1、全国商务英语翻译统一考试中级笔译试题注 意 事 项1. 请首先按要求在试题卷和答题卷的标封处填写姓名、准考证号等;2. 请仔细阅读题目要求进行答题,答案写在答题卷上;3. 请保持卷面整洁,不要在标封区填写无关内容;4. 答题时间为 150 分钟。Part I Translate the following sentences into English or into Chinese. 1. 国家统计局说,消费者价格 3 月份攀升 8.3%,比 2 月份 8.7%有所下降。2 月份的上涨率是将近 12 年来的最高点。价格升高的部分原因被指是由于 1 月份和 2 月份的严重暴雪导致工厂停工,庄稼被
2、毁。National statistic bureau said that consumer prices has risen 8.3 % in March, and a little fall compared to 8.7% in February. 2. 对于钢材、水泥、化肥、化工原料等这类商品来说,只要其规格、样式、型号或化学成分相符,价格优惠且交货及时,买方通常都不会派人去国外进行实地考察。3. 中国能不能顶住霸权主义、强权政治的压力,坚持我们的社会主义制度,关键就看能不能争得经济较快的增长速度,实现我们的发展战略。 4. 部分地区由于需求增长,批发茶价几乎翻了一番。所以我公司拟大批
3、量订货,希望贵方备足库存。 5. 这个现行办法旨在扶持那些发展中国家与从其他国家进口的产品展开竞争,而不损害我们自己产业的利益。6. After months of unfruitful negotiation with the trade unions, the government cut the Gordian knot by declaring that workers who did not accept a 2% pay rise would be fired. 7. Chinas growing trade surplus has been a point of contenti
4、on with both the United States and the European Union. Chinas major trading partners accuse Beijing of manipulating its currency to keep its value low and give Chinese products an unfair price advantage on world markets. 8. One days sick leave with the application, after approved by the departmental
5、 head, is to be submitted to the admin executive on the day following the one days sick leave. 9. There were a few middle-aged and even elderly women in the train, their silver-wiry hair and wrinkled faces, scourged by time and trouble, having almost a grotesque, certainly a pathetic appearance in s
6、uch a jaunty situation. 10. The 1970s brought a decline in eating out, but the 1980s, especially in homes where both parents were working, brought a big increase in the demand for many types of restaurants.Part II. Translate the following passages into Chinese. Passage 1Savings provide one way to ta
7、ke care of financial losses. But savings are not the answer to large losses. The best way to guard against large financial losses is through insurance.Over 4,800 companies in the United States are in the business of providing insurance protection. These businesses are called insurance companies.Beca
8、use most insurance companies operate on a big scale, they provide a way for large numbers of people to share their losses. Insurance can provide protection against almost any kind of loss. Singers may insure their voices. Photographers may insure their negatives. The owner of a home freezer may insu
9、re against food loss in case of a power failure. A business owner can insure his or her place of business. A business owner can also insure against a loss of profits during a shutdown following a fire or damaging accident.Like all private firms, insurance companies must charge enough for protection
10、to pay their operating costs and make a profit. The main factor affecting the price of insurance, however, is the amount of risk involved. The more risk an insurance company assumes for a policyholder, the higher the premium.An insurance company must collect enough money from all its policyholders t
11、o pay the claims of those who have losses. A claim is a request for payment of a loss. It is impossible to tell, of course, which policyholders will have losses. But it is possible to estimate with some accuracy how many will have losses. A company does this by studying its past losses.Like banks, i
12、nsurance companies are the guardians of other peoples money. Just as banks are closely regulated to protect their depositors, insurance companies are regulated to protect their policyholders.Passage 2Irrevocable L/CNo. 09926To: China National Import (2) Signed Invoice in triplicate;(3) Certificate o
13、f Origin in duplicate;(4) Insurance Policy in duplicate covering WAP (2) Partial shipments are permitted.This credit expires on August 18, 2009 and is subject to the Uniform Customs & Practice for Documentary Credits International Chamber of Commerce Publication No.500.Yours sincerelyTHE CHARTERED B
14、ANKSingaporePart III. Translate the following passages into English. Passage 1代理协议agency agreement根据以下条款,华夏商贸有限公司,中国北京(此处称作甲方)与澳大利亚进出口有限公司,澳大利亚昆士兰州(此处称作乙方)就独家代理产品甲方生产的华夏牌晶体管收音机签订本协议。1. 甲方授予乙方根据正常贸易程序对甲方生产的晶体管收音机在澳大利亚和美国享有独家代理权利。2. 未经乙方书面同意,甲方不得在澳大利亚或美国其他地方销售或出口所述商品。3. 乙方应承诺在澳大利亚的第一年试行期内和在美国的头半年试行期内定
15、购至少10000 台上述产品。4. 上述产品的数量与乙方的需求量一致,可以接受的质量标准是双方均同意和认可的。5. 付款条件由乙方开具的即期不可撤销信用证提出。信用证应该在相关的购买协议规定的装运期前 30 日内开出。6. 甲方保证交货时所有产品在材料和做工上没有残缺。如果由于产品劣质或残缺而引起索赔,甲方应承担全部责任,并 100退换所有残次品。7. 该协议将在甲乙双方签字之后生效并且如果协议各方没有异议,该合同将自动延期。8. 任何一方都可以提出中止协议,但是必须比终止协议日期提前 90 天以航空挂号信的形式书面提出可以接受的理由。9. 仲裁:仲裁地定于北京,且应根据中国法律和国际商会的规
16、则进行仲裁。甲方:华夏商贸有限公司 乙方:澳大利亚进出口有限公司签字: 签字: 日期: 日期: Passage 2财务总监 John Green 于 3 月 15 日要求我对 Orion United Industries 公司给我们职工购买的保险是否经济实惠这一问题做出决定。经调查我发现我们目前的保险费偏高,而且我们可以花更少的钱获得相同的或者更好的保险。 在 3 月 16 日到 4 月 15 日期间,我在办公室或是通过电话与 15 家较大的保险公司代表进行了交谈。其中的三家保险公司声称他们能提供我们职工目前所享有的保险类别,并且每年的保险费还可以减少 12000 至 19000 美元。另外一家公司即贝尔保险公司表明他们也可以提供同样的险别,并且附加牙齿保险,而不增加保险费。基于以上调查结果,我建议先向多家保险公司了解他们的要价,对于必要的保险我们一经选定了最实惠的方案以后,就不再与目前的国际工业保险公司签约。