1、红坛寺省级森林公园建设项目红坛寺省级森林公园建设项目可行性研究报告可行性研究报告types of sentence are used, what is their function? Sentence complexity: Do sentences on whole have a simple or a complex structure? What is the average sentence length? Does complexity vary strikingly from one sentence to another? Is complexity mainly due to
2、(i) coordination, (ii) subordination, (iii) juxtaposition of clauses or of other equivalent structures? In what parts of the text does complexity tend to occur? clause types: What types of clauses are favoredrelative clauses, adverbial clauses, or different types of nominal clauses? Are non-finite f
3、orms commonly used, and if so, of what types are they (infinitive, -ing form, -ed form, verbless structure)? What is their function? Clause structure: Is there anything significant about clause elements (eg frequency of objects, adverbials, complements; of transitive or intransitive verb constructio
4、ns)? Are there any unusual orderings (initial adverbials, fronting of object or complement, etc)? Do special kinds of clause construction occur (such as those with preparatory it or there)? Noun phrases: Are they relatively simple or complex? Where does the complexity lie (in premodification by adje
5、ctives, nouns, etc, or in postmodification by preposition by prepositional phrases, relative clauses, etc)? Verb phrases: Are there any significant departures from the use of the simple past tense? For example, notice occurrences and functions of the present tense, of the progressive aspect, of the
6、perfect aspect, of modal auxiliaries. other phrase types: Is there anything to be said about other phrases types, such as prepositional phrases, adverb phrases, adjective phrases? Word classes: Having already considered major word classes, we may consider minor word classes (eg functional words), su
7、ch as prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, determiners, auxiliaries, interjections. Are particular words of these types used for particular effect (eg demonstratives such as this and that, negatives such as not, nothing)? General: Note whether any general types of grammatical construction are used
8、to special 1目 录第一章 总 论 .3第一节 项目名称及承办单位 .3第二节 可行性研究工作的依据与范围 .3第三节 临邑县红坛寺省级森林公园 .5第四节 项目可研报告编制依据 .6第五节 项目结论及概况 .6第二章 项目提出的背景及建设必要性 .9第一节 山东省旅游概况及发展趋势 .9第二节 德州市概况 .11第三节 临邑县概况 .13第四节 林子镇概况 .16第五节 临邑红坛寺省级森林公园旅游总体规划 .17第六节 项目提出的背景 .22第七节 项目建设必要性 .24第八节 项目建设的有利条件 .29第三章 市场分析 .31第四章 旅游资源评价 .35第一节 环境质量 .35第
9、二节 原有景观特征 .35types of sentence are used, what is their function? Sentence complexity: Do sentences on whole have a simple or a complex structure? What is the average sentence length? Does complexity vary strikingly from one sentence to another? Is complexity mainly due to (i) coordination, (ii) subo
10、rdination, (iii) juxtaposition of clauses or of other equivalent structures? In what parts of the text does complexity tend to occur? clause types: What types of clauses are favoredrelative clauses, adverbial clauses, or different types of nominal clauses? Are non-finite forms commonly used, and if
11、so, of what types are they (infinitive, -ing form, -ed form, verbless structure)? What is their function? Clause structure: Is there anything significant about clause elements (eg frequency of objects, adverbials, complements; of transitive or intransitive verb constructions)? Are there any unusual
12、orderings (initial adverbials, fronting of object or complement, etc)? Do special kinds of clause construction occur (such as those with preparatory it or there)? Noun phrases: Are they relatively simple or complex? Where does the complexity lie (in premodification by adjectives, nouns, etc, or in p
13、ostmodification by preposition by prepositional phrases, relative clauses, etc)? Verb phrases: Are there any significant departures from the use of the simple past tense? For example, notice occurrences and functions of the present tense, of the progressive aspect, of the perfect aspect, of modal au
14、xiliaries. other phrase types: Is there anything to be said about other phrases types, such as prepositional phrases, adverb phrases, adjective phrases? Word classes: Having already considered major word classes, we may consider minor word classes (eg functional words), such as prepositions, conjunc
15、tions, pronouns, determiners, auxiliaries, interjections. Are particular words of these types used for particular effect (eg demonstratives such as this and that, negatives such as not, nothing)? General: Note whether any general types of grammatical construction are used to special 2第三节 客源市场 .36第五章
