1、华北农学报null 2010, 25(增刊 ): 53null58l : 2010- 10- 25 “:S j S $ uD Sn “(2010jcnull3null2)Te:ul( 1985- ), 3, , V 3,1V YQ!bYT:F ( 1967- ), 3, ,p V 3 =,1V YQ! d / b? 3 _Z赵小伟1, 2,王加启1,卜登攀1,崔 海1, 2,李 旦1, 2,周凌云1,李发弟2(1.S j S $ uD ,!SE L i,null 100193; 2. jv S/ , null 730070)null nullK1: ? 3 (Unsaturated fatty
2、 acid,UFA) 3 _T,KUFA_Q r q,V7 P F e 4r XrTbUFATB +T 3, 3“d W 3 ?b/ ?UFA _? 3ya _ ? 3# _WTB8 b1oM: ?; ; 3 _ms |: S852null2null nullDS M : Anull nullcI|: 1000- 7091(2010)9 - 0053- 06Advances inRuminantBiohydrogenation ofUnsaturated FattyAcidsZHAO Xiaonullwei1, 2,WANG Jianullqi1, BU Dengnullpan1, CUIHa
3、i1, 2, LIDan1, 2,ZHOU Lingnullyun1, LIFanulldi2(1. StateKeyLaboratory ofAnimalNutrition, InstituteofAnimalScience, ChineseAcademyofAgriculturalSciences,Beijingnull 100193,China; 2.CollegeofAnimalScienceandTechnologyGansuAgriculturalUniversity,Lanzhou null 730070, China)Abstract: Biohydrogenation ofu
4、nsaturated fattyacids(UFA) in feedby therumenmicroorganism heavily limitedtheconversion efficiency to ruminantproducts,whichmakesdifficult tomanipulatemilk fattyacidscomposition.UFAasonekind ofuniquefunction biologicalactivitymateria,l hasawiderange ofbiologicalfunctions in biologicalsysnulltems.Thi
5、spaper reviewed the reason forbiohydrogenation, rumenmicroorganism and intermediates in biohydrogenanulltion.Key words:Rumen; Unsaturated fattyacid; Biohydrogenationnull null “ 3 4, J 1 pbA U,Q 1dQc (SFA) 1byN, JVQ # ,9F 3h? 3+ q2b Q c SFA, H9c . r BTUFA,1 cisnull9atransnull11CLAbv kT , CLA a F a4 f
6、sT3-5bUFA 8r BZ 1T,V7 PUFA $ 7?,UFA9 s 1b ? 3 Q # FvY, nullnull $#+Q c , Q c , ? 3 _TT6by7,A1 ? 3UFA _Q ,V7YV! eQ F4G b8 1UFA ? 3 _Zb1null 脂肪酸发生氢化的原因 ? = n5$ ,YVT, o? 3 ,V54null 华null 北null 农null 学null 报 25卷7 b ? = B , ? 3 , UFAV ? 3T|? 33 _Q,SFAB“ _Wb ? 3 3 _T,T 7 ? FA6- 8 (V1)bV1 ? = F1 Tab. 1null
7、 Comparation of fatty acids composition betweendiet and rumen content % Fatty acid Diet lipid? null Rumen lipid Free fatty acid Esterified fatty acid14: 0 4null41 0null97 4null2416: 0 21null48 23null02 26null5016: 1 1null74 2null76 traces18: 0 5null01 48null08 23null9418: 1 5null98 13null06 14null85
8、18: 2 14null26 5null67 6null4018: 3 38null46 - 0null97 Others 8null66 6null62 23null10null:1HarfootandHazlewood8bnull Note:The figure come fromHarfootandHazlewood8. () _l ? = b4T/,| _F o bKemp9 d ? 3 _y, UFA ? 3 Y ? 3 3#N, ? 3YV 3 _T 1-b 6, Reiser 101951 M ? _Q,YV|. ? = B ! !,BHW?C, . c V30%h5%,N HC
9、18null2c 9F,V C18null2 ? 31 M1lbWallace 11YV ! ( a a # ) ! 8 ),T?C, 8 )3TKv, Q,7 8 ) 3TKlbMaia 12, 139Wallace11M 4bVn, ? 3v, ? 3YV _T UFA 1kT?C, )transnull11null18null1CLAc,1 v ) Ophryoscolex caudatus,transnull11null18null1CLAc l )Entodininullum nannelum10(m2)bi O*59?C, ?8 cUFA % )2 323byN,8 UFA V ?
