036.4Available from the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry,Technology Park/Atlanta P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, GA 30348.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.