16、 主要建设内容及规模 .36第一节 建设指导思想与原则 .36第二节 工程方案 .38第六章 建设地点及建设条件 .43第一节 建设地点 .43第二节 建设条件 .43第七章 环境保护 .46第一节 主要影响因素 .46第二节 环保措施 .46第三节 环境影响评价 .47第八章 实施进度安排 .48第九章 组织管理及劳动定员 .48第十章 投资估算及资金筹措 .49第一节 估算依据及说明 .49第二节 投资估算 .50第三节 资金筹措方案及使用计划 .50第四节 财务评价 .50第十一章 国民经济评价 .52types of sentence are used, what is their f
17、unction? Sentence complexity: Do sentences on whole have a simple or a complex structure? What is the average sentence length? Does complexity vary strikingly from one sentence to another? Is complexity mainly due to (i) coordination, (ii) subordination, (iii) juxtaposition of clauses or of other eq
18、uivalent structures? In what parts of the text does complexity tend to occur? clause types: What types of clauses are favoredrelative clauses, adverbial clauses, or different types of nominal clauses? Are non-finite forms commonly used, and if so, of what types are they (infinitive, -ing form, -ed f
19、orm, verbless structure)? What is their function? Clause structure: Is there anything significant about clause elements (eg frequency of objects, adverbials, complements; of transitive or intransitive verb constructions)? Are there any unusual orderings (initial adverbials, fronting of object or com
20、plement, etc)? Do special kinds of clause construction occur (such as those with preparatory it or there)? Noun phrases: Are they relatively simple or complex? Where does the complexity lie (in premodification by adjectives, nouns, etc, or in postmodification by preposition by prepositional phrases,
21、 relative clauses, etc)? Verb phrases: Are there any significant departures from the use of the simple past tense? For example, notice occurrences and functions of the present tense, of the progressive aspect, of the perfect aspect, of modal auxiliaries. other phrase types: Is there anything to be s
22、aid about other phrases types, such as prepositional phrases, adverb phrases, adjective phrases? Word classes: Having already considered major word classes, we may consider minor word classes (eg functional words), such as prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, determiners, auxiliaries, interjections
23、. Are particular words of these types used for particular effect (eg demonstratives such as this and that, negatives such as not, nothing)? General: Note whether any general types of grammatical construction are used to special 3第十二章 综合评价 .53types of sentence are used, what is their function? Senten
24、ce complexity: Do sentences on whole have a simple or a complex structure? What is the average sentence length? Does complexity vary strikingly from one sentence to another? Is complexity mainly due to (i) coordination, (ii) subordination, (iii) juxtaposition of clauses or of other equivalent struct
25、ures? In what parts of the text does complexity tend to occur? clause types: What types of clauses are favoredrelative clauses, adverbial clauses, or different types of nominal clauses? Are non-finite forms commonly used, and if so, of what types are they (infinitive, -ing form, -ed form, verbless s
26、tructure)? What is their function? Clause structure: Is there anything significant about clause elements (eg frequency of objects, adverbials, complements; of transitive or intransitive verb constructions)? Are there any unusual orderings (initial adverbials, fronting of object or complement, etc)?
27、Do special kinds of clause construction occur (such as those with preparatory it or there)? Noun phrases: Are they relatively simple or complex? Where does the complexity lie (in premodification by adjectives, nouns, etc, or in postmodification by preposition by prepositional phrases, relative claus
28、es, etc)? Verb phrases: Are there any significant departures from the use of the simple past tense? For example, notice occurrences and functions of the present tense, of the progressive aspect, of the perfect aspect, of modal auxiliaries. other phrase types: Is there anything to be said about other
29、 phrases types, such as prepositional phrases, adverb phrases, adjective phrases? Word classes: Having already considered major word classes, we may consider minor word classes (eg functional words), such as prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, determiners, auxiliaries, interjections. Are particula
30、r words of these types used for particular effect (eg demonstratives such as this and that, negatives such as not, nothing)? General: Note whether any general types of grammatical construction are used to special 4第一章 总 论第一节 项目名称及承办单位一、项目名称红坛寺省级森林公园建设项目二、项目承办单位临邑县红坛寺省级森林公园管委会三、项目建设地点项目建设地位于临邑县城正北 8