10、 Q PUFAaCLAtransnull11null18null11 b P4,y ?8 f /Vv % ), P T9 V ? 8 % ) T, 8 i _? 3A1y 24, 25bN,Abaza26YV?C, A c 增刊 赵小伟等: 瘤胃中不饱和脂肪酸生物氢化的研究进展 55nullsA,7C18null2C18null3c A b 6, QQM1, ? _ qiAsbyN,8 1null. ; null. ; null . ; null .Q ; null . ; null . bnull. Conjugated linolenic acid; null. Conjugated li
11、noleic acid; null . Oleic acid;null . Elaidic acid; null . Linoleic acid; null . Linolenic acid.m1 )(Butyrivibrio hungatei) (a)a (b) ( c) _T14Fig. 1null Biohydrogenation of oleic acid(a), linoleic acid( b) and linolenic acid(c) byButyrivibrio hungatei14m2 -1 h 6 h ?8 % )1C18 1 22Fig. 2null Compositi
12、on of themain unsaturated C18 fatty acids ofmixed rum inal prtozoa and bacteriaisolated from the rumen of sheep 1h before feeding and6h after feeding222. 3 )T ) ? 3 ) 1 l, ?V Tv, y 8 ? b ) 9BTb?C, )C18null1 c 1 27bi OM1 S: kV , )(Piromyces comnullmunis)null 9null ?| C18null1 nnull9 , O| P. comnullmu
13、nisB ! H, (MCLA28bGoiri29YV k?C, )null 9null 9 V|transnull11null18null1CLAs8cisnull9, transnull11null18null2bMaia 30YV k|2 )N. frontalisP. communis !, F 50 nullg/mL ,/96 h ) 5%, kT?C,N.frontalis ? 3c !,7P. communis ?c i PUFA! 3b HT?C,N. frontalis ? !vBc ,cisnull9, transnull11nullCLA,B. f ibrisolvens
14、M1, N. frontalisCLA ? 1dlb Vn, ? =s )UFA 1Tb3null 脂肪酸氢化的中间产物 UFA ? 3T/,K1 b HUFA _9 ,B“ W transnull11nullC18null1acisnull9atransnull11nullCLA# s8b A1 _ # _Wb/ |1) a _Wb3. 1 * , ? 3T _ 31b _V956null 华null 北null 农null 学null 报 25卷 W, 13CS: transnull9null18: 1 ?AB !, Q !?A?C13CC ,7 OCtransnull18null1s81
15、6bN,YV13CS:transnull9null18null1 k?C, transnull9oscisnulltransnull18null1s8 32b 6A U, ?HqM VAM sT, ?“d, ?pHH(6null55null5), 13CS: stransnull18null1o|lC10 , O d q9(0null100null05/h) 33bJenkins349?C, ? 3T VC18: 1 s8, Oo VC6C16 , B bN V, V ,7 O VYVosTB“ C18: 1(m3)bm3null _ Fig. 3null Biohydrogenation p
16、athways of oleic acids3. 2 ? = 3 _ B 3Q,Bt _VW,1 _ Mv(m4)bPolan35YV k?C, _V n5cisnull9atransnull11null18null2, cisnull9atransnull11null18null2B _transnull11null18null1,K $ _ bGarton36Nam 37YV8 k L PolanT,T?C M Vcisnull9atransnull11null18: 2transnull11null18: 1 W, _ ;W$ sb Qh = ?C B“ transnull18: 1CL
17、As8, CLAs8oVC7, 9C12, 14byN, _V VB“ transnull18: 1CLAs8, obm4null _ Fig. 4null Biohydrogenation pathways of linoleic acids3. 3null _VB 5cisnull9atransnull11acisnull15null18: 3, _d transnull11acisnull15null18null2,K (m5)bY f /, _B B o, CLAs8b nnull3 _V CLAs8 +Y1,yCLA# s8# r B 1 3 ?, K “ e # nnull3 _V
18、, PCLA# s8 ?MQ ,V7? + 3 ?bm5null _ Fig. 5null Biohydrogenation pathways of linolenic acidsLoor38YV / d k 3C18null3s8( cisnull9, transnull12, cisnull15null18null3; cisnull9, transnull12, transnull15null18: 3; transnull9, transnull12, transnull15null18null3) E= = Y f ,T?C, .F/ d E=3C18null3 Y (4,TV ,
19、3C18null3s8 ( _bDestaillats39 i2 C18null3s8(c 0null3%P),i O s8( 1 _,Th 2d =( transnull11, cisnull15null18null2; cisnull9, transnull13null18null2)2 =( cisnull9, transnull11nullCLA; transnull13, cisnull15nullCLA)c bWasowska40 _Z T, ? 3T2C18null3s8( cisnull9, transnull11, cisnull15null18null3; transnul
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