1、25 3 (2010)= =SJOU RNAL OF NEIJIANG NORMAL UNIVERSITYNo.3 Vol.25(2010)“ XX” Ts, zm (扬州大学文学院, 江苏 扬州 225000)K 1:M“ ”M“” F“ XX” T, Cq T。 T l。V A, T ?jC 0。V A, T “ M “,VC #T?/)(11)7 M f 4 ?Z h ?( 2 2007-10-16)(12) I ?( 1994) “ XX”V U q Y, #,CP ; b“X”9MM 。(9)“ ,X 。 (12)“ ”“ I ”, y。 “ XX” TVC Y Y ! f /? 3
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10、inese sentence pattern“shuo(speak)X jiu(then)” which is composed of a verb“shuo” (speak)and anadverb“jiu” (then)is very often used in modern Chinese.The pattern is rich in pragmatic meaning .From the perspective offocus, the pattern can well show the focus of a sentence.And from the textual perspective, the pattern is closely related withthe context and it expresses the strong cohesive function.Key words:the Chinese sentence pattern“shuo (speak)X jiu (then)” ;pragmatic;focus(3 I :王建平)77