31、公里处。为林子镇政府所辖,公园建设用地为国有土地,多为沙地、林地和故河道湿地。东临引黄四分干沟、南俯古沙河故道水面,东西北三侧俱为浓密树林。三面环林,两侧有水,芦苇从生、野鸟纷飞。四、可行性研究编制单位编制单位:山东省工程咨询院工程咨询资格证书:11820070051第二节 可行性研究工作的依据与范围一、工作的依据1、 中国旅游业发展“九五”计划和 2010 年远景目标纲要(中国国家旅游局编制)2、 旅游业发展专题国土规划(山东省国土规划领导小组办公types of sentence are used, what is their function? Sentence complexity:
32、Do sentences on whole have a simple or a complex structure? What is the average sentence length? Does complexity vary strikingly from one sentence to another? Is complexity mainly due to (i) coordination, (ii) subordination, (iii) juxtaposition of clauses or of other equivalent structures? In what p
33、arts of the text does complexity tend to occur? clause types: What types of clauses are favoredrelative clauses, adverbial clauses, or different types of nominal clauses? Are non-finite forms commonly used, and if so, of what types are they (infinitive, -ing form, -ed form, verbless structure)? What
34、 is their function? Clause structure: Is there anything significant about clause elements (eg frequency of objects, adverbials, complements; of transitive or intransitive verb constructions)? Are there any unusual orderings (initial adverbials, fronting of object or complement, etc)? Do special kind
35、s of clause construction occur (such as those with preparatory it or there)? Noun phrases: Are they relatively simple or complex? Where does the complexity lie (in premodification by adjectives, nouns, etc, or in postmodification by preposition by prepositional phrases, relative clauses, etc)? Verb
36、phrases: Are there any significant departures from the use of the simple past tense? For example, notice occurrences and functions of the present tense, of the progressive aspect, of the perfect aspect, of modal auxiliaries. other phrase types: Is there anything to be said about other phrases types,
37、 such as prepositional phrases, adverb phrases, adjective phrases? Word classes: Having already considered major word classes, we may consider minor word classes (eg functional words), such as prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, determiners, auxiliaries, interjections. Are particular words of thes
38、e types used for particular effect (eg demonstratives such as this and that, negatives such as not, nothing)? General: Note whether any general types of grammatical construction are used to special 5室、山东省旅游局联合编制)3、 临邑县十一五发展规划4、建设单位提供的有关基础技术资料5、有关设计规范、标准6、国家现行有关政策、法规和规定7、项目承办单位有关编制本项目申请的委托书二、研究工作的范围1
39、、对项目提出的背景、必要性、前景进行分析;2、对项目的建设条件、交通运输条件进行研究;3、对项目实施进度及劳动定员的确定; 7、进行项目投资估算;对项目的产品成本估算和经济效益分析,提出财务评价结论;三、研究工作概况我院接受临邑县红坛寺省级森林公园管委会的委托后,立即组织各专业设计人员进行项目可行性研究的调研工作。与有关领导和技术人员进行诚意细致磋商,了解目前的情况,听取的发展设想及该项目情况介绍,同时对研究的主要原则进行了讨论,在此基础上确定了项目的总体方案。在了解和掌握大量基础资料后,对项目的可行性展开了全面研究。研究报告初稿完成后,征求有关部门和专家的意见,经我院审核后,完成项目的可行性
40、研究工作。types of sentence are used, what is their function? Sentence complexity: Do sentences on whole have a simple or a complex structure? What is the average sentence length? Does complexity vary strikingly from one sentence to another? Is complexity mainly due to (i) coordination, (ii) subordinatio
41、n, (iii) juxtaposition of clauses or of other equivalent structures? In what parts of the text does complexity tend to occur? clause types: What types of clauses are favoredrelative clauses, adverbial clauses, or different types of nominal clauses? Are non-finite forms commonly used, and if so, of w
42、hat types are they (infinitive, -ing form, -ed form, verbless structure)? What is their function? Clause structure: Is there anything significant about clause elements (eg frequency of objects, adverbials, complements; of transitive or intransitive verb constructions)? Are there any unusual ordering
43、s (initial adverbials, fronting of object or complement, etc)? Do special kinds of clause construction occur (such as those with preparatory it or there)? Noun phrases: Are they relatively simple or complex? Where does the complexity lie (in premodification by adjectives, nouns, etc, or in postmodif
44、ication by preposition by prepositional phrases, relative clauses, etc)? Verb phrases: Are there any significant departures from the use of the simple past tense? For example, notice occurrences and functions of the present tense, of the progressive aspect, of the perfect aspect, of modal auxiliarie
45、s. other phrase types: Is there anything to be said about other phrases types, such as prepositional phrases, adverb phrases, adjective phrases? Word classes: Having already considered major word classes, we may consider minor word classes (eg functional words), such as prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, determiners, auxiliaries, interjections. Are particular words of these types used for particular effect (eg demonstratives such as this and that, negatives such as not, n