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1、null null l : 2009- 01- 24; : 2009- 03- 19bnull null “ : Y v null 9 bnull null T e : + (1973- ), 3 , a1 , q ,p V , 1 Z _ :9 m a E C L ; null ( 1938- ), 3 , s , q , 1 Z _ : Y # e a E C L a 8 . ; null / (1982- ), 3 , ,p V 3 , 1 Z _ :D m ) a E C L b c I | : 1001- 9081( 2009) 07- 1901- 05 y T w V j E杨nu

2、ll 军1,诸昌钤2,邢null 琪2(1. Y v , 730070; null 2. 2 Y v S / , 610031)(yangj mai.l lzjtu. cn)K null 1 :针对由点云数据重建的隐式曲面提出一种新的基于粒子系统的可视化算法b首先,基于平行线束的初始化方法在隐式模型表面找到均匀分布的采样点,避免原来粒子系统中的分割-死亡过程;用共轭梯度法替代原来粒子系统中的梯度下降法作为优化算法,将每一个椭圆粒子累进移动到低能量状态,避免了较长的收敛时间和围绕最小值的摆动现象;用贪婪选择法选择能够覆盖整个曲面的且不产生空洞的活动子集;松弛过程进一步改善依赖曲率的各向异性粒子采

3、样b本文的粒子专门为基于 Splats的表示法而设计,可以直接转换为椭圆 Splats而不需要任何改动b因此,本算法可以快速a高质量地绘制出复杂隐式曲面模型b1 o M :粒子采样;曲面 splatting绘制;隐式曲面;点元;各向异性 m s | : TP391null null D S : AA lgorithm for visualization of implicitsurfaces reconstructed from point cloud dataYANG Jun1, ZHU Changnullqian2, XING Qi2(1. School ofMechanicalandEl

4、ectricalEngineering, LanzhouJiaotongUniversity, LanzhouGansu 730070, China;2.School of InformationScienceandTechnology, SouthwestJiaotong University, Chengdu Sichuan 610031, China)Abstract: In this paper, a novel rendering algorithm for implicit surfaceswhich are reconstructed from point cloud datab

5、y using a particle system was presented. First, an alternative initial technique based on bundles ofparallel lineswas used tofind initial points thatwere evenly distributed on the surface. Becauseof its characteristics, the usualsplitnullandnulldeath criterionof particle system was not needed. Secon

6、d, each ellipticalparticlewasmoved towards aprogressively lower energy stateusinga conjugate gradientmethod, which replaced the gradientnulldescent as an optim ization method to avoid very long convergencetime and irreconcilable oscillation around the minimum. Third, a greedy selection strategy was

7、used to choose a subset ofactive particleswhich guarantee a holenullfree approximation. Finally, a relaxation process further improves the curvature drivenanisotropic particlesampling. Theproposed ellipticalparticleswere specially designed for splatnullbased representation and couldbe directly conve

8、rted into elliptical surface Splats without any modification, thus highnullperformance rendering of compleximplicit surfaces can be obtained.Keywords: particle sampling; surface splatting rendering; implicit surface; point element; anisotropic0null 引言 V T m , m 9 7 Ss , 5( b) U bm 5null 0 W b h “ 4

9、V ? b V 0 s , 7 4 0 S = % , “ i 0 s , H 3 0 ,y N , E B V 20 B 0 _ s s b 4 B ? K l K v 0 “ , 9 0 ,i O 1 b H q b 0 0 W 4 , 0 W M l 20, V _ 0 b4null 绘制Surface Splatting E 8 E , 1 X 8 bW Splats( Splats)/ , m bW F t Splats( Splats) V b 4 Surface Splatting E T w , 1 y : 1) y B B e T w “ d bV Splats ,7 O Z

10、 E Splats 1 H L C , y N , V m ;2) 0 V Splats, 1 ,y N ,4 b E 0 pi = (ci, ni, ui, vi) V Splats ti = (ci, ni, ui, vi ), i T m b w + , n 5 , Splats M l B 2D y W i, y f _ f ; Q ,| 2D y M g m bW b B S Ii, g m bW x) y I(x) T (19) bI(x) =2) 0 “ m 1 “ M ,% u , wq M v Z , 0 bW S l 7 O 0 v ,7 u , 1 0 ,7 O 0 bW

11、 S Y v bm 7null T w Igea 0 “ m 8 U i V e V 0 “ bWS , Stanford Bunny T w , D 17 E 3 b l , V 0 s ,M , 0 bW S 9 l b m 8( a) ! 2 10- 3 H , 2464 0 s Stanford Bunny Tw V ,m 8( b) ! 2 10- 4 H , 11877 0 s Stanford Bunny T w V b E V T w V 3 $ 0 “ ,i V m ,7 WnullHZ E ? ) e ,Y ? “ + 0 ,K $ b 1 knull # v l 1 ,7

12、 O , ! B “ bm 8null / 0 “V 1 , E H W , , 0 “ H W 0 S aM 0 ae H W 7 g b 2 10- 4 H , c 11877 Splat 0 s Stanford Bunny T w 101. 4 s( 0 “ 72. 3 s, 29. 1 s) V E ,7 WnullH E + ? b V A , T w Vj E d r bV 1null E H W d 9 0 0 “ H W /s H W /sTours 626 3. 1 4. 5Igea 9322 59. 7 27. 0Stanford Bunny 11877 72. 3 29

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