1、 锅炉酸洗论文:锅炉酸洗过程腐蚀电位监测仪表的研制【中文摘要】随着计算机技术的飞速发展,以微型计算机为核心的智能化、自动化的仪表已经成为仪表发展的潮流。与以往的仪表相比具有精度高、功能强、测量范围宽、通信功能强、完善的自诊断功能等。本文简述了腐蚀监测仪表的发展历程,并对其未来做出了展望。本文中研制的腐蚀监测仪表是应用于电厂锅炉酸洗过程的实际情况的恒电位控制的腐蚀监测仪,扩大了腐蚀监测仪表的应用范围。电厂是一个干扰多、环境复杂的地点。在测量过程中会遇到各种各样的干扰。需要在硬件设计和软件编程中注意这一点。锅炉酸洗过程中需要测量腐蚀电位和腐蚀速率两个参数,恒电位测量的腐蚀监测仪采用基于 MSP43
2、0F147 单片机为核心的设计。仪表硬件设计是由PROTEL 99 来完成的,PROTEL 99 具有强大的电路设计和信号仿真功能。硬件部分由单片机模块和电化学接口模块组成,单片机模块包括MSP430F147 单片机,AD 模块,通信接口以及一些外围电路;电化学模块主要是恒电位电路。软件部分是用 Visual C+进行编写。Visual C+是一个功能强大的可视化软件开发工具,可以开发出有良好的交互功能、兼容性和扩展性的应用程序。最后,在电厂中实际实验,得到了较好的效果。最后,对智能仪表的未来的发展前景进行了展望,并指出以后进一步研究的问题。【英文摘要】With the rapid devel
3、opment of computer technology, intelligent and automated instruments with micro-computer as the core have become the trend of instruments. Compared with previous instruments, it have high precision, strong function, wild measuring range, strong communication, improve self-diagnostic functions. This
4、paper describes the development process of corrosion monitoring instrumentation, and made its future prospects. The corrosion monitoring instrumentation developed in this article is a corrosion monitoring instrumentation that used in power plant boiler pickling process use constant potential control
5、, expanded the scope of application of corrosion monitoring instrumentation.Power plant is a site with many interferences and a complex environment. In the measurement process will meet all kinds of interference. Need in the hardware design and software programming in the attention to this. Boiler a
6、cid cleaning process requires to measurement two parameters of the corrosion potential and corrosion rates. Corrosion monitor uses the methods of constant potential measurements are designed to use MSP430F147 as the core. Instrumentation hardware design is done by the PROTEL 99, PROTEL 99 has a powe
7、rful circuit design and signal simulation capacity. Hardware modules is composition by the electrochemical module and the microcontroller module, the module including the MSP430F147 MCU Microcontroller, AD modules, communication interfaces, and some peripheral circuits; electrochemical module is con
8、stant potential circuit. Software part use the Visual C + + to write. Visual C + + is a powerful visual software development tools, can develop a good interactive features, compatibility and scalability of applications. Finally, the actual experiments done in the power plant get good result.At last,
9、 the future development of intelligent instruments prospect, and that after further study.【关键词】锅炉酸洗 腐蚀电位 恒电位 腐蚀监测【英文关键词】Boiler acid corrosion potential constant potential corrosion monitoring【目录】锅炉酸洗过程腐蚀电位监测仪表的研制 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 第 1 章 绪论 9-14 1.1 锅炉酸洗腐蚀检测仪表研制的背景和意义 9-10 1.2国内外电厂方面的智能腐蚀监测仪研究动态 10-1
10、3 1.2.1 电厂中的腐蚀监测仪 10-11 1.2.2 智能仪表电化学接口技术 11 1.2.3 智能化腐蚀监测仪的一般结构 11-13 1.2.4 智能化腐蚀监测仪发展趋势 13 1.3 课题研究的内容和意义 13-14 第 2 章 现场设备及测量方法 14-22 2.1 现场情况 14-15 2.1.1 锅炉酸洗过程中的腐蚀 14 2.1.2 现场干扰 14-15 2.1.3 需要测量参数 15 2.2 测量设备 15-18 2.2.1 三电极体系 15-16 2.2.2电解池 16-18 2.3 电化学测量方法 18-20 2.3.1 极化曲线测量方法 19-20 2.4 恒电位测量
11、 20-21 2.5 本章小结 21-22 第 3 章 硬件设计 22-35 3.1 引言 22 3.2 单片机模块 22-33 3.2.1 MSP430 单片机简介 22-26 3.2.2 A/D-D/A 电路模块 26-28 3.2.3 单片机模块的外围电路 28-33 3.3 电化学接口 33-34 3.4 本章小结 34-35 第 4 章 软件部分 35-42 4.1 软件设计总体思路 35 4.2 程序结构与系统界面设计 35-38 4.2.1 程序结构 35-36 4.2.2系统界面 36-38 4.3 PC 机与单片机的通信 38-40 4.3.1 通信协议 38-40 4.4 数字滤波 40-41 4.5 本章小结 41-42 第 5 章 实验结果 42-45 5.1 模拟实验 42-44 5.2 本章小结 44-45 第 6 章 结论与展望 45-46 参考文献 46-49 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文及其它成果 49-50 致谢 50-51 论文摘要 51